Caryn Elizabeth

Author of "Branding You The Brand New You", Caryn home-schooled her 3 children before creating her blog in 2010. Teaching since 1986, Caryn authored, edited and self published several books including Brincely The Brave, The Mastermind eBook, My Grandma's Birthday, Top Tips For Spiritual Living and More. Featured by eZine as an article writing expert, Caryn specializes in Network marketing using the internet. Contact Caryn to create budget friendly websites starting at $100. Teaching online skill basics available. Call for quote 570-460-6961

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  3. How To Explain “Definite Chief Aim” To Children — 7 comments
  4. How to change your negative thoughts to positive thoughts — 7 comments
  5. 10 Top Tips For Buying A House In Milford PA – Pocono Living — 6 comments

Author's posts

Man Raised From The Dead | One Man Carries Another Man’s Miracle Caryn Elizabeth continues to give valuable lessons. This time, she shares a story of how a physician’s faith Caused the dead raised. Everyone of us makes a choice daily to listen to that still small voice in us. All of us have an opportunity to do something miraculous. Watch this story and be inspired. Go To My You Tube Channel For More Inspiring Stories And Business Training


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Knowledge is Wealth! 5 Little Known Secrets Of Masterminding Your Way To Wealth

Many graduates  attend  college, pay exorbitant amounts to acquire knowledge to leave college and for the next 5-15 yrs. struggle to pay it back.  It’s their hope to be able to get specialized jobs and create the lifestyle that says “we’ve got plenty and we’re happy”.  However, little do these students   know about the accumulation of knowledge in relation to the ability to create a wealthy lifestyle and command of life.  Let me explain 5 secrets of wealth and share how men like Thomas Edison, with little institutional knowledge, by masterminding, created great wealth.

1. That secrets  did  uneducated Edison possess  that the typical college student may need to know? Educational  institutions  teach  students accumulative knowledge. Turning that knowledge into money is where these institutions may fall short.

2. THERE are two kinds of knowledge. One is general, the other is specialized. General knowledge, no matter how great in quantity or variety it may be, is of but little use in the accumulation of money. Knowledge is only potential power. It will not attract money, unless it is organized, and intelligently directed, through practical PLANS OF ACTION, to the DEFINITE END of accumulation of money.

3. This “missing link” in all systems of education known to civilization today, may be found in the failure of educational institutions to teach their students HOW TO ORGANIZE AND USE KNOWLEDGE AFTER THEY ACQUIRE IT. Henry Ford, replying to questions by an attorney  said, “Let me remind you that I have a row of electric push-buttons on my desk, and by pushing the right button, I can summon to my aid men who can answer ANY question I desire to ask concerning the business to which I am devoting most of my efforts .”

4. Through the assistance of his “Master Mind” group, Henry Ford had at his command all the specialized knowledge he needed to enable him to become one of the wealthiest men in America. It was not essential that he have this knowledge in his own mind. The typical college graduate is promised a job. That is all. A leader like Thomas Edison,   knew how to leverage other peoples knowledge to create great wealth.

5. If you are a college student hoping to make it in life, look at your major purpose in life, the goal toward which you are working, and this will help determine what knowledge you need. With this question settled, your next move requires that you have accurate information concerning dependable sources of knowledge.  To create great wealth, you may need much more specialized knowledge than you have the ability or the inclination to acquire.  If this should be true, you may bridge your weakness through the aid of your own “Master Mind” group.

As knowledge is acquired it must be organized and put into use, for a definite purpose, through practical plans.  Knowledge has no value except that which can be gained from its application toward some worthy end.  Masterminding is the best way to accumulate the exhaustive knowledge to do great things. Considering this while in college, you may find others who have these skills.  Start making connections while in school. You can do great things in life. Masterminding is the secret to get wealth!

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Formatting Article For Netdivvy Back Office Using A Microsoft Word Document

[youtube][/youtube] 8 minutes of excellent training on how to Format Articles And Forum Posts In NetDivvy back office using a Microsoft word document.

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Backlinking An Article Using Microsoft Word


How To:

Using Microsoft Word Document, I teach you how to make a backlink, where to place it in an article and where to backlink it to, in order to optimize the article. This 4 minute video is very helpful for new marketers unfamiliar with backlinking.  Learn how here!

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Physical Health And Habits That Help

Tips and strategies on how to live a healthy abundant lifestyle.

7 Habits to Ensure You’re Being Efficient

With increased concern about the environment efficiency seems to be the new word and being energy efficient, with the ecology minded.

But what about our own ability to be efficient both at home and at work? What does being efficient mean to you?

Efficiency is defined as ‘the state or quality of being efficient; competency in performance or the accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort.’

Make sure you own time and not the other way around. This article and the ensuing tips are not about striving for perfection, but instead about allowing yourself the opportunity to make better use of your time throughout the day.

Organizing and simplifying your life are important steps to be taken in order to be the most efficient you can be. A well organized office space or home will help you stay efficient.

Above all, when thinking about increasing your efficiency rate, remember to take care of yourself. Good food, plenty of rest, lots of water, and exercise will allow you to function at your best.

1. Schedule your day: Either at the beginning of each day or the night before, plan out each day. You are only one person and you probably won’t be able to do everything. Use a schedule to organize your day into time blocks. Write out a daily to-do list (electronic or in a notebook) and prioritize items by importance.

Remember, only schedule around 70 percent of your day. The other 30 percent will be filled with interruptions, travel time between appointments and errands, and sometimes emergencies.

2. Prioritize-Prioritize-Prioritize: List to-do items by order of importance and label each item by importance and urgency. Make items that are extremely important stand out by marking them with red ink, a highlighter, or a star. Only focus on a limited number of actions per day.

3. Multi-task small projects and details: Although multi- tasking does not work for everyone or every project, tasks like cooking supper while talking on the phone or ironing while listening to a motivational CD can be effective. Try reading a book on the subway or bus, or a book on tape while driving to and from work. It’s more efficient and a good use of time to do simple tasks simultaneously.

4. Say NO more often: Recognize what your priorities are. If someone requests something of you that you are unable to do comfortably or does not fit into your priorities, ‘just say no.’

5. Delegate as much as possible: You can’t do everything alone. Allow others around you to help out. Allow friends, family, co-workers, your partner or your children to assist around the house and/or office. Many people find this difficult because they feel they are the only one who can do it right. Start off with small steps. Don’t hand over an entire project, but instead a step that will save you time and energy. Make sure you remember to thank these people appropriately.

6. Organize: The more things that are organized both within the home and work environment, the faster work will get finished and the higher quality your work will be. Make lists for yourself and others. Create inboxes and action files.

7. Control your procrastination: Many of us are procrastinators at heart, although for various reasons. One common phrase used to help combat procrastination is ‘do the worst thing first.’ At the beginning of each day, do the one item that stands out the most on your to-do list, or your most dreaded item. Set daily goals for yourself and plan lots of rewards.

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What’s Your Mindset?

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.

Choose your words, for they become actions.

Understand your actions, for they become habits.

Study your habits, for they will become your character.”

Develop your character, for it becomes your DESTINY.

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Spiritual Equipping

Graham Cooke is my spiritual mentor. His talks are so inspiring. Watch, listen and know that you are located in the heart of God, you cannot be more happy. Step back in His rest and live in the high tower of His name. When the enemy comes, he cannot find you. Hope is in the Lord.

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Inheritance Video With Graham Cooke

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You have Opportune Moments To Clear The Air


I kept hearing the phrase “settle the score” in my spirit. And, I heard the Lord say: You will have opportune moments to clear the air and to settle things that have represented potential problems and misunderstandings. Instead of trying to avoid conflict, you will need to face the problem and bring truth with a humble spirit. You don’t have to be right to save face, but you need to be righteous.

James 3:18 Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

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Everyone Needs To Start With Training | Get A Good Start With NetDivvy

You deserve the opportunity to gain the skills others have discovered for outstanding success .

It could be so you can make more money.  It could be for the opportunity to help a cause.  Maybe you are looking to strategize with other entrepreneurs online. Then again, perhaps you are looking for a new challenge!

You carry value in you and I am one who appreciates even the little things a person does. I appreciate the way you care about others, the way you want to help your spouse with the finances, the way you are determined to make an impact on the world, the way you want to make a better life for your family. I appreciate that you want to work a job that you love and making money while doing it.

Whether you are a stay at home mom,  an unemployed opportunity seeker, someone  bored  looking for a challenge, someone who wants to start fresh in a new field, or even if you are a successful person wanting to help others succeed; it all begins by asking this simple question.

“Are you the kind of leader that you would follow”?

When asked that question recently, I took time to ponder and then answered it this way. The reason I feel that I am a leader that others would follow is because I desire to help others discover the value in them. I have been through many of the circumstances similar to others including divorce.  I am supportive. I have been growing and maturing mentally, spiritually and physically for many years.   I network with successful men and women, skilled in helping others.  I am supportive.  I have implemented systems and strategies into my life and work that I am able to share with others.

In future articles I will share some of my personal past.

For now, please consider asking yourself this same question. It will help you pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses.  Success or failure partially depends on the qualities we dwell on.

The truth is our weaknesses are real. I was encouraged to find others and team up in order to cover my weaknesses. Over time, I have had different people there for me.

But online marketing requires a certain kind of support that Netdivyy can give you.

Marketers understand marketers. Entrepreneurs understand entrepreneurs. Do I really have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?

In my next article I will share with you the qualities necessary to be an entrepreneur.

Whatever your personality, past experiences, skills, abilities, you need to get started using them in marketing online.  I believe that a system like Netdivvy that teaches what it takes to have success is the best support that will get you to your goals. Remember what you want? Making money, helping others, making an impact, taking on a new challenge or having fun?

Click Here to Get Support

To Your Success,

Caryn Elizabeth

To read more about Netdivvy and me: click here to hear more personal stuff about Caryn

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