Tag: feeling

How To Master Happiness

Questioning Happiness

What is your emotional level? Low? We want to move from low to high to help us get through our day to feel great! But perhaps you question your happiness as I did! Worried? There is an instinct in nature! GOD! nature is a proponent of positive thought!

Everything in nature is moving towards creating something greater!

Love, joy, happiness are places we can dwell.

Feeling Happiness

Learning to observe thoughts and feelings are some of the special trainings I received in The Master Key Experience. I’m learning how to think better! We learn to become open to the better and better life! “Joy comes in the morning” Holy Bible

#1 Secret To Happiness

#1 Secret To Happiness

From Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman in the World

“I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. I hear not those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny!

Happiness is your Destiny

I found so many things we did in The Master Key Experience a great help for me. My favorite was connection with others like myself – likeminded individuals. I loved having a guide to direct me toward the next steps without spoiling the surprise that each weeks webinar gave me. I loved the childlike practices, so simple yet powerful. I loved practicing being honest with myself. I loved all the prepared statements that guided me to my greatest interests.

Happiness in The Master Key Experience

Without The Master Key Experience, my life would be on the same ole’ same ole’ track it had been for several years. I found out about the class from an email I was sent. Perhaps you will find a similar email. If it’s your time, you will notice it. I sure did and I’m so glad I discovered the next step to manifesting the better and better life; one where happiness reigns supreme, where steadiness of faith and depth of gratitude become effortless practices.

Get on the waiting list for September 2015 class.

Not sure if The Master Key Experience is for you? Click the pic and get more info here!

The masterkey experience

Learn More About The Master Key Experience

The Master Key Experience gave happiness a permanent place in my life.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/how-to-master-happiness/

The Undecorated Christmas Tree And Help For Feeling Forgotten

Every Christmas Tree Is Special

Christmas time is filled with sparkle around most homes and towns. Lights, candles, wreaths, tinsel, garland, ornaments, toys, window shopping, even parades..  But there was once a Christmas tree that felt forgotten.


Every Christmas Tree Is Special!

Around Christmas, the family took out their decorations and hung lights outside on window wreaths. Inside, the garlands were lighted and laid out across the buffet and the mantle. The candles were placed on the Christmas table cloth and the little candle wreaths were laid carefully atop the glass holders. The 3 foot decorated Christmas tree was removed from the storage closet and placed carefully on the buffet where it was plugged in and ready to celebrate.


Everything was looking great! The spotlights outside shown on the bare leafed trees and towards the front door covered with Christmas garlands and pine cones. Inside the bare Christmas tree was left opened and standing but without any decorations.


This beautiful tree , quite frankly, felt abandoned. Everyone passed by it day after day not even noticing it’s beautiful branches. It’s smell was vibrant yet it longed for attention. Several days passed and the Christmas tree thought she  heard word of new lights! “Perhaps those lights will be for me”, she said! “I love getting presents and that would make me even more beautiful so that everyone would look at me.” This tree had a problem, you see!


The problem of the Christmas tree


Christmas trees pretty much look alike. Some are tall and others small. But all of them have similar green branches. The only difference the tree can bare is it’s outward appearance. Some trees get very beautiful adornment while others get the bare essentials. But in the end, it’s not even the tree that gets the most attention. It’s the gifts under the tree that are given top priority.


So what is the tree to do?


The Christmas tree knows full well that the short life it has to be adorned is it’s crowning glory! This tree longs for it’s adornment yet it seems so long in coming. In the mean time, the simple branches are left to hang bare and wanting. Well, finally the day came when the glory of Christmas would shine through the lights and garlands this tree would bare. She indeed was correct. Those lights were for her! The Christmas practitioners wanted to adorn her with fresh lights and garlands to make her glory even brighter than in the past! The day came and she could feel alive and vibrant as each light and ornament was carefully hung to make the tree fuller and brighter! Oh, when each ornament was hung, she stood strong and held on to each as if it were life and death. Each piece of tinsel sparkled as she held her lights firmly in hand as if to jump rope with them. When the tree was finally finished the feeling of heaviness came over the tree. She knew the time was coming and she must have some water to keep her strength. Would she be fed or neglected?


The neglected Christmas tree


The feeling of neglect overwhelmed the Christmas tree this season. She worried that she would not be decorated. Now she worried that she’d not have her needs met. Would she have to drop some ornaments to get attention and quench her thirst? The following morning, after a restless night upholding her perceived burdens, the Christmas practitioner awoke and turned on the radio and some Christmas music. The Christmas tree was aroused with hope and the caregiver walked by. Plugging in the Christmas lights, the caregiver disappeared to the kitchen and returned with a large container. “Ahhhh, water”, thought she. And in no time, her strength mounted and she felt the refreshment that only water can bring.


Christmas day


In time, the tree held many packages under it’s wings and protected everyone from onlookers. The children danced around it and begged mother to let them sleep under it the night before Christmas eve. What excitement the Christmas tree felt at that prospect. All eyes would be on her and she would feel terrific. There wish came true as they grabbed their sleeping bags, cookies and milk and lay at the foot of the tree looking at all the sparkles. Christmas tree was in her glory getting the attention she longed for and knew it was what she was born for!


The final stages came to be and Christmas day came. The tree released each gift with pride knowing her job was about complete. Her wish came true. She was adorned and she bore the responsibility well. In time, as trees know, they must be released back into the wilderness to assist the baring of other Christmas trees. Her day was complete and the Christmas caregivers dealt fairly with her through the whole process. She was satisfied with her work and Christmas was a success for her and for the family she shared it with.


Moral of the story: We may think poorly and we will sometimes. But we will be dealt with fairly as we allow ourselves to be aroused with hope for a prosperous future. Every Christmas Tree Is Special!





Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/the-undecorated-christmas-tree-and-help-for-feeling-forgotten/

What Am I Capable Of Really Becoming? Truth About The Entrepreneur And Satisfaction

entrepreneur inspired to lead

I know I Am Capable Of Being Someone Great

Does An Entrepreneur Tell Himself  “I know I can do more, be more? “

I Want Power.. it feels good.. it’s a must…

Becoming a success in any venture begins with an understanding of what we are capable of.  Let me use two terms to explain the conflict that may be keeping you from feeling truly satisfied on the journey of the entrepreneur. You long for it.. You deserve it.. Here is where you will finally make sense of it…

Are You A Thermometer Or A Thermostat Entrepreneur?

Both a thermometer and a thermostat have something to do with the temperature in a room.

A thermometer “reads” the hotness or coldness in a specified area.

A thermostat, on the other hand, is a tool used to “set” the temperature in a determined area.

So how does this relate to the  entrepreneur and business owner?

Some of us have at times believed that the economy is bad. We feel justified about being unemployed.  We might blame others for our circumstances. Some of us have adopted the  belief that we are in charge of our own life. If we have no job, it’s our responsibility to fix that. We accept failure and success as part of our life.

This brings me to these two simple meters, which represent  2 different kinds of mindsets. Can you tell which mindset the thermometer  would represent?

The Thermometers mindset, reads the temperature of the room and is able to  state ” it’s 60 degrees”..

The thermostats mindset  sets the temperature of the room. We thermostats  take responsibility for our  life, our failures and successes.


A Thermometer reads the room

If I Am A Thermometer, I Am A Helpless Entrepreneur

A Thermometer Is  A Helpless Entrepreneur

As thermometers, we see the economy, our job, our family as helpless entrepreneurs, unable to change it. “It’s 60 degrees in here”! Do you look outward to your environment and state what you see? Or do you look inward and determine what environment you will create?


As An Entrepreneur Thermostat, I Determine The Temperature Of My Environment

A Thermostat Is An Entrepreneur Creator

Deciding to be a thermostat, we no longer are in conflict. Determined  to be the  leader, the creative entrepreneur, we have the power to create your environment.  Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, David Wood and  Dave Sharpe, are all considered thermostats.

Being a thermostat means that we  decide what temperature we want our life to be. Whether hot, cold, warm, chilly.. it is up to us.  Rather, be a thermostat than a thermometer,  which  is helpless to only read the temperature but has no power to change it.

Determining to take responsibility for our life, our business, our environment, starts inside us. Believing we are a thermostat starts by making the simple decision to be one.

My Thermostat Determines The Temperature Of My World

My Thermostat Determines The Temperature Of My World

Powerful Entrepreneurs Are Thermostats

The outcome of being a thermostat means that the successes in life are truly something we achieve and can be proud of. Our obstacles, if we choose to see them as  challenges to overcome, can help us become even greater and able to understand and help others  overcome them as well. Our failures are successes because we learn something from them.  Our decision to create rules for our life that support us so we can enjoy the process, gives us the satisfaction we truly long for.

This life, big or small, great or weak.. has in it the opportunity to reach great heights that give us a feeling of satisfaction unlike any other.

True Satisfaction From Flying As A Thermostat Entrepreneur

True Satisfaction From Flying As A Thermostat Entrepreneur

Be a thermostat today and no longer lean on the helplessness of being a thermometer. True success as an entrepreneur is at our feet. When we walk into a room we’ve set the temperature at, we will feel completely warmed or cooled as we have determined; the lifestyle of power and freedom we long for.

PS.To be a thermostat and an empowered entrepreneur go here.

PPS  To join me in creating an income as a thermostat watch this video now.

The Powerful Freedom And Lifestyle Of The Creative Entrepreneur Thermostat  Is Satisfying.


Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/what-am-i-capable-of-really-becoming-truth-about-the-entrepreneur-and-satisfaction/