Category: Facebook

How To Find Happiness By Using Social Media

Happiness is an emotion

How Can I Have Happiness?

How Can I Have Happiness?


How happy are you? How sad do you get? People have a varying states of happiness and during the holidays it seems to be exaggerated! High highs during parties, and low lows when you are home alone without family.

Lost a job and can’t buy gifts or have no time to shop because you are working like crazy to finish up projects before the holiday break! No matter what it is… what can help you feel better is to be an encouragement to others.


Happiness Is Where Your Friends Are!

Happiness Is Where Your Friends Are!

Happiness Is On Facebook

Facebook is great place to find happiness. Use Facebook to help you feel better during the holidays and re-post something funny to help your friends in need!

The holidays are sad for a lot of people who really need happiness. Those who use the power of the internet can watch YouTube videos, read interesting and inspiring articles, or read updates from friends on Facebook or other sites they subscribe to. Don’t let the holidays find you sad or alone.
Happiness Is A Mouse Click AwayHappiness Is A Mouse Click Away

Happiness Is A Mouse Click Away

Happiness is in your hands


Using social media, email, or the internet, you can find happiness and give a gift of encouragement to those who need it. The holiday season is meant to help us connect with a feeling of happiness and those we love. If your children live far away, use Skype or Facebook to keep in touch with them. Don’t let Christmas find you alone. Connect with others using the technology given as a gift to the earth. Have faith.
For a heartwarming tale of happiness with a moral, for kids and adults alike, download or read “The Undecorated Christmas Tree” story at…

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The Action Plan Strategy That Organized People Don’t Share About Life

Your life plan for success

Your life plan for success

Without a life plan, we flounder about without a life raft. Get this free download and get started. After reading this book, you can utilize the Life Plan template to assist your planning.

This book will give you the strategy that is needed to get you started building the life you want.


My Life PLAN

[Your Name]

As of Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Outcomes For Life

How do you want to be remembered by the following?

[Write your outcome here.]

My Spouse             [Write your outcome here.]

My Children          [Write your outcome here.]

My Parents            [Write your outcome here.]

My Colleagues      [Write your outcome here.]

My Friends            [Write your outcome here.]

Priorities In Life

What is most important to you?

  1.          1.      [Write your first priority here.]
  2.          2.      [Write your first priority here.]
  3.          3.      [Write your first priority here.]
  4.          4.      [Write your first priority here.]
  5.          5.      [Write your first priority here.]

Action Plans For Life

Account 1: [Write your first account heading.]

Envisioned Future:

[Write your envisioned future statement.]

Purpose Statement:

[Write your purpose statement.]

Supporting Verse:

[Optional: Include a supporting Bible verse.]

Current Reality:

  • [Write your first item.]
  • [Write your first item.]
  • [Write your first item.]
  • [Write your first item.]

Specific Commitments:

Account 2: [Write your second account heading.]

Envisioned Future life:

[Write your envisioned future statement.]

Purpose Statement:

[Write your purpose statement.]

Supporting Verse:

[Optional: Include a supporting Bible verse.]

Current Reality:

Specific Commitments:

[Copy and Paste the action plan for life template as many times as you need.]

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Watch This When You Are Restless

Feeling Restless Can Be Helped

Feeling Restless Can Be Helped

Inspiration When Restless

 Ever restless at night. Perhaps you stretch or think of 10 things you are grateful for. But sometimes nothing seems to help.
Watch this beautiful you tube video when you are struggling to get to sleep. If you are restless tonight, think of all the things you are grateful for and fall asleep with ease! Blessings. CE

Life plan helps that restless feeling

Having a life plan can help you feel better. Being restless is miserable. Set up a plan for your life and for your day. Eliminate your restless feelings as much as possible.



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What Your Priest Won’t Tell You About Your Choices

Your Priest Won't Tell You About Your Choices

Your Priest Won’t Tell You About Your Choices

Choices That Help

Happiness is about our CHOICES. How do we make choices that support us? We need to learn from someone who is good at making right choices. Find someone. It could be Jesus. But it could be a friend who you trust, a parent you love, a grandparent or co worker who mentors you.

Choices That Hurt

Listen as I explain where I got so off track as a child that led me to make wrong choices and create a future that hurt me rather than gave me the pleasure I deserved. It was my own fault. I take responsibility for it now and you can too! Learn more when you listen to the Mixcloud audio above. It will empower you to make better choices starting today!

Being Responsible For Our Choices

Let me explain what truth wisdom I see about the verse and interpretation I placed below this article and podcast. It should help those who are in fear that the devil is out to get them. Get some simple step by step help you can do today to empower your future instead of fearing it.

This is the statement I address. Read and listen to see why I disagree with some key words used.

Psalms 119:133 Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me.

Marsha’s interpretation:
Beloved, stay on track.  Don’t let anything derail you from your focus on things that really matter–things of eternal value and importance.  The enemy will do all he can to cause confusion, condemnation, and distraction.  It is up to you to resist the attacks of the enemy, keep your thoughts under the rule of My Spirit and to control your emotional impulses and responses.  Then, trust Me to give you wisdom and direction in all things, says the Lord.  I am for you!

Starting today, you can empower yourself with these simple steps outlined in the podcast here; and begin by making choices that support you; not add fear to your life.

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What is the quality level of your choices?

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How Scammers Gamble With Your Facebook Profile – 7 Ways To Protect Yourself

How Scammers Gamble With Your Facebook Profile – 7 Ways To Protect Yourself by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

How Safe Is Your Facebook Profile From Scammers?

There are people who do not have your best interests at heart! Do not be a sitting duck! I’ve experienced scamming and will share from experience the warning signs of scamming.

Action steps you can take today to keep from getting scammed.

Listen to the audio to find out and discover why it happened!

scammers prey on weak

Scammers prey on the Weak

How To Avoid The Scammers

Further steps to take to claim your identity as a confident person

1. Decide that you want to change your life
2. Write down what you want
3. Ask for what you want
4. Keep the vision of this desire as being fulfilled
5. Believe that you are receiving it
6. Read books and attend motivational calls that assist you
7. Share what you learn with others by blogging online, taking action to create the change in your relationships offline, and telling others where they can get the same help to got when they see how much more confident you are now!

Further action steps to avoid Scammers


Some resources you may find helpful:
The Bride by Rhonda Calhoun
Wild At Heart (for men) by Eldridge
Captivating (for women) by Eldridge

If you liked this audio and resources, perhaps you would like these others

The Following audios are available to further develop a “self confident” mindset so you will have control over scammers or other people who would do you harm if you don’t have the power to stop them.

1.Thinking For Right Relationships With commentaries
2.The Science Of Getting Rich Audios and commentaries

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Top 4 Quick And Easy Ways To Generate Leads – Relationships That Generate The Best Leads

How’s your bedside manner when you want to generate leads online? Are you able to connect with the right people who want to buy your products or use your service?

Perhaps you need help finding the right relationships that will help you generate leads and sell your products! 🙂

bedside manner girl

Generate Leads With Good Bedside Manner!

Are you sexy in your conversations? In other words, do your words turn people on or off? Many times I’ve experienced new Facebook connections posting links for business opportunities in their zealousness to share the joy they have over a new program. If you’re a guy, would you do that to a person offline? I don’t think so.

If you’re a girl, I’m sure you’d put your best foot forward to try to create a good feeling toward that new acquaintance.

Men and woman can be way more sexy and appealing both offline and online by learning proper bedside manner.

When I went on a date one time, after dinner I told the guy I was going to leave. I was polite but I didn’t feel the connection. Do you know what that creep did? He stuck his tongue in my mouth! Yuck!!! Some people in social media are cramming their tongues down other peoples mouths with their business opportunities! Now that’s raunchy!

bedside manner blunt

You must remember that good bedside manner will help you generate leads

Are you a raunchy person trying to generate leads?

To avoid doing this or having this done to you, listen to this podcast! It will tell you what is right and what is wrong when it comes to generating leads for your business with good bedside manner online!

How do we handle meeting new people in Facebook or other social media you network with while showing good bedside manner?

1. Introduce yourself as you would offline!

A. Shake hands firmly but not forceful.

B. Be confident, look people in the eyes.

C. Tell them who you are and in general what you do.
2. Talk about them, not yourself.

A. “What brings you to Facebook”?
3. Find similarities.

“Oh, you are a marketer! Great, so am I!”
4. Follow up or decide not to!

A. No I am not online for dating. I am a Network marketer and am looking for new team members.

bedside manner funny

Generate leads with better bedside manner than this!


Today’s podcast will give you some great tips to help you
out if you are not sure why others are not desiring to connect with you!

Remember to give others something free to generate leads!

Just like offline, in school, in work, handling online community networking relationships begins with building know, like and trust with a desire to serve others first!

The last thing we want to do is turn others off!

Enjoy and ask me for more help if you need it!


Like this? More help to generate leads here!

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Top Tips For Posting To Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr – Posting Click Through Rate Audio MP3

Want Your Links To Get The Most Click Through Rates On Twitter?

Post it on a Monday between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. ET.

Making it easy to post links is what marketers need to cream their competition and get more click throughs to their products and services. Here’s an audio to download to your iphone or ipod to keep it in top of mind!

Listen Now: to the top tips mp3 for posting click through rates on FB, Twitter and Tumblr. , link shortening service researched  the best and worst times to share links on popular social networks, from Facebook and Twitter to blogging site Tumblr.

facebook, twitter, tumblr click through

Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr Click Through Stats

Below are the top tips list for best posting click through rate.

Quick tips Chart:

Facebook M-F 1-4pm ET W 3pm best
Twitter M-F 1-3pm ET
Tumblr – M, T, Su. 4pm  ET earliest Optimal 7-10pm ET F evenings best.

Each social network has its own culture and behavior patterns. “By understanding the simple characteristics of each social network, you can publish your content at exactly the right time for it to reach the maximum number of people.” says. Getting click through rates is easier now.

Do you notice a difference in engagement when posting at different times? Let us know in the comments what  click through services works best for you.

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Finding Likeminded Friends On Facebook – Would You Like Me?

Are you on Facebook for business or is it just for spying on your family, friends and co workers?

I’m sure you’ve watched Facebook change over time from just  a social platform for college students to meet guys and girls, to an extremely excellent way to monetize a business and has changed the way people connect, buy  and learn new things. Employers and employment agencies actually check profiles of those prospective employees to see how they handle themselves in a social setting. I would hope that is not the only basis they go on but plenty of individuals should know that the comments they allow their friends to leave on their walls could contribute to the job they get.



Being Real, Sharing from my heart, desiring to impact your life for good, Facebook is one social media where i can share my passion and help you if you want some help with the practical details that make life great! Connect with me at http://www,


Facebook for Business

What kind of skills do you have to offer others?

If you are using Facebook to generate leads for your home business, network marketing business or direct sales business, there is a right way and a wrong way to use Facebook. You will want to learn the right way if this is a new platform for marketing your network marketing company or your own home business. Over the years, I’ve experienced people using their personal profile pages to share their business opportunities. That’s the quickest way to loose friendships and get banned from your family!

But it doesn’t have to be that way forever.  With your life skills and work experience,  you can make an impact on your friends and family  and make money using Facebook.  Good business best practices need to be learned. Mari Smith teaches all the best practices but you ought to also learn relationship etiquette.

Blogging And Facebook

The learning curve is pretty steep but with a good teacher, you can have a blog up and running in a couple months, given you spend a couple hours a week setting it up. Want to know more about WordPress? I have a series of training videos that helped me get started.  Many fail because they haven’t the stamina to endure it.  Those who persevere  know to seek  ongoing training. With definite purpose and a business worth sharing, the results can be phenomenal.

Mentors are great to help you learn what you would otherwise have to go to college and pay tuition to learn. In order to become trusted as an authority, mentors learn to develop leadership skills to gain your trust and business. As you may have seen, good leaders understand how to develop friendships online as they would working offline.

Using advocacy as a networking tool, leaders are just skilled individuals who learned how to get what they want without doing harm to others. Anyone can be a leader if they learn the skills of leadership!

Do you realize that network marketing businesses are the only style of business where you must  help  other team members succeed in order to succeed yourself?

Are you the kind of Facebook friend you would want to build a friendship with?

Facebook Networking Support

Do You Need Support While Learning Leadership on Facebook? Daily inspiration was a great help to me. Having that support in masterminding or just having an audio to listen every few days gave me some direction I could look forward to each week. It was the consistent and persistent effort of a mentor that really made the difference for me!

If we want to learn how to use Facebook to build a large business or just a network of like-minded friends,  we must do at least these 6 things:

  • set an intention,
  • be driven by a great desire,
  • set up a business plan
  •  get ongoing  training.
  • study personal development
  • develop leadership skills

Personal development is the key to overcoming obstacles keeping you in the low income bracket! Reading good books and audios helped me to take control of my fear possessed past when I was faced with divorce. It was because of the powerful books like “As A Man Thinketh” and “The Science Of Getting Rich” that made the biggest impact on my mindset.

To connect further, find me on Facebook Here.

PS. If you are retiring and want to create some income with your spare time, Geri Walker’s interview may set you in a good direction using Facebook groups.

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