Tag: entrepreneur

“Earnership” How Do I Have Fun, Feel Rewarded, Gain Fulfillment As An Entrepreneur?

Jonathan Budd on earnership

Earnership Starts With The Mindset Of Earning What You Want

What Is Earnership?

Asking good quality questions is a concept that creates greater fulfillment in life. Because you found your way the earnership, you probably want to know how do I have fun and feel rewarded while creating fulfillment. Today is the beginning for you to a more rewarding life.

How Can Earnership Help Me Feel Rewarded While Having Fun?

If you are LIVING the concept, the freedom & success you can create in the world is unparalleled.

However, If this concept is missing from your life… you will be ineffective, & powerless. Unlock more of your own natural strength & ability today by watching the video below now…

Those who believe they deserve things for free will reap a life where others want things from them for free. Do you want to be that person? I don’t think so! The Bible says “Give and it shall be given to you”. Good books with a good reputation are always best to listen to.

Earnership is a concept we all can embrace if we truly desire a more fulfilled life.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/earnership-how-do-i-have-fun-feel-rewarded-gain-fulfillment-as-an-entrepreneur/

Best “Video Marketing” Training- Google 1st Pg. With “Video Marketing” And 2,170,000,000 Searches

Get Help making videos and getting your videos on google page one.
Click Here

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/best-video-marketing-training/

What Am I Capable Of Really Becoming? Truth About The Entrepreneur And Satisfaction

entrepreneur inspired to lead

I know I Am Capable Of Being Someone Great

Does An Entrepreneur Tell Himself  “I know I can do more, be more? “

I Want Power.. it feels good.. it’s a must…

Becoming a success in any venture begins with an understanding of what we are capable of.  Let me use two terms to explain the conflict that may be keeping you from feeling truly satisfied on the journey of the entrepreneur. You long for it.. You deserve it.. Here is where you will finally make sense of it…

Are You A Thermometer Or A Thermostat Entrepreneur?

Both a thermometer and a thermostat have something to do with the temperature in a room.

A thermometer “reads” the hotness or coldness in a specified area.

A thermostat, on the other hand, is a tool used to “set” the temperature in a determined area.

So how does this relate to the  entrepreneur and business owner?

Some of us have at times believed that the economy is bad. We feel justified about being unemployed.  We might blame others for our circumstances. Some of us have adopted the  belief that we are in charge of our own life. If we have no job, it’s our responsibility to fix that. We accept failure and success as part of our life.

This brings me to these two simple meters, which represent  2 different kinds of mindsets. Can you tell which mindset the thermometer  would represent?

The Thermometers mindset, reads the temperature of the room and is able to  state ” it’s 60 degrees”..

The thermostats mindset  sets the temperature of the room. We thermostats  take responsibility for our  life, our failures and successes.


A Thermometer reads the room

If I Am A Thermometer, I Am A Helpless Entrepreneur

A Thermometer Is  A Helpless Entrepreneur

As thermometers, we see the economy, our job, our family as helpless entrepreneurs, unable to change it. “It’s 60 degrees in here”! Do you look outward to your environment and state what you see? Or do you look inward and determine what environment you will create?


As An Entrepreneur Thermostat, I Determine The Temperature Of My Environment

A Thermostat Is An Entrepreneur Creator

Deciding to be a thermostat, we no longer are in conflict. Determined  to be the  leader, the creative entrepreneur, we have the power to create your environment.  Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, David Wood and  Dave Sharpe, are all considered thermostats.

Being a thermostat means that we  decide what temperature we want our life to be. Whether hot, cold, warm, chilly.. it is up to us.  Rather, be a thermostat than a thermometer,  which  is helpless to only read the temperature but has no power to change it.

Determining to take responsibility for our life, our business, our environment, starts inside us. Believing we are a thermostat starts by making the simple decision to be one.

My Thermostat Determines The Temperature Of My World

My Thermostat Determines The Temperature Of My World

Powerful Entrepreneurs Are Thermostats

The outcome of being a thermostat means that the successes in life are truly something we achieve and can be proud of. Our obstacles, if we choose to see them as  challenges to overcome, can help us become even greater and able to understand and help others  overcome them as well. Our failures are successes because we learn something from them.  Our decision to create rules for our life that support us so we can enjoy the process, gives us the satisfaction we truly long for.

This life, big or small, great or weak.. has in it the opportunity to reach great heights that give us a feeling of satisfaction unlike any other.

True Satisfaction From Flying As A Thermostat Entrepreneur

True Satisfaction From Flying As A Thermostat Entrepreneur

Be a thermostat today and no longer lean on the helplessness of being a thermometer. True success as an entrepreneur is at our feet. When we walk into a room we’ve set the temperature at, we will feel completely warmed or cooled as we have determined; the lifestyle of power and freedom we long for.

PS.To be a thermostat and an empowered entrepreneur go here.

PPS  To join me in creating an income as a thermostat watch this video now.

The Powerful Freedom And Lifestyle Of The Creative Entrepreneur Thermostat  Is Satisfying.


Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/what-am-i-capable-of-really-becoming-truth-about-the-entrepreneur-and-satisfaction/

How Do I Make Money Online? Easy To Start Plan For Marketing Success


It Feels Great To Make Money Online

What Do I Do First To Make Money Online?

I have no idea what the heck I’m doing.

Have you felt this way? You came online to make some money and you discovered you spent way more than you made. And you are no better off now than when you started?

Well, you are not alone. I have spoken to many who have experienced the same thing.

The truth is: You have a conflict. You are an entrepreneur who has misplaced your dream. You have gotten lost in the “opportunities” when you thought you would make some money. But the fact is, you need a business plan, not another opportunity.

Below are some steps you can take to get back on track. But first ask yourself this:  Ask yourself, if the internet did not exist, would I still want to have my own business?

If your answer is yes, continue reading. If not, stop here. This information will be a waste of your time.

How I Make Money Online

I started to learn marketing online  some time ago. I wanted to impact lives.

I learned “how to market” and “who to market to”.

Because of the accumulation of knowledge , I transitioned from looking for “opportunities” to developing a  “business plan“.

Along the way, I  make money online with different programs I’m part of.

Affiliate products, my own products, systems I share with others all add to the multiple streams of income.

I make  commissions on other peoples products I offer to people who I have established

rapport with. I create free products to get people on my list. Then I can offer pay products.

That’s kind of the gist of it!

If you want to know more, it begins by “jumping in”.. and soon decide you want to  create your own business and make money online.

I don't have a business plan to make money online

What The "f" Do I Do First To Make Money Online?

Here’s the place you can start. Allow these steps to give you hope and trigger your suppressed dreams to awaken them again.

Becoming A Strategic Entrepreneur Starts Here.

A. Identify your reason Why.

Ask yourself:
1.Why am I starting this business?
2..Why am I doing this for myself?
3..Why am I doing this for my family?
4.Why am I doing this for my customers or clients?
5. What is it in my heart, mind and spirit that drives me?
6.What is the  ultimate accomplishment I would like  to make?
7.What is the ideal situation?

B. Realize who the people are that you’re looking to create value for and contribute to.

C. Know that there are obstacles.

In the beginning, middle and end of your business career, there are obstacles.
We know they’re there and we know what it takes to surpass them… to break through them.
Realize  that YOU are the only real obstacle in your way.. via.. a limiting belief or confidence level that’s not allowing you to break through. Some results may be digital, some within you. Some may be in the form of money. But every lesson will give a result as long as you take action on it so you can make money online.

Ask yourself the following question:

What are 3 obstacles that are in my way from achieving the things Id like to achieve? e.g. a budget to start your business. Thinking to yourself “I’ve never run a business before! Can I handle it?” I don’t know if I will learn all the technical stuff.

Click To See How To Make Money Online

To Make Money Online In My Own Business Feels So Good

D. You must have a marketing model. A business model  comes first and the marketing model must follow.

Either you are an opportunity seeker or a business owner. Now is a good time to decide so you don’t waste your time in frustration over your lack of success to make money online.  Knowledge + Action + A Positive Attitude = Success

Take time today to do 3 things. Get your “Why” figured out., Answer the above questions about starting your business. Take action by daily  learning more and sharing what you learn.

If you want to learn more about integrating personal development with internet marketing success: go to Make Money Online 



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Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/how-do-i-make-money-online-easy-to-start-plan-for-marketing-success/

Business Success Mentor Mylon Wason As A Passionate Entrepreneur





As an entrepreneur for more than 28 years, Mylon Wason’s unique qualifications in Business Establishment, Business Development and Marketing makes him highly capable and much sought after in the business world. His experience and expertise came from across section of industries namely: Real Estate, Investment Banking, Telecoms Retail, Business Financing, Insurance, Merchant Services, Network Marketing and Business Establishment & Development. He personally starting more than 100 companies in several countries.

Mylon wason’s unique qualifications in business establishment, business development and internet marketing makes him highly capable and much sought after small business expert.

“As you look around, you’ll see that everything you know has changed dramatically. There is a huge Market Shift occurring. The internet has completely redefined the world’s economy and has created a single marketplace. If you are in business today and you are not doing business online, you will be left behind.” Mylon Wason


In this first interview Mylon Wason answers several questions about his business, his views on the industry, warnings business individuals needed to know and tips and advice for offline and online businesses. 
At the age of twenty, Mylon Wason quit working as an Accounts Clerk in a Department Store to pursue his dreams in the business world. Possessing a unique desire for success he drew the attention of business executives from the Life Insurance and Real Estate industries. After seizing an opportunity at a prestigious Life Insurance Company and endeavoring to succeed, earned him an Insurance Agency; selling Life, Health, General and Insurance products. He later combined his skills selling Real Estate which began his colorful career as a Business Executive and an Entrepreneur exhibiting keen business skills acquiring several businesses and real properties.

With an even greater desire for success Mylon Wason turned his attention to doing business in the other countries including Canada, Europe and later United Kingdom where he later relocated.

Now, Mylon Wason is taking the next logical step, with his knowledge, expertise and creativity he is now turned to the elite world of Internet Marketing and Internet Business Establishment. Simply put, Mylon Wason is now doing business online. In addition, Mylon Wason seeks to team up with other self-managed professionals by mentoring them to becoming or achieving their Dream and creating strategic partnerships.

Come back for another interview with entrepreneur Mylon Wason, as he shares strategies for  marketing your  brand   online  for business success. http://www.mylonwason.org



Yours In Mastery,

Caryn Elizabeth
 Milford, PA 18337

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Entrepreneur Business Developers Are Needed For Online Marketing Business Success.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/business-success-entrepreneur/