Category: ebooks

Finally Revealed: 10 Education Secrets Elites Don’t Share

Free Download: Harvard Study:


Education precepts

public school students are denied access to.

Why? If you or your kids are struggling to succeed, you need this recording.

For transcript of this audio, place your best email address in the box below.

You’ll receive an email with the transcript attached.

Education with success precepts and classical education studies makes a difference to students of all ages.

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Book Launch Webinar – Sept 26 – 9-pm Invite- Branding You The Brand New You

Branding You The Brand New You by Caryn Elizabeth

Branding You The Brand New You by Caryn Elizabeth

What is branding myself as a trusted authority?

Branding yourself as an Online marketer is not easy to learn. I experienced 2 years of hit and miss opportunities, programs, messages, people and more. In my new book I will “tell all”.


Offline Businesses And Branding

Branding is something offline businesses need as well as marketers part of network marketing companies.
In a webinar I did with Branding System Pro developer and my business partner Todd Gragg, I expose the mysteries that new marketers have no idea about. Novice marketers may know but are too busy doing to explain to others. Experienced marketers are making money and have no desire to teach strategies that are competition for themselves.

Some teachers and trainers are excellent at sharing this information for large one time price or a monthly charge to be part of a community. But Branding You The Brand New You is a different kind of book. I share my personal journey for the past 2 years. I tell you the people I met, the businesses I was in, the times I was scammed, robbed, and beaten up! No literally, of course. I was online, behind my desk, so to speak!

Newbie Marketers and Branding

I experienced what happens when you don’t know what you don’t know! Like all newbies to the industry, I experienced it all. I was the worse case scenario. But in the process of defeat I was gaining in many ways that I would come to find out was creating “a brand new me”.

If you like this, perhaps you’ll like to know more. Click the banner below now!

The masterkey experience

Learn More About The Master Key Experience

Register for the Branding You Book Webinar that explains it all when you CLICK HERE!

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The Mastermind eBook – How To Form A Mastermind Group

You’ve Been Hearing About “Masterminding”

And you know it has something to do with getting like minded people together and talking about ideas. Seems like the Gurus all have them so how do you form one?


You’ve got some friends on Facebook, Twitter,

and Linkedin and other Social Media….

And think you have a lot in common but can we get something together and help one another succeed more in this marketing business?


Well this may be your answer!

It’s Called

The Mastermind eBook”

Inside, you’ll find the questions and guidelines for getting the right people together so that you can really leverage each others skills in the shortest amount of time!


Here’s a little excerpt from the Mastermind eBook!


Before a mastermind group can grow, each candidate should complete an introductory application or questionnaire.

A sample of eligibility questions;

1. Are you willing and able to commit to helping others reach their goals?

2.Are you committed to yourself and your goals?

3.What has happened in your life to allow this commitment at this time ?

4. What is your greatest passion?


Another segment says this!


While you may come up with your own decisions or mandates for your group, there are a few standard guidelines that you will want to follow.


This ebook is an easy step by step formula that anyone can follow. You can use it for your church group, you chamber of commerce meetings, you company team, your facebook friends, you growing skype family.

The uses for the Mastermind eBook are endless and the cost of this book is worth the amount of saved hours or research at 4 times it’s cost!

And wait! Go Now to get the bonus first!


Here’s one more segment for you.


I. MISSION STATEMENT: The group must establish a related objective/ purpose/ goal/ mission- a reason for its existence.

Masterminding is a very powerful way to leverage your skills and abilities. Find out how to create a mastermind group with this simple step by step program.


The Mastermind eBook” contains over 20 hrs of value

with over 10 hrs. of revisions.


This condensed and simplified version gives you the nuts and bolts

of what others have tried, failed and revised with the best strategies

the top “money making marketers” and gurus are using.

I can’t wait to share the price with you!

These strategies take the guess work out of forming communities that save you time and money. Just share the content with your friends in the way it describes and your group will come together simply…..

and you’ll have confidence that everyone will learn from one another and form partnerships for product launches and leveraging your time and money.


About The Price!

My first thought was to release this printable Mastermind eBook for $129.00

But I remember when I began marketing and was on a small budget

and wished I could afford more books and programs.


So then I thought to reduce it so the average marketer could afford it.

How much would all The Mastermind eBook cost

if you had to spend your valuable time gathering these strategies?

Well how much money is your time worth?

…$10 pr hr? … $15 pr hr?…. $20 pr hr? …………

If this is the case this ebook alone is worth more that $97.00

Here’s the bonus!

The first 20 purchases will get a limited release of the complete audio version of this book absolutely “FREE”!

The podcast alone is worth $50.00

 So I thought about  sharing it for $79.00………

 “I mean the strategies in this book have been used to create groups that make millions of dollars by partnering with like-minded individuals.”

  I was really doing my best to offer this at a price at a respectable price.


Since this is a new brand new product,

I want to see those who take action the quickest to get

that “FREE” podcast to share with their group.

I am “GIVING” this book away for just $9.97


 I’m sure you will be completely satisfied.

Press the “Click Here Now” Button above to purchase your eBook right away.

PS Don’t delay if you really want that bonus podcast! Just download to your ipod or share with your fellow masterminders!


PPS. Remember, the podcast is only going to be available to the first 20 people. Be the first to have The Mastermind eBook and the bonus podcast!

PSS. Go Here  For Strategies On Becoming The Leader Others  Want To Join.


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