looking for a debt consolidator credit card good.?
looking for someone or some company that has a little more compassionate trying very hard to settle with creditors and liens can not live with what you bring home needs help.
I would suggest you to join a company in liquidation Debt consoliation instead of a debt. The main difference between settlement and the consolidation is that a settlement company to negotiate with creditors and reduce principal debt amount by around 30% to 70% non-low interest rates and monthly payments. Whereas in a debt consolidation will have to pay the total amount of debt, but can be done from the minimum monthly payments. They will also ask for a deposit of assets in order to join their program. In a debt settlement company does not exist such issues. Also customize the monthly payments as to how much you pay monthly. Check this company. I had the same situation and helped me. http://www.debtfreeafterall.com Good luck
Credit & Debt Consolidation : Debt Consolidation Tips: Limit Number of Credit Cards