7 Things God Needs To Hear You Say When You Pray

7 Things God Needs To Hear You Say When You Pray by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

What does it mean to pray?

Prayer is meant for the purpose of helping us feel that there is someone outside of our immediate circumstances that will help us with things we have no control over. Many people are taught to pray when they are small. The prayers are for the purpose of gaining pleasure when obstacles are in our way.

We pray to feel better, to get good grades on tests, to get a new bike, etc… As children we may have a feeling of a lack of control which conditions us to be fearful but prayer is suppose to make us feel better because God knows what to do to help us. We may tend to press God for things when we feel impatient to wait for them. This idea of praying in this way has taught so many people wrongly. Fear is one of the worst feelings we can have when we pray.

Unfortunately, we’re not taught the correct way to pray so that the fear is lessened and the things we want granted.

Taking responsibility when we pray

What Does God Hear You Pray?

  • 1. Gratitude
  • 2. Fear
  • 3. Faith
  • 4. Words with intention
  • 5. Begging
  • 6. Demanding
  • 7. Hopelessness


7 Things God Needs To Hear You Say When You Pray

7 Things God Needs To Hear You Say When You Pray

What prayers get answered?

All prayers get answered. Whatever emotion is tied to the prayer when we pray will grant us more of the same emotion. This is the sowing and reaping principle we’re taught about in the bible and other spiritual books. Intention is the key.

What is your intention when you pray?

  • 1. To communicate with someone who can help
  • 2. To get things off your chest
  • 3. To make yourself feel better
  • 4. To state the condition of your circumstances
  • 5. To clarify where you are at in your belief at the time
  • 6. To use God to do what you cannot do on your own
  • 7. To share your feelings with someone who understands you
3 Things Missing When You Pray

3 Things Missing When You Pray

The 3 things missing when we want the best answers as we pray?

1. Faith in the things that bring us pleasure. Depending on the prayer, we will get more of what we believe about what we are asking.
2. Knowledge of what we need. Without having seen the future, we may not know the best things to pray for.
3. Vision of our definite purpose. Until we set a vision of a definite chief aim in life, we are drifting.

Ultimate things to pray for

What do you pray for? When we’re little we pray for things we don’t have the money to buy ourselves. We pray our siblings will be nice to us. We pray for good grades and for our parents to get along. When we’re small, we have little to no control over our circumstances. But we may not have been taught what we do have control over! Unfortunately, if you had not been taught that you are responsible for your thought life, and your belief life, then you may still be living believing that God is the only one who controls your future. This is a great lie and it’s time for you to wake up and realize that you are in control of your life now!

The lie about how to pray

The lie about prayer is that it’s meant to give you hope that God will be merciful to you and grant you what you don’t have now. The truth is, you can have, be or do anything you desire. The keys needed are “vision, knowledge and faith“. Without the knowledge that you have control over your present life, you may be living as a child, with the belief that you have no control and that you are helpless without God to show you mercy.

7 Things God Needs To Hear You Say When You Pray

Even As Children, You Have Control When You Pray

You have control when you pray

Discipline of our thought life should have begun as children whose parents trained us to believe that anything is possible. But today is your day if you didn’t have such parents. Taking responsibility for your life is what God intends for you to do. He set up the laws of the universe to grant you your desires. Wishes are for those who lack a belief that they have control over their life. Desires are for those who know they have control, that God is for them and the laws of God are set up for expansion of knowledge and growth for every individual on earth.

How now should we pray?

  • 1. Control is the key to answered prayer
  • 2. Faith in the good end
  • 3. Belief that God has given you the keys to success
  • 4. Knowledge of what you want in life
  • 5. Vision seen when meditating on your definite chief aim in life

Whether we’re praying for a sick relative or a business expansion, to pray means to believe the best, to be grateful for the outcome, to know that it’s answered as we pray, and to allow time to reveal the best outcome to you.

Sowing seed is another word for prayer. Allow the water and sun given to every seed by infinite intelligence to do it’s work and in due time, your prayer will be answered. You will have taken control of your present life and your future prayers will be more and more confident. These confident prayers will be answered even more swiftly because your knowledge mixed with skill and experience will grant them to you. You are in control when you pray.

To teach your children how to pray, check this out!

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