Tag: teaching leadership

How Do I Inspire My Children To Be Leaders? Stories That Teach Your Children Leaders

“The Fir Tree” by Hans Christian Anderson read by Caryn Elizabeth by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Do you look for books and stories that help to make your children leaders in school?

Do your children have teachers in school to help them become leaders? Leadership is a taught skill and begins with discipline early in life. Learning leadership skills through literature that teaches life lessons is a great start for the young children leaders in the making!

children leaders

Your Children Leaders First Steps To Success

Children raised to go hither and yon at every whim and fancy have at the end of that route a long way to go to turn around and achieve success. Children need freedom within discipline. When I taught at Village Montessori, my young three to five year olds were taught a concept first and then allowed to pursue the material when they wished. Creating entrepreneurs can begin early when they understand the rules for success.

Many children’s leadership skills are not developed early enough and these children are regretting life left and right when they finally get out on their own.

Children Leaders Are Both Male and Female

Children Leaders Are Both Male and Female

Make Your Children Leaders With Great Books

Reading great stories that teach lessons in good leadership help children model behavior that becomes skill for life. Books like “The Fir Tree” by Hans Christian Anderson teach a lesson in regret. Children leaders who have parents with desire to help students advance more quickly to leadership will find this book filled with examples of the wrong way of thinking so as to help them see things in their own life where they have missed the mark for happiness.

Top Tips To Create Children Leaders

  • Children require loving discipline
  •  They need confident, consistent parenting
  •  Children leaders must have freedom to pursue passions
  •  These young leaders will shine in their later years of high school when proper leadership development is taught
  •  Leadership is a skill that all adults who desire to succeed in life need to learn.
  •  Schools are not equipped to teach leadership to the degree that parents can.
  •  It is a parents responsibility to teach leadership to their children.


Teach Lessons In Leadership That Help Your Children Leaders

Teach Lessons In Leadership That Help Your Children Leaders

I’ve created the following recording as a sample of how parents can help their children develop leadership skills early on. The reading of “The Fir Tree” is the first of several books in a series that teach children leadership.

Help Children Leaders to grow up to be confident successful men and women. This audio is 29 minutes long with a teaching at the end. You can use this as an example of how to help your children think further about the story.

To get more audios to help you develop your children leaders, GO HERE NOW.


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