what is the name of a credit card debt settlement company reliable?
Can someone please let me know name of a debt settlement company credit card that does the right thing.
Robert, there are only a handful of legitimate companies settlement of debt out there. That said, debt repayment is NOT your best choice for the elimination of credit card debt unsecured others. Even if you happen to find a company legitimate debt settlement, there are some serious consequences and disadvantages, including … – Long-term damage and short to his credit – does not guarantee results – very high and confusing rates –Front Fee charged that delay progress in settling its debts, and – Tax implications (what most likely receive a 1099 from its creditors in the amount of the reduction of balance, which means you have additional income tax) If you need help out of debt, a superior alternative to the traditional solution is debt resolution debt. Debt Resolution offers all the benefits of the settlement debt, but also eliminates or significantly reduces negative aspects mentioned above. Unlike debt (which is based solely on the level of crime to negotiate settlements), Debt Resolution advantage bona fide debt laws to challenge both the amount of debt, and provide legal protection for the borrower. Features include: – Eliminate 55% of your unsecured debt (guaranteed in writing.) Try asking a debt settlement company of a security. – Reduce monthly payments in half (or less) – No interest charges – no negative tax consequences (not going to be a creditor 1099) – Flexible payment terms (taking up 45 months – on a payment schedule you choose) As an example, say you owe $ 20,000 in debt from the credit card. 45% of which is $ 8,000. If you can afford $ 800 per month, you can get out of debt in 10 months ($ 8,000 / $ 800 per month). If you can only pay $ 400 per month, you can get out of debt in 20 months ($ 8,000 / $ 400 per month), and so on … The only other costs related to the program fee one-time $ 500 to administer marriage were created on the system, and establish the trust account that creditors are paid. That's it. There are no other costs or fees. Just a one-time $ 500 registration and share of 45% of current balance, which can be spread over as many as 45 months, depending on what you can afford. Some well-intentioned contributors in the forum indicate that you may make a debt settlement yourself … Well, they're right, you can make a debt settlement yourself. But guess what? You are probably not will settle your debt for less than 45% of the balance, which is the contract amount guaranteed if you enroll in the resolution of the debt. And guess what? Unless you are familiar with the laws of the debt in good faith and laws of your state that the covenants of the credit card – and you know how to use these laws to be considered a capital reduction a correction of the amount due in lieu of debt forgiveness, you will receive a 1099 for the amount forgiven, and you have to pay taxes on that money. And what about suggestions for assistance through a credit counseling service NFCC? Well, you can go that way if you want to pay three times more and have the process take 2-3 times longer. You see, companies are closely aligned with the credit card companies, and their goal is to pay both as possible. Let's use the example above, where you owe $ 20,000 and can afford $ 400 per month. With resolution of the debt, is debt free in 20 months. With advice consumer credit?? Say you lower your interest rates to just 9.9%. If you were able to pay the $ 400 a month, it would take 65 months to complete the program, and it would have paid $ 25.894 (instead of $ 8000 !!!). Quick question: What sounds better to you … $ 8,000 and be out of debt in 20 months or $ 25,894 and be out of debt in 64 months (which is almost three years and paying $ 400 per month). But remember … RESOLUTION OF THE DEBT IS NOT THE SAME AS settlement debt, and you CAN NOT get these benefits of a debt settlement company .. Debt Resolution is a unique patented process developed and perfected for many years by former Deputy Attorney General of California with over 40 years of legal experience, including more than 15 years specialized in solving the debt. For more information on debt resolution, visit: Visit http://www.BetterThanDebtSettlement.com and receive a Free Special Report entitled "Why the debt settlement NEVER Is Your Best Choice For Eliminating credit card and other unsecured debts." This report sheds a bright light on problems with debt repayment, and explains how the process of debt resolution eliminates or significantly reduces the inconvenience associated with debt settlement.
Credit Card Debt Settlement