How To Create Success – Motivational Video

Success for entrepreneurs means living with passion

Success for entrepreneurs means living with passion

Are You Success Driven

This video is very powerful. Be ready to be inspired and encouraged. Steve Jobs’ words made a lot of sense to me. He said you must be passionate about the thing you are doing or you won’t stick with it through the difficult times. It takes a lot to succeed but passion must be in place. Watch the video I found through a post on Facebook.


Success With Passion

Tony Robbins speaks about living with passion. It’s why only 1% out of 100 entrepreneurs succeed in business, while the other 99 give up. But we all are passionate about something. Brian Tracy shares some questions to ask about what we should pursue in life. He says we need to write down the skills we have and who those skills can help.
I wrote down “teaching”. I love to teach personal development because I have had to overcome many things and success comes more easily to me when I teach things I learned from reading, listening, and taking action on. I must succeed in sharing my Mixcloud podcasts because I enjoy creating them and my audience is showing up.

Success your way

Watch this video and look for more articles that address the needs you have. Realize that we all have weaknesses because we are human beings. We’re all the same. It’s getting in the habit of doing over and over the things we love to do that will bring us success in that area. Find a friend or mentor who can help point out areas for you to be accountable to them to follow up on.

It’s all about your success!

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