This week the NetDivvy member spotlight falls on Caryn Kehrly. Caryn is relatively new to online marketing and network marketing, but she’s getting a great head start with our training. Listen to Caryn talk about all that NetDivvy provides and how it’s helped her get off on the right foot.
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Jan 28
Don’t Believe The Lie… Pain Does Not Serve Your Business Success!
What motivates you to succeed? Is your pain motivating you? Do you feel like a victim of your circumstances? If you allow pain to be your motivator, you will always have painful circumstances in order to be propelled toward success.
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Jan 28
Man Raised From The Dead | One Man Carries Another Man’s Miracle
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Tweet Caryn Elizabeth continues to give valuable lessons. This time, she shares a story of how a physician’s faith Caused the dead raised. Everyone of us makes a choice daily to listen to that …
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Jan 27
Knowledge is Wealth! 5 Little Known Secrets Of Masterminding Your Way To Wealth
Many graduates attend college, pay exorbitant amounts to acquire knowledge to leave college and for the next 5-15 yrs. struggle to pay it back. It’s their hope to be able to get specialized jobs and create the lifestyle that says “we’ve got plenty and we’re happy”.
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Jan 26
Formatting Article For Netdivvy Back Office Using A Microsoft Word Document
Tweet [youtube][/youtube] 8 minutes of excellent training on how to Format Articles And Forum Posts In NetDivvy back office using a Microsoft word document.
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Jan 25
Backlinking An Article Using Microsoft Word
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How To:
Using Microsoft Word Document, I teach you how to make a backlink, where to place it in an article and where to backlink it to, in order to optimize the article. This 4 minute video is very helpful for new marketers unfamiliar with backlinking. Learn how here!
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Jan 21
Physical Health And Habits That Help
Tips and strategies on how to live a healthy abundant lifestyle.
7 Habits to Ensure You’re Being Efficient
With increased concern about the environment efficiency seems to be the new word and being energy efficient, with the ecology minded.
But what about our own ability to be efficient both at home and at work? …
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Jan 21
What’s Your Mindset?
Tweet “Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character.” Develop your character, for it becomes your DESTINY.
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