Category: You Tube

How To Master Happiness

Questioning Happiness

What is your emotional level? Low? We want to move from low to high to help us get through our day to feel great! But perhaps you question your happiness as I did! Worried? There is an instinct in nature! GOD! nature is a proponent of positive thought!

Everything in nature is moving towards creating something greater!

Love, joy, happiness are places we can dwell.

Feeling Happiness

Learning to observe thoughts and feelings are some of the special trainings I received in The Master Key Experience. I’m learning how to think better! We learn to become open to the better and better life! “Joy comes in the morning” Holy Bible

#1 Secret To Happiness

#1 Secret To Happiness

From Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman in the World

“I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. I hear not those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny!

Happiness is your Destiny

I found so many things we did in The Master Key Experience a great help for me. My favorite was connection with others like myself – likeminded individuals. I loved having a guide to direct me toward the next steps without spoiling the surprise that each weeks webinar gave me. I loved the childlike practices, so simple yet powerful. I loved practicing being honest with myself. I loved all the prepared statements that guided me to my greatest interests.

Happiness in The Master Key Experience

Without The Master Key Experience, my life would be on the same ole’ same ole’ track it had been for several years. I found out about the class from an email I was sent. Perhaps you will find a similar email. If it’s your time, you will notice it. I sure did and I’m so glad I discovered the next step to manifesting the better and better life; one where happiness reigns supreme, where steadiness of faith and depth of gratitude become effortless practices.

Get on the waiting list for September 2015 class.

Not sure if The Master Key Experience is for you? Click the pic and get more info here!

The masterkey experience

Learn More About The Master Key Experience

The Master Key Experience gave happiness a permanent place in my life.

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What Is Holiness?

Holiness is true happiness

As You Pray Your Holiness Grows Stronger

As You Pray Your Holiness Grows Stronger

The #1 success secret for a sinner about holiness

What must come first in order to see ourself as holy? The secret to holiness lies in understanding how to create a  foundation. It begins with a mindset of belief and faith the world lacks. It’s such a little secret that it’s easy to miss because our models may not have it either.

Should we have faith in people?

As children, our common tendency is to first observe and then trust others without question.

1. Parents who model good behavior help us believe they love and support us unconditionally.
2. Teachers who model good skill may be trusted and believed if what we are learning seems to advance us towards success.
3. Pastors and Priests may be trusted as we feel we’re getting the training that makes us feel good about God and ourself.

In each case, these mentors can help us or hurt our understanding of how to achieve holiness in life. Because of their placement as authority figures we are vulnerable and therefore susceptible to possible corruption. Belief in holiness and sinning
My lack of knowledge as a youth in the church traumatized me for years. A slight error in judgment early on led me on a life path of failure of heart believing I was a sinner condemned, not loved. I didn’t trust myself which led to my lack of trust of others. I didn’t understand why I lacked confidence and didn’t trust others until many many years later. Because of my desire for truth, I came to learn that Jesus, mature in the knowledge of the truth, modeled someone we could believe and learn from. Trusting Jesus’ teachings, we can achieve a place of maturity and holiness. Knowing God, Jesus taught us how to love God and love ourself to reach holiness.
The Church and our belief
We cannot trust ourselves when making decisions and choices without a proper understanding of self love. We must learn how to set goals with belief in ourself.  Leaning on Jesus’ teachings, we learn how to love ourselves more and accept our failures, forgive ourself and keep going forward towards the whole life he knows will bring us success.

Loving ourselves correctly for holiness

God loves all of us; our strengths and weaknesses.
We have to love and have belief in ourself and take responsibility for our life.

Trusting ourself

We must come to that place of decision. We must seek out and find the truth about love, about God’s love for us, about love and forgivness of others and about holiness. With this understanding, we learn how to believe in God and love, nurture, encourage and build ourselves up in love to success.

Then as we create goals we can accomplish, we must believe they we deserve them. With this belief, we will absolutely trust our decisions and reach the success we desire. Speaking and talking ourself up, we support ourself and properly nurture ourself as we would others we love.

Speaking ourself up toward holiness

Daily speaking words of instruction and encouragement, we build for ourself a life that works. Using the models of others who teach us strategies for success, we set goals and learn how to dream about our future, trusting that our dreams will come true. We can only do this with a belief in God and in ourselves.

*We trust in God that the laws set in place will bring our dreams into reality.
*We trust in ourself that we can have what we want because we are worth it, deserve it and because this is what life is for.
*This glorifies God and pleases Him.

Satisfaction in ourself

Do you think we are born so we can condemn ourself? Have you noticed those of us who judge others and have made a habit of complaining about life. These attitudes and habits are a reflection of how we think about and treat ourself.

What we see is who we are.

The Secret to holiness

We will live without whole life or we can develop ourselves and succeed in life.  The secret we miss when we go after success is the knowledge of how and why to love  ourself. Let’s not let the ignorant teachings of some childhood authorities keep us in the dark by telling us we’re sinners hopeless without a savior. Jesus modeled the life we all are born for. Salvation makes sense when it’s about Jesus’ love and not our sin.

If we are failing in life and things are getting darker, this secret will save us. But how we see ourself is important. We are marvelous individuals with the power to create the life we were born to create. Let this slight error in judgment, believing that we are sinners, be the catalyst to get us to the next step, which is to learn how to love ourself and build ourself up.

Keep negative people at bay

When I was told that I put Jesus on the cross, I didn’t understand what I’d done. What I heard was not what was the truth. It took many many years before I corrected my belief and in my heart understood Jesus’ model of love. He chose the cross. He went of His own fruition. I didn’t put him there. What a terrible idea to plant in childrens’ heads. We have a chance to model godly behavior when we know how to love and nurture ourself. Jesus is one model of great love. There are hundreds of models.

Love yourself today and build yourself up in love to holiness.

Don’t let your misunderstandings taught by ignorant people keep you from the truth that we are unconditionally loved to live our true potential. We each have gifts we were born to give. We can co create in true prosperity and become global agents of change for our planet. Or we can live a more simple life modeling godly behavior in whatever way we desire.

Go right to the source for knowledge and mentorship. Build a foundation for success that withstands the world, inside or outside the authority places of your youth. As we each love ourself, holiness  is present and dreams will absolutely become reality.

Holiness is true happiness




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Web Copy That Works Part 6 – Final Secrets

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This final webcopy video explains the images that sell!

Most Websites’ Images Smother Their webcopy.

1. Illustrate or tease  with the images in your webcopy. 

These are the only two legitimate reasons for an image to exist in your webcopy. Other kinds of images will get attention; but it won’t translate into conversions.

2. Use a hero shot.

A photo of the
author always increases readership.

3. Action shots.

Photos of a product or
benefit in action are very compelling.

4. Proof.

Graphs and charts can be
taken in at a glance  are very persuasive in webcopy.

5. Captions.

All images should have
them—they get twice the readership of
body copy. Use them to sell.

6. Direction.

People in photos should
always be looking towards the copy. It
increases readership significantly.

Watch the video part 6 for how to use Clarity when writing

If you liked this series, you may like my series on getting “unstuck”.

Webcopy strategist


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10 Tips How Do I Write Effective Webcopy Part 5




Revealed: The “Guru Secrets” On How To Write Effective Web Copy That Converts To Sales.

How does the page look?  Watch Now and discover more secrets in Part 5 of Web Copy That Works.


The pages of your copy must be easy to read.  As you plan your page, think about what it should look like. Then follow these simple instructions.

Dense, intimidating, ragged?
Open, inviting, even?

1. Use a single column.
Several blocks of text side by side is like several people talking at

once. It reduces conversion rates.
2. Use subheadings. They break up copy
and, written right, draw in skimmers

A paragraph which itemizes is more effective as a list.

4. Use sidebars.

They’re excellent for calling out testimonials, benefits, proofs, guarantees,

illustrations—anything which doesn’t readily fit into the body copy.

Reversed text is twice as hard to read as dark-on-light.

Font sizes below 16 pixels are very hard for
many people;

as are columns wider than 75 characters
and line-heights below 130%.

Every page should have a call to action asking Sam to fulfill its


Call To Action (the PS)

1. Weight them.
If you have more than one cta, make the primary one dominant.

2.. Three or fewer.
Too many choices will overwhelm Sam and lead to inaction.

To make call to action buttons too big.
As their size increases, so do conversion rates.

4. Use action words.
Start your ctas button with verbs like “click here”.

Please like, comment, and subscribe. I would love your feedback.

Find more complete training watch the Webcopy series

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Book Launch Webinar – Sept 26 – 9-pm Invite- Branding You The Brand New You

Branding You The Brand New You by Caryn Elizabeth

Branding You The Brand New You by Caryn Elizabeth

What is branding myself as a trusted authority?

Branding yourself as an Online marketer is not easy to learn. I experienced 2 years of hit and miss opportunities, programs, messages, people and more. In my new book I will “tell all”.


Offline Businesses And Branding

Branding is something offline businesses need as well as marketers part of network marketing companies.
In a webinar I did with Branding System Pro developer and my business partner Todd Gragg, I expose the mysteries that new marketers have no idea about. Novice marketers may know but are too busy doing to explain to others. Experienced marketers are making money and have no desire to teach strategies that are competition for themselves.

Some teachers and trainers are excellent at sharing this information for large one time price or a monthly charge to be part of a community. But Branding You The Brand New You is a different kind of book. I share my personal journey for the past 2 years. I tell you the people I met, the businesses I was in, the times I was scammed, robbed, and beaten up! No literally, of course. I was online, behind my desk, so to speak!

Newbie Marketers and Branding

I experienced what happens when you don’t know what you don’t know! Like all newbies to the industry, I experienced it all. I was the worse case scenario. But in the process of defeat I was gaining in many ways that I would come to find out was creating “a brand new me”.

If you like this, perhaps you’ll like to know more. Click the banner below now!

The masterkey experience

Learn More About The Master Key Experience

Register for the Branding You Book Webinar that explains it all when you CLICK HERE!

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How Do I Brand Myself? Branding You The Brand New You

Branding You The Brand New You Video Book Review

Branding You The Brand New You Video Book Review By Clicking The Picture.

What does branding you as a trusted authority mean?

Branding yourself  in order to market your goods and services online can be quite a challenging endeavor. Before I wrote my first book about it,  I experienced 2 years of hit and miss strategies, here now gone tomorrow online mentors, skill-set trainings, scam programs, manipulative messages, as well as some great skill and mindset development before I felt like I knew enough to enlighten and teach others. The test of skill is your ability to teach others with proficiency. In “Branding You The Brand New You, I share my experience and secrets as your trusted authority!

Offline Businesses And Branding You

Branding yourself online draws your followers to a specific niche you market to. It is something offline businesses need. It is also what network marketers who are part of Multilevel or Direct sales companies are doing to build huge businesses using the internet. I have been in several companies and have experience with good teams and bad teams, with good leadership and poor leadership.

Leadership and Branding You

Leadership has become one of my passions and it’s due to the poor quality of leadership demonstrated in all these platforms using online marketing. This type of team building draws charismatic leaders but needs much more to keep a loyal following. One must learn how to build “know, like and trust” in order to keep that following. While large businesses like Pepsi, Apple, and Nascar have tremendous skill at this, new wanna be leaders to online marketing training and team building are manipulative and greedy and the followers lose heart over time and jump from company to company looking for someone who has both skill and moral values in leadership.

 Mindset + Skill-set X Performance = Branding You Results

Thousands of businesses are busy marketing their goods and services and customers only see the results of their efforts. Training systems are springing up all over the internet. I’ve been part of a few of them and learned alot using them.

Branding oneself requires the 4 P’s of high performance.

  1. Psychology
  2. Physiology
  3. Productivity
  4. Persuasion.

Experienced marketers are busy keeping up with the changing market for making money and have no desire to teach strategies for future competitors.

Some teachers and trainers are excellent at sharing this information for monthly fees to be part of a training and support community. However, Branding You The Brand New You is a book resource to equip you with coaching to prepare you with a firm foundation for marketing anything online. share my personal journey for the past 2 years. I tell you the people I met, the businesses I was in, the times I was scammed, robbed, and beaten up! Not literally, of course. I was online, behind my desk, so to speak!

Social Media and Branding You

Social media managers are the new trend. Marketers are creating trainings for business owners and affiliate marketers are getting commissions for sharing these training companies. In “Branding You The Brand New You”, I share my social media tips using Facebook, Skype, Linkedin, Twitter, You Tube and other communities and ways to brand yourself as a trusted authority.


Brand New You Book Video Review

Branding You The Brand New You Book Video Review Available By Clicking This Picture

Newbie Marketers and Branding You

I experienced what happens when you are not focused with the correct mindset for building a business, generating leads and building a list online. Like all newbies to the doing business using the internet, I experienced it all. I was the worse case scenario so I have knowledge to help even the simplest business developer/owner. In the process of overcoming obstacles, I learned that they were only temporary setbacks. I gained mindset skills while gaining skill-sets in the practical side of creating pages, posts, ads, and more. I basically created “the brand new me”!

Here’s where you can register for your copy of “Branding You The Brand New You” today.

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How To Generate Leads With You Tube – Simple Address Book Solution

Generate Leads Using You Tube

Generate Leads Using You Tube

Did you know You Tube is a great place to generate leads?

In this video I’ll show you how to send a message and generate leads with You Tube and  everyone of your subscribers at one time.

YouTube is owned by Google. Your videos have a great chance of getting you on first page of google searches.

If you have contacts or subscribers on your list, using this technique will help you to generate leads and talk to those leads over and over. Of course, spamming them by sending adds is NOT a good use of your time.

However, if you are a business owner and people are subscribing to your list, sending them an informative or “keep in touch” message is the best use of your valuable time.

Authentic branding begins when you genuinely care about your subscribers.

Generate Leads the quick way

Send messages to your subscribers that inform, educate and share coupons or strategies that truly help your clientele.

For more tips on having business success and to generate leads using all online sources, subscribe to my audio newsletter in the upper right sidebar and receive audio messages every few days.

Here’s to your business success, online and offline!

Generate leads using Skype by clicking below.

Generate Leads With Skype.

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Best Quick Tips How To Use FREE Skype To Talk To Others



What is Skype and how do I use it?

Is it free? I will share what I’ve learned about  Skype and how it can help you to connect with your business contacts, your friends and your family. There’s a lot to know and I share my secrets and tips on using it.

Many people use this free phone service to connect with business associates, friends, family, in the states and internationally.

This no cost feature is just the beginning of what you get when you create an account.

There are options for viewing video webcams, conference calls, call recording,

contacts organization features, and actually use Skype as your home phone.

You can purchase a phone from them as well.

Also, Watch for offers, sales and specials.

Watch the video and contact me to connect.

Set up your free account here:

PS. Generate 10-20 Leads Per Day For Your MLM or Direct Sales Company with Lead Generation With Skype


When I discovered Skype, it opened up the globe to me!

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How Do I Write Effective Webcopy Pt 4

Webcopy shows us how!


Buying stuff is an emotional thing. Don’t just think through your copy. Sam converts for emotional reasons which he rationalizes.

You must engage his emotions.
You cannot argue him into converting.
When you read over your copy you’ll sense places where you need to reignite Sam’s desire.

These intuitions are invaluable.

More Strategies for Lead Generation using great webcopy, get the full series

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