Debt Settlement

debt settlement
It is wise for me to use Roth IRA to pay off debt rather than debt settlement or consodlidation?

It's a good idea for me to use my Roth IRA mutual help me to get out of debt. I have 56 years of age and the need to pay some credit cards instead of going to the debt settlement or consolidation. Is it advisable?

Step # 1 to the financial health is to eliminate all the debt! You should always start with the savings, if the savings are exhausted and can not afford the monthly payments eliminating the debt, then you should use the Roth, contributions are not always accessible regardless of age, without penalty, but be careful because the interest is not tax free up to 591 / 2. Once they eliminate their debts have been freed cash flow to start contributing again to your Roth. Note, if your investments are paying less than the interest cost of debt that is moving backwards, so pay the debt and start moving forward. Do not look back! For more information visit my website at I

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