Tag: cedrick harris

Network Marketing Leadership – Top Tips For Communication Skills

Network Marketing Leadership Courses Available Here

It’s So Nice When We Know The Laws Of Network Marketing Leadership of Communication

Do You Need Help With Your Network Marketing Leadership?

Network Marketing leadership is a great skill if done well. The  laws of communication teach us how to have the highest performance from our coworkers, employees and business partners as well as in family relationships.  Here are my top tips for network marketing leadership for  success in business and in your own personal development.

Communicating effectively comes from well-developed relationships. For without trust and respect, no matter what is communicated, it will not be received well. The fundamental aspects of workplace network marketing leadership have far less to do with grand mission statements, ideal market conditions, desires to serve a customer, or the need for one’s professional advancement, but with how one person treats another as well as how an organization’s culture is aligned.


Network Marketing Leadership And The Law Of Communication

Communicating done by leaders, business builders, parents or friends is a skill that can be learned. Learning how large businesses have success using online training courses should encourage you that it can be done effectively by following the lead of great men and women who implemented  the right strategies for network marketing leadership with others.

Key Elements of Network Marketing Leadership

  1.  Communicate vision, mission, intent, and philosophy.
  2.  Communicate regularly, clearly, effectively and actively
  3.  Communicating best not be missing or strained.

The following are qualities Ronald Reagan and other network marketing leadership have.

  •  Made easy jokes with reassurance.
  • Maintained grace under pressure
  • Turned enemies into friends.
  • Put humility before honor
  • Held straight forward conviction
  • Avoided bigotry and prejudice
  • Was candid , had tough words
  • Manly conduct
  • Gave clear invitation to a new beginning
  • Was politely stated
  • Loved a good story
  • Conveyed strength and gentleness
  • Possessed steadfastness and calm
  • Maintained cheerful confidence
  • Exhibited eloquence
  • Demonstrated inspirational conduct
  • Offered humor and laughter
  • Acted on behalf of values and ideals.

  Click Here For Audio Portions From Law of Communication by Richard Schuttler

Here are some graphs  Network Marketing Leaders use from the book “Laws of Communication”.

Law of communication 2011-05-29_2047_l_of_c__chart_1

Law of communication chart 1

Law of communication 2011-05-29_2047_l_of_c__chart_2

Law of communication Chart 2


Click Here To Become A Powerful Network Marketing Leadership Master.

Whether you are the CEO of a corporation or the owner of your own business the Network Marketing Leadership online training courses available using the  “Laws of Communication” make the difference between success and failure in life.


If you like this, perhaps you’ll like to know more. Click the banner below now!

The masterkey experience

Learn More About The Master Key Experience

Network marketing leadership training and courses are available online.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/network-marketing-leadership/

What Is A Good Home Business? Top Tips Review On The Best Home Business

home business woman in Visalus

My home business With Visalus Just Feels Right

What Kind Of Home Business Is Best For Me?

Finding a home business is difficult unless you know what’s out there and what source you can trust.
Here are some tips to help you find one.

Find A Good Home Business From Trusted Sources

1. First thing to do is to read “Success From Home”.
2. Visit Npros.com and look at the new businesses launching
3. Consider the niche you would want to be apart of.
4. Think about the needs in the marketplace at the time you’re looking
5. Ask your friends what they know as a good business.
6. Search on google “good home business” or “Review on best home business”
7. Visit You Tube and look at videos of companies you might be interested in.
8. Ask people who do marketing, such as a coach or marketing trainer for advice.

These tips will help you get started searching for a good home business.


A few more tips on a good home business.

A home business  is primarily run out of your home. You need to have a good phone system like skype phone plan that keeps your costs to a reasonable minimum, especially at the beginning, when you are learning the specifics. You need a special place you can designate as an “office” during working hours.

home business man in Visalus

My Visalus Home Business Is The Perfect Fit

The Challenge And Having A Good Home Business

You’ll want to check your schedule and be sure to implement discipline in yourself regarding giving time and some money to get your business underway. You may even want to find a coach, mentor or leader in the company to mentor you.

Your mindset is a component you need to have discipline over. Any home business requires some office skills, business skills, negotiating skills and listening skills. Finding a team of people you like working with is important as well. Don’t settle for second best. Find an upline that offers incentives, contests, and strategies including 3 way calling to assist your success.

The home business must have a good attrition rate. That’s the keeping part of the industry. More people leave home businesses within the first 90 days. If the compensation plan is good, it helps!

If you want to know more about the Visalus home business this video talks about, Click Here Now.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/what-is-a-good-home-business-top-tips-review-on-the-best-home-business/

Visalus Review And Treadmill Walking Top Tips For 90 Day Challenge

Keeping you up to date on my 90 day challenge with Visalus

In this Visalus Review video, I share with you my top tips  and schedule for walking regularly,  the part I’m playing in team building and in keeping in good health as a business woman and team leader.

Get On It Now

Watch My Visalus Video Update 

It’s been about 3 weeks since I joined Cedrick Harris,
Larry Beacham and Todd Gragg, to build a strong foundation
and another stream of income with this Network Marketing Magnet.

The statistics for Visalus are real.
Being the #1 Network Marketing Company in over a market of
5000 Direct Sales companies, the products, the purpose,
and the people make it a win win for me!

As I take the 90 day health challenge, I want to
keep you up to date on my progress with Visalus.

The video is me.. as usual, being a ham.. I love

Just thought this experience was too good to leave
you out of the loop. Hope you’re keeping yourself
in good health this season.

I tend to exercise less and eat more in the winter! YOU?

Yeah.. I thought so…

visalus neuro

Get more energy drinking Visalus Neuro

 Well, this Visalus Video Shares My Experience

I share one of my secret Visalus Shake recipes with you.
I tell a bit about the team, about an upcoming party in
Cincinnati and more…

Click Here To Get Started

For more info: 507-726-3700

I’m available to personally answer your questions

The Body by Vi 90 day health challenge is only part of Visalus as the #1 Network Marketing Company in 2012.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/visalus-review-and-treadmill-walking-top-tips-for-90-day-challenge/

Larry Beacham “Stone-cold Millionaire” Interview – Visalus Right Timing!

Who Is Larry Beacham?

Is Visalus The Best Choice Larry Beacham Found For 2012?

Men and women all over the internet and throughout our culture have questions and concerns about creating an income or generating leads for their business. Direct Sales is one option for them. Some see the future of online marketing to generate the leads they need to create that income.



Larry Beacham was one of those average people who just a few years ago, saw what you may have realized recently! Creating the income to fuel your dreams begins with the right company in it’s momentum! Learning the skills needed to generate leads became a passion for this father of 5, living in a 900 sq. foot home.  With the mentorship of Cedrick Harris and the drive Larry had (his WHY),in March of 2008,  this friendly guy created a the Top Lead Generator For Linkedin. He sold 425 copies of this eBook in the first 2 hrs. of his launch.

Larry Beacham Accomplishes Much

 Top trainer in both IMTool Suite and Daily Income Network, this outstanding businessman is very focused and it shows in the massive action he takes. National Director with Visalus Sciences, Larry is headed for Ambassador by the end of March 2012, although he has suggested the Feb. 28 is his personal goal. He strives for the heights!

“Visalus fits the bill for many” says Larry Beacham !

The company, the compensation, the products are timely. The details and the Visalus system is both simple to follow so that an average person can create an above average income. This interview with Larry Beacham explains his “why” pretty clearly.

After you watch the video, message me so I can get you more information or to get you going with my team. I’m here to make you feel welcome, supported and get you the financial freedom, time freedom and the feel of community you may be looking for.

Larry Beacham National Director Visalus

If Stonecold Millionaire Larry Beacham, Average Guy Promotes 90 Day Challenge, I'll give it a shot!

The Challenge Magazine via Larry Beacham

Have an outstanding day! But don’t be standing alone! Life requires more of you than that! Like Larry Beacham, the former cable guy from Columbus, OH, you too deserve to be on a winning team in 2012.

Click Here To Get Started

For A Quick Preview: call 507-726-3700

Call me: 570-580-0756 and I’ll give you a chance to talk with Larry Beacham yourself so you can get the direction to make the smart choice.


Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/larry-beacham-stonecold-millionaire-interview-visalus-right-timing/

How To Prospect For Visalus – 3 Top Tips To Quality Visalus Team

Get Started Prospecting The Visalus Way

Get Started Prospecting The Visalus Way

How do I find good people for my visalus team?

Visalus is the kind of company that attracts people of all kinds. Some people who like good health may find it easy to join. While smokers, drinkers, and those with poor lifestyle may not enjoy it as much. However, those who discover the need to change their lifestyle for a more healthy one may discover it’s just the right thing for them.

Who do I look for when I prospect for Visalus?

Prospecting for Visalus can be done several ways. Some of the best ways are as follows.

1. Look for anyone who is either in good health or may need to improve their health

2. Talk to others and ask them what they would do if the sky was the limit.

3. Market visalus as a way to make money, be healthy, and network with others like themselves.

These are the top 3 things people in visalus are looking for. Good health, Time freedom, and financial freedom.

you can do it with Visalus

You can do it with Visalus

When should I prospect for Visalus Reps?

Just after you go through your getting started training, you want to begin sharing your plans for you 1st challenge party. After you first party, you may use other methods of connecting with others. Don’t leave anyone out. Like Cedrick Harris, my sponsor has said “A dud may lead to a stud”..

Visalus Mindset.

Very important with Visalus or any MLM, Direct Sales, or Internet Marketing Business is to not be attached to the “outcome”. Be conscious of the process and the prospecting. Invite, share, provide information, and just let people decide if its the right timing for them.

Enjoy the process. Success comes with a mindset that you are gaining knowledge, skill, ability with a positive attitude. Look for the bright side and it will appear. Good Luck with your Visalus business. Stars and Cars is the best Visalus motto to live by!

To get started in Visalus click here

To learn more about Visalus and the 90 day health challenge Call 507-726-3700

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/how-to-prospect-for-visalus-3-top-tips-to-quality-visalus-team/

Visalus Journal 1 – Caryn Elizabeth By The Pool In Tampa

Hotel Pool In Tampa For Visalus Challenge Party

Hotel Pool In Tampa For Visalus Challenge Party

Visalus Challenge Party Planning

Getting Excited About Meeting Cedrick Harris of Visalus

Being part of Team Takeover, led by Cedrick Harris, has given thousands, including the new comers   Toby and Layla Black, an opportunity to bring their team to a winning compensation plan leading the industry in 2012. T and L recently resigned from My Video Talk to dominate the competition and have already earned BMW’s.

Between Empower Networks’ David Wood of MLSP, Numis, and other affiliate products, and Cedrick Harris, of MLSP and owner of IMToolSuite, I have become on the radar of great leadership. These 2 companies are the place we want to be in 2012 with all star leaders and excellent compensation plans that are helping the average person gain above average income.

To become above average, you need to sacrifice your past mistakes and view success as worth going after.

Here Is  my Visalus Journal, recorded audios of  meeting Cedrick Harris and Larry Beacham, challenge party reflections and my after thoughts on the return flight back to PA.

1. Visalus Day of Challenge Party Pre-jitters 1.10.12

2.Visalus Tampa Meeting Reflections Afterwards 1.12.12

3. Visalus Tampa Challenge Party Flight Home 1.12.12

Coming soon, I will share my interview I did with Visalus National Director Larry Beacham. He shared with me the most up to date information on what this company offers the average person in terms of quality of health, opportunity to take the 90 day weight loss challenge, and the strength of the compensation plan.


PS. Interested in Visalus? Call me 570-580-0756

Want more info? Call 507-726-3700

Visalus offers you the 90 Day Challenge everyday!

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/visalus-journal-1-caryn-elizabeth-by-the-pool-in-tampa/

How To Do A Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge Party – Top Tips For A Successful Visalus Party

Caryn With Cedrick Harris In Tampa Florida

Join My Team And Get Mentor Cedrick Harris From Tampa Florida

What Do They Do At A Visalus Party?

Will My Visalus Team Train Me So I Can Succeed?

My trip to Tampa for the Visalus 90 Day Health Challenge Party was quite an event. From start to stop, my business partner and my Visalus Mentor Cedrick Harris gave me hope for success.


Making travel plans for a Visalus Challenge Party may turn out to be a challenge itself.

For me, what started out one way, turned out even better than  expected!

Because it was sudden, it was a financial sacrifice for me to get down to our first team challenge party.  I had grand plans of visiting friends and making it a vacation as well.. simply because I don’t work a 9-5.  Seemed like what I thought would be  fun to visit friends in Orlando for a couple days, then go down to Lakeland and visit friends I met at the Lakeland Healing Revival in 2008. But no one was around.. Me being high spirited and enthusiastic in nature, I kept believing things would be fine.. As it turned out, upon the advice of my business partner Todd Gragg, I changed my flight to go directly to Tampa for 4 fun filled days..

Todd Driving Me Around Tampa

Everyone Needs A Chauffeur Like Todd Gragg, Mentor and Business Partner..

As it turned out, my 4 days were filled with excitement beyond comprehension.

 The highlights started with meeting my business partner for the first time live.

As expected he was the same as
our conversations declared. However,
spending time traveling around Tampa
was unexpected and over the top fun!

Partying In Tampa After The Visalus Party

Todd took me to a pub for fish and chips (yum), Balyhoo’s for more fish! (can’t get enough),
Ybor district (where 50 yrs ago it was the cigar district) for a torilla platter,
Chipotle for a (humongous) burrito…, and to a local BBQ spot for Ribs and sweet tea.


Barbeque Ribs

This Food Makes Visalus Shakes Worth Taking! Wow,, a lot of sugar!


I created videos about the visit and will share them  soon..

This Visalus  video was the highlight of  my visit.. It was my first challenge
party for Visalus 90 health challenge and it was so much fun.


Ready To Go Into  The Visalus Party

Ready To Go Into Your Visalus Party Next!

Enjoy, and I’ll share more later.. including an interview
with Larry Beacham , Visalus National Director.

Get Started Now

Get More Information  Here  

The Visalus 90 Day Health Challenge Starts With YOU!

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/how-to-do-a-body-by-vi-90-day-challenge-party-top-tips-for-a-successful-visalus-party/

What Is The Visalus 90 Day Health Challenge? What Visalus Team Should I Join?

Cedrick Making Shakes For Our 90 Day Health Challenge PartyVisalus is making waves in Tampa Florida with Team Takeover.

Headed up by Cedrick Harris, with Larry Beacham, the Visalus ripples  

are affecting a new team build started by Todd Gragg and Caryn Elizabeth who are stirring the Tampa waters…

Caryn’s facebook community and her Empower Network team as a whole are watching things happen.
2012 has brought with it many who would create new years resolutions, including weight loss goals, getting fit goals and creating new ways of bring home more bacon. Although marketers in the Network marketing industry are running to Visalus to join, Caryn and Todd have hit a home run in Tampa. From new member superstar Earl Christy, who was running back in the 1969 Super Bowl 3 Championships, this Visalus team is extremely desirous to create a team spirit that goes as far north and the poconos of PA, Chicago IL., and as far west as California.. with members joining the team almost daily.

Cedrick Giving The Challenge Party PresentationThe Visalus Start Up Team Leading Empower Network

January 9th began with calls from Cedrick Harris to George Gragg’s residence in a lovely little development in Tampa.. Nearby Cedrick Harris and Larry Beacham make their homes.  In came Cedrick and Larry with large bags in hand.. filled with the new Challenge Magazine, the only Network Marketing Company’s independent magazine available in news stands and book stores.. first thing were we told.. go purchase as many as are available in the stores.. those you leave.. place your own business card inside for those looking for help with the new years challenge.

Larry Beacham And My Biz Partner Todd Gragg Loving The Party~Having  A Visalus Challenge Party

Once the table was set, Cedrick took to the kitchen with strawberries, cream cheese, and almond milk, some flavor packets and shake mix in hand. Into small sample cups we shared a huge tray of several shake options.. The shakes taste like cake mix is the reply most give.. next up was the Neuro.. an energy drink, conveniently packaged in skinny tubes you tare open and empty into a bottle of water.. Orange, or berry are the options and we had glasses of this energy supplement in a water bottle to taste.
After the shakes were mixed and served, Todd and I began videoing and photographing this event. For us it was a privilege to have the man himself share the challenge.. But you have to know that Todd and I we wide eyed with wonder as Cedrick captivated us.

The Visalus Challenge Party May Have Challenges

The event was delayed when George realized his dvd player was not hooked up. Larry ran home and returned with a player and before we knew it, the dvd was placed in the player.. Upon excellent instructions from Cedrick, Todd welcomed everybody, and introduced the video. There are 3 parts to the video. Each part strategically created to share the simple challenge that is making a phenomenon in the industry in it’s simplicity.
After each section, Cedrick and Larry took turns sharing stories and testimonies. Both have extremely helpful stories and everyone was engaged. Though the stories shared real life testimonies.. they were not unlike those of other average people.
My take, it only takes one person strategically placed , to alter the course of thousands.. and Cedrick has given many many average people an above average jump on success in this industry.

The Best Team Build Visalus With Cedrick Is Making In Tampa Visalus Testimonies

Cedrick has an amazing testimony, not in the fact that he had jobs most others experienced, but what was different was that Cedrick saw something.. Yes, from his fathers advice ringing in his ears, to other influential people He took massive action to learn from, Cedrick began and then became world known in the Network marketing arena..

Visalus Team Takeover is not just building but it’s a phenomenon.

After the 2 parts of the video was finished and stories were shared, those interested in the 3rd section we shown how to “promote the challenge”. A fast start training was done on the spot. This led Earl Christy to give testimony to the thoroughness in the process developed by Cedrick and his team.

What Visalus Number Will You Be?

Once all 3 parts were complete, forms were given out and all those present had the option of getting involved in some way. It was as natural as being offered ice cream or cake for dessert and all took advantage of one thing or another.
Afterwords, we interviewed several, took photos and then Larry Beacham and Cedrick Harris gave video viewers the value of fast start training. Both me taught by example, that focus is vital, and all answers led to the power of Visalus and the option that it’s now time to get in.

Getting Started here.

OR   Call this number now to get more information. 507-726-3700  

Visalus is a phenomenal company with a track record to prove it.  

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/what-is-the-visalus-90-day-health-challenge-what-visalus-team-should-i-join/

7 Simple Steps To Lose Weight With The “Shaklee 90 Day Health Challenge”


Shaklee Girl With Measuring Tape

Does Your Health Measure Up For Your New Years Resolution?

Can  Shaklee  90 Day Health Challenge  Really Help Me?

I just found out about the Shaklee 90 Day Health Challenge that I am starting and promoting. My goal is to get fit and earn a BMW within the next 90 days.

The 90 Day Challenge – Get Your Free Healthprint Analysis Here

Get your emailed results immediately!

Then click Here for your free  30 minute consultation to help set up your personal routine. Use the paypal menu and click “free consultation”.


Email me at carynelizabeth1@gmail.com and let me know you want a consultation!


 Here are some of the things I do to get fit and stay fit with Shaklee Life Plan:

1. When I wake up, I immediately drink a glass of water I’ve left on my bedside table

2. When I enter the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror and say something nice to myself.

3. As I am getting my morning routine underway, I choose to think about the things I like about my life.

4. If it’s my walking day, I dress appropriately, place my ipod on, which contains my affirmations and walk for 30 min. to 1 hr.

If it’s my off day,  I prepare a cup of tea and grab a piece of fruit and get on my motivation call.

5. If I’m having a shake, I use non fat milk, a flavor packet and 2 scoops of Life Plan Shake mix.

6. When showering, I apply moisturizer to my body while I’m still wet to moisten my skin.

7. The rest of my day goes very well, afterwards..

Preparing the right foundation for success with Shaklee 90 Day Health Challenge  begins with a healthy mindset, healthy food, and a healthy body.

I Really Need To Do Something That Works This Time

I Really Need To Do Something That Works This Time

Will Life Plan 90 Day Challenge Work For Me?

A shake is a shake.  But the Life Plan shake tastes like a  dream sickle.. My favorite is the Coffee packet.. Tastes like a mocha shake. The different flavor options make it very versatile. It’s like grabbing fast food but healthy. Everything is fun.. the colors, the flavors, the supplement packs.. all set up to toss in your purse and go!

Ok, I saved the best for last though.. My absolute absolute (I’m not typing that twice by accident) favorite is the cinch tea.  wowwy kazowy.. again.. it reminds me of the feeling I get when I first have coffee, except I don’t get Jittery!  I pour i cup each morning and can go for a long time, without my blood sugar dropping after a while, like happens with coffee! tear a pack into 8 oz. water, hot or cold and voila.. it’s a potent delight..

Well, that’s my take on the 90 day challenge products.. If this resonates with you.. it’s worth getting your 30 days worth of Shaklee Health kit and see what happens!

Statistics show that those who stick to the challenge lose a significant amount of weight depending on what program they choose.  For some, it’s the balance kit to just get fit. For others, its the  shape or core kit. And finally the transformation kit is for those who want to really transform their body, lose weight and feel great!

With a 30 day money back guarantee, it’s really a win win..

Promoting The Shaklee Life Plan Challenge Is Easy When You Join The Right Team.

listen man

Who Will Help You Promote The Challenge? The Value Of Shaklee Leadership.

Listen Now:  Caryn Elizabeth Rant’s Her Personal Secrets About Why  Joining This LifePlanTeam- the whole dang  truth.  

Making Money Online With Shaklee Is Possible.

Shaklee  has  a great compensation plan. The attrition rate is very high because of this. One team member had to borrow the money to get started. 6 months later, she is making 20,000 a month. I believe that says a lot. The rags to riches is possible with this compensation plan. But I joined because I believed in the products and helping others create wholeness and harmony in their life and family. And I get compensated very well for it!

Get  your  free Healthprint  Analysis here: HERE

Then email me or set up a consultation asap!


Ground breaking, innovative,  breakthrough health  products, front loaded comp plan.

Not convinced? Check this out! 

To the health you deserve,


ps. Need some mental discipline? Click here for my free ebook and start your 7 day mental diet!

Shaklee 90 Day Health Challenge is a no brainer..

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/7-simple-steps-to-lose-weight-visalus/