Tag: writing

#1 Tip To Wealth Using This Easy Writing Focus Technique

Wealthy Focus On Certain Things

Wealthy Focus On Certain Things

Writing Focus Technique

Do you forget things a lot? Do you walk right past that bag for your mom and forget to pick it up when you go visiting her?

Are you visual and say “if it’s in front of me, then I’ll remember it? Well I’m here to say that it’s “focus” that gets things done. It’s focus that helps you remember things.

It’s writing a list that keeps you focused on things of importance. Some of us wait until there’s a crisis situation before we act on our own behalf.

Healthy Living Begins With Focus

Healthy Living Begins With Focus

Healthy Focus

Having a heart attack before we take steps to keep our heart healthy
Getting a call that our child is in jail before we take steps to help him/her avoid it.
Having a blow out before we get those new tires.

Before we have a crisis situation, and while we are young and enthusiastic, we can create habits that serve us for a good future, a rich future, a happy life.

What do you focus on most?

What do you focus on most?

 Goal Setting Focus

While writing goals creates focus, we still must be open to what the universe has in store for us. Knowing how to manage our writing so we focus on taking the next action step, as suggested in Begin With Yes, by Paul Boynton, we will soon come to reach our goals.

God’s plans for us are for good. Our own plans are limited by what we can see, even in our vision. The details may surprise and delight us as we stay open. There is a statement in the Major Definite Purpose  by Napoleon Hill that states “While I don’t know how this will occur, I see this income coming to me and I continue to be happy knowing it is coming into my bank account and my mailbox from the abundance of money in the world.”  I believe that Napoleon Hill knew this from experience and now we can learn by The Laws Of Success too.

It begins with writing things down. Listen as I share more about what we should be writing.


You can purchase “Begin with Yes” here.  If you have fallen on hard times financially, I can offer an ebook copy here. This book shed so much light on how to build self confidence back in your goal setting and success happiness. As a courtesy, please leave a comment and suggestions on how to serve you better. I need the feedback in order to move forward with my podcast. Thank you.


Do you say “if it’s in front of me, then I’ll remember it? This podcast exposes the #1 Tip To Wealth Using This Writing focus technique.

For more podcasts on focus and other topics, use the Podcast tab above.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/1-tip-to-wealth-using-this-easy-writing-focus-technique/

Branding You The Brand New You Book Review – The Fears Of Branding Yourself

Branding You The Brand New You Video Book Review

Branding You The Brand New You Video Book Review By Clicking The Picture.

What does branding you as a trusted authority mean?

Branding yourself in order to market your goods and services online can be quite a challenging endeavor. Before I wrote my first book about it, I experienced 2 years of hit and miss strategies, here now gone tomorrow online mentors, skill-set trainings, scam programs, manipulative messages, as well as some great skill and mindset development before I felt like I knew enough to enlighten and teach others. The test of skill is your ability to teach others with proficiency. In “Branding You The Brand New You, I share my experience and secrets as your trusted authority!

Offline Businesses And Branding You

Branding yourself online draws your followers to a specific niche you market to. It is something offline businesses need. It is also what network marketers who are part of Multilevel or Direct sales companies are doing to build huge businesses using the internet. I have been in several companies and have experience with good teams and bad teams, with good leadership and poor leadership.

Leadership and Branding You

Leadership has become one of my passions and it’s due to the poor quality of leadership demonstrated in all these platforms using online marketing. This type of team building draws charismatic leaders but needs much more to keep a loyal following. One must learn how to build “know, like and trust” in order to keep that following. While large businesses like Pepsi, Apple, and Nascar have tremendous skill at this, new wanna be leaders to online marketing training and team building are manipulative and greedy and the followers lose heart over time and jump from company to company looking for someone who has both skill and moral values in leadership.

Mindset + Skill-set X Performance = Branding You Results

Thousands of businesses are busy marketing their goods and services and customers only see the results of their efforts. Training systems are springing up all over the internet. I’ve been part of a few of them and learned alot using them.

Branding oneself requires the 4 P’s of high performance.

  1. Psychology
  2. Physiology
  3. Productivity
  4. Persuasion.

Experienced marketers are busy keeping up with the changing market for making money and have no desire to teach strategies for future competitors.

Some teachers and trainers are excellent at sharing this information for monthly fees to be part of a training and support community. However, Branding You The Brand New You is a book resource to equip you with coaching to prepare you with a firm foundation for marketing anything online. share my personal journey for the past 2 years. I tell you the people I met, the businesses I was in, the times I was scammed, robbed, and beaten up! Not literally, of course. I was online, behind my desk, so to speak!

Social Media and Branding You

Social media managers are the new trend. Marketers are creating trainings for business owners and affiliate marketers are getting commissions for sharing these training companies. In “Branding You The Brand New You”, I share my social media tips using Facebook, Skype, Linkedin, Twitter, You Tube and other communities and ways to brand yourself as a trusted authority.


Brand New You Book Video Review

Branding You The Brand New You Book Video Review Available By Clicking This Picture

Newbie Marketers and Branding You

I experienced what happens when you are not focused with the correct mindset for building a business, generating leads and building a list online.Branding gets you off to the right start!

If you like this, perhaps you’ll like to know more. Click the banner below now!

The masterkey experience

Learn More About The Master Key Experience

Branding gets you off to the right start!

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/branding-you-the-brand-new-you-book-review-the-fears-of-branding-yourself/

Web Copy That Works Part 6 – Final Secrets

[youtube]http://youtu.be/laZ8QWs54Bg 6[/youtube]



This final webcopy video explains the images that sell!

Most Websites’ Images Smother Their webcopy.

1. Illustrate or tease  with the images in your webcopy. 

These are the only two legitimate reasons for an image to exist in your webcopy. Other kinds of images will get attention; but it won’t translate into conversions.

2. Use a hero shot.

A photo of the
author always increases readership.

3. Action shots.

Photos of a product or
benefit in action are very compelling.

4. Proof.

Graphs and charts can be
taken in at a glance  are very persuasive in webcopy.

5. Captions.

All images should have
them—they get twice the readership of
body copy. Use them to sell.

6. Direction.

People in photos should
always be looking towards the copy. It
increases readership significantly.

Watch the video part 6 for how to use Clarity when writing

If you liked this series, you may like my series on getting “unstuck”.

Webcopy strategist


Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/part-6-web-copy-that-works/

10 Tips How Do I Write Effective Webcopy Part 5




Revealed: The “Guru Secrets” On How To Write Effective Web Copy That Converts To Sales.

How does the page look?  Watch Now and discover more secrets in Part 5 of Web Copy That Works.


The pages of your copy must be easy to read.  As you plan your page, think about what it should look like. Then follow these simple instructions.

Dense, intimidating, ragged?
Open, inviting, even?

1. Use a single column.
Several blocks of text side by side is like several people talking at

once. It reduces conversion rates.
2. Use subheadings. They break up copy
and, written right, draw in skimmers

A paragraph which itemizes is more effective as a list.

4. Use sidebars.

They’re excellent for calling out testimonials, benefits, proofs, guarantees,

illustrations—anything which doesn’t readily fit into the body copy.

Reversed text is twice as hard to read as dark-on-light.

Font sizes below 16 pixels are very hard for
many people;

as are columns wider than 75 characters
and line-heights below 130%.

Every page should have a call to action asking Sam to fulfill its


Call To Action (the PS)

1. Weight them.
If you have more than one cta, make the primary one dominant.

2.. Three or fewer.
Too many choices will overwhelm Sam and lead to inaction.

To make call to action buttons too big.
As their size increases, so do conversion rates.

4. Use action words.
Start your ctas button with verbs like “click here”.

Please like, comment, and subscribe. I would love your feedback.

Find more complete training watch the Webcopy series

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/part-5-web-copy-that-works/