How To Change Your Mind So Your Life Will Change


The Power of your subconscious mind

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This review shares several key strategies for overcoming fear, anger, memory loss, and well being. Our mind components are liken to a ship. The captain is the conscious mind. The crew is the subconscious mind.

What did your mind absorb as a child?

What did your mind absorb as a child?

The Laws of mind

From 0-6 years, our mind is a sponge absorbing much of what we hear, good or bad. The negative words at this age are the most destructive of all the response patterns of the mind resulting in patterns of misery, failure, suffering, sickness and disaster.

E.G of negative words that affect the mind

  • you can’t
  • you’ll never amount to anything
  • you mustn’t
  • you’ll fail
  • you haven’t got a chance
  • you’re all wrong
  • It’s no use
  • It’s not what you know but who you know
  • the world is going to the dogs
  • what’s the use? Nobody cares
  • it’s no use trying so hard
  • things are getting worse and worse
  • life is an endless grind
  • love is for the birds
  • you just can’t win
  • pretty soon, you’ll be bankrupt
  • watch out, you’ll get the virus
  • you can’t trust a soul
What suggestions come to your mind?

What suggestions come to your mind?

Auto Suggestion for the mind

This book shares a reconditioning therapy  of the mind called “auto suggestion”, which some of us know from Napoleon Hills book “Think and Grow Rich“. This therapy is demonstrated in affirmations and verbal statements spoken in a quiet place several times daily for up to one month. It is said to release us from the mass of verbal conditioning that might otherwise distort our life pattern making the developing of good habits difficult.

A young child and many adults are giving mental consent and entertain negative suggestions to the point that they become part of their subconscious mind. But it’s vital that you are told that you have the capacity to choose your thoughts.

Do you know how to stop negative mind suggestions?

Do you know how to stop negative mind suggestions?

Choose Life, love and health of mind

This book gives specific word patterns you can use to overcome negative suggestions. One of them suggests this:
My subconscious mind knows the answer. It is responding to me now. I give thanks because I know the infinite intelligence of my subconscious knows all things and is revealing the perfect answer to me now. My real conviction is now setting free the majesty and glory of my subconscious mind. I rejoice that it is so.

This book uses the Holy Bible to share principles explained so that the person of average intelligence may understand how to use these suggestions.

The FREE audio version of this classic book is available on YouTube. I’ve posted it here.

For more help overcoming a faulty foundation, I suggest this podcast.

Change your mind and you will change your life.

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