Category: How To…

How Does Empower Network 100% Commissions Work? Reviewing The Pay Plan

How Do I Make 100% Commissions?

Are You Confused About Empower Network?


Empower Network 100% Commissions are rewarded based on time and product. Watch this video explanation so you have a greater understanding of how to get paid with the compensation plan  with Empower Network works too!

Support  About 100% Commissions

In many support groups being formed for the masses entering the Empower Network pay plan community, the commissions are confusing. The owners David Wood and Dave Sharpe have done an outstanding job setting this system up along with the many others who work behind the scenes. However, there are always questions.

In any Network Marketing community or program, people make up the masses. We know that many coming online have little to know knowledge of social media. And when it comes to aWeber or Get Response, they are in the dark.

Until the learning curve brings them up to speed, people need assistance navigating. Leaders with experience in the online world as stepping up to help facilitate this learning by creating and sharing trainings, doing webinars and creating facebook and skype support groups that give the new guy a chance at making it. Videos about commissions or compensation plans really help the new person. They are always grateful for You Tube, once they learn that it’s filled with training for new marketers.

Make Money Online With Empower Network

Getting 100% affiliate commissions is not as easy as they think. We’re in business and it must be taken seriously. Though we are trading our free time after the J.O.B, or jumping in full time, living as frugally as possible, the entrepreneur cannot be stopped!

Growing and developing online skills begins by jumping in and figuring it out along the way.

Make Money Online With Empower Network Here

Make Money Online With Empower Network

My suggestions:
1. Create a business plan.
2. Find someone who is doing or living the way you want to live.
3. Learn all you can before you invest money for leads or advanced training.
4. Join membership sites like Netdivvy, MLSP ,MSS, or the new Branding System Pro.
5. Friend up. Find people on social media who are going where you want to go.
6. Find a mastermind team or start one.

And finally, leverage your skills by joining up with other like minded individuals before you join an MLM or other team. Decide to join a company together. This is the new approach to doing business online to reach your goals for 100% commissions.

Personal Development With Empower Network

People can have business success when they implement these strategies and continue to grow and learn through personal development.

If you are to have any chance of receiving the  commissions pay plan to making money online, learn from leaders who are already successful. Empower Network is one place you will definitely find leaders,community, support, friends, and like-minded strangers soon to be friends and future business partners.

PS. To get 100% commissions starting immediately, go here.



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How To Make Money Online With A Prosperity Mindset? The Ultimate Combo!

You Can Have A Prosperity Mindset And Eliminate Self Sabotage

You Can Have A Prosperity Mindset And Eliminate Self Sabotage

What Is A Prosperity Mindset?

Can I make money online with a prosperity mindset?

If you really want to be successful, watch Randy as he shares the 7 spiritual laws!

Wherever you are in your business, is a result of your vision!  The steps to prosperity begin with taking a look at what you believe about yourself. Though you may want prosperity on the conscious level, you may sabotage your mindset on the subconscious level.


At one point in your life your parents told you you were worth something. If they didn’t you may still be looking for approval. You may turn to others to get it. Looking outward is one sure indicator that you don’t have a prosperity mindset! Accepting yourself, rewarding yourself, and loving who you are right now is the beginning of having a prosperity mindset!

This video explains somethings about it. For more help with having a prosperity mindset click here now.

You have manifested your present by the prosperity mindset  you’ve got now!

Change your core beliefs and change your reality.. Watch more here!

Some simple but effective things you can do to help your prosperity mindset.

Choose to awake with an attitude of gratitude  and before you go to bed, ask yourself 5-7 of these questions.

1.What am I happy about in my life now?

2. What am I excited about in my life now?

3. What am i proud about in my life now?

4. What am I grateful about in my life now.

5. What am I enjoying most in my life right now?

6. What am I committed to in my life now?

7.  Who do I love?
Follow up these prosperity mindset questions with the following 2 questions.

1.What about that makes me _____________?

2. How does that make me feel?

Click Here For most help with Mindset Now!




My profiles: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Digg StumbleUpon YouTube
Contact me: Skype bckehrly

I believe in you! You can have a prosperity mindset so when the money comes, you will not sabotage your keeping it!


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Best Quick Tips How To Use FREE Skype To Talk To Others



What is Skype and how do I use it?

Is it free? I will share what I’ve learned about  Skype and how it can help you to connect with your business contacts, your friends and your family. There’s a lot to know and I share my secrets and tips on using it.

Many people use this free phone service to connect with business associates, friends, family, in the states and internationally.

This no cost feature is just the beginning of what you get when you create an account.

There are options for viewing video webcams, conference calls, call recording,

contacts organization features, and actually use Skype as your home phone.

You can purchase a phone from them as well.

Also, Watch for offers, sales and specials.

Watch the video and contact me to connect.

Set up your free account here:

PS. Generate 10-20 Leads Per Day For Your MLM or Direct Sales Company with Lead Generation With Skype


When I discovered Skype, it opened up the globe to me!

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The Buyer’s Mindset – How To Know What The Buyer Wants So I Can Make Money Online


What Do I Need To Know To Make Money Online?

 Know Your Buyer’s Needs First Thing  To Make Money Online.

Whether to make money online or offline as a business associate in your mlm or direct sales company, the same concepts apply.

Listen And Read How To Make Money Online As Your Prospect Is Guided From  “Know Like And Trust” To Becoming Committed!


As you heard, whether your prospect is curious about your products or your business opportunity, the progressing towards belief will empower them to change.  Taking the action and purchasing  your product, service or opportunity so you can make money online,  the prospect’s life is transformed in some better way. Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey are examples of influencial leaders and a household name. 

At the heart of entrepreneurship, is a person willing to be “the trusted authority”. Are you a leader? Are you taking the action to be the  trusted authority, a person of influence.  If so, you  will make money online and offline.

Listen as Gordon and I talk about a leader, someone he came to know, like and trust, and was committed to learning from. Because of this man, Gordon’s life would be better.


audio 3

As Gordon watches and listens to Johnny Wimbrey’s trainings, Gordon has stepped over to “commitment. However, in the bigger view, Gordon sees his own greatness, as if he’s looking in a mirror.   This inspires him to move to an even greater level of commitment to himself. Using Gordon’s offline skills as a chef, he decided to write a book  which will be coming out soon, called “Tasty BBQ’s By Gordon Attard.  Using his skills as an entrepreneur, Gordon will make money online and make someone’s life better with this delectable resource.




Yours In Mastery,

Caryn Elizabeth
Milford, PA 18337

My profiles: Facebook LinkedIn Flickr Twitter Facebook Page YouTube YouTube

Twitter Latest tweet: it takes more than one voice to achieve perfect harmony!

Get this email app! 

To Make Money Online, One must gain the core understanding of being a person others want to know, feel they like, and are sure they can trust!

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How Do I Make Money And Get People To Buy My Stuff? 3 Conversations That Will Make Money Online




Time isn’t always on our side when we want to make money online. Getting people to buy our stuff can be overwhelming along with the anxiety over paying bills and getting ahead financially. The problem mounts as we may scramble to blurt out “buy my stuff” without  truly understanding what happens in the mind of the prospect when we do this. Whether marketing online or offline in an internet business or a network marketing opportunity, trust cannot be rushed.  If you can’t handle that, you may as well leave the business now!

Some of us are willing to put in the time so that our income increases naturally.  In the 3 Conversations with Gordon Attard, we share how the needed principle of “know like and trust” works so that we can know for sure how to make money online. This stimulating information will inspire you to invest your time into creating compelling conversations with your audience so they will want to buy from you.

Masterminding with other business leaders who have mastered the Know Like and Trust” principle is easy when you use free online phone services like Skype. When you set up a free account you can speak  to people  around the world with just a headset and internet service. Finding Pamela, a recording  product used for recording with skype, I recorded  the following  3  conversations. Masterminding is one way to engage in inspirational and educational conversations that teach you the power of building  the “know, like and trust” to help you  make money online..

Gordon Attard knows what it takes to build ‘know like and trust’. This great leader from the beautiful  Mediterranean Island of Malta, did  me the honor of allowing me to record these 3 conversations.


Whether online or offline, the following principles in these audio recordings explain the secrets of creating the perfect environment for business success. Getting people to buy has to do with getting them to change and take action.

Listen as we discuss some specifics to help customers and prospects  buy what we’re selling.



To make money online, you must get people to change and take action, to buy something, purchase a consultation package or joining your opportunity, the way you market it can make or break your business success. As marketers, we must desire to  create momentum for our prospects.

1. We must get their attention and move them along

2. Direct them to “try something” for free.

3. Offer to educate them further for free.

4. Build this momentum and move  further move these prospects towards trust.

5. Guide this now, willing prospect, to purchase your product.

Committed buyers give any business owner a great feeling of satisfaction, as this owner has done the job of creating a relationship with the prospect by his website design and web copy.

To Listen to Gordon and I  discuss the mindset principle of  trying something out” vs “being committed”  click here now.

Whether you want a sale or a business associate in your MLM or direct sales company, these same concepts apply. To make money online, we must build know like and trust.

Like any good  masterminding  conversation,   Gordon and I shared our value with each other. We tell you  how to get others to know like and trust you.  Being in a leadership posture, while maintaining  courage, masterminding should invigorate each team mates.  Creating momentum while listening to each other, the mastermind experience turns a small flicker in each person into a flaming torch for the whole team.

GET “THE MASTERMIND EBOOK”, a template for creating Your Own Mastermind Group.

PS As in any list building process and moving your customers from “trying to buying”, a business owner must learn how to build “know like and trust. ” Your  website, blog, social media, squeeze page, online or in an offline business must be strategically written to help someone solve a problem that will make their life better in some way. The core principles of leadership and responsibility are the same and are not for wimps! This process must be taken seriously so you can make money online.

CLICK HERE FOR MY FREE SERIES  “WEBCOPY THAT WORKS” ,  6 Juicy videos to show you how to make money online right away.


Yours In Mastery,

Caryn Elizabeth
 Milford, PA 18337

My profiles: Facebook LinkedIn Flickr Twitter Facebook Page YouTube YouTube

Twitter Latest tweet: it takes more than one voice to achieve perfect harmony!

  Get this email app!  

To Make Money Online, One must gain the core understanding of being a person others want to know, feel they like, and are sure they can trust!

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4 Elements Of High Performance The Wealthy Man Practices

4 Elements Of High Performance You Need To Become Wealthy by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud


High Performance means being driven by passion and excellence. 

Have You Ever Wanted To Know How You can get ahead in life?

People who grow up in homes where parents have advanced leadership skills tend to become leaders like their parents. Teaching our children leadership skills will help them create a lifestyle of high performance and wealth.


Leaders in High Performance

Men and women who become wealthy want to get it right and maintain a level of energy that keeps up their success momentum. They want to do something meaningful with their life and often desire to serve others. They do things in a certain way, with the intention of reaching for the vision they plant in their mindset. With intensity, they do all their activities believing that their dreams will come true.

Are You Running At High Performance?

The four elements of high performance are:


  1.  Psychology
  2.  Physiology
  3.  Productivity
  4.  Persuasion

The underlying foundation of this is Purpose.

High Performance and Influence

If we become wealthy, we will have influence and can contribute greatly to the happiness of others.   High performers like Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Brendon Burchard, Tony Robbins and the other great men and women you read about or watch on video all exhibit these leadership skills. High performance is available to anyone who will find their purpose and pursue their life serving others. What is your purpose?

More help being a leader who desires the values of high performance


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7 Tips How To Create Wealth In Your Life Immediately

Attention Entrepreneurs: The Secrets To Living In Wealth Forever from Caryn Elizabeth on Vimeo.

“What wealth, this economy sucks!”

 What’s it gonna take for me to break the cycle of poverty so I can have the wealth I deserve?


In this video, I expose the ” nitty gritty” of how to break the cycle of poverty  by reconditioning your mind and changing your life for good!

Follow me as I share the steps in this easy to understand explanation from a teaching by Tony Robbins.


Seven Reasons Why Most People Never Get The Wealth They Deserve

1. They associate negative things to making and-or having money.
2. They never make having an abundance of money an absolute must.
3. They never develop an effective strategy for building wealth.
4. They fail to follow through consistently on their financial plan.
5. They rely too much on -experts.-
6. They become financially complacent.

7. They allow financial crisis to turn into financial ruin.

What’s It Gonna Take To Get My Wealth Back To Health?

You can use what you’re learning in this program to heal these seven wealth
wounds so you can reach the wealth you desire.

To condition yourself for wealth, you must develop strategies for

1. attracting money into your life
2. managing your money
3. sharing your money, which will give you tremendous joy
To master these strategies, use modeling.
1. Find people who are getting these results and study what they do.
2. Do the same things consistently and get the same results.

Do these things and your finances will increase.

 You may want  TO GET MORE PERSONAL POWER for Wealth now!


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How Do I Get My Mind Prepared For Business Success Right Now- Healthy Habits For Business Success

Do you have healthy habits for your business?

Do you struggle with keeping momentum going?

World Ventures Leader

Gordon Attard and I did a webinar on Healthy Habits for your business success.

Watch the webinar here:

For greater success you deserve and are needing go here:

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How To Become An Affiliate With Go Daddy Domains – Earning Money With Go Daddy Domain Purchase

Make Your Name A Popular Brand

How Do I Set Up An Account With Go Daddy?

How Can I Make Money?

Somebody Gave Me A Go Daddy Link And Now I found Out That They Make Money If I Get A Domain Name Using It. How Can I Do That?

Ok, So now that you’re hear, Let me explain the simple steps in becoming an affiliate with Go Daddy!  I must say, having your is a very cool feeling! 

But What’s Even Cooler Was The Day I Found Out That I Could Make Money By Referring Others To Go Daddy! 

Go Daddy Direct is a very reputable site with excellent customer service and has been known for letting domain purchasers add to their income by advertising for quality online products and services.

Membeship is free, and it takes just minutes to place an ad on your website.

Becoming an affiliate is free, and you’re paid a commission on each order you refer. Once ads are live on your website, visitors who
click through to are considered referrals.

And when those referrals make purchases from Go Daddy, the commission is automatically deposited into your affiliate account once it’s eligible.

You can earn commissions once you set up your payout account. Orders are eligible for commission after 60 days; refunded orders are not commissionable. Commissions are paid on the first business day following the 25th of the month via PayPal, Good As Gold, or direct deposit. Paper checks are mailed on the last day of the month.

To Set Up a Payout Account
1. Log in to your Affiliate Manager at, using your account user name and password.

2. Go to the Settings tab, and then click Enter Payout Information.

3. Select Create payout account and specify your Account Name, Payout Type, and Payment Type.
4. Complete the remaining fields regarding your payout and tax information, and then click Save.

  • You can then post Ad Banners and Links to your blog, emails and social media sites like Facebook.
  •  You can then view and run account activity reports.
  • Reports show you how much commission you’re earning.
  • You can view stats by date and website to refine your advertising approach.

There are some terms you might want to know.

Some of the common terms used for affiliate accounts are:

  1. Clicks- The number of clicks an ad generates.
  1. Commission- The money you earn on purchases generated by your ads.
  1. Orders- The purchases generated by your ads.
  1. EPC- The commission you earn per every 100 clicks.

Now you know how to become a Go Daddy Direct Affiliate.

See? It’s easy! Have fun earning commission on the sales of your favorite Go Daddy products.

 More Information On Getting Your Personal Name As Your Domain And Becoming An Affiliate Here. Clicking Here.


[affmage source=”clickbank” results=”4″]domain name[/affmage]

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Top10 tips For Buying A House In Milford! House For Sale In Milford PA

121 Stonefield Rd, Milford, PA

This page gives you the house for sale address, the price of the property in Milford PA, the contact information and The Top 10 Tips Article.

Please call immediately if this house for sale in Milford PA has what you are looking for, as this property will sell quickly.

House Address: 121 stonefield Rd
Milford, PA 18337

Property Price: $299,000

Caryn Elizabeth

If you missed any of the videos for the house for sale in Milford PA, view them here:

  Video 1                            Video 2                           Video 3                          Video 4

Follow these tips to find a home in Milford PA that’s a perfect fit for you:

1. Go for the long haul

When looking for a house for sale in Milford PA, search for one that you could see yourself living in for several years — at least five to seven years is ideal. Buying — and moving — to a new home takes a lot of time and effort, and can add up significantly in closing and moving costs, etc. Staying in place longer will help you avoid those added expenses. Plus, the extra time spent in your home could be just enough to help you ride out a downturn in the real estate market.

2. Leave room to grow

Aim for a home that can adapt to your needs as your life changes, say, if you have a new baby, or Junior moves back in after college. If you can’t afford a place that’s large enough to meet your anticipated future needs now, look for one that will allow you to build on later on.

3. Be flexible

Consider a place with rooms that can serve multiple functions, so the home remains highly functional for you through the years. For example, an open-floor-plan-style home is very adaptable. A kitchen that overlooks a family room is helpful when one’s children are young (you can cook while watching the kids), while such a kitchen is also great for entertaining your friends once the kids leave the roost.

4. Go for your type

Think about what style of home fits you best — house, condo, townhome, etc. — they’re not one size fits all. For example, a single-family home — which sits on its own lot and must be maintained by the homeowner — may be great for a person seeking privacy, but not so wonderful for somebody who doesn’t want to worry about mowing the lawn, fixing the plumbing, etc. Meanwhile, a condo might be perfect for somebody who wants a “lock ‘n’ leave” lifestyle, but not for somebody who doesn’t like sharing a wall with his neighbors.

5. Check the surroundings

When you purchase a house for sale in Milford PA, you not only get a house, you also buy into a neighborhood. Think about whether that neighborhood will suit you. Sure, you might love the house itself, but will the loud neighbors next door or the school across the street become too bothersome for you? Also, do you like the feel of the neighborhood and does it offer everything you need? It’s best to find a place in a community that you’ll enjoy.

6. Buy what you can afford

It’s easy to shoot for the sky and overspend when buying a home — you understandably want the best your money can buy. Examine your finances, keeping in mind current and future expenses, and don’t exceed your means. It’s smarter to buy a home you can easily afford than one you have to stretch to get into. Stay down to earth, and you’ll be better prepared should unexpected financial commitments and problems arise later down the road.

7. Think “home” first

When purchasing a home, don’t imagine the dollar signs you’ll see the day you sell it. A home is just that — primarily a “home,” and not an investment. So, buy a place that’d be great to live in first and think about its resale value second. Predicting real estate cycles and home appreciation is tough enough for the experts — and much more for the average home buyer. Plus, while home renovations tend to add value to a residence, they rarely recoup more than what was spent on them.

8. Look at both old and new

It’s nice to move into a place that’s brand-new. But, new isn’t always better. Consider both old and new. While you might not like a previous homeowner’s decorating decisions, you might like the owner-installed upgrades — like a finished basement and a backyard deck — that a new house for sale in Milford, PA might not have.

9. Location, location

You’ve heard this tip before, but a home’s location does matter. A house that’s located on a busy, noisy street may be less enjoyable to you as a homeowner than one situated on a quiet, secluded cul-de-sac. Plus, a home on a cul-de-sac is likely to be worth more than a poorly located one when it comes time to resell. So consider a home’s location before you’re smitten by a spectacular interior.

10. When it comes time to sell

While you want to think of your place as a home first and not an investment, it doesn’t make sense to purchase a white elephant, either. You should put at least some thought into how easy — or difficult — it’ll be to resell the home one day. If a home is so unlike other nearby homes in terms of size, style, price, etc., you might want to skip it and look elsewhere — it could become a burden should you want to someday move on.

To Your Future Home Purchase,

Caryn Elizabeth
Milford, PA 18337
570-580-0756 office

For More Information on buying a house in Milford, PA go here now.

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