Is Your Business Success Being Hindered? Business Success Depends On Your Ability To Run Away!


I’m reminded of the movie Forest Gump, as he ran from the boys wanting to harm him and ridicule him.  It has been said, “We are what we eat!”, “Garbage in, Garbage out!” Well I say, “You are only as good as your worst friend!” Friends and family are part of everyday relationships. We can pick our friends. We are born into our family. Whatever influence your family and friends have on you depends on you. We all make choices daily towards our future by written goals or default. Either you plan your life or your life plans you! In this video training, I want to share with you the importance of looking forward, envisioning and writing down your goals for future business success. A positive mindset is vital and achievable with training.

I feel the following explanation of how we are to think about ourselves and our future is very true. Read it and meditate on the value of it. It will promote a more positive mindset for your future business success.

Beloved, separate yourself from everything that instills fear and brings confusion. Refuse to allow anything to undermine your peace and stability in Me. If you will do this, you will be able to see clearly the attack of the enemy against you, which will then position you to resist him while you maintain spiritual integrity. I will give you this insight if you will set your heart to see, says the Lord.

There are many in the faith community who receive “words of knowledge” regarding what they read in their preferred spiritual sourse book. The words here are a revelation from the following bible verse.

1 Peter 5:8-9 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.

As Forest Gump matured, he made a decision to “run” but his choice was based on his goal, not because anyone was chasing him. In fact, because of his diligence, others wanted to follow him, and did.  Business success will come more quickly when your mindset is correct. Be vigilant, resist negative thinking, negative friendships, negative family members. Instead be steadfast. Be an example to others who are still in a negative mindset. Choose to separate yourself  from negative family members, friendships that drain your energy AND from negative habits that destroy good health. Most importantly, run toward your goals for your own business success.  Free Training with Netdivvy will help you.

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