Tag: coach

Is it time to get a Business Coach?

A  Business coach is a master key guide to success.

A Business coach is a master key guide to success.

 Business Coach

We have all been there. Every day we are ultra busy, there are simply not enough hours in the day, and we are working hard, but despite our best efforts are basically standing still. Our business is not growing or we are stagnating in our career.
Sometimes we are too busy to realize that is happening. Even when we do realize what is happening it is not always clear what can be done to change the situation.
Fortunately, the solution is relatively simple. If you find yourself in this situation, it is time to hire a business coach. They will help you to assess where you are now and how to progress in the future.
With the support of the right coach, you will be able to identify the areas and skills that you need to work on and find ways to learn the new skills you need, and do so quickly. Often your coach will be able to provide the training you need themselves, but if they do not have the necessary skills or experience, they will identify high quality and targeted training courses for you to attend.

Finding the right coach

Whether you are looking for business coaching in New York, London or Brisbane it is important to take your time and find the right coach for you. Here are a few things you need to consider when looking for a coach.

Can I connect with this coach?

In all likelihood, the relationship you are going to have with your business coach is going to be a long-term one. If you find the right coach, you will want to go back to him or her periodically for further advice.
It makes sense to find a coach that you can connect with. You need someone that you can talk to and understand. If you do not believe in your coach and their skills you are not going to listen to them, so will not be able to benefit fully from their advice. You need a mentor, someone you trust and can communicate with effectively.

Does this coach have the knowledge I need?

It is not essential to find a coach that has experience of your industry, but you do want a coach that is successful. You need to check out their credentials and find out who they have worked with in the past. Asking colleagues for recommendations can be a good starting point when looking for an executive coach, but it is important to do your own research and find out more rather than just go with someone else’s recommendation.

Exactly what type of support are they offering?

Before signing up with a private coach or a coaching firm, you need to understand exactly what you are getting for your money. If a firm cannot be clear about what they have to offer and sell themselves to you, they are definitely not going to be able to help you to sell yourself and your company’s services to others.



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The masterkey experience

Learn More About The Master Key Experience

Find a business coach that matches your motivation.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/is-it-time-to-get-a-business-coach/

Life After Retirement And Internet Marketing Freedom For Life

Geri Walker Life After Retirement

Geri Walker Is Living The Good Life After Retirement

Have You  Written Your “Life After Retirement” Plan?

With the economy in such a shambles, life after retirement may have been forced on us. Sure, we plan to “stay” working but not to be “forced” to leave and perhaps take a reduction in pay if we stay. Perhaps a dream you had early on was to own your own business? Bills piling up you just got  a job and  stuck with it for 30 years like it or not! Geri Walker, Internet Marketing consultant with WalkerMarketingGroup.com shares Her strategies with us in this 24 minute interview.

We make the best of a bad situation most time believing that one day we can retire and do what we want!  With our gold watch and plaque in hand, our dreams are looking as dim as the menu or book we’re trying to read without glasses!

Retiring has it’s pluses and minus’s. Having a plan for life after retiring may prepare us to move forward with a sense of happiness rather than worry over the latter years.


life after retirement exercise

Our Plan For Life After Retirement Includes Freedom To Exercise

Some people retire without a plan and within a few years die. Sitting in front of the tv all day, looking for something to do, puttsing around without a plan,  having nothing to inspire us may contribute to that mental and physical death.  My mom has always been “with it”. She loves numbers and reads alot. She finds joy in sending cards to everybody and the responses she receives sustains her in her latter years. On the other hand, my dad got to the point where he could no longer do wood working and found only pleasure in watching tv. His mind began failing and weakness took him, body and soul.

It’s been said, “Ignore your health and it will go away.”

Life After Retirement And The Possibilities

There are some who can’t wait to retire so they can begin to enjoy their latter years and their pensions. One such woman I interviewed, Geri Walker, planned for retirement. She also began learning a new skill of internet marketing, knowing that it would fit well with the future travel plans she desired for herself and her husband.

Having a retirement plan is just as important as having a health plan or a business plan. Realizing that we may be looking forward to a less active life down the road, the internet is a place to use  our skills effortlessly. No more having to get up early to make  our coffee, lunch, fight traffic, and listen to  our young boss tell us what to do.

Life after retirement  and woodworking

Does Life After Retirement Include Mentoring Others?

Internet Marketing And Your Life After Retirement

Planning for retirement could mean an opportunity to create an income we can access throughout our later years. Network marketing is an industry that suits those retiring. Retiring salesmen, realtors, insurance agents, IT techs, and many others skilled socially and  on the computer, transition beautifully.

One tip I suggest. As we get close to retirement, begin doing the following”

1. Set up some goals for the next 10 yrs.
2. Write a retirement plan
3. Begin today learning a new skill using the internet
4. Grab your children or grandchildren to help you navigate the basics online
5. Set up accounts with facebook, linkedin, twitter, and create a gmail account.
6. Begin adding friends, pictures, and write interesting content on your wall of  facebook that will attract others to who you are and what interests you have.

Starting these things before we retire, we will be taking action on our plan with the spare moments.

Does My Life After Retirement Include Having Freedom

Does My Life After Retirement Include Having Freedom

Practical Tips For Life After Retirement.

1. Start or  revisit our health and exercise plan
2. Read books on personal development and biographies of successful men and women
3. Listen to beautiful and inspiring music
4. Call only the friends and family who make us feel good about yourself
5. Write in our journal or write stories or poems that  may inspire others
6. Sing around our house..
7. Think more about living a long and healthy life.

Retiring may be supplemented by working online or joining an MLM, Direct Sales or Nework Marketing company. Using the leadership skills and experiences we’ve gained over the years  is our most valuable asset. The world needs our mentorships, our story and our expertise. With the laws of attraction, if we are worrying about our future, worrisome experiences will find us. Being positive and living as a “possibility thinker” will make our retirement years  satisfying and financially profitable.

Life After Retirement Mom Working With Daughter

Life After Retirement Mom Working With Daughter

Begin Today For Our Life After Retirement

In the following interview with internet marketing entrepreneur Geri Walker,  find some tips and strategies to make life after retirement more fulfilling. Geri Walker works with me in several programs.

Click Here For Interview With Geri Walker as she discusses with me  how she planned for life after retirement and how she is creating an income with internet marketing, while maintaining the freedom that the retirement years can bring.


If you like this, perhaps you’ll like to know more. Click the banner below now!

The masterkey experience

Learn More About The Master Key Experience

There is really a life after retirement.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/life-after-retirement-internet-marketing-freedom/

7 Quick Tips How To Use Linkedin To Make Money Online

What Are The Benefits Of Knowing Linkedin?

Will Using Linkedin Help Me Make Money Online?

To connect immediately on Linkedin, click here
To make money using video go here right away

Connecting on Linkedin

has traditionally been for sharing resumes, networking for corporate business. However, online marketers are using it to share there products and services to offline folk as well as other online marketers.

Knowing The Power Of Video When Using Linkedin

Knowing The Power Of Video When Using Linkedin

Online marketers  use Linkedin to connect and share your businesses, their coaching, training and affiliate products.  The possibilities available include  interviewing and finding just the right people you would want in your business, your company or your networking groups.

Video marketers use it to find coaching clients and connections to mastermind with.

Using the Video platform is the quickest way to build “Know Like and Trust”.
Video email is an excellent way and new way to connect with prospects, warm market and family.

Talk Fusion is one of the MLM video platform companies that has become extremely popular.
Video email has quite an affect when it’s sent personally.

Here are 5 tips you can use immediately to begin making money online.

1. Create a Linkedin profile if you don’t already have one.
2. Create a folder stored on your desktop for easy access to your other social media groups you may want to set up profiles for. Use the same one over and over.
3. Type your information in Notepad or Wordpad. I use notepad. (tell you why later)
4. Create a user name and password that you can use over and over.
5. Locate groups you have an interest in and add connections.
6. When someone connects with you, send them a personal greeting. (preferably using video)
7. Create a short bio to use in signature slots for articles and sites that ask for one.

Linkedin Link To Network

Make Money Connecting On Linkedin

Video marketing by far, takes business success to new levels more quickly. Using simple free systems to create videos is the easiest way to get started. Building the “know, like and trust” happens quickest with video.

Video marketing on Linkedin or other social media for a business owner or entrepreneur is made easier when you have a system in place. Using a video platform is especially good if you want to build a residual income while you create videos.

PS To find out how to generate leads every day and create an affiliate  income CLICK HERE NOW

PSS.Learn to brand yourself as a trusted authority on Linkedin and other social media by Clicking Here Now!



Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/7-quick-tips-how-to-use-linkedin-to-make-money-online/

How To Find Your Brand! 6 Tips Business Coaches Use To Help You Find Your Niche





In Part one of this 3 part article series I will share a strategy coaches use to help others discover their passions. It’s been said “Find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Marketing is going through a revolution right now. People are beginning to build their online presence by using their passion as the foundation for branding their business. 


Online marketers are finally figuring out what offline business owners have known for years. You must build the “know, like and trust” with your clients, customers, and prospects. In order to do this online, you must follow these steps to position yourself as a “trusted authority” first.

1. Find your passion.

2. Build your brand

3. Develop your know, like and trust.


The following are  6 steps to help you  find your strengths and  passion if you want to focus on doing what you love while making money online.

1.Make a list of the 12 things you like about yourself, things you consider strengths.

2. Prioritize them, top being your greatest strength.

3. Make a list of 12 things you consider to be your weaknesses.

4. Set that list aside. Considering those 12 things, what would be the dream job you would create around them?

5. Choose 3 areas that you could market yourself in.

6. Now write 2 paragraphs marketing those niches with your top 6 strengths.

A coach directs you to be consistent and persistent,  writing goals with your passion in mind. He guides you to focus on your strengths as you BRAND YOURSELF.

PS. Get “The Mastermind eBook” For The Personal Power Of Team Building!


Yours In Mastery,

Caryn Elizabeth
 Milford, PA 18337

My profiles: Facebook LinkedIn Flickr Twitter Facebook Page YouTube YouTube

Twitter Latest tweet: Freeling Rejected? Find out why! http://t.co/oLlwWt4W

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Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/i-love-what-i-do-do-you-part-1-personal-development/