Tag: caryn elizabeth

Hot Tips To Consider Before Approaching “Coaching Clients” Who Make The Best “Coaching Clients”?

When a coach prospects for clients, what is his expectation?  How little a success does a prospect  have to have acheived before a good coach will work with them? These are the questions I asked of a coach who recently contacted me. Perhaps you would have similar questions and concerns and my story will help you. Do you want to have success in business? Do you want to have a coach who will give you the support and empower your abundance?

Are your  circumstances  difficult presently? Do you feel like you don’t know if I have what it takes to have business success? Perhaps you still  feel compelled to keep going online. Perhaps in time, with the accumulation of skill and staying power, you will make the money you desire.

Young and without skill and “sales” training, I won people’s affection by sheer enthusiasm. Naive, and with poor leadership, I “endured” rather than “grew” as a leader.  In my journey, what I have had to overcome has made me stronger and developed me in many ways.

As a married woman, I felt very strong, confident and safe. I tolerated my differences with my former spouse. I don’t like going back over all the details of the past, as they seem fuzzy now and my words may no longer be accurate.

I feel as though I sacrificed my relationship with my girls so that they could maintain a good relationship with their dad, one I did not have with my own, and one I knew was necessary for their stability in good male female bonding.

In my own college experience at a young, on my own 17 yr old,  I studied graphic design and have always considered myself the “artist” type. I trained for and briefly taught Montessori in Florida. Along with other untraditional ideas, I delivered my children at a birth center,  homeschooled my children all the way thru there school years, taught art classes in a coop for 5 yrs. and finished up my teaching there 1 week ago.

I also, in the past few days signed my divorce papers after 4 yrs. of  painful grieving, brokenness  and present rebuilding process. Feeling a deep need to get to the root of my pain, and so  I could achieve a sense of freedom and abundance, a friend introduced me to a group that did “treasure hunt”, a concept of praise, worship, preparation and  prophetic evangelism which manifested in street ministry. Praying for others who were in deep need of hope, healing and encouragement, I decided to take more classes to help me further my knowledge so I could pray on a team at a church if I so chose. Taking the 30 wk class using the book  ” Transformation of the Inner Man”, by John and Paula Sanford, I would now have the authority to pray on a team at church and also feel confident in other arenas..

Seeking truth has always been my passion and I seem to have failed forward over and over. In the past 8 yrs. I have attended Prophetic conferences, training classes, prayer and worships schools, home churches, AA mentoring sessions, and read probably 50 books on everything from overcoming rejection to the longings of the human heart.
Because of my intimacy with God, I am at a level of relationship where I know many of His ways better than those around me. It has been painful getting here. I don’t claim to have done this the right way. It has been “a ” way and I don’t wish it upon anyone. I am concerned that others may not be able to endure the process I went thru to arrive where I am now.

So I am not religious.

I sense that I provide a bridge for those who are disconnected from their true value. I provide encouragement and direction  because I have experienced much of the woundedness that is common to many who wish to have success in life but can’t find the open door. I apologize for not using practical terms here. I have certain style vocabulary in areas of the spirit of man and  still feel a lack in the practical side of life.

My journey has been more spiritually attuned which concerns me in my ability to start a new business and help others succeed in a practical way.

I have sat in my room for hours at a time, seeking God in the Word. I have been given revelation knowledge via Holy Spirit with  insight from the Living Word, the  Bible. God’s Word is the starting point for revelation and the Holy Spirit is there when the Word is not available. I do have many scriptures memorized.

As I am sitting here writing, I wonder if anyone really cares and would identify with this. You see, this is part of the battle I experience. Am I of value to others? Does what I have to say really matter? Does my lack of business savvy make me ineligible for success as an entrepreneur?

Having experienced life so far, I am no longer demanding. I don’t want to fight. I want to love and I don’t know whether I have what it takes to own a business and lead others in it. So this is where a coach comes in. How long will it take for me to have success financially, which is what a business can do for me? What kind of business is a good fit? I am familiar with MLM’s and have been approached by several great people who are in them. Ray Higdon, Amanda Marie, Tabitha Ricketts,  Adam Whiting, Rick Herbst, Yo Le, Armon Anderson, and many others.

Because of my financial desperateness which I feel I may have brought on by my denial and inability to fight against, after 3 1/2 yrs, I  filed for food stamps. I have a loose front tooth which requires  over 2k to repair. I have a vehicle that is in need of more repair before it can be inspected again for the 3rd time, and little money. I have a ccd co. hounding me for the $ I borrowed for my business venture. Unfortunately, my former spouse over the four years continued to lower my allowance, and i have been reduced to $25. a week. He does pay the mortgage on my lovely home but this has severely changed my lifestyle.

I just took a job at an upscale hotel in guest services, and I have a 23 yr old controlling, power hungry woman assistant manager who has an agenda and tests me continually. She wrote me up after 2 weeks training, for making a mistake. I am patient but I was humiliated by this and wonder if this is common in businesses. I am not accustomed to being around people like her as i have steered clear of negativity because of the drain. My alimony gives me nothing until my house is sold. All of this adds to the strain and overcoming it is a challenge.

My concern is that I may never have financial success which I need to achieve to live as well as I’d like. I am just in need of a step by step approach from where I am presently to where I want to be, which is free from the past, free from negative employers, and free to be accepted and valued as a leader who also loves others and wants them to succeed.

No matter where we are in life, in business, we all need to have experienced business owners who will mentor and train us towards higher success. Robert Kiyosaki,  the coach who contacted me, coaches many others over the years, including Susan Sly, who I recently was introduced to. Jeffery Combs is a well known business coach who has been in the business since the 80’s. Many who have spoken at No Excuses Conference, have been coached by Jeffery. He does charge a fee but is worth every penny. Business success begins with having the right mindset, coaches and team.

ps. If you have no way of paying for your coaching services, perhaps you can start here. It’s never too late to get the step by step training for business success that you may desire. Go Here Now:  Step By Step Business Success

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/

What Are “Facebook Notes”? How “Facebook Notes” Helps Make Money Online



As I was browsing my doc’s  on in my facebook group United Tribal Community Group, I noticed a post with html codes to spice up your facebook notes. There was an awesome training on using facebook notes to post articles, use a “ps” regular link and tagging facebook groups for maximum exposure. This technique granted me a large following as I implemented this in one note called Looking For Love and My Journey Around The Corner“.


The Notes section in Facebook is a great way to post your articles and redirect toward your website, blog, squeeze page, optin form or another article. Tagging groups you are marketing towards is a natural way of syndicating and gaining lead opportunities. Asking people to comment is an excellent way of getting feedback and testimonials you can post on your blog.    Also, you may want to post a survey. This is a way of giving a “call to action” that is “passive” but effective.


Create a facebook strategies folder on your desktop. Place this simple chart in a notepad and store in your folder for ease of access.   If you know what to do to make your notes look clear and easy for anyone to read, this  not only empowers you but your readers will enjoy it and come back for more. Remember to give them “valuable” content and be authentic and you are well on your way to having business success. Targeting the right prospects with this facebook notes strategy is just one way to find people you want to work with, sell to, and even partner with on future projects.



Make your Facebook notes easy to read and more attractive using these simple codes. Facebook gives some of these options in the notes section but you may want to keep these in a notepad for access other times.

  • Bold: <b>this text is bold</b>
  • Italics: <i>this text is italic</i>
  • Underline: <u>this text is underlined</u>
  • Strikethrough: this text is crossed out
  • Big text: <big>this text is big</big>
  • Small text: <small>this text is small</small>
  • Insert a link: <a href=”URL”>this text is a link</a>
  • Insert a headline: <h1>This is a Level 1 Headline</h1>
  • Numbered (ordered) list: <ol>

<li>list item 1</li>

<li>list item 2</li>

<li>list item 3</li>

<li>list item 4</li>


  • Bulleted (unordered) list:

<li>list item 1</li>

<li>list item 2</li>

<li>list item 3</li>

<li>list item 4</li>


  • Hyperlink an image: <img src=”image link” alt=”image title”>
    caption text


PSS. So you never miss any Facebook Notes, GET Your PC Repaired Right from home here!


Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/what-are-facebook-notes-how-facebook-notes-empowers-business-success/

“Personal Power” And Relationships – How Do I Get “Personal Power” Into My Life?




Hi My name is Caryn Elizabeth and I want you to know that you can keep a positive attitude using your personal power in both your business and personal relationships. You can change your life when you know the secrets of reconditioning those negative beliefs to create a more positive mindset.

Personal Power Mindset

We all use our minds to perform actions daily, some positive and some negative. We have 2 perspectives generally and move away from pain and move toward pleasure or the lesser painful choice. While entering into a choice, if we are conditioned to see it as painful, we will sabotage our success. If we have a painful mindset about the experiences it is causing regression in our life of personal power.

Relationships are an area where one can be conditioned towards pain or pleasure. Even our relationship with God can be painful . Some people have a negative attitude about God and avoid religion because of a negative conditioned view and it can be painful and therefore avoided all together. If you have a negative attitude about God, we are missing a part of our life, the life in the spirit.

Commercials marketing us have conditioned our minds get use to thinking a certain way about a product. Catchy tunes are unforgettable and become “truth” to us. But we can recondition our minds toward the positive if the things we are conditioned towards do not serve our potential positive destiny.

Personal Power  Emotions 

We can begin to shift the positive emotions we may have during a football game and use those emotions to begin associating a positive feeling about something we have perceived as a negative.

If we want a positive destiny and make a difference in people lives, reconditioning our negative mindset is the best investment we can make in ourselves. Does the negative mindset serve you? Of course not.

 Personal Power Homework

I suggest you pick 3 areas where you have positive mindset and choose 3 areas you have a negative attitude about. Realize that if we have 2 painful choices, we will always choose the lesser of the 2.

We have the personal power to recondition our thinking and we can have a positive attitude about God as well. God’s given us a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. We can recondition the negative mindset about God and unblock your spirit life to live more sound in God.

Your life is important and you can make an impact for others by example or by teaching. Be inspired! Be motivated  to do something that replaces boredom. Invest in yourself. You are very valuable. You can make the difference in one persons’ life which could affect thousands.

PS.  Go Here To Get Your Power!

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/personal-power-in-relationships/

Best Tips For Great Video Marketing| Successful Video Marketing Review

Successful  video marketing must  grab your attention, entertain, have value to offer, and the answer the viewer came to get.

Hi, My name is Caryn Elizabeth and I am here to answer the following  question: What must I do to make a great video?  In

This review, I want to share with you the best tips I know for creating videos.

As a facebook user, I friended Randy Gage, who I have followed since around 1990. For over 20 yrs Randy has been speaking on prosperity and since 2007 has been recording videos for Prosperity TV, his You Tube channel.

His  videos are  an excellent example of media marketing. I decided to dissect one of his videos so I could share his strategy and successful video marketing elements with you. When creating a video there are 8 things Randy  includes.

1.    A good introduction
2.    A presell of about 10 sec.
3.    Several slides which change in distance and last between 10 and 20 seconds each
4.    Music that is distinct for each section (for intro, presell, body and post sell-call to action)
5.    Valuable content that he is  passionate about sharing
6.    Links and calls to action at the beginning and end of the video
7.    A  Moral or lesson learned, a bringing it home statement
8.     A call to action given at the end.

Video Marketing can draw your audience to you quicker than any other form of communication.   Videos and articles work hand in hand. Having a good description and tags with relevant keywords are important in the description of the you tube video for SEO.

Posting your videos to You Tube, and other Video sites with a  link to other places to see your content is best. Placing your video links on your facebook page is also an excellent way to share your passion, your value and direct others to your video channel, blog or website.

Leveraging the knowledge of others using systems and experienced marketers like Randy Gage,  is the quickest and least expensive way to get  thousands of views to your pages, blog, you tube channel or other sites you use.. These 8 elements should be included in your videos. Remember to stick with what you know and are passionate about.

In order to have success in marketing, creating quality videos is vital. Learning these online techniques is much easier  now with  free marketing training systems available. Experienced entrepreneurs know how to  attract clients and train their team members using either free or monthly fee type training systems.

Like Randy Gage’s Prosperity TV,  being prosperous begins with being consistent and persistent. With these great  video marketing tips, you can create the successful videos that will produce the prosperous  life you are seeking.

For more information on creating great videos and learning with a free training system, go to http://learnnetdivvy.com.


Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/best-tips-for-great-video-marketing-successful-video-marketing-review/

Relationships And My Journey Around The Corner

Looking For Love In All The Right Places

I’m writing to share with you a quick note about  how  you, my facebook friend, have impacted my life for the better.  Relationships mean so much to me and YOU are so special to me. My life would not be the same without you in it. I honor and respect you. I love what you are doing in your life, you work, and your relationships with others. I just wanted to tell you that!

In a very short time, my life will take a turn and I will move and start a new chapter in my life. Perhaps many of you have gone thru the journey of divorce. This is my first time.

I know how crazy it feels from the first moment of shock to finalizing the divorce papers. Yes, it sucks to experience the head trip.  But now I know one more thing that many humans have experienced.

Now I understand some of what you may feel or have felt. I want you to know that it’s going to be ok. We are survivors. In fact, we are more than conquerors of this circumstance.

So if anyone of you has been through divorce, I’d love for you to comment on what you learned about yourself and how it’s helped you to be a better person.

Perhaps you’re more understanding of others. Maybe you’re STRONGER. What have you learned that you can share with others?

You have become my huge facebook family. Many of you men have humored me, taught me things, or have asked  to date me! Many women have inspired me, loved on me, <3 encouraged me and showed me attention.

So many men and women have helped me become a better marketer. 🙂

I am grateful for every single one of you. My life would not be the same without you. Yes, there are  a lot of you. You live in places I may never go. And yet, I have been there in my mind as we’ve chatted, messaged or skyped.

My life is fuller and because of you, I am rich. I may have never been physically in your presence but you have touched my heart, which transcends time and space.

When I think with the end in mind, I want to always be friends with you, forever and ever. This is love. I don’t want to fight with you.

I want to love you.

So today, to all my untangible friends, know that you have been kissed and hugged by me. I will love you till forever.

Let us celebrate freedom from relationships with those who don’t see our value and who don’t want our love. Celebrate my freedom with me by sharing what you have learned about starting a new chapter as a single person. I will be sure to alert you the day I sign that final form.

Please help me further if you want to, by answering these 5 questions!  Thank You ((huggs))

1.Have you ever been divorced?

2.What was your chief problem going through it?

3.Now that it’s happened what advice would you give me?

4.What was the one thing you wished you had that you never found?

5.What was the most valuable thing that made the difference in your victory?

I would love to know all of what you have to say!     Leave your comments here. Let me know if you like my Looking For Love Page. Thank you.

PS.. For some excellent dating tips, and relationship advice I found to make lasting relationships and keep romance alive in your present ones,  Click Here Now!

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/relationships-and-my-journey-around-the-corner/

Free Ways To “Advertise My Business”| UK And USA Businesses How To “Advertise My Business” Online

advertise my business for free

Geez, how do I advertise my business free online?

Are you asking “How do I advertise my business for free?”

Do you ask yourself, “How do I advertise my business online without it breaking the bank?” Using newspapers or costly yellow pages ads, is considered  old school, outdated and not cost effective. This is causing many competitive small business owners to gravitate to online advertising. Many have actually asked their spouses or children for help to bring them up to speed. There seems to be a lot to learn and many successful offline but ignorant online business individuals feel overwhelmed.

Online marketing consultants may be the answer to your problem. If you want immediate help learning how to market your business online without getting ripped off or spending a lot of money, go directly to the link below.

Many small business owners asking how to advertise my business, have little to no idea of what forms of advertising are available.

Even more want to advertise your business for free and don’t know where to find help.

There are knowledgeable consultants and legitimate training systems available online that help small business owners learn how to market their businesses online. Trained professionals can give you free tips all day and it wouldn’t exhaust their knowledge. First off, they will help you brand yourself and your business. They can help you posture yourself and your business in a professional way using facebook, twitter and you tube, just to name a few of the most popular ones. There are many forms of free marketing online and any small business owner can benefit immediately from learning anyone of these methods.

There are 2 ways to get the knowledge on “how to advertise my business” that you need.

Number 1: You google “how to advertise my business on google” and figure it out. The benefits of googling it yourself is that it costs you only your time. You can also use You tube videos to teach you just about anything. I recommend you take a look at other competitors sites and channels.

Number 2: You hire a consultant to explain what’s available. He can offer you tools and systems with ranges from “free” to thousands of dollars. Leveraging someone else’s experience has proven to be a better use of time.

Consultants fees range from $50. per session into the hundreds per hour. Whether opting in for a one time session, or a monthly consultation, he/she can offer you many tools including online marketing training systems which range in cost from free to $150.00 a month, depending on your budget. These specialists will save you hundreds to thousands of dollars and are in demand by your competition. Knowledge +Action + a Positive Attitude =Success. It can be a lot of fun learning all the ways to get free advertising for your business.

One more tip I can offer you right now is to begin placing free ads on Craig’s list. You can create a text ad or hire someone with experience in hyperlinking, to make the ad for you and post it monthly. Once the ad is made, you only need to renew it monthly.  Craig’s list is free in many cities.

While it may feel overwhelming at first, I’m confident that you can learn these marketing techniques and before long, they will become second nature. Consultants have spent the time already learning what would take you months, if not years to learn and they are able to answer the question “how do I advertise my website” as well.  Consulting with experienced online marketers is probably the most cost effective use of your budget. There is a lot to know. The most profitable way a small business owner can cream the competition is to begin now advertising your business online using the many secret free ways available. Find a consultant you can trust.

Ps. For more tips and strategies on how to advertise my business online and dominate your competition, Click Here Now.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/free-ways-to-advertise-my-business-small-business-owners-how-to-advertise-my-business-online/

Caryn Elizabeth Does The Member SpotLight On NetDivvy Channel

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmhG7shogCA[/youtube]  http://www.NetDivvy.com

This week the NetDivvy member spotlight falls on Caryn Elizabeth. Caryn is interviewed about her rise to the first page of google for article marketing due to her article training, and she owes it to the great head start Netdivvy training. Listen to Caryn talk about all that NetDivvy provides and how it’s helped her get off on the right foot. Her elevator is going to the top floor! Watch this member spotlight!

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/caryn-elizabeth-does-the-member-spotlight-on-netdivvy-channel/

Internet Training School- Free Internet Training For Beginners


Our economy has seen better days. With the change in work structure and companies outsourcing traditional jobs, men and women of all ages are finding themselves with a reduction in income and/or the loss of work.

Rumor has it that people are making a living using the internet. But is it possible in this vast sea, with many professional businesses marketing their goods, that the “nemo’s” can find a training school to teach them how to create an income, while adventuring outside the safety net of the traditional 9-5?

The need for “schooling” is vital for newbies casting their nets online. Systems have been developed by experienced marketers as a way of helping little fish navigate the big pond so they can get a good start in the industry. With the large population of “sharks”, strategic schooling will protect students from scammers looking for chum bait. The safety net of a good training school is the best option for new marketers.

Hundreds and hundreds of new marketers are flocking to the internet to make money. While there are many different training sites, finding one willing to give valuable training without expecting compensation is always better.

Not all marketers are equal. Some marketers have made large sums of money and desire to help others learn from the mistakes that experimenting taught these prosperous entrepreneurs. This saves their students hours of pain for an opportunity  to gain income some desperately need.  A thriving economy is good for businesses. True entrepreneurs know this. Training schools set up by entrepreneurs are cropping up.

Free Internet schools offer hours and hours of step by step training to their students. This valuable information can be used by grade school students, college age men and women and especially those already working.  They do require self motivation and discipline to follow the lessons independently.  However, the great benefit is that it’s done in the convenience of your own home with a computer. Working employees use their lunch hour and evening hours to hone their skills. A laptop is even a better option as you can training on the go.  Some schools offer additional live webinars so students can ask questions.

Like any trade school, once learned, this knowledge can be used in any marketing niche. Many use these skills in their MLM businesses, direct marketing companies and in their own small businesses or LLC’s.  With knowledge in place on how to market oneself, trained students develop leadership skills, personal development strategies, and ultimately become independent contractors with the spirit of a true entrepreneur.

Whether young or old, the internet is un-bias. Excellent training will show you how to find and follow other industry leaders going where you want to go. Free training school that offers the opportunity to maximize earnings without cost is a true find. Don’t let the word “free” cause you concern that you will receive very little.  Not only do these training schools give back substantial valuable training, they awaken the spirit of the entrepreneur in advanced marketers as well as the “nemo’s”. The income will follow as you cast your net for a good online training school.


Please feel free to contact me for the valuable help needed for success online.  COMPENSATION PLAN

Caryn Elizabeth is a new breed of Social Media Franchise Marketers.(SMFM). Passionate about affecting  lives of new online marketers, she provides step by step success strategies  online business owners. She teaches advanced strategies for list building by generating leads.

Go Here To Friend Me  Caryn’s Facebook Page . “Like” her fan page ” Caryn Elizabeth”. so you will receive regular content updates.

Founder of “United Tribal Community Group” on Facebook, Caryn highlights members and offers an opportunity to advertize their businesses there. As a NetDivvy Executive, all are welcome to join.

Caryn’s You Tube Channels: NetdivvyCaryn and  Caryn Elizabeth Live

For Free Training System Caryn Recommends: Join here —->>> http://www.LearnNetDivvy.com <<<—–

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/internet-training-school-free-internet-training-for-beginners/

Yahoo Inbox Overload- How To Create Filter And Free Up Time

When you have too much email and no time to organize it, let your filters help you! This short step by step video will show you how to create a filter for multiple emails from the same sender or subject. http://bit.ly/fhm3HF


Please feel free to contact me for the valuable help needed for success online.

Caryn Elizabeth is a new breed of Social Media Franchise Marketers.(SMFM). Passionate about affecting  lives of new online marketers, she provides step by step success strategies  online business owners. She teaches advanced strategies for list building by generating leads.

Friend her on facebook  http://www.facebook.com/carynlee910 . “Like” her fan page ” Caryn Elizabeth”. so you will receive regular content updates.

Founder of “United Tribal Community Group” on Facebook, Caryn highlights members and offers an opportunity to advertize their businesses there. As a NetDivvy Executive, all are welcome to join.

Caryn’s You Tube Channels: NetdivvyCaryn  and  Caryn Elizabeth Live

For Free Training System Caryn Recommends: Join here —->>> http://www.LearnNetDivvy.com <<<—–

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/yahoo-inbox-overload-how-to-create-filter-and-free-up-time/

Response To Dale Werner’s Af-FORM-ation’s Video

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_L5_vx6CO4[/youtube]Dale Werner did an excellent job on his video training called  “Program Your Mind for Success | Part 4 | The Mirror Technique.

This is a video response to it. I am actually doing the techniques he prescribed. Enjoy this entertaining rendition. You can find Dale’s video here.


You see how it’s done… repeatedly speaking into your success is what makes your future a success.Internet marketers are tapping in to the expert techniques that true entrepreneurs have implemented  to thrust them all the way to the top of their industry!

Like Terry Dorland says, use “smart” techniques like professional athletes use, to get them over the slump of a wound. Use the personal development techniques prosperous entrepreneurs have used when they found themselves in the ups and downs of financial strain. And keep your eye on the prize!

If you like this, perhaps you’ll like to know more. Click the banner below now!

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Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/response-to-dale-werners-af-form-ations-video/

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