Category: Audio Trainings

7 Warning Signs That You Are Headed For Failure

7 Warning Signs That You Are Headed For Failure by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Failure And Belief

Whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t you’re right!

Failure comes in the little things we do. Success comes the same way. We are a compilation of our beliefs about ourselves. From childhood we have been forming our self image. We may have come to believe that we needed to compete for a place in the family, the dinner table, the attention we wanted. In school, we were taught that someone is going to get the “A” and it may or may not be you.

7 Warning Signs That Failure Will Come

7 Warning Signs That Failure Will Come

Failure And Our Present Life 

You may be feeling like a failure right now. Perhaps you made a decision that costs you a bunch of money.  Maybe you took a risk and it doesn’t seem to be working out for you. Perhaps you decided to end that relationship with your spouse or they decided to end it with you. Work went sour and your pay was downgraded. You’ve been on unemployment so long and you just need something to come along!

These events were most likely proceeded by one or more of these following 7 signs.

The warning signs that failure will come begin with

  • 1. a competitive mindset.
  • 2. fear or worry
  • 3. feeling superior
  • 4. being ungrateful
  • 5. forgetting who you really are
  • 6. drifting through life
  • 7. having no chief aim.

Do these seem familiar?

Failure And Your Future

Failure doesn’t need to come with you into your future. Be an advocate today as a person living as a creative person. Listen as I reveal how to change those things into success.

To learn more about eliminating fear of failure and reacting negatively to obstacles Check this out! 

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The Shocking Truth About Advocacy

The Shocking Truth About Advocacy by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Advocacy For The Employee

 Have you ever been around one of those employees who seems to suck the life right out of their environment? Instead of looking for ways to bring value to the company, they show up with the attitude of “What can you do for me?”

That’s the problem with 98% of employees! They are looking for what they can get out of their company or their job — a paycheck, a promotion, benefits, a big year-end bonus, or even personal satisfaction. Bottom line, they’re taking advantage of the company.

I’m sure you’ve heard that it’s better to give than to receive. That’s not just a nice little saying, and it’s not just Christmas. It applies to you here and now my friend.

I know you’re thinking, “But Caryn, what does giving have to do with my job?” My friend, there are opportunities to share your gifts and talents, whether you are a receptionist or a CEO. But if you are only looking for what you can reap, you will miss opportunities to sow. So think about it today — do you contribute to your environment, or do you suck the air out of it? If you want to grow, you must give more than you take.


The Shocking Truth About Advocacy

Leaders Know The Shocking Truth About Advocacy

“Employee Of The Year”  Because You’re An Advocacy Expert

As an employee or business owner, you’re constantly looking for ways to get ahead. But guess what — so is everyone else!

How do you contribute to your work environment? It’s so simple, most people would never think to do it…

Study Advocacy! An advocate is someone who defends, supports, and promotes the interests of others.

Advocates are rare, and advocacy has an extremely high value in the marketplace. And why? Because they continuously feed positive energy into their environment. They encourage and edify. They invest their hearts and souls into the company. They consistently look for opportunities to enrich the people around them.

The Marketplace And Advocacy

We desperately need more advocates in the world today. We need people who will push each other toward their goals and pull the best out of each other.

A student of advocacy constantly reminds people of the heart of the company to keep them focused. They protect the integrity of the company and the reputation of the leaders.

Be an advocate and watch what happens! As a positive influence at your place of employment or your network marketing company, you will receive much more by giving than you know!

Be blessed today and everyday! You are magnificent. I am for you! Go today and live the championship life! Your success is your responsibility! 

If you like this, perhaps you’ll like to know more. Click the banner below now!

The masterkey experience

Learn More About The Master Key Experience

Advocacy is your key to promotions and influence in the marketplace!

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How To Raise Leaders Not Wimps – A Response To “A Nation of Wimps” Article

Are Leaders Raising A Nation Of Wimps? by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

What Are Parents Doing To Their Children

My daughter shared an interesting article with me on Facebook.  As we all do in social media and even offline, if something affects us emotionally, we share it; a good movie, a great beer, a great value, a new gadget or tool! Often times we learn how to parent from modeling others as well. We learn what to do and many times what not to do from our own parents or guardians. As an example of being one of those who likes to share the wisdom that we as adults declare we have, I share with you my view of this article.

Personally, when I read the first several paragraphs, I thought this writer was very bias and had no clue of a leaders perspective. I later realized that he was just building his case for the case studies he found that others declared was happening to children being raised from 2004-2013. In analysis of this article, I recorded my perspective so that you would not be left in the lurch as to how to fix the problem these supposed reports indicated.

The Laws of Leadership To Raise Wealthy Children

Your children have ability to lead themselves after you learn the skills of leadership!

Parenting Your Children Correctly

Our parents did the best they could in raising us. Imagine if we knew how to raise emotionally healthy children. Do you believe you have the skills to help your children succeed and find satisfaction in life without begging, borrowing or stealing to get it? Honesty is a vital character quality. It begins at home. Some parents are pretty sly at being dishonest to get the teacher to chance a child’s grade. Other parents who don’t know the proper leadership principles use the governmental system to declare their children unable to take tests with a time frame attached. Writing notes and calling professors indicate a parent who is forcing a teacher to treat their child differently.

Undermining Your Children

There are things you may be doing to create children who feel inadequate

  • Make up stories about your children to cover up a mistake
  • Look a child in the eye to keep them from saying something in front of others
  • Go behind your children’s back to make the child feel inadequate
  • Lie on your income tax or when talking on the phone
  • Manipulate the system to get more governmental assistance
  • See others as “poor so in so”
  • Tell your children what to say when they have to call someone to explain a situation
  • Talk to your child daily about everything that’s going on in their day

Our children are meant to be leaders. Parents who are overly concerned about every little thing in their children’s life are generally making up for a lack of training in the early years. Unfortunately, many of us didn’t have parents with great leadership skills. We learned as we went and by the time we had some experience or learned some truth about how best to live, our little ones were teens. Too little too late, great people have troubled teens on their hands. Hoping they could get through to their children, they made a last ditch effort to share the wisdom they wished they had while they were young parents.

What values of Leadership are you teaching your children?

What values of Leadership are you teaching your children?

Leadership for Children

Do you find it hard to get on track with raising kids? I know a lot of well meaning parents whose kids are messed up. It’s sad. They are into drinking, drugs, wreckless driving, unemployment, unmotivated, aimless and more. Many young people head off to the military to get some aim in life. Those that stick with it feel secure in that lifestyle and don’t like to go home to the chaos of civilian life.

Parents must prepare, before they have children, to learn the skills of leadership over their own homes and businesses. We can raise leaders who see life with possibility and who feel great about their future . It takes knowledge and wisdom. Over concern and playing catch up is never good!

10 things you can do today to help your children become leaders are:

  1. Read to your children
  2. Homeschool if possible
  3. When your children want to help, let them
  4. When your child is curious, see this as initiative
  5. If your child falls and gets hurt, help him right away
  6. If you child has difficulty sleeping, investigate the true reason
  7. Keep your children from watching horror films
  8. Play inspiring music at home
  9. Teach your child how to save money
  10. Pay him money for jobs above and beyond the chores you set up for him/her

Parenting is  an amazing opportunity and done correctly, you will develop a team that will pay to back over and over. Over concern is an anxiety emotion and shows a lack of trust on your part. A lack of trust in yourself, in your children, your spouse, your job, the government or whatever you attach the emotion to, you pass this anxiety on to your children when you don’t do things with the intention of a positive aim in life. This chief aim is necessary to get you and your children to a life of success and satisfaction you will be proud of in the end.

If you liked this you may also like to learn more about Leadership


PS.Audio based on “A Nation Of Wimps” article in “Psychology Today” Feb 19, 2013. Article asserts hyper concerned parents creating fragile children who go into depression in their 30s.


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How To Trust Even If You’ve Been Violated

How To Trust Even If You’ve Been Violated by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

How Do I Trust

When we are born, we protect ourselves with crying for food. We trust our gut because we have no experience to lean on, to analyze. As we get older we experience more and begin to analyze our past actions. We have parents to tell us to “be careful” and try to keep us safe.

 Trust your gut and love yourself

Trust your gut and love yourself


Along the way, we may not trust our gut and decide to trust what others say. Or we may want to take chances beyond what is safe for us. Whether over cautious or foolish, we eventually manifest circumstances in  life. Be they good or bad, we do all we can to adapt so we can feel pleasure and avoid pain.

5 trust mistakes that make you sound like a fool!

  1.  Believe everything you read
  2.   Forget to check your heart
  3.  Jump in with both feet
  4.   Push others into doing things
  5.   Violate yourself by not loving yourself
Trust wisely

Trust wisely


13 Tips To Trust Wisely

  1.  Take time to feel your heart’s cry
  2.  Make decisions that feel good
  3.  Avoid negative influences
  4.  Never be rushed
  5.  Takes small steps when learning new things
  6.  As in sports, learn the skill, test the skill and then be ready to use the skill
  7.  Read books that speak independent of religion
  8.  Address your fears
  9.  Eliminate excuses
  10.  Be honestly aware of your “purpose”
  11.  Love yourself
  12.  Love others as you love yourself
  13.  Trust in a higher power that loves you unconditionally

Learning to trust your gut started in childhood. You are wise to get back to the source as you did then so you can begin to make decisions from your gut and along the way, gain wisdom from the mistakes you made when you didn’t follow it! Knowledge is power and leadership begins with trust.

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How To Take Charge Of Your Negative Reactions

How To Take Charge Of Your Negative Reactions by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Being Positive In A  Negative Environment

Are you aware of how you react to negative comments from others? The world is filled with negativity. It seems like we can’t help but lash out when others come at us with their attitudes. Have you gotten to the point where you just want to leave your family, friends and environment and make a dramatic change in your life? If so, then you are at a great place. You are self aware! You see that your life can be better and you want that!

Shrinking Back From Negative People

Shrinking Back From Negative People


Your Negative Neighbors

Do you become angry when you get negative criticism? Criticism is a low form of assistance others feel needs to be said.  Realizing that negative people are all around us, we want to stop them from questioning our decisions. We become angry to protect ourselves from further attack. We have been given this protective mechanism from birth. Early on in life, we use this continually. By the time we are adults, a fully evolved personality we have mastered “anger” and found other forms of response that cause less anxiety to everyone concerned. But have you?

Shrinking Back From Negative Criticism

Shrinking Back From Negative Criticism

Your Own Negative Mindset

Do you shrink back when someone is negative towards you? Some of us decide to ignore others and this works for a while. But then an eruption occurs and often divorce is in the picture. Or possibly harm is done to another because ignoring a person’s criticism is not a long term solution.

Self Awareness In A Negative Environment

Self Awareness In A Negative Environment

Self Awareness And The Negative Life

We can become aware that a long term solution is needed. When we do, doors of possibility seem to open up. We find a book that explains things. We hear a speaker that seems to talk directly to us. Being aware that we deserve a happy life, we seek for solutions. Self awareness is a gift we’re given and we ought to respect that gift!

 Freedom From Negative Mindset

Freedom From Negative Mindset

The Gift To Overcome Negative Criticism

Living as a self aware person, we begin to grow in a way that trees do: big, strong,powerful, giving shade to others, and fruit to many. This is the value we are all born with. Until we become self aware, we will use anger and shrinking back as mechanisms of protection. But our true nature is to grow prosperous and live productive lives.

Find more help for negative thinking.



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How Do I Homeschool My Kids With “Child Led Learning”?

How Do I Homeschool My Kids By “Child Led Learning”? by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Do you worry if you are choosing the right curriculum to homeschool your children?

I recently met Wendy Jensen, a homeschooler making a difference to many new to novice homeschool parents. On her fanpage Homeschooling from the heart, a concerned mom Angela commented on a post regarding “child led learning”. You may as well have commented yourself! When taking on homeschooling, there is a ton to learn. While I recommend a parenting class on leadership, the principles of leadership for homeschool parents is needed to eliminate the worry homeschool parents have when choosing “child led learning”.

Like many parents, we have to learn the kinds of curriculum available. We go to fairs and events. We talk to other parents and buy things without knowing if they are the best curriculum for each of our children. Many try books that work for one child and not another. It can add up to alot of frustration and worry.

Eliminating Worry In Our Homeschool

Books are great. They teach all aspects of a subject but there are some foundation principles homeschool parents get the privilege of teaching. As leaders of our family,  success principles of  leadership and responsibility must be demonstrated while subjects are taught. Wendy’s post about ‘Child Led Learning’ sparked a question from Angela.

Angela asks: “What exactly does that look like? Is that unschooling? I choose a curriculum that I believe suits Madison’s learning style, and there are subjects she needs to learn. I need clarity, b/c I really want her to love learning.”

How To Homeschool Kids With Child Led Learning?

How To Homeschool Kids With Child Led Learning?

The Character of Successful Homeschool Parents

‘Angela, while you homeschool Madison, their must be routine, discipline, passion, and desire.

Your character will shape her character.

  • 1. By your love for learning, she will learn to love it too.
  • 2. Forming habits, rituals, routines of every day life, you will be teaching her to “follow through”, which builds confidence.
  • 3. By assisting her in choosing one thing to be passionate about at a time, you will encourage her to focus, a discipline necessary for “success”.
  • 4. Desiring to homeschool her is the beginning of your living with “purpose” and “power” over one’s own life. You are an entrepreneur! To many, this is “going against the grain” seen my others as “rebellious”.  However, it is simply a decision to take responsibility for your life and your children’s education.”

We are given that responsibility and many have given up that freedom to the public or private school system.

These 4 skills are the foundation for your children’s successful future.

Do a good job with these leadership principles and you’re on your way to a bright and happy future!  One day, Madison  and your own children will come back to you and “thank you” for teaching them the disciplines of a successful homeschool!

For more on Parental Homeschool Leadership

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Warning: Increase Your Awareness When Baking For Teenage Daughters

Warning:Increase Awareness When Baking For Teenage Daughters

Warning:Increase Awareness When Baking For Teenage Daughters

My Daughters And Eating

Our teens are watching us! What we eat, they eat! What we cook, they cook! Maybe not tomorrow but as adults, they will follow our lead!  Teaching our teen daughters to dress may be your first priority.  “Are you going to wear that to school”?, you might ask.  Well, what about what they are buying in the cafeteria? Are you concerned about that?

Teaching Our Daughters To Cook And Bake

Our daughters are so cute as babies. We feed them anything to get a giggle or grin out of them. Grandma’s especially like to feed them cookies and ice cream. While this is adorable, it sets our little darlings up for bad habits and addictions.

So What Should I Feed My Daughters?

We generally feed them what our mom fed us! Sadly, food choices have changed dramatically and preservatives and substitutes are causing weight gain for many young daughters.

Get the Authors Advice!

Warning:Increase Awareness When Baking For Teenage Daughters

Warning:Increase Awareness When Baking For Teenage Daughters



Listen here





Raising our daughters is our responsibility. They are our legacy! They may come back to you later in life and thank you or “curse you” for being a hippocrate or even worse, a poor example!

We don’t want that, right?

Daughters Become Wives and Mothers

Our daughters will be as wise, smart, and intelligent as their parents. It’s been said, “if your daughter goes to college and then stays home and raises her children, she is just wasting her degree.” This is an absolute mistake. Daughters who study for 4 years, learn many things. At the very least, they learn how to seek knowledge, to take tests, write papers, and study for exams. Of course, they learn how to work as a team, to obey instructions, to honor professors, and establish friendships. All of these are advanced skills and our daughters can become excellent parents after graduating from college.

Unfortunately, there are some skills not taught even in college. Primarily we call them “leadership skills” and “wealth training” skills. Of course, there are many students who enter college with some of these skills and it makes them all the more prepared to achieve high ranks in their careers and an ability to create wealth.

Educating Our Daughters

As parents, we have been given the responsibility to teach our children manners, civil duties, and morality. Leadership begins at home. There are some daughters who become dishonest employers. There are some women who are morally corrupt! Telling a lie here and their, they promote themselves over others. This little bit of error in judgment can bring our daughters to ruin later on in life!

Help For Daughters

Our daughters need us! The world has many obstacles in the way of understanding how to be a leader over our bodies, minds and moral life. We are not totally corrupt. But there are parts of us that need help throughout our lives to become the kind of daughter we are proud of.  Let’s help our daughters see someone special in the mirror each day. Lets teach them to cook and bake and eat healthy so they’ll stay fit and trim.  Let’s lead them on a healthy path their children, and your grandchildren, will one day tread.

Let’s help our teenage daughters begin life with honest awareness about habits of eating, thinking and leadership.

 Learn more about raising your teenage daughters here!

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How Scammers Gamble With Your Facebook Profile – 7 Ways To Protect Yourself

How Scammers Gamble With Your Facebook Profile – 7 Ways To Protect Yourself by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

How Safe Is Your Facebook Profile From Scammers?

There are people who do not have your best interests at heart! Do not be a sitting duck! I’ve experienced scamming and will share from experience the warning signs of scamming.

Action steps you can take today to keep from getting scammed.

Listen to the audio to find out and discover why it happened!

scammers prey on weak

Scammers prey on the Weak

How To Avoid The Scammers

Further steps to take to claim your identity as a confident person

1. Decide that you want to change your life
2. Write down what you want
3. Ask for what you want
4. Keep the vision of this desire as being fulfilled
5. Believe that you are receiving it
6. Read books and attend motivational calls that assist you
7. Share what you learn with others by blogging online, taking action to create the change in your relationships offline, and telling others where they can get the same help to got when they see how much more confident you are now!

Further action steps to avoid Scammers


Some resources you may find helpful:
The Bride by Rhonda Calhoun
Wild At Heart (for men) by Eldridge
Captivating (for women) by Eldridge

If you liked this audio and resources, perhaps you would like these others

The Following audios are available to further develop a “self confident” mindset so you will have control over scammers or other people who would do you harm if you don’t have the power to stop them.

1.Thinking For Right Relationships With commentaries
2.The Science Of Getting Rich Audios and commentaries

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What Are Your Emotions Telling You About Your Future? (Podcast)

Emotional Triggers That Help Your Succeed! by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Emotions are a great help if you know how to use them.

The day I listened to a teaching that brought up a question for me to consider, I became uncomfortable but didn’t know exactly why. I just knew I had to use what I had learned from previous self development studies to get to the root of the matter. So I used the pendulum technique to help me. If you have gone through trauma in your early life, you may have conflicts which your emotions will later express to you.

What emotions trigger failure and success in you?

What emotions trigger failure and success in you?

Emotions And Conflicts

Listen as I share what techniques to use to help you eliminate the conflicts between your conscious mind that strives for success and your subconscious mind that you have conditioned to believe differently. The truth is that conflicts keep us from fulfilling our potential success and a life without satisfaction is like the black hole of death. Salvation means nothing missing, nothing broken.

Examples of Emotions

Let this podcast assist you in eliminating any conflicts your emotions trigger. Some examples of emotional trigger are crying, anxiety, anger, fear, frustration, jealousy, cynicism. Let’s root out these bitterness’s in you so you can live the life of freedom and power you were given breath to do all the days of your life!

Honor Your Emotions

Honor the creator and yourself today! Listen carefully and take notes! You won’t want to miss this one time podcast that could change your life forever! Your emotions are given to you by the creator to help you manage your success in life.

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Pull Out The Roots Of Failure Podcast – What Are Bitter Root Judgments?


Click This Picture And Listen To How Bitter Root Judgments May Be Keeping You From The Success You Deserve!

Listen To How Bitter Root Judgments May Be Keeping You From The Success You Deserve!

Listen Here To Learn How To Become Powerful Beyond Bitter Root Judgements

Bitter Root Judgments and Forgiveness

At birth, a child cries instinctively in order to receive the pleasure of security. The pain incurred when a baby is delivered into the cold world removed from the warm stomach of the mother, causes at birth a feeling of fear and lack of security. As a child continues to grow, security is desired through many different avenues of satisfaction.

The moment a child feels the threat that brings a fear of lack of security, the child begins analyzing the surrounding for ways to feel safety again. A child may protect himself by deciding that a parent doesn’t have his safety at heart and the reaction may cause a judgement about that parent in hopes of preventing pain the child wants to avoid.

While the judgments are based on the immediate needs of the child, they are most likely not true, though this small immature mind has begun planting seeds of protection for himself. In many instances, these judgments bear fruit that causes the child to form ideas that take him further from the truth and more insecurity is created.

Parents may see fruit of these ideas being formed. However, they have no way of helping the child unless the child can plainly explain how the idea was formed earlier. These fruits must become grown up to bear fruit so as to decide whether the fruit is good or bad. At that point, a child or adult needs to take responsibility for the forgiveness to oneself as well as forgiveness to the parents or others they formed the judgment of. Forgiveness releases the judgment from the ground in which it grew and essentially, the pulling of it at it’s roots leaves room for the truth, a seed replacing the lies now exposed by the light.

Seeds and The Bitter Root

Parents are to provide the safest, loving environment they know how to provide for their children. As a child grows it’s the parents responsibility to do several things to assist the child in his discovery of a positive, successful life.

  • Children must be told they are in charge of their own mindset and must take responsibility for making good choices.
  • Growing children will make poor choices until they have a handle on the truth that they are unconditionally loved to live their true potential, to give the gifts they were born to give, to co create in true prosperity, and to become agents of change for those they will influence throughout life.
  • Parents must help them to feel safe.
  • Parents or those responsible for children must provide a belief system to support a life of  freedom, beauty and wonder of life, and  the possibilities to create available to them.

Competition and The Bitter Root

Some children feel there is no time for them. This judgment about their parents, especially when both parents work or when the children are raised by a single individual, cause the child to feel they must compete for their parents time. When their are other siblings, the competition stalls the productivity of the child’s mindset growth. This judgment is opposite to the truth that if a child is born, time makes a way to provide for him opportunity to grow, develop and have the love and safety needed.

  • Teach your child that their value is in the clay. They are valuable because they were born. They didn’t have to earn their value. The safety of their value grants them true life because they deserve it! God has SERVED (De – Serve) them to this earth for a purpose and it’s their privilege to live it out by seeking true life.
  • Children have purpose and should write out their “chief aim” for the next 5 years, repeating this every 5 years for the rest of their life. Thinking with the end in mind, children will reach forward toward the legacy they have purposed from early on. We have the freedom to believe in a positive future, whatever it is. Focus, get clear, and step forward believing it is happening daily!
  • Teach your children that nothing will get in their way. There is always a door to go through to take them towards the safety, security, happiness and joy they desire. This truth is so valuable, you may want to read it again!

Security and The Bitter Root

  • Remind your child that you are learning too! With age comes wisdom. They must expect to have more wisdom with age as well. Help them feel secure knowing you are working towards greater knowledge of living a happy, productive, successful life as they desire also.

Things To Consider about Bitter Root

  1. Who is responsible for your success in business and life?
  2. Decide to believe the best!
  3. Follow the fruit to the root of Bitter Root Judgments
  4. Turn on the light of failures in thought which caused bitter root judgments.
  5. Speak out loud with the same vigor of emotion used when you first “believed” the lie, and state the truth about it, denouncing its power. Forgive yourself and others with a simple statement from the heart.
  6.  Plant and protect the soil with a seed of truth that will grow a crop of good thoughts toward prosperity instead.
  7. Ask God (higher power, universe) to show you His love for you.
  8. Ask questions of others to clarify truth.
  9. Be a communicator.
  10. Direct others towards a fulfilling life free of bitter root judgements.
  11. Listen to the podcast here:   Listen Here To Learn How To Become Powerful Beyond Bitter Root Judgements

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