Tag: excuses

Exposing The Lies About Business Success – 8 Excuses To Business Success Online

Excuses show a  lack self confidence

Excuses show a lack self confidence

Excuses and your mindset

We are all human and have a set of circumstances that we inherited as human beings. Some things were brought on by parental input, the education system, work environment and church affiliation. But there is a time when enough is enough and something happens in our lives. We go through difficult circumstances and we decide we must change things.

Excuses and our Environment

Our lifestyles promote external circumstances. Our work environment may be great! It may be less than perfect! It may be down right rotten! Each view is the result of both our mindset and our environment. It’s said that we are the average of our 5 best friends. This could refer to our incomes, our attitudes, our experiences and more.

Excuses and Failure in Business or Work life

So we have a job we love, or maybe we are going to get laid off or even fired. While this is bad, this temporary setback is an indication that something in our life is out of sorts. We all experience failure sometimes. It’s said that a the measure of a man is not determined by the amount of times he falls but on the number of times he rises and at what speed he is able to do so. Some of us have made excuses. I have. So if our excuses are shown to be just obstacles in our way, do you think we would no longer fail?

penny in hand poverty about direct sales

Poverty Mindset Of A Person Who Makes Excuses

Excuses and the Entrepreneur life

Entrepreneurs have a tough time when they make excuses. A sign of the lack of responsibility, an entrepreneur may as well not pursue his/her own business. I created a series of videos to share some simple excuses entrepreneurs make. I have made them and sometimes catch myself making the mistakes of believing these lies. Books like “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles will help tremendously to show you more about how to get rich as an entrepreneur.

Let’s expose the lies and move forward to the business success we deserve. These are a good start!

Excuse 1: I Don’t Have The Money!

Wise men are telling us over and over, “You are the prophet of your own life”. Do you want to make money online? By open invitation,the internet provides the opportunity to make money without spending money the way traditional businesses do it. Free online marketing tools are available to give you skills to increase your visibility and traffic to landing pages which contribute to financial gain. Some systems even offer up front compensation to help with the small expenses.

Excuse 2: I Don’t Know Where To Start

Knowing you can pay nothing and gain knowledge, the next step, is for you to design your future. The S.M.A.R.T. System goal setting approach and affirmations give you an excellent start at creating the income, lifestyle, security, and freedom you desire. Seek out direction, focus, and encouragement from mentors and trainers. They become ones most powerful asset besides the “will” to succeed in having business success.

Excuse 3: I Have Goals But I Don’t Write Them Down.

Before you begin writing business goals, having a positive mindset is helpful. Your best success is based on your belief about yourself and your value. If you have deliberate goals in place, valuable content can be delivered to your business prospects. Ones profitable deliver-ability comes primarily from a positive mindset.

Excuse 4: My Goals Are Okay. Why Change Them?

Though the internet is a very powerful tool marketers use to release value to the global community, strategic, focused goals will create the best business success. The dividends are so wide spread, they continue to pay you residual income year after year. Those who purchase a social franchise such as an MLM, will agree with this concept.

Excuse 5: I’m Okay, But You Aren’t.

Becoming a student of personal development is an important part of  business success. Can you say, “I intend to give it freely as it is given to me?”  Though the internet provides free materials, tools and systems, some may hoard these resources. By doing so they cut off their dividends. Personal development helps one gain the right attitude about sharing tools and resources. These students learn the benefits from giving more value than the compensation received.

Excuse 5: I Have Nothing Worth Giving.

Everyone has value. Skills gained  from free marketing training increase with deliberate study. One will learn not to give everything away.But we are to give freely to others. This will secure the future positive business success. It is fair to be justly compensated for taking risks and actualizing your money making ideas.

Excuse 6: I Am Not A Leader

What do you dream about? What visions to you have about life, your family, and your business? The raw materials that make up your personality are unique to only you. A leader creates an environment others want to duplicate and follow. Each person is responsible for themselves. Leaders lead. They do not drag others along. The more training you receive the greater your belief in your leadership ability.


prosperity money in hand with direct sales

A Prosperity Mindset Comes After Excuses Are Exposed And Eliminated!

Excuse 7: I Don’t Know What I Really Want.

Concerning the entrepreneur who wants to learn marketing online, there are marketing training systems and tools available to teach you the skills. There are mindset training tools to help you focus on your purpose. My you tube channel was terminated and I had to decide what I really wanted. So I created another channel but I decided that I really wanted to do more audios because they are easier for the average person to listen to. In order to have  business success  your goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. These goals must support your definite chief aim. Read them 2-3 times a day, saying them out loud. Your mind will create pathways to those goals and your daily to do list will come naturally. You have great power to create your future. Gone are the days of excuses. You know who you are, you know you have powerful resources at your disposal. What is stopping you?

If you liked these videos about excuses, perhaps you would like “The 10 things you need to give up in order to move forward

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