Category: How To…

Book Launch Webinar – Sept 26 – 9-pm Invite- Branding You The Brand New You

Branding You The Brand New You by Caryn Elizabeth

Branding You The Brand New You by Caryn Elizabeth

What is branding myself as a trusted authority?

Branding yourself as an Online marketer is not easy to learn. I experienced 2 years of hit and miss opportunities, programs, messages, people and more. In my new book I will “tell all”.


Offline Businesses And Branding

Branding is something offline businesses need as well as marketers part of network marketing companies.
In a webinar I did with Branding System Pro developer and my business partner Todd Gragg, I expose the mysteries that new marketers have no idea about. Novice marketers may know but are too busy doing to explain to others. Experienced marketers are making money and have no desire to teach strategies that are competition for themselves.

Some teachers and trainers are excellent at sharing this information for large one time price or a monthly charge to be part of a community. But Branding You The Brand New You is a different kind of book. I share my personal journey for the past 2 years. I tell you the people I met, the businesses I was in, the times I was scammed, robbed, and beaten up! No literally, of course. I was online, behind my desk, so to speak!

Newbie Marketers and Branding

I experienced what happens when you don’t know what you don’t know! Like all newbies to the industry, I experienced it all. I was the worse case scenario. But in the process of defeat I was gaining in many ways that I would come to find out was creating “a brand new me”.

If you like this, perhaps you’ll like to know more. Click the banner below now!

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Learn More About The Master Key Experience

Register for the Branding You Book Webinar that explains it all when you CLICK HERE!

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How Do I Brand Myself? Branding You The Brand New You

Branding You The Brand New You Video Book Review

Branding You The Brand New You Video Book Review By Clicking The Picture.

What does branding you as a trusted authority mean?

Branding yourself  in order to market your goods and services online can be quite a challenging endeavor. Before I wrote my first book about it,  I experienced 2 years of hit and miss strategies, here now gone tomorrow online mentors, skill-set trainings, scam programs, manipulative messages, as well as some great skill and mindset development before I felt like I knew enough to enlighten and teach others. The test of skill is your ability to teach others with proficiency. In “Branding You The Brand New You, I share my experience and secrets as your trusted authority!

Offline Businesses And Branding You

Branding yourself online draws your followers to a specific niche you market to. It is something offline businesses need. It is also what network marketers who are part of Multilevel or Direct sales companies are doing to build huge businesses using the internet. I have been in several companies and have experience with good teams and bad teams, with good leadership and poor leadership.

Leadership and Branding You

Leadership has become one of my passions and it’s due to the poor quality of leadership demonstrated in all these platforms using online marketing. This type of team building draws charismatic leaders but needs much more to keep a loyal following. One must learn how to build “know, like and trust” in order to keep that following. While large businesses like Pepsi, Apple, and Nascar have tremendous skill at this, new wanna be leaders to online marketing training and team building are manipulative and greedy and the followers lose heart over time and jump from company to company looking for someone who has both skill and moral values in leadership.

 Mindset + Skill-set X Performance = Branding You Results

Thousands of businesses are busy marketing their goods and services and customers only see the results of their efforts. Training systems are springing up all over the internet. I’ve been part of a few of them and learned alot using them.

Branding oneself requires the 4 P’s of high performance.

  1. Psychology
  2. Physiology
  3. Productivity
  4. Persuasion.

Experienced marketers are busy keeping up with the changing market for making money and have no desire to teach strategies for future competitors.

Some teachers and trainers are excellent at sharing this information for monthly fees to be part of a training and support community. However, Branding You The Brand New You is a book resource to equip you with coaching to prepare you with a firm foundation for marketing anything online. share my personal journey for the past 2 years. I tell you the people I met, the businesses I was in, the times I was scammed, robbed, and beaten up! Not literally, of course. I was online, behind my desk, so to speak!

Social Media and Branding You

Social media managers are the new trend. Marketers are creating trainings for business owners and affiliate marketers are getting commissions for sharing these training companies. In “Branding You The Brand New You”, I share my social media tips using Facebook, Skype, Linkedin, Twitter, You Tube and other communities and ways to brand yourself as a trusted authority.


Brand New You Book Video Review

Branding You The Brand New You Book Video Review Available By Clicking This Picture

Newbie Marketers and Branding You

I experienced what happens when you are not focused with the correct mindset for building a business, generating leads and building a list online. Like all newbies to the doing business using the internet, I experienced it all. I was the worse case scenario so I have knowledge to help even the simplest business developer/owner. In the process of overcoming obstacles, I learned that they were only temporary setbacks. I gained mindset skills while gaining skill-sets in the practical side of creating pages, posts, ads, and more. I basically created “the brand new me”!

Here’s where you can register for your copy of “Branding You The Brand New You” today.

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How To Generate Leads With You Tube – Simple Address Book Solution

Generate Leads Using You Tube

Generate Leads Using You Tube

Did you know You Tube is a great place to generate leads?

In this video I’ll show you how to send a message and generate leads with You Tube and  everyone of your subscribers at one time.

YouTube is owned by Google. Your videos have a great chance of getting you on first page of google searches.

If you have contacts or subscribers on your list, using this technique will help you to generate leads and talk to those leads over and over. Of course, spamming them by sending adds is NOT a good use of your time.

However, if you are a business owner and people are subscribing to your list, sending them an informative or “keep in touch” message is the best use of your valuable time.

Authentic branding begins when you genuinely care about your subscribers.

Generate Leads the quick way

Send messages to your subscribers that inform, educate and share coupons or strategies that truly help your clientele.

For more tips on having business success and to generate leads using all online sources, subscribe to my audio newsletter in the upper right sidebar and receive audio messages every few days.

Here’s to your business success, online and offline!

Generate leads using Skype by clicking below.

Generate Leads With Skype.

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Top Tips For Posting To Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr – Posting Click Through Rate Audio MP3

Want Your Links To Get The Most Click Through Rates On Twitter?

Post it on a Monday between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. ET.

Making it easy to post links is what marketers need to cream their competition and get more click throughs to their products and services. Here’s an audio to download to your iphone or ipod to keep it in top of mind!

Listen Now: to the top tips mp3 for posting click through rates on FB, Twitter and Tumblr. , link shortening service researched  the best and worst times to share links on popular social networks, from Facebook and Twitter to blogging site Tumblr.

facebook, twitter, tumblr click through

Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr Click Through Stats

Below are the top tips list for best posting click through rate.

Quick tips Chart:

Facebook M-F 1-4pm ET W 3pm best
Twitter M-F 1-3pm ET
Tumblr – M, T, Su. 4pm  ET earliest Optimal 7-10pm ET F evenings best.

Each social network has its own culture and behavior patterns. “By understanding the simple characteristics of each social network, you can publish your content at exactly the right time for it to reach the maximum number of people.” says. Getting click through rates is easier now.

Do you notice a difference in engagement when posting at different times? Let us know in the comments what  click through services works best for you.

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How Do I Get My List To Open My Emails? Blog Broadcasting With Aweber

blog broadcasting aweber

Wow, blog broadcasting makes emailing a cinch!

Does Blog Broadcasting Get Me More Email Opens?

When I was new to marketing, I had no idea that I could do blog broadcasting and automate emails to a large group of people at one time. Now, I can actually automate my blog posts like this one to send it to my “list” without me going to Aweber.

Before Blog Broadcasting

Before you watch the video, let me tell you what it use to be like.  I had a beautiful woman friend whose email list grew to almost 1000 subscribers. She wrote to me asking for computer help. The email provider she used could not send out her encouraging email to more than 50 people at a time, if that. I had no clue about blog broadcasting and  how to help her. I knew somethings about computers but had I known about Aweber, I could have been a great help to her. She struggled and I couldn’t help her.

But now, it’s different. Now I have alot of knowledge about many things online. I have come to learn about the powerful uses of Aweber. So now, I have gone into my Aweber account and set up an automated email that will take this very post and send it to the lists I desire in my Aweber program.  The $19. monthly charge way more than pays for itself, as my time is becoming more and more valuable.

Transformation Age And Blog Broadcasting

Systems like Aweber are transforming the way we do business online. There are several reputable systems like Aweber. I’m not bias only in that it’s the one I prefer. I have not even scratched the surface with all the trainings in the system but this one thing I saw on someone else’s blog and thought I would go hunting in Aweber to see if I could find out about blog broadcasting.

This video is the training you will need if you want to have your Aweber automate your blog posts via blog broadcasting with Aweber.

Click Here To Use Blog Broadcasting For Your Subscribers.

For more tips using aweber, check out my other aweber trainings go here.

PS. For help marketing your MLM or Network Marketing Business, feel free to schedule a 15 min. free consultation, where I’ll answer a few of your most pressing questions.  Click the “contact” tab.

For help with more than blog broadcasting,  join one of my teams and get greater access to trainings that generate more leads for you.


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What Do I Need For Business Success – Get Business Success Plan Now.

Are You Confused about where to start?

Are You Confused About Where To Start Your Business Success Venture?


Business Success in any MLM, Direct Sales, Affiliate Marketing  and Offline Business is a cinch when you have the right plan.


 Click Here  To Listen To MP3 Presentation   “How To Achieve The Business Success You Want”.


The cycle of business success and life can be demonstrated by the seasons of winter, spring, summer and fall. Each season represents the actions steps to take.  A good farmer knows what season he is in. He takes full responsibility for his actions.

The following steps will help you make the money you want, gain the lifestyle freedom you seek, and have the satisfaction that makes your life worthwhile.

The seasonal cycle is consistent in general and the process doesn’t change.

We do change.  Our harvest gives us clues for what to plant the next spring.

Research and development preparing your seeds

What kind of research are you doing for your business success?

1. Winter time is the season of research and development. Do you have a product you want to create? What products have you created in the past? Do you have an MLM opportunity you decided to join? What companies have to joined in the past? How did that work out for you? Starting a new venture gets easier with each time we venture into the unknown. It is always most difficult the first time. But a mature farmer who understands his seed, who has harvested in the past, knows how to measure his results.

Be encouraged, the first time we plant into anything, we may not reap all we hoped but we will reap. The more massively we sow, the greater our harvest.

What kind of seeds are you sowing?

What kind of seeds are you sowing for business success?

2. Spring is the time to plant the right seeds, the seeds we determined for this season, based on past results. We may sow the same seeds, or seeds of a different kind, which will grow into a plant where with we will reap a harvest of that kind.

But spring is the time to take massive action and break the fallow ground, plant enough seed we can manage. In an MLM, it could be anything from phoning our warm market to placing solo-ads in an ezine. That depends on our past experiences and results.

Are you protecting your field?

Are you protecting your business success field?

3. Summer is the time to nurture that field where we planted. The weeds and bugs will always show up.. always.. It’s life! Knowing this reality will prepare us to remove them so that our seeds will have plenty of room to grow up. Summer is the time to follow up on our prospects, do customer service on our products, send emails, make calls, have team webinars, keep all we’ve sown in tact.

Did you get the business harvest you hoped?

Did you get the business success harvest you hoped?

4. Fall is the time where we see the results of our sowing. The harvest will be as great as the number of seeds we sowed, as well as the number of seeds we nourished and the number of seeds we protected from the bugs and weeds, or the naysayers, doubters and negative onlookers and reactors. When we reap, if a great harvest, reaping without apology for a job well done. If we reap a poor harvest, we must learn to do it without complaining. A farmer takes full responsibility for the seeds he sows and learns from the previous harvest.

We are all sowing seeds for business success and life.

We will reap what grows from the field we’ve sown into. Complainers and ridiculers will reap more ridicule. Negative thinkers will reap more negativity. High performers will reach greater heights. It matters not what we sow. The cycle happens. It’s up to us to awaken to the truth that we are sowing based on what we know.

Let winter be the season for you to take stock of what you know, and determine that you will learn to be a better farmer. Learn from the kinds of farmers you want to be like. Whether its Donald Trump or Mother Theresa, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, your pastor or  your parent. Winter is now. If you are reading this, let today be the day you choose to stop and take stock of where you are and what you want to sow in your spring.

PS. Available: Business Success Audio Newsletter- 52 audio messages sent to your inbox or phone, once a week, like the one above, for a full year.To receive more amazing audio teachings like this, leave your request in the comment box below or contact me here

Read This Positive Affirmation For Business Success:

I am a seed of supernatural greatness planted on this earth for a miracle.

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What is Google+ And How Can I Make Money Online With It?

Anyone up for playing Google+

 Research shows that Google is the master player in the monopoly game of internet marketing.

They have competitors like Yahoo, Bing, MSN, some of which have merged to get some leverage and compete in this game.

Google + is a new game being played. Some say it’s not being played as often as hoped but from what I can see, guys likes Ian Anderson, creator of My Space has connect with half a million in his circles, and Mari Smith, new guru facebook marketer has 10’s of thousands in her circles. They must know something of the game if they’ve decided to play.

Below are some rules and strategies for you to get in the google + game.

Google and facebook connections

Getting Facebook And Google To Help YOU

Getting Facebook Contacts Into Google +

Ok , first question. Where do I go to Import my fb contacts to Yahoo mail? I have in the past imported my yahoo contacts into Google voice contacts. But I don’t know where to import fb to yahoo.

Here’s what you do:
1. Use your existing or create a Yahoo Mail account, login to Yahoo Mail and Import your Facebook contacts to Yahoo Mail.
2. Export your Yahoo Mail contacts to a CSV file (select Yahoo… format)
3. Use your existing or create a new GMail account (and associate it with Google+ through account settings if it’s not the one you used to create the + account) Import the Yahoo format CSV file into GMail.

I did create a new email address for Google+.. that was a real drag.. so many names with the word “Google” in them were taken.

4. On the right side of the “Stream” page in Google+ it will continue to feed “Suggestions” from your GMail contacts, by mousing over “Add to Circles” you can check the boxes for the circles you want people added to. Once they are signed-up for Google+ they will be preconfigured for the circles you’ve assigned.

I love google+ pages

I love google+ pages

Creating Pages In Google +

Like Facebook Google + offers a profile page and business pages (like fb fan pages)

I would recommend:

1. Create a separate G+ page for every web site you do have.
2. Link every G+ page to the respective web site’s home page.
3. You also might want to create G+ pages for different types of products (or web pages discussing different products – over and above your home page).
4. Create (and RESERVE) your G+ pages right now before someone else does it.
5. Upload your company logo.
6.Complete your business profile (AND make sure you provide your web site’s URL)!!
7. If you have a Twitter account, start sharing your G+ page’s URL with your followers so that they can visit your page.

8. Then, start searching for companies (when you are logged in as your G+ Business Page (not your personal G+ profile account) that you want to network with .
Think of keywords – In my case, for example, entrepreneur, business success, mastermind and more.
9. Like their pages and put them in your circles (you can create your own custom ones). You will then start seeing their posts in your stream.
10. Comment on their posts. Slowly but surely they will add you back.
Over a weekend you can have 15 or more already circling you back.
11.Share your business page with the people in your circles under your personal page.
12. Ask them to visit your biz page.

Then… do it every day 🙂

The Games Google Plays

Connecting to Play the Google+ Way

What New Game Is Google+ Playing?

Remember, G+ is a combination of Twitter (the idea of follow and followed back… here they talk about circles) and FB – you can have longer posts than on Twitter.

I know it sounds like a game.

It is a game.

The new monopoly money maker.

For more ways to generate leads and building your list , using Google+ check this out!

  Connect with my Google+ Profile

Connect with my Google+ Biz page


Yours In Mastery,

Caryn Elizabeth
 Milford, PA 18337

Google is playing the game and believing they hold all the cards. Better to get in the Google+ game so you can win a hand or two!


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How Do I Make Money Online? Easy To Start Plan For Marketing Success


It Feels Great To Make Money Online

What Do I Do First To Make Money Online?

I have no idea what the heck I’m doing.

Have you felt this way? You came online to make some money and you discovered you spent way more than you made. And you are no better off now than when you started?

Well, you are not alone. I have spoken to many who have experienced the same thing.

The truth is: You have a conflict. You are an entrepreneur who has misplaced your dream. You have gotten lost in the “opportunities” when you thought you would make some money. But the fact is, you need a business plan, not another opportunity.

Below are some steps you can take to get back on track. But first ask yourself this:  Ask yourself, if the internet did not exist, would I still want to have my own business?

If your answer is yes, continue reading. If not, stop here. This information will be a waste of your time.

How I Make Money Online

I started to learn marketing online  some time ago. I wanted to impact lives.

I learned “how to market” and “who to market to”.

Because of the accumulation of knowledge , I transitioned from looking for “opportunities” to developing a  “business plan“.

Along the way, I  make money online with different programs I’m part of.

Affiliate products, my own products, systems I share with others all add to the multiple streams of income.

I make  commissions on other peoples products I offer to people who I have established

rapport with. I create free products to get people on my list. Then I can offer pay products.

That’s kind of the gist of it!

If you want to know more, it begins by “jumping in”.. and soon decide you want to  create your own business and make money online.

I don't have a business plan to make money online

What The "f" Do I Do First To Make Money Online?

Here’s the place you can start. Allow these steps to give you hope and trigger your suppressed dreams to awaken them again.

Becoming A Strategic Entrepreneur Starts Here.

A. Identify your reason Why.

Ask yourself:
1.Why am I starting this business?
2..Why am I doing this for myself?
3..Why am I doing this for my family?
4.Why am I doing this for my customers or clients?
5. What is it in my heart, mind and spirit that drives me?
6.What is the  ultimate accomplishment I would like  to make?
7.What is the ideal situation?

B. Realize who the people are that you’re looking to create value for and contribute to.

C. Know that there are obstacles.

In the beginning, middle and end of your business career, there are obstacles.
We know they’re there and we know what it takes to surpass them… to break through them.
Realize  that YOU are the only real obstacle in your way.. via.. a limiting belief or confidence level that’s not allowing you to break through. Some results may be digital, some within you. Some may be in the form of money. But every lesson will give a result as long as you take action on it so you can make money online.

Ask yourself the following question:

What are 3 obstacles that are in my way from achieving the things Id like to achieve? e.g. a budget to start your business. Thinking to yourself “I’ve never run a business before! Can I handle it?” I don’t know if I will learn all the technical stuff.

Click To See How To Make Money Online

To Make Money Online In My Own Business Feels So Good

D. You must have a marketing model. A business model  comes first and the marketing model must follow.

Either you are an opportunity seeker or a business owner. Now is a good time to decide so you don’t waste your time in frustration over your lack of success to make money online.  Knowledge + Action + A Positive Attitude = Success

Take time today to do 3 things. Get your “Why” figured out., Answer the above questions about starting your business. Take action by daily  learning more and sharing what you learn.

If you want to learn more about integrating personal development with internet marketing success: go to Make Money Online 



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Learn More About The Master Key Experience

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What is Xobni And How Do I Use It To Make Money Online?

You Become Contacts Smarter With Xobni!

Networking With Xobni Just Got Easier.

Deciding Why To  Xobni

Downloading this program to Outlook and Gmail will help you make money by saving your time and keeping your trips to your inbox useful instead of a time waster! Frustration over lack of time to keep up with email contacts has ended by implementing Xobni.

Marketers are trained to keep different email addresses for each company or domain name purchase. Some online business owners keep affiliate products in separate email addresses. Having several gmail accounts is common. However, there is a problem switching over to gmail from Outlook or yahoo.

xobni makes your contacts smarter

Xobni Makes Your Contacts Smarter So You Make Money Online

Tips to get your contacts into gmail for Xobni

1. In Yahoo email, go to contacts tab. Find export and click to save as a csv file.
2. In gmail, import the contacts.
3. In facebook, find the export list and transfer them to gmail
4. When all your contacts are in gmail, set up Xobni.
5. Link your facebook, Linkedin, and twitter accounts using Xobni.
6. Now you will be able to see the goings on of all contacts in these accounts.

Xobni is one product used to not only connect email accounts together but to automatically link these email addresses with facebook, linkedin and twitter. This is a time saver for marketers and those who use email to prospect for clients by sales and services.

Is Your Contact List Growing Out Of Control?

Xobni spelled backward is “inbox”. Its’ Smartr product suite, discovers all the people you’ve ever emailed, called or SMS’d, and creates complete and social profiles that are instantly searchable. Profiles include a photo, job title, company details, email history as well as updates from your contacts on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Products for Gmail, Android and iPhone are available under the Smartr brand; and Xobni is available for Outlook and BlackBerry. Xobni Pro is the premium offering that connects all Smartr and Xobni products.

Some Statistics for Xobni

Xobni is a rapidly growing company based in San Francisco, California. Xobni is funded by leading venture capitalists and angel investors including: Y Combinator, Khosla Ventures, First Round Capital, RRE Ventures, Cisco Systems, BlackBerry Partners Fund, Baseline Ventures, Atomico Investments, and prominent angel investors.

With this technology in the hands of marketers and business owners, keeping up with the social media status of clients and prospects got way easier. Now you can ‘follow’ someone on twitter right from your inbox, as long as that prospect is in your contacts list. With the option of exporting your facebook contacts to gmail, you may have a gold mine of an opportunity to network more thoroughly with contacts in many places at once.

Making Money With Xobni

Making money online is easier when you have time to dedicate to marketing instead of getting distracted by email. Now you don’t have to fear going into your inbox any longer, thinking your time will be swallowed up. Now checking your email will have a dual purpose. Downloading Xobni will help you make money by saving your time and keeping your trips to your inbox useful instead of a time waster!

PS. To learn more about Xobni and to generate leads and make money online Get Direction Now


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7 Quick Tips How To Use Linkedin To Make Money Online

What Are The Benefits Of Knowing Linkedin?

Will Using Linkedin Help Me Make Money Online?

To connect immediately on Linkedin, click here
To make money using video go here right away

Connecting on Linkedin

has traditionally been for sharing resumes, networking for corporate business. However, online marketers are using it to share there products and services to offline folk as well as other online marketers.

Knowing The Power Of Video When Using Linkedin

Knowing The Power Of Video When Using Linkedin

Online marketers  use Linkedin to connect and share your businesses, their coaching, training and affiliate products.  The possibilities available include  interviewing and finding just the right people you would want in your business, your company or your networking groups.

Video marketers use it to find coaching clients and connections to mastermind with.

Using the Video platform is the quickest way to build “Know Like and Trust”.
Video email is an excellent way and new way to connect with prospects, warm market and family.

Talk Fusion is one of the MLM video platform companies that has become extremely popular.
Video email has quite an affect when it’s sent personally.

Here are 5 tips you can use immediately to begin making money online.

1. Create a Linkedin profile if you don’t already have one.
2. Create a folder stored on your desktop for easy access to your other social media groups you may want to set up profiles for. Use the same one over and over.
3. Type your information in Notepad or Wordpad. I use notepad. (tell you why later)
4. Create a user name and password that you can use over and over.
5. Locate groups you have an interest in and add connections.
6. When someone connects with you, send them a personal greeting. (preferably using video)
7. Create a short bio to use in signature slots for articles and sites that ask for one.

Linkedin Link To Network

Make Money Connecting On Linkedin

Video marketing by far, takes business success to new levels more quickly. Using simple free systems to create videos is the easiest way to get started. Building the “know, like and trust” happens quickest with video.

Video marketing on Linkedin or other social media for a business owner or entrepreneur is made easier when you have a system in place. Using a video platform is especially good if you want to build a residual income while you create videos.

PS To find out how to generate leads every day and create an affiliate  income CLICK HERE NOW

PSS.Learn to brand yourself as a trusted authority on Linkedin and other social media by Clicking Here Now!



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