Category: Leadership

Can You Really Trust Your Network Marketing Sponsor?

Are you happy with your prospecting training in your Network Marketing Company?

Learning the best prospecting skills is the most difficult part for many when we join a network marketing business. The failure to follow up, the ability to start a habit of working from home, and the phone skills and book keeping records needed bring many to failure.

 How Is Your Sponsor Modeling The Prospecting Process?

How Is Your Sponsor Modeling The Prospecting Process?

Does your sponsor help your prospecting skills?

Your sponsor has the opportunity to assist your prospecting skills and direct you to the information needed in your network marketing company. But the company must have a system in place in order for anyone to succeed. The fail safe systems require us to get to the trainings and learn them. But our sponsor may not exhibit enough skill to get you the information you need to succeed in your opportunity. Sad to say but for many it’s the blind leading the blind.

Is your prospecting ability making your wealthy?

Team building is vital when joining a direct sales company. Developing leadership skills is the most important part of running your home business. Without the disciplines in place, failure is inevitable. Your prospecting is keeping you from having the wealth you want in the first 90 days of your network marketing business.

Most people give up within 3 months of joining a network marketing company.

There is hope for the average person who will take time to develop skills. Joining a company and having your own business must be seen as a 3-5 year project. Just hopping on board a company is like jumping onto a canoe heading down stream. Without oars, balance and direction, you’re headed for the “falls of failure and disappointment”.

Over half the prospecting you do makes you no money. This can look disappointing temporarily. 60% of all businesses fail within the first 90 days due to poor prospecting. But thankfully, with time, we can learn the skills of leadership in business.

What Does Your Prospecting Look Like?

What Does Your Prospecting Look Like?

What to do when your prospecting skills are poor.

When you have no experience in the business world, learning to prospect must be given it’s due diligence. Self development skills, belief, self confidence, having a chief aim or intention, and learning how to keep that intention before you must become routine.

Imagine your prospecting skills steadily increasing before you feel a need to give up Network Marketing.

When you decide to join a network marketing or direct sales company, remember that the personal development available is the most important part that you need. Having a supportive team with great mentors is vital. Your part is to be teachable. Without that teachability, you fall back into your old ways of poverty and victimhood.

Does Your Prospecting Attract The Right People

Does Your Prospecting Attract The Right People

See yourself creating that wealthy lifestyle while increasing your prospecting ability.

There are some things to do to help yourself now to find a sponsor and company you can trust to help you make money in your network marketing company

  • Get referrals from someone you know, like and trust, before you join a company.
  • Within the first 30 days of joining, study the back office and see what is in place to help you learn what you need to succeed.
  • Ask your sponsor what system is in place and who is available to talk to if your sponsor can’t answer your questions.
  • Join a company you can relate to naturally.
  • Decide ahead of time that you will give yourself the time to develop your skills of leadership and salesmanship over time. Many take 3-5 years to learn well and create the income desired.
  • Join a company with a proven track record, a AAA rating, a trending product or service, and owners who’s families have been successful in past industries.
Leadership Prospecting Creates Wealth

Leadership Prospecting Creates Wealth

To live a lifestyle of the rich and famous, we must change
the way we look at life, the way we look at people, and the way we see ourselves. Prospecting can be learned and with an investment in yourself and your company’s system, you can learn what is necessary to prosper financially. To be a good leader in a network marketing company and become rich, we must read, listen and learn from mentors, and others who have achieved the success we are after.

Be careful who you listen to. Not all leaders are good. Read good books, listen to the masters of business success like Napoleon Hill, Wallace Waddles, James Allen, Abraham Hicks among others. These greats have spent years teaching millions tried and true methods of leadership success.

Your sponsor should be aware of these coaches, trainers, books and products. As prospecting is the key to wealth, so is your teachability to become a leader others are willing to follow.

If you like this, perhaps you’ll like to know more. Click the banner below now!

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Learn More About The Master Key Experience

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How To Raise Leaders Not Wimps – A Response To “A Nation of Wimps” Article

Are Leaders Raising A Nation Of Wimps? by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

What Are Parents Doing To Their Children

My daughter shared an interesting article with me on Facebook.  As we all do in social media and even offline, if something affects us emotionally, we share it; a good movie, a great beer, a great value, a new gadget or tool! Often times we learn how to parent from modeling others as well. We learn what to do and many times what not to do from our own parents or guardians. As an example of being one of those who likes to share the wisdom that we as adults declare we have, I share with you my view of this article.

Personally, when I read the first several paragraphs, I thought this writer was very bias and had no clue of a leaders perspective. I later realized that he was just building his case for the case studies he found that others declared was happening to children being raised from 2004-2013. In analysis of this article, I recorded my perspective so that you would not be left in the lurch as to how to fix the problem these supposed reports indicated.

The Laws of Leadership To Raise Wealthy Children

Your children have ability to lead themselves after you learn the skills of leadership!

Parenting Your Children Correctly

Our parents did the best they could in raising us. Imagine if we knew how to raise emotionally healthy children. Do you believe you have the skills to help your children succeed and find satisfaction in life without begging, borrowing or stealing to get it? Honesty is a vital character quality. It begins at home. Some parents are pretty sly at being dishonest to get the teacher to chance a child’s grade. Other parents who don’t know the proper leadership principles use the governmental system to declare their children unable to take tests with a time frame attached. Writing notes and calling professors indicate a parent who is forcing a teacher to treat their child differently.

Undermining Your Children

There are things you may be doing to create children who feel inadequate

  • Make up stories about your children to cover up a mistake
  • Look a child in the eye to keep them from saying something in front of others
  • Go behind your children’s back to make the child feel inadequate
  • Lie on your income tax or when talking on the phone
  • Manipulate the system to get more governmental assistance
  • See others as “poor so in so”
  • Tell your children what to say when they have to call someone to explain a situation
  • Talk to your child daily about everything that’s going on in their day

Our children are meant to be leaders. Parents who are overly concerned about every little thing in their children’s life are generally making up for a lack of training in the early years. Unfortunately, many of us didn’t have parents with great leadership skills. We learned as we went and by the time we had some experience or learned some truth about how best to live, our little ones were teens. Too little too late, great people have troubled teens on their hands. Hoping they could get through to their children, they made a last ditch effort to share the wisdom they wished they had while they were young parents.

What values of Leadership are you teaching your children?

What values of Leadership are you teaching your children?

Leadership for Children

Do you find it hard to get on track with raising kids? I know a lot of well meaning parents whose kids are messed up. It’s sad. They are into drinking, drugs, wreckless driving, unemployment, unmotivated, aimless and more. Many young people head off to the military to get some aim in life. Those that stick with it feel secure in that lifestyle and don’t like to go home to the chaos of civilian life.

Parents must prepare, before they have children, to learn the skills of leadership over their own homes and businesses. We can raise leaders who see life with possibility and who feel great about their future . It takes knowledge and wisdom. Over concern and playing catch up is never good!

10 things you can do today to help your children become leaders are:

  1. Read to your children
  2. Homeschool if possible
  3. When your children want to help, let them
  4. When your child is curious, see this as initiative
  5. If your child falls and gets hurt, help him right away
  6. If you child has difficulty sleeping, investigate the true reason
  7. Keep your children from watching horror films
  8. Play inspiring music at home
  9. Teach your child how to save money
  10. Pay him money for jobs above and beyond the chores you set up for him/her

Parenting is  an amazing opportunity and done correctly, you will develop a team that will pay to back over and over. Over concern is an anxiety emotion and shows a lack of trust on your part. A lack of trust in yourself, in your children, your spouse, your job, the government or whatever you attach the emotion to, you pass this anxiety on to your children when you don’t do things with the intention of a positive aim in life. This chief aim is necessary to get you and your children to a life of success and satisfaction you will be proud of in the end.

If you liked this you may also like to learn more about Leadership


PS.Audio based on “A Nation Of Wimps” article in “Psychology Today” Feb 19, 2013. Article asserts hyper concerned parents creating fragile children who go into depression in their 30s.


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How To Trust Even If You’ve Been Violated

How To Trust Even If You’ve Been Violated by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

How Do I Trust

When we are born, we protect ourselves with crying for food. We trust our gut because we have no experience to lean on, to analyze. As we get older we experience more and begin to analyze our past actions. We have parents to tell us to “be careful” and try to keep us safe.

 Trust your gut and love yourself

Trust your gut and love yourself


Along the way, we may not trust our gut and decide to trust what others say. Or we may want to take chances beyond what is safe for us. Whether over cautious or foolish, we eventually manifest circumstances in  life. Be they good or bad, we do all we can to adapt so we can feel pleasure and avoid pain.

5 trust mistakes that make you sound like a fool!

  1.  Believe everything you read
  2.   Forget to check your heart
  3.  Jump in with both feet
  4.   Push others into doing things
  5.   Violate yourself by not loving yourself
Trust wisely

Trust wisely


13 Tips To Trust Wisely

  1.  Take time to feel your heart’s cry
  2.  Make decisions that feel good
  3.  Avoid negative influences
  4.  Never be rushed
  5.  Takes small steps when learning new things
  6.  As in sports, learn the skill, test the skill and then be ready to use the skill
  7.  Read books that speak independent of religion
  8.  Address your fears
  9.  Eliminate excuses
  10.  Be honestly aware of your “purpose”
  11.  Love yourself
  12.  Love others as you love yourself
  13.  Trust in a higher power that loves you unconditionally

Learning to trust your gut started in childhood. You are wise to get back to the source as you did then so you can begin to make decisions from your gut and along the way, gain wisdom from the mistakes you made when you didn’t follow it! Knowledge is power and leadership begins with trust.

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How To Take Charge Of Your Negative Reactions

How To Take Charge Of Your Negative Reactions by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Being Positive In A  Negative Environment

Are you aware of how you react to negative comments from others? The world is filled with negativity. It seems like we can’t help but lash out when others come at us with their attitudes. Have you gotten to the point where you just want to leave your family, friends and environment and make a dramatic change in your life? If so, then you are at a great place. You are self aware! You see that your life can be better and you want that!

Shrinking Back From Negative People

Shrinking Back From Negative People


Your Negative Neighbors

Do you become angry when you get negative criticism? Criticism is a low form of assistance others feel needs to be said.  Realizing that negative people are all around us, we want to stop them from questioning our decisions. We become angry to protect ourselves from further attack. We have been given this protective mechanism from birth. Early on in life, we use this continually. By the time we are adults, a fully evolved personality we have mastered “anger” and found other forms of response that cause less anxiety to everyone concerned. But have you?

Shrinking Back From Negative Criticism

Shrinking Back From Negative Criticism

Your Own Negative Mindset

Do you shrink back when someone is negative towards you? Some of us decide to ignore others and this works for a while. But then an eruption occurs and often divorce is in the picture. Or possibly harm is done to another because ignoring a person’s criticism is not a long term solution.

Self Awareness In A Negative Environment

Self Awareness In A Negative Environment

Self Awareness And The Negative Life

We can become aware that a long term solution is needed. When we do, doors of possibility seem to open up. We find a book that explains things. We hear a speaker that seems to talk directly to us. Being aware that we deserve a happy life, we seek for solutions. Self awareness is a gift we’re given and we ought to respect that gift!

 Freedom From Negative Mindset

Freedom From Negative Mindset

The Gift To Overcome Negative Criticism

Living as a self aware person, we begin to grow in a way that trees do: big, strong,powerful, giving shade to others, and fruit to many. This is the value we are all born with. Until we become self aware, we will use anger and shrinking back as mechanisms of protection. But our true nature is to grow prosperous and live productive lives.

Find more help for negative thinking.



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Warning: Increase Your Awareness When Baking For Teenage Daughters

Warning:Increase Awareness When Baking For Teenage Daughters

Warning:Increase Awareness When Baking For Teenage Daughters

My Daughters And Eating

Our teens are watching us! What we eat, they eat! What we cook, they cook! Maybe not tomorrow but as adults, they will follow our lead!  Teaching our teen daughters to dress may be your first priority.  “Are you going to wear that to school”?, you might ask.  Well, what about what they are buying in the cafeteria? Are you concerned about that?

Teaching Our Daughters To Cook And Bake

Our daughters are so cute as babies. We feed them anything to get a giggle or grin out of them. Grandma’s especially like to feed them cookies and ice cream. While this is adorable, it sets our little darlings up for bad habits and addictions.

So What Should I Feed My Daughters?

We generally feed them what our mom fed us! Sadly, food choices have changed dramatically and preservatives and substitutes are causing weight gain for many young daughters.

Get the Authors Advice!

Warning:Increase Awareness When Baking For Teenage Daughters

Warning:Increase Awareness When Baking For Teenage Daughters



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Raising our daughters is our responsibility. They are our legacy! They may come back to you later in life and thank you or “curse you” for being a hippocrate or even worse, a poor example!

We don’t want that, right?

Daughters Become Wives and Mothers

Our daughters will be as wise, smart, and intelligent as their parents. It’s been said, “if your daughter goes to college and then stays home and raises her children, she is just wasting her degree.” This is an absolute mistake. Daughters who study for 4 years, learn many things. At the very least, they learn how to seek knowledge, to take tests, write papers, and study for exams. Of course, they learn how to work as a team, to obey instructions, to honor professors, and establish friendships. All of these are advanced skills and our daughters can become excellent parents after graduating from college.

Unfortunately, there are some skills not taught even in college. Primarily we call them “leadership skills” and “wealth training” skills. Of course, there are many students who enter college with some of these skills and it makes them all the more prepared to achieve high ranks in their careers and an ability to create wealth.

Educating Our Daughters

As parents, we have been given the responsibility to teach our children manners, civil duties, and morality. Leadership begins at home. There are some daughters who become dishonest employers. There are some women who are morally corrupt! Telling a lie here and their, they promote themselves over others. This little bit of error in judgment can bring our daughters to ruin later on in life!

Help For Daughters

Our daughters need us! The world has many obstacles in the way of understanding how to be a leader over our bodies, minds and moral life. We are not totally corrupt. But there are parts of us that need help throughout our lives to become the kind of daughter we are proud of.  Let’s help our daughters see someone special in the mirror each day. Lets teach them to cook and bake and eat healthy so they’ll stay fit and trim.  Let’s lead them on a healthy path their children, and your grandchildren, will one day tread.

Let’s help our teenage daughters begin life with honest awareness about habits of eating, thinking and leadership.

 Learn more about raising your teenage daughters here!

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Branding You The Brand New You Book Review – The Fears Of Branding Yourself

Branding You The Brand New You Video Book Review

Branding You The Brand New You Video Book Review By Clicking The Picture.

What does branding you as a trusted authority mean?

Branding yourself in order to market your goods and services online can be quite a challenging endeavor. Before I wrote my first book about it, I experienced 2 years of hit and miss strategies, here now gone tomorrow online mentors, skill-set trainings, scam programs, manipulative messages, as well as some great skill and mindset development before I felt like I knew enough to enlighten and teach others. The test of skill is your ability to teach others with proficiency. In “Branding You The Brand New You, I share my experience and secrets as your trusted authority!

Offline Businesses And Branding You

Branding yourself online draws your followers to a specific niche you market to. It is something offline businesses need. It is also what network marketers who are part of Multilevel or Direct sales companies are doing to build huge businesses using the internet. I have been in several companies and have experience with good teams and bad teams, with good leadership and poor leadership.

Leadership and Branding You

Leadership has become one of my passions and it’s due to the poor quality of leadership demonstrated in all these platforms using online marketing. This type of team building draws charismatic leaders but needs much more to keep a loyal following. One must learn how to build “know, like and trust” in order to keep that following. While large businesses like Pepsi, Apple, and Nascar have tremendous skill at this, new wanna be leaders to online marketing training and team building are manipulative and greedy and the followers lose heart over time and jump from company to company looking for someone who has both skill and moral values in leadership.

Mindset + Skill-set X Performance = Branding You Results

Thousands of businesses are busy marketing their goods and services and customers only see the results of their efforts. Training systems are springing up all over the internet. I’ve been part of a few of them and learned alot using them.

Branding oneself requires the 4 P’s of high performance.

  1. Psychology
  2. Physiology
  3. Productivity
  4. Persuasion.

Experienced marketers are busy keeping up with the changing market for making money and have no desire to teach strategies for future competitors.

Some teachers and trainers are excellent at sharing this information for monthly fees to be part of a training and support community. However, Branding You The Brand New You is a book resource to equip you with coaching to prepare you with a firm foundation for marketing anything online. share my personal journey for the past 2 years. I tell you the people I met, the businesses I was in, the times I was scammed, robbed, and beaten up! Not literally, of course. I was online, behind my desk, so to speak!

Social Media and Branding You

Social media managers are the new trend. Marketers are creating trainings for business owners and affiliate marketers are getting commissions for sharing these training companies. In “Branding You The Brand New You”, I share my social media tips using Facebook, Skype, Linkedin, Twitter, You Tube and other communities and ways to brand yourself as a trusted authority.


Brand New You Book Video Review

Branding You The Brand New You Book Video Review Available By Clicking This Picture

Newbie Marketers and Branding You

I experienced what happens when you are not focused with the correct mindset for building a business, generating leads and building a list online.Branding gets you off to the right start!

If you like this, perhaps you’ll like to know more. Click the banner below now!

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Learn More About The Master Key Experience

Branding gets you off to the right start!

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Why Am I Here?


Did we come with a “life’s manual” to answer “Why Am I Here”?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all human beings were born with “manufacturer’s  instructions” tied to their wrists, explaining who they are and how they work? Of course, even if we did, most of us would probably skip the instructions and try to figure out life as we went along!

I believe human beings do come with the equivalent of operating instructions  that give us answers to our deepest questions about ourselves and our world like “why am I here”? Some of this information has been placed within us; the rest has been given to us by our Creator or “manufacturer” in written form.

Are You Confused about why am i here

There must be a reason why am I here!

Why Am I Here And Uncertainty

The reason we’re filled with such uncertainly and confusion about life is that we’ve lost our connection to these original instructions. We haven’t stopped to recognize our internal programming, or to read our life manual in order to understand our personal potential or how we work answering Why am I here? This is why we can’t see the purpose of the world itself and how it is supposed to function.

When we try but fail to solve what is broken in our lives and in our world, it is because our manufacturer’s labels have become faded, and we haven’t read this crucial instruction: “Do not try to repair yourself.  Return to Manufacturer.”

It is the Manufacturer who…

…has the original blueprints.

…knows how to repair what is broken inside us.

…can provide the replacement piece for what is missing in our lives.

Why Am I Here Replacement Pieces

When we discover the manufacturer’s original intent, we come to understand our purpose, our potential, to answer the question “why am I here?” and the significance of our role in this world.

Read more to answer the question “Why Am I Here?” and live with purpose and power.

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What Is Direct Sales? How Do I Lead Others When I Join A Company?

prosperity money in hand with direct sales

Do You Have A Prosperity Mindset When It Comes To Direct Sales?

What is Direct Sales?

Can An Average Person Make Money In Direct Sales?

In a conversation I had recently, about direct sales with my friend and business partner Todd Gragg, we exposed some lies and shared some wisdom about direct sales.  The conclusion we came to is that we those entering into direct sales must take responsibility for the success that is at their disposal with the leadership training offered. Whether in direct sales, network marketing and MLM’s both online and off, leaders are being developed in these organizations and teams of leaders are being trained help others coming in after them to make money and achieve levels of success expected from companies of this sort.

penny in hand poverty about direct sales

Poverty Mindset Of A Person Of Ignorance

Direct Sales and The Poverty Mindset

There are still some individuals who see the words MLM, Network Marketing, Direct Sales, Multilevel Marketing as  pyramid schemes.The Direct Selling industry is  a billion dollar industry.  There are nearly 5000 direct sales companies presently. All these companies are governed by the federal trade commission. If their was something illegal going on, the industry would be shut down. But it’s NOT!

poverty head in sand about direct sales

I Listen To The Wrong People About Direct Sales

All MLM’s, networking marketing, internet marketing and affiliate marketing is the same thing. Direct Sales.

Direct Sales And People Skills

So you’ve come online to generate income and you say you don’t want to deal with people? So do you know what you just said? You may as well leave the online industry because it’s all about PEOPLE! The beauty of this industry is that “the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts“..

You can leverage people to create an income without the costs of franchising on your own. Companies have already laid out the big costs and you’re income is directly related to the work you put into any program.

You are the owner of your company or “brand”. Posture yourself as a leader. Who do you listen to? Kevin Trudeau says it best. “Listen to those who have what you want“. If you want wealth, listen to someone who is wealthy. If you want wisdom,

Drive The Winning Vehicle In Direct Sales When You Listen To Race Car Winners

Drive The Winning Vehicle In Direct Sales When You Listen To Race Winners

listen to someone who have the results a wise man has. If you want specific leaderships skills, listen to a leader who’s track record proves their leadership.

Direct Sales Business Investment

You tell me you haven’t the money to get started in a direct sales company.  There are companies which cost little to nothing to be part of. I joined them in my learning process before I found one that I felt I wanted to stick with. Don’t be afraid to experiment. The most important thing is developing your skills as a leader so that your investment is worth it. Your team will benefit from your self development.

The way to get the knowledge is to sacrifice something in order to achieve the great gains that the wisdom of a mentor and self development training will give you. In the end, you will have not only a prosperous mindset but a prosperous wallet as well.

Direct Sales is a model that works for an average people like myself, who was a stay at home mom turned online marketing entrepreneur. I came to realize that if I were to become wealthy in my purse, I had to strongly desire to develop leadership skills. Anyone who thinks like an average person will indeed prosper when they begin to trust that Direct Sales is a legitimate way to generate wealth over time and become above average.

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Secrets For Making Money Online- How To Start Making Money Now


Marketing Education Before Making Money Online

The need for a good marketing education with a proven system, a good mentor and coach and a community is the secret to making money online. In this article I will explain the simple strategies for getting the best marketing education before without getting scammed or spending your kids future.


Like all experienced marketers, I have been reading marketing materials, joined membership sites, learning about article, video, forum, classified ads marketing for over a year at the time of writing this article. I have talked to newbie, novice and guru marketers and I have observed that everyone at every level continues to educate themselves.


They all had the same problem.


They started out with little to no money and they wanted to make some quick. They had no knowledge and they scrambled to anything that promised millions. In their naivety, they lost more money and many left defeated. Some stayed and those are the ones who discovered the secret I am about to expose!

Making Money Online: Coaches and Mentors


Finding like-minded marketers through social media sites is the best way now to network for business success. I have been forming bonds for a long time that have influenced my marketing and helped me to exercise leadership and sometimes keep me from making mistakes if I had marketed without help.


Making Money Online: Training


Many marketing training systems are being developed by “novice” marketers and they are an attempt for these marketers to teach what they have been learning. These marketers are also building their brand and exercising the power of ‘perceived authority’ to those who know less than them.


Making Money : Advanced Training

The internet is evolving and it’s important to keep up with the current trends. Continual change in social media, ownership of the big sites, and shutdowns, new sites and products are continually showing the need for advanced training. Those in the know are generally those who have learned what to focus on. The novice to experienced marketers are generally up to date because of the focus on optimizing their sites, product offerings and mastermind groups they formed or been part of.


Making Money: Spending Your Money


The biggest deception is that making money online requires spending lots of it. When starting out making money online, more grunt work is done. The new marketers secret weapon is the “Novice marketer”. They will give away value in order to earn trust. After a while, may choose to spend big money on a product by the “gurus”. I will tell you though, more importantly, getting plugged in to a community will serve your interests way better. A mastermind group is a great benefit for you.


Making Money: Education

If you are new and want the basics for making money online, find a system that’s free to start. If you want an MLM to exercise new leaderships skills, find one that’s inexpensive to join. A good foundation is necessary before you jump into big time. If you have the money go ahead and join an expensive system. They will have optimized things for you and it may save you time.

Making Money: Spending Your Time


If you go the free to learn way, you will save money but spend more time. That’s the way I started. Or if you have a couple hundred dollars extra per month to spend on training, go ahead and do that. Either way the learning curve demands you give yourself some time to absorb and then take action on each step. There is so much to learn that I can’t really put it all in this article.


PS. CLICK HERE NOW to get 12 FREE video tips on how to make money online.

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Leadership and Teaching Self Confidence To Children

Leadership and Raising Self Confident Children by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Self confidence is a leadership quality

Are you a leader/follower Or are you a leader/leader?

A child’s self confidence begins at home with parents as leaders. Every child will become what his parents teach him or her. If a parent is afraid of mice, it’s likely the child will be also. A confident parent will raise confident children, providing that parent is confident in honest endeavors.

Skepticism is the deadly enemy of progress and self-development. Parents who feel that the “rich” are out to take all their money, or the poor are a waste of humanity will subconsciously teach their children the same.

successful entrepreneurs life

Successful entrepreneurs have self confidence

What do we know about self confidence?

Truly, this is an age of illumination and unfoldment, but we have as yet barely scratched the surface of knowledge. However, when we shall have unlocked the gate that leads to the secret power which is stored up within us it will bring us knowledge that will make all past discoveries pale into oblivion by comparison.

This is the knowledge that becomes power to our successful life and to the lives of those we lead, be it our children, our teammates, our employees, our board, or whatever human being comes across our path.

Thought is the most highly organized form of energy known to man, and with the experiences of time, it is sure to bring us into greater understanding of that mysterious force called thought, which reposes within us. As parents, we have a responsibility to model a healthy thought life to our children.

The mind of a child which has not come into the age of general understanding, during an average period covering,say, the first two years of its life, is plastic, open, clean and free.

Any idea planted in such a mind by one in whom the child has confidence takes root and grows, so to speak, in such a manner that it never can be eradicated or wiped out, no matter how opposed to logic or reason that idea
may be.

Children Leaders Are Both Male and Female

Children leaders exhibit self confidence in business

Are your children learning self confidence from others?

Many religionists claim that they can so deeply implant the tenets of their religion in the mind of a
child that there never can be room in that mind for any other religion, either in whole or in part. The claims
are not greatly overdrawn. If our churches can do this, (and perhaps our schools as well), we as parents must oversee faith and scholarly teachings or suffer the consequences of another force outside of us leading our children in a way we would or would not want them to go.

Sad to say but some parents with lack of knowledge, fear things. This ignorance is passed to their children as truth even though what they fear may not be true. One example can be a fear of ill health. I have heard many lack confidence in their own health because they have heard their own parents say “because I got diabetes, you’ll get it too.”

poverty head in sand about direct sales

I lack self confidence when I listen to negative people

Does fear stop self confidence?

This fear (false evidence appearing real) is a lie but many take it as truth. Self confidence expresses truly taking responsibility for our health by researching for ourselves the best lifestyle for good health. This assertion is a great asset for both the parents health and the children’s future healthy life as well. While my children sometimes bauched at some of the healthy foods I made while they were young, are now reaching for the same healthy foods on the grocer shelf. For some ignorant parents, their now ill nourished children are reaching for Twinkies instead of fruit snacks.

Leadership over children and adults begins with taking responsibility over our own life and no longer listening to those who wish us ill, because they are ill. Thankfully, there is much help on the internet and in books like “The Science Of Getting Rich” available today to empower us toward lives of success as we strive toward our definite chief aim.

Our children are our first responsibility. Teaching them self confidence will come easier when they see us living an honorable self confident life. Why are you confident? Because you are living honestly, without fear and with knowledge of the things that make life good.

Healthy habits and self confidence

Raise your children well and you have set into place habits for also raising up loyal employees, team members, and any group you may desire to lead.

Self confidence begins with you. Its now or never. Be the leader/leader you are meant to be. And when you look back over your life, you will not see regrets too much to bare. You will see obstacles overcome, risks confidently taken, habits created by discipline, and love for yourself that made it all worth it.

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