Tag: carynelizabethlive

How To Make Money Online With A Prosperity Mindset? The Ultimate Combo!

You Can Have A Prosperity Mindset And Eliminate Self Sabotage

You Can Have A Prosperity Mindset And Eliminate Self Sabotage

What Is A Prosperity Mindset?

Can I make money online with a prosperity mindset?

If you really want to be successful, watch Randy as he shares the 7 spiritual laws!

Wherever you are in your business, is a result of your vision!  The steps to prosperity begin with taking a look at what you believe about yourself. Though you may want prosperity on the conscious level, you may sabotage your mindset on the subconscious level.


At one point in your life your parents told you you were worth something. If they didn’t you may still be looking for approval. You may turn to others to get it. Looking outward is one sure indicator that you don’t have a prosperity mindset! Accepting yourself, rewarding yourself, and loving who you are right now is the beginning of having a prosperity mindset!

This video explains somethings about it. For more help with having a prosperity mindset click here now.

You have manifested your present by the prosperity mindset  you’ve got now!

Change your core beliefs and change your reality.. Watch more here!

Some simple but effective things you can do to help your prosperity mindset.

Choose to awake with an attitude of gratitude  and before you go to bed, ask yourself 5-7 of these questions.

1.What am I happy about in my life now?

2. What am I excited about in my life now?

3. What am i proud about in my life now?

4. What am I grateful about in my life now.

5. What am I enjoying most in my life right now?

6. What am I committed to in my life now?

7.  Who do I love?
Follow up these prosperity mindset questions with the following 2 questions.

1.What about that makes me _____________?

2. How does that make me feel?

Click Here For most help with Mindset Now!




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I believe in you! You can have a prosperity mindset so when the money comes, you will not sabotage your keeping it!


Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/how-to-make-money-online-with-a-prosperity-mindset/

Finding Likeminded Friends On Facebook – Would You Like Me?

Are you on Facebook for business or is it just for spying on your family, friends and co workers?

I’m sure you’ve watched Facebook change over time from just  a social platform for college students to meet guys and girls, to an extremely excellent way to monetize a business and has changed the way people connect, buy  and learn new things. Employers and employment agencies actually check profiles of those prospective employees to see how they handle themselves in a social setting. I would hope that is not the only basis they go on but plenty of individuals should know that the comments they allow their friends to leave on their walls could contribute to the job they get.



Being Real, Sharing from my heart, desiring to impact your life for good, Facebook is one social media where i can share my passion and help you if you want some help with the practical details that make life great! Connect with me at http://www,facebook.com/carynelizabethlive


Facebook for Business

What kind of skills do you have to offer others?

If you are using Facebook to generate leads for your home business, network marketing business or direct sales business, there is a right way and a wrong way to use Facebook. You will want to learn the right way if this is a new platform for marketing your network marketing company or your own home business. Over the years, I’ve experienced people using their personal profile pages to share their business opportunities. That’s the quickest way to loose friendships and get banned from your family!

But it doesn’t have to be that way forever.  With your life skills and work experience,  you can make an impact on your friends and family  and make money using Facebook.  Good business best practices need to be learned. Mari Smith teaches all the best practices but you ought to also learn relationship etiquette.

Blogging And Facebook

The learning curve is pretty steep but with a good teacher, you can have a blog up and running in a couple months, given you spend a couple hours a week setting it up. Want to know more about WordPress? I have a series of training videos that helped me get started.  Many fail because they haven’t the stamina to endure it.  Those who persevere  know to seek  ongoing training. With definite purpose and a business worth sharing, the results can be phenomenal.

Mentors are great to help you learn what you would otherwise have to go to college and pay tuition to learn. In order to become trusted as an authority, mentors learn to develop leadership skills to gain your trust and business. As you may have seen, good leaders understand how to develop friendships online as they would working offline.

Using advocacy as a networking tool, leaders are just skilled individuals who learned how to get what they want without doing harm to others. Anyone can be a leader if they learn the skills of leadership!

Do you realize that network marketing businesses are the only style of business where you must  help  other team members succeed in order to succeed yourself?

Are you the kind of Facebook friend you would want to build a friendship with?

Facebook Networking Support

Do You Need Support While Learning Leadership on Facebook? Daily inspiration was a great help to me. Having that support in masterminding or just having an audio to listen every few days gave me some direction I could look forward to each week. It was the consistent and persistent effort of a mentor that really made the difference for me!

If we want to learn how to use Facebook to build a large business or just a network of like-minded friends,  we must do at least these 6 things:

  • set an intention,
  • be driven by a great desire,
  • set up a business plan
  •  get ongoing  training.
  • study personal development
  • develop leadership skills

Personal development is the key to overcoming obstacles keeping you in the low income bracket! Reading good books and audios helped me to take control of my fear possessed past when I was faced with divorce. It was because of the powerful books like “As A Man Thinketh” and “The Science Of Getting Rich” that made the biggest impact on my mindset.

To connect further, find me on Facebook Here.

PS. If you are retiring and want to create some income with your spare time, Geri Walker’s interview may set you in a good direction using Facebook groups.

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Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/facebkfriends/

How To Change Pic Sizes In Less Than 5 Minutes Using Picnik.Com

Change Your Picture Size

If you are looking for quick little program to change picture sizes, Picnik.com is a great place.

In this short video, I explain how to upload a pic, change the size and upload it as a twitter background in less than 5 minutes.

You’ll love it.

Making money online becomes much easier when you leverage otherpeoples knowledge to save you time and therefore taking advantage of teachings, trainings and one on one coaching classes and webinars.

For more video trainings on twitter, facebook and youtube, go to http://carynelizabeth.com

For consultations, contact Caryn Elizabeth here: www.facebook.com/carynelizabethlive


Caryn Elizabeth is an expert at finding the best resources.  Gifted with the

ability to connect with those in the know, Caryn passes this information on

freely to those who find her.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/how-to-change-pic-sizes-in-less-than-5-minutes-using-picnik-com/

“Who Are You Now?” The “Gutsy” Mindset And Bitter Truth About Marketing Online Stuff

What the heck did he mean, “Who are you NOW?”

One evening at dinner with my business coach, he asked me to identify myself by this:“who are you NOW”? I told him all about who I was connecting with and how great it was going. I felt that my online presence was growing and I was becoming an authority and able to share my content better on social networking sites.   The bottom line reality was wrapped up in this startling question which tugged at my financial reality: “Who are you NOW” regarding your finances?

Wow, we were heading into the restaurant about then and I was torn between my ideologies, my visions of grandeur and the reality that my car died, my house needed to be sold in order to collect alimony, and my near front tooth had to be extracted, leaving my smile to a retainer until I could afford a more permanent solution. Surely, I was not the shining star of the internet at this point! My balloon had burst! And so what would become of my positive mindset?

Who Are You Now? The Online Stuff

All this online stuff is great because I love to write! So sharing is easy for me. But when it comes to my personal successes, I am humbled by the success stories of the many online individuals marketing themselves so beautifully in social media. I am fortunate to have networked and connected with who I consider pretty powerful and influencial individuals who are in the personal development and online marketing niches.

The real question I believe I was asking was “What have I to do with all these successful individuals?” Yes, I felt comfortable talking to them on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, Netdivvy, and other sites. But I have yet to experience the “financial” success they have gained through years of online and network marketing and MLM’s.

What kind of mindset must we have to see the success of others and forge ahead instead of feeling intimidated or disillusioned and giving up?

For help with mindset see this: http://tinyurl.com/AskingQualityQuestions

Who Are You NOW? The Money Stuff

For a marketer online, the truth is, you must be authentic so you can find “like minded ” individuals you CAN identify with, those who have similar experience as you, so you don’t feel too insecure about where you are at so far. When my coach asked me that question, “who are you now?”, he was asking me to look at my present circumstances and realistically take stock of my financial accomplishments.

Who Are You NOW? The Gutsy Mindset Stuff

The present circumstances were grim. But I don’t believe that the future is grim! I have many success stories that are tied to no money whatsoever… but tied to a seed well planted and watered..

Someday you will realize your financial goals if we don’t give up! If you take stock today, ask yourself “Who are you NOW?” and listen for the answer.

If you have ever felt like giving up go here: http://tinyurl.com/AskingQualityQuestions

For so awesome personal development videos find me here: http://youtube.com/carynelizabethlive

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Gal. 6:9

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Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/%e2%80%9cwho-are-you-now%e2%80%9d-the-%e2%80%9cgutsy%e2%80%9d-mindset-and-bitter-truth-about-marketing-online-stuff/