Category: Homemaking Basics For Successful life

Pull Out The Roots Of Failure Podcast – What Are Bitter Root Judgments?


Click This Picture And Listen To How Bitter Root Judgments May Be Keeping You From The Success You Deserve!

Listen To How Bitter Root Judgments May Be Keeping You From The Success You Deserve!

Listen Here To Learn How To Become Powerful Beyond Bitter Root Judgements

Bitter Root Judgments and Forgiveness

At birth, a child cries instinctively in order to receive the pleasure of security. The pain incurred when a baby is delivered into the cold world removed from the warm stomach of the mother, causes at birth a feeling of fear and lack of security. As a child continues to grow, security is desired through many different avenues of satisfaction.

The moment a child feels the threat that brings a fear of lack of security, the child begins analyzing the surrounding for ways to feel safety again. A child may protect himself by deciding that a parent doesn’t have his safety at heart and the reaction may cause a judgement about that parent in hopes of preventing pain the child wants to avoid.

While the judgments are based on the immediate needs of the child, they are most likely not true, though this small immature mind has begun planting seeds of protection for himself. In many instances, these judgments bear fruit that causes the child to form ideas that take him further from the truth and more insecurity is created.

Parents may see fruit of these ideas being formed. However, they have no way of helping the child unless the child can plainly explain how the idea was formed earlier. These fruits must become grown up to bear fruit so as to decide whether the fruit is good or bad. At that point, a child or adult needs to take responsibility for the forgiveness to oneself as well as forgiveness to the parents or others they formed the judgment of. Forgiveness releases the judgment from the ground in which it grew and essentially, the pulling of it at it’s roots leaves room for the truth, a seed replacing the lies now exposed by the light.

Seeds and The Bitter Root

Parents are to provide the safest, loving environment they know how to provide for their children. As a child grows it’s the parents responsibility to do several things to assist the child in his discovery of a positive, successful life.

  • Children must be told they are in charge of their own mindset and must take responsibility for making good choices.
  • Growing children will make poor choices until they have a handle on the truth that they are unconditionally loved to live their true potential, to give the gifts they were born to give, to co create in true prosperity, and to become agents of change for those they will influence throughout life.
  • Parents must help them to feel safe.
  • Parents or those responsible for children must provide a belief system to support a life of  freedom, beauty and wonder of life, and  the possibilities to create available to them.

Competition and The Bitter Root

Some children feel there is no time for them. This judgment about their parents, especially when both parents work or when the children are raised by a single individual, cause the child to feel they must compete for their parents time. When their are other siblings, the competition stalls the productivity of the child’s mindset growth. This judgment is opposite to the truth that if a child is born, time makes a way to provide for him opportunity to grow, develop and have the love and safety needed.

  • Teach your child that their value is in the clay. They are valuable because they were born. They didn’t have to earn their value. The safety of their value grants them true life because they deserve it! God has SERVED (De – Serve) them to this earth for a purpose and it’s their privilege to live it out by seeking true life.
  • Children have purpose and should write out their “chief aim” for the next 5 years, repeating this every 5 years for the rest of their life. Thinking with the end in mind, children will reach forward toward the legacy they have purposed from early on. We have the freedom to believe in a positive future, whatever it is. Focus, get clear, and step forward believing it is happening daily!
  • Teach your children that nothing will get in their way. There is always a door to go through to take them towards the safety, security, happiness and joy they desire. This truth is so valuable, you may want to read it again!

Security and The Bitter Root

  • Remind your child that you are learning too! With age comes wisdom. They must expect to have more wisdom with age as well. Help them feel secure knowing you are working towards greater knowledge of living a happy, productive, successful life as they desire also.

Things To Consider about Bitter Root

  1. Who is responsible for your success in business and life?
  2. Decide to believe the best!
  3. Follow the fruit to the root of Bitter Root Judgments
  4. Turn on the light of failures in thought which caused bitter root judgments.
  5. Speak out loud with the same vigor of emotion used when you first “believed” the lie, and state the truth about it, denouncing its power. Forgive yourself and others with a simple statement from the heart.
  6.  Plant and protect the soil with a seed of truth that will grow a crop of good thoughts toward prosperity instead.
  7. Ask God (higher power, universe) to show you His love for you.
  8. Ask questions of others to clarify truth.
  9. Be a communicator.
  10. Direct others towards a fulfilling life free of bitter root judgements.
  11. Listen to the podcast here:   Listen Here To Learn How To Become Powerful Beyond Bitter Root Judgements

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Why Am I Here?


Did we come with a “life’s manual” to answer “Why Am I Here”?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all human beings were born with “manufacturer’s  instructions” tied to their wrists, explaining who they are and how they work? Of course, even if we did, most of us would probably skip the instructions and try to figure out life as we went along!

I believe human beings do come with the equivalent of operating instructions  that give us answers to our deepest questions about ourselves and our world like “why am I here”? Some of this information has been placed within us; the rest has been given to us by our Creator or “manufacturer” in written form.

Are You Confused about why am i here

There must be a reason why am I here!

Why Am I Here And Uncertainty

The reason we’re filled with such uncertainly and confusion about life is that we’ve lost our connection to these original instructions. We haven’t stopped to recognize our internal programming, or to read our life manual in order to understand our personal potential or how we work answering Why am I here? This is why we can’t see the purpose of the world itself and how it is supposed to function.

When we try but fail to solve what is broken in our lives and in our world, it is because our manufacturer’s labels have become faded, and we haven’t read this crucial instruction: “Do not try to repair yourself.  Return to Manufacturer.”

It is the Manufacturer who…

…has the original blueprints.

…knows how to repair what is broken inside us.

…can provide the replacement piece for what is missing in our lives.

Why Am I Here Replacement Pieces

When we discover the manufacturer’s original intent, we come to understand our purpose, our potential, to answer the question “why am I here?” and the significance of our role in this world.

Read more to answer the question “Why Am I Here?” and live with purpose and power.

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Leadership and Teaching Self Confidence To Children

Leadership and Raising Self Confident Children by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Self confidence is a leadership quality

Are you a leader/follower Or are you a leader/leader?

A child’s self confidence begins at home with parents as leaders. Every child will become what his parents teach him or her. If a parent is afraid of mice, it’s likely the child will be also. A confident parent will raise confident children, providing that parent is confident in honest endeavors.

Skepticism is the deadly enemy of progress and self-development. Parents who feel that the “rich” are out to take all their money, or the poor are a waste of humanity will subconsciously teach their children the same.

successful entrepreneurs life

Successful entrepreneurs have self confidence

What do we know about self confidence?

Truly, this is an age of illumination and unfoldment, but we have as yet barely scratched the surface of knowledge. However, when we shall have unlocked the gate that leads to the secret power which is stored up within us it will bring us knowledge that will make all past discoveries pale into oblivion by comparison.

This is the knowledge that becomes power to our successful life and to the lives of those we lead, be it our children, our teammates, our employees, our board, or whatever human being comes across our path.

Thought is the most highly organized form of energy known to man, and with the experiences of time, it is sure to bring us into greater understanding of that mysterious force called thought, which reposes within us. As parents, we have a responsibility to model a healthy thought life to our children.

The mind of a child which has not come into the age of general understanding, during an average period covering,say, the first two years of its life, is plastic, open, clean and free.

Any idea planted in such a mind by one in whom the child has confidence takes root and grows, so to speak, in such a manner that it never can be eradicated or wiped out, no matter how opposed to logic or reason that idea
may be.

Children Leaders Are Both Male and Female

Children leaders exhibit self confidence in business

Are your children learning self confidence from others?

Many religionists claim that they can so deeply implant the tenets of their religion in the mind of a
child that there never can be room in that mind for any other religion, either in whole or in part. The claims
are not greatly overdrawn. If our churches can do this, (and perhaps our schools as well), we as parents must oversee faith and scholarly teachings or suffer the consequences of another force outside of us leading our children in a way we would or would not want them to go.

Sad to say but some parents with lack of knowledge, fear things. This ignorance is passed to their children as truth even though what they fear may not be true. One example can be a fear of ill health. I have heard many lack confidence in their own health because they have heard their own parents say “because I got diabetes, you’ll get it too.”

poverty head in sand about direct sales

I lack self confidence when I listen to negative people

Does fear stop self confidence?

This fear (false evidence appearing real) is a lie but many take it as truth. Self confidence expresses truly taking responsibility for our health by researching for ourselves the best lifestyle for good health. This assertion is a great asset for both the parents health and the children’s future healthy life as well. While my children sometimes bauched at some of the healthy foods I made while they were young, are now reaching for the same healthy foods on the grocer shelf. For some ignorant parents, their now ill nourished children are reaching for Twinkies instead of fruit snacks.

Leadership over children and adults begins with taking responsibility over our own life and no longer listening to those who wish us ill, because they are ill. Thankfully, there is much help on the internet and in books like “The Science Of Getting Rich” available today to empower us toward lives of success as we strive toward our definite chief aim.

Our children are our first responsibility. Teaching them self confidence will come easier when they see us living an honorable self confident life. Why are you confident? Because you are living honestly, without fear and with knowledge of the things that make life good.

Healthy habits and self confidence

Raise your children well and you have set into place habits for also raising up loyal employees, team members, and any group you may desire to lead.

Self confidence begins with you. Its now or never. Be the leader/leader you are meant to be. And when you look back over your life, you will not see regrets too much to bare. You will see obstacles overcome, risks confidently taken, habits created by discipline, and love for yourself that made it all worth it.

If you like this post on self confidence, you may want to get the whole series.

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How To Explain “Definite Chief Aim” To Children

What is your Definite Chief Aim? by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud


What is a Definite Chief Aim?

Definite Chief Aim is another way of saying “our purpose”. Stephen Covey said “Think with the end in mind”, when you write down your purpose for living. Teaching our children to create a purpose statement will help them to go more directly to the success that is their birthright.

We as parents can stimulate our children to organize  and direct to a definite end the forces of his or her mind  thus harnessing the stupendous power which most people waste in spasmatic purposeless thought.

Singleness of purpose is essential for success no matter what may be ones idea of the definition of success. This calls for thought on many allied subjects as a fighter must learn many types of punches and exert himself in many forms of exercise to win the match.

The punching bag for speed and eye coordination, running for leg strength, proper food, and other forms of strength building to make him well rounded and ready to win in every battle.
arrow and target

The Battle For Achieving Your Definite Chief Aim

So do we need to stimulate our children regarding the training of their mind  that will give them the needed information to grant them success in the battle of life.

The mind needs to develop success steps by habit and repetition using a variety of thought inspiring stimuli. Hopefully as you read and study this series of leadership posts for the benefit of your children,  it  will stimulate ideas for your own leadership education.

To get an in depth study of these principles, you may want to get a copy of “Think And Grow Rich” by Napolean Hill.

In sharing these principles with your children, both parent and child need take the stand that no man knows enough about any worthwhile subject to entitle him to feel that he has the last word on that subject.

It is wise and honest that we wipe out ignorance and make way for some of the useful truths of life.

Being Teachable While Pursuing Your Definite Chief Aim

Humility is a for-runner of success. Until we become humble in our own heart, we are not apt to benefit from the thoughts and experiences of others.

Training ourselves and our children to be teachable will take us much further in life. As parents, forcing children to do things teaches them to compete for power. Rather, explaining to our children the benefits of listening  only to those who have what we want and are the kind of person we want to become, we are helping them tremendously.

The bottom line is that our children need to develop a mindset that includes the value of having a definite chief aim in life. Using the examples of our heroes, our children should write down the way they want to be remembered when they die.

While this may seem daunting to you, children have great imaginations and can come up with plenty of ways they want to be remembered. This forms their definite chief aim in life.

written chief aim

An Exercise To Establish Your Definite Chief Aim

Perhaps the both of you can do an exercise. Take 20 minutes and on white lined paper take a blue pen and  answer this question, “Why am I here?”.

As you keep writing reasons why you are here, you will see similarities and after a while, your sentences will become more clear and simpler. When you have written for about 20 minutes, you should have a very good sentence you can post in your journal, on notes around your home, in your car, locker, notebook or inside your bike helmet or on your mirror.

This is your definite chief aim. Any child who comes up with one and aims to reach for that purpose will have an extremely high chance of achieving that purpose.

This will help your child to be a leader over his life.

  • Peers will not shake him.
  • Obstacles will be only temporary setbacks.
  • He’ll look for friends to help him get to that end.

The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line and a chief aim helps us get to where we are headed as if it were a magnet drawing us to it.

Help your child become the leader over his own life. Help him or her write his purpose statement and share yours with him. In humility, you will both become accountable to each other through life as you reach for that definite chief aim!


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How Do I Teach My Children The Value Of Dreaming?

Teaching Your Children The Value Of Dreaming by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

 Today’s recording is a Christmas story by Louisa May Alcott, called “The Christmas Dream and How It Came True”.

What does dreaming do?

Our children are dreaming about  growing up some day. When they leave our home, they will have learned what they can from us. They will take with them the training from teachers, pastors, Sunday school lessons, coaches, club leaders and friends.

As parents, we generally first take care of our children’s physical needs. Then we may bring them to church to guide them in faith. What many parents disregard is the child’s mental health. By this I mean their thought life. Most parents never read personal development book or leadership books until college. Then it was most often for the purpose of satisfying general education classes.

Happiness Inside Can Bring Money Outside

Happiness Inside Can Bring Money Outside

Did you learn about dreaming when you were in school?

If parents even went to college they went for a good grade to keep up their GPA. This lack of understanding of the value of developing their thought life purposefully is perhaps only taught to psych students and perhaps philosophy students. I personally didn’t take “business” classes in college and I would hope that they are now teaching the psychology of sales and reading people.

So this is why as parents, many miss this part of developing their children’s minds.
Most parents warn their children to “stop dreaming” and keep their feet on earth! Children with ADHD are cautioned to take medicine for such “disorders” when their little entrepreneurs are natural dreamers and would do well if teachers helped them discipline their minds without keeping them from the natural process of dreaming about things.

children leaders

Your Children Leaders First Steps To Success

What value is there in dreaming?

The value of dreaming is what adults have to re connect with when deciding to take responsibility for their futures. Our children are naturally self centered. So what do we do to help them? We encourage them to dream!

Yes, dreaming of what they would like to do, where they would like to go, how they want to be seen as adults, are the necessities of the leader entrepreneur.

If you want your children to find their own way in life, encourage them to dream. Guide them toward what kind of dreams they should consider pondering.

1. The kind of work they want to do
2. The place they want to live
3. The car they want to drive
4. The people they want to meet
5. The way they want their bodies to look
6. The friends they want to have
7. The kind of person they want to marry

This is just the beginning of guiding our children. Though we are famous for judging the things our children while comparing them to others, we need to stop that!

We live in a world of unlimited possibilities. Our children are brought up in society to believe they must compete for that Job, position, house, girl, boy, etc… but competition is NOT what we need to teach our kids.

Do you feel like you are missing out?

Do you feel like you are missing out?

Today’s recording is a Christmas story by Louisa May Alcott, called “The Christmas Dream and How It Came True”.

While listening to this story, notice the mother who helped fulfill the dream her child had. This is an excellent example of 3 things.
1. Children have dreams
2. Parents need to share the kinds of dreams that can become a reality for their children.
3. Children entrepreneurs are individuals. They may be in school and being taught to “conform” to the norm. While this is necessary to keep order in a school setting, parents would help their children by encouraging their children to write down their dreams in a journal and keep writing daily.

Your children’s future is in your hands for about 15 years at most. By that time, they are making most of their decisions on their own. Let’s help them make wise decisions that will grant them a happy, healthy, prosperous future!


Hear the whole series on leadership for children

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How Do I Inspire My Children To Be Leaders? Stories That Teach Your Children Leaders

“The Fir Tree” by Hans Christian Anderson read by Caryn Elizabeth by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Do you look for books and stories that help to make your children leaders in school?

Do your children have teachers in school to help them become leaders? Leadership is a taught skill and begins with discipline early in life. Learning leadership skills through literature that teaches life lessons is a great start for the young children leaders in the making!

children leaders

Your Children Leaders First Steps To Success

Children raised to go hither and yon at every whim and fancy have at the end of that route a long way to go to turn around and achieve success. Children need freedom within discipline. When I taught at Village Montessori, my young three to five year olds were taught a concept first and then allowed to pursue the material when they wished. Creating entrepreneurs can begin early when they understand the rules for success.

Many children’s leadership skills are not developed early enough and these children are regretting life left and right when they finally get out on their own.

Children Leaders Are Both Male and Female

Children Leaders Are Both Male and Female

Make Your Children Leaders With Great Books

Reading great stories that teach lessons in good leadership help children model behavior that becomes skill for life. Books like “The Fir Tree” by Hans Christian Anderson teach a lesson in regret. Children leaders who have parents with desire to help students advance more quickly to leadership will find this book filled with examples of the wrong way of thinking so as to help them see things in their own life where they have missed the mark for happiness.

Top Tips To Create Children Leaders

  • Children require loving discipline
  •  They need confident, consistent parenting
  •  Children leaders must have freedom to pursue passions
  •  These young leaders will shine in their later years of high school when proper leadership development is taught
  •  Leadership is a skill that all adults who desire to succeed in life need to learn.
  •  Schools are not equipped to teach leadership to the degree that parents can.
  •  It is a parents responsibility to teach leadership to their children.


Teach Lessons In Leadership That Help Your Children Leaders

Teach Lessons In Leadership That Help Your Children Leaders

I’ve created the following recording as a sample of how parents can help their children develop leadership skills early on. The reading of “The Fir Tree” is the first of several books in a series that teach children leadership.

Help Children Leaders to grow up to be confident successful men and women. This audio is 29 minutes long with a teaching at the end. You can use this as an example of how to help your children think further about the story.

To get more audios to help you develop your children leaders, GO HERE NOW.


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How Do I Create Peace In My Home Office? – Peace In My Home On Earth

How Do I Create Peace In My Home Office? – Peace In My Home On Earth by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

How do I create peace in my home office?

clutter office vs peace in home

A cluttered office shows no peace in my home!

To create peace in your office, you must first have peace in your home. This is so important. It can keep us healthy. It can keep our home safe. Lack of peace can cause chaos and disrespect to members of the family.  Keeping order in your home helps keep the balance of logic and emotions for the members of the family.

Today’s audio explores the ideas of tapering dominating personalities and tells a story of my own mom and dad and a lot of stuff my dad decided to deal with in order to have peace in my home!

clutter vs peace in my home

Clutter adds no peace in my home living space!


Is Christmas the only time to have peace on earth and peace in my home?

While being practical is necessary, we must be aware that some people are more emotional than practical.

If you have a small home, be aware of what I share in this audio.

Christmas means more gifts and stuff to add to lasts years stuff. Might I suggest you spend time each autumn to give away older items to make room for the new things.

If you have a very emotional spouse, this audio will help you know how to help this person to think more logically.

If you have children in your home, this audio will help you understand what the consequences are on your children.


cluttered bedroom gives no peace in my home

Cluttered bedrooms offer no peace of mind in my home for my children!

How do we deal with all our stuff  and have peace in my home?

1. Buy a bigger home

2. Get rid of stuff

3. Organize your stuff

This audio will enlighten you as to why people collect stuff at the expense of peace in their home.

Listen Here


To Your Peace this season,


PS. Having peace in my home helped me to keep my office organized and my children respectful of my work.




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