How To Embrace Change In Any Season

Be The Change You Want To See In The World

Be The Change You Want To See In The World

How You See Change

What do you see when you look at your life? Are you a victim of your circumstances? Is the devil out to get you? Well, I beg to differ. I lived in that place at one time but it’s no longer for me. I took hold of my life. I took responsibility for my thoughts and actions and I feel better now.Click the picture below to listen to this Mixcloud Audio below to help you embrace the changes you need to bring you happiness now.

How To Embrace Change In Any Season by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Values and Change

When I realized that I was in charge of my thought life, it amazed me to see how poorly I was thinking. I thought I was a positive person. But I also believed that the devil was sabotaging me with events to trip me up. Wow, was I wrong. My values were in conflict and the fear it caused was what messed me up and sabotaged me over and over.

Believe In Your Dreams And Change Your Future

Believe In Your Dreams And Change Your Future

Change is Good

When I realized that I left it up to God to fix things, I still lacked the love for myself that needed to be in place so I could embrace His love. When I saw that I was not a “sinner” but that I had lacked the knowledge needed to live abundantly, I embraced this quest to acknowledge that I was lovable and that God’s abundance was my abundance. I could not escape His love and the universes laws. These laws are set up to help us use our creativity to create the life we want.

How Do You Embrace Change Of Seasons?

How Do You Embrace Change Of Seasons?

Design Change

When we love ourselves, we must include the belief that God is for us. He created the world and provided the model of creativity for us. We are encouraged as spiritual beings to create the life we want by designing it in our mind; seeing the perfect relationships, our beautiful home, fulfilling work life or an exciting business venture.

Change As a Global Agent

Once we find out the secret of a successful life, we will want to help others. It has become my “why” in life. I was “lost” but now I’m “found”. I was “blind” but now I “see”.

Do You See Change As Opportunity

Do You See Change As Opportunity

The Challenge Of Change

Do you see your life in a positive way? Do you like the changes occurring? Perhaps it’s time to revisit your relationship with yourself and see if you might make some changes in the way you see yourself. Your life is filled with possibilities and what you can create is endless. Trust yourself, forgiving yourself and trust that the laws of sowing and reaping are real. Sow seeds of greatness into yourself. You deserve every loving change.

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