Category: Leadership

How to change your negative thoughts to positive thoughts

Podcast On Thoughts


Do you have negative thoughts you want to change into positive thoughts?

The subconscious mind dominates our thinking. We can influence it by using this simple method.

In Napoleon Hill’s book “Think And Grow Rich”, he gives us a lift of emotions that rule our thoughts. Yes, I said “rule our thoughts”!  Here’s his list.

The seven major Positive Emotions

  • Desire
  •  faith
  •  love
  •  sex
  •  enthusiasm
  • romance
  • hope
how to change your negative thoughts

How do you keep from changing your
negative thoughts

The seven major Negative Emotions

  • Fear
  • jealousy
  • hatred
  • revenge
  • greed
  • superstition
  • anger

The following quote really tells us how negative emotions affect our thoughts.

Miserable people focus on the things they hate about their life. Happy people focus on the things they love about their life. Zig Ziglar

How to change your negative thoughts about people

How to change your negative thoughts about people


Now this quote is an example of a thought life dominated by positive emotions.

Your peace is more important than anything that makes you mad. Allowing anger to fester and fuel up inside us paves the way to sin. Focus on God and your relationship with Him rather than the wrong that’s been done to you, because your peace is more important. Joyce Meyer

Thought life and your peace

Success in life begins with our mindset. Setting childish thoughts aside, we put on a thought life strengthened by emotions that console, comfort and direct our future thoughts with power.


Use this meditation exercise daily for maximum help to change your negative thoughts to positive thoughts.

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How To Find Happiness By Using Social Media

Happiness is an emotion

How Can I Have Happiness?

How Can I Have Happiness?


How happy are you? How sad do you get? People have a varying states of happiness and during the holidays it seems to be exaggerated! High highs during parties, and low lows when you are home alone without family.

Lost a job and can’t buy gifts or have no time to shop because you are working like crazy to finish up projects before the holiday break! No matter what it is… what can help you feel better is to be an encouragement to others.


Happiness Is Where Your Friends Are!

Happiness Is Where Your Friends Are!

Happiness Is On Facebook

Facebook is great place to find happiness. Use Facebook to help you feel better during the holidays and re-post something funny to help your friends in need!

The holidays are sad for a lot of people who really need happiness. Those who use the power of the internet can watch YouTube videos, read interesting and inspiring articles, or read updates from friends on Facebook or other sites they subscribe to. Don’t let the holidays find you sad or alone.
Happiness Is A Mouse Click AwayHappiness Is A Mouse Click Away

Happiness Is A Mouse Click Away

Happiness is in your hands


Using social media, email, or the internet, you can find happiness and give a gift of encouragement to those who need it. The holiday season is meant to help us connect with a feeling of happiness and those we love. If your children live far away, use Skype or Facebook to keep in touch with them. Don’t let Christmas find you alone. Connect with others using the technology given as a gift to the earth. Have faith.
For a heartwarming tale of happiness with a moral, for kids and adults alike, download or read “The Undecorated Christmas Tree” story at…

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The Action Plan Strategy That Organized People Don’t Share About Life

Your life plan for success

Your life plan for success

Without a life plan, we flounder about without a life raft. Get this free download and get started. After reading this book, you can utilize the Life Plan template to assist your planning.

This book will give you the strategy that is needed to get you started building the life you want.


My Life PLAN

[Your Name]

As of Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Outcomes For Life

How do you want to be remembered by the following?

[Write your outcome here.]

My Spouse             [Write your outcome here.]

My Children          [Write your outcome here.]

My Parents            [Write your outcome here.]

My Colleagues      [Write your outcome here.]

My Friends            [Write your outcome here.]

Priorities In Life

What is most important to you?

  1.          1.      [Write your first priority here.]
  2.          2.      [Write your first priority here.]
  3.          3.      [Write your first priority here.]
  4.          4.      [Write your first priority here.]
  5.          5.      [Write your first priority here.]

Action Plans For Life

Account 1: [Write your first account heading.]

Envisioned Future:

[Write your envisioned future statement.]

Purpose Statement:

[Write your purpose statement.]

Supporting Verse:

[Optional: Include a supporting Bible verse.]

Current Reality:

  • [Write your first item.]
  • [Write your first item.]
  • [Write your first item.]
  • [Write your first item.]

Specific Commitments:

Account 2: [Write your second account heading.]

Envisioned Future life:

[Write your envisioned future statement.]

Purpose Statement:

[Write your purpose statement.]

Supporting Verse:

[Optional: Include a supporting Bible verse.]

Current Reality:

Specific Commitments:

[Copy and Paste the action plan for life template as many times as you need.]

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How To Embrace Change In Any Season

Be The Change You Want To See In The World

Be The Change You Want To See In The World

How You See Change

What do you see when you look at your life? Are you a victim of your circumstances? Is the devil out to get you? Well, I beg to differ. I lived in that place at one time but it’s no longer for me. I took hold of my life. I took responsibility for my thoughts and actions and I feel better now.Click the picture below to listen to this Mixcloud Audio below to help you embrace the changes you need to bring you happiness now.

How To Embrace Change In Any Season by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Values and Change

When I realized that I was in charge of my thought life, it amazed me to see how poorly I was thinking. I thought I was a positive person. But I also believed that the devil was sabotaging me with events to trip me up. Wow, was I wrong. My values were in conflict and the fear it caused was what messed me up and sabotaged me over and over.

Believe In Your Dreams And Change Your Future

Believe In Your Dreams And Change Your Future

Change is Good

When I realized that I left it up to God to fix things, I still lacked the love for myself that needed to be in place so I could embrace His love. When I saw that I was not a “sinner” but that I had lacked the knowledge needed to live abundantly, I embraced this quest to acknowledge that I was lovable and that God’s abundance was my abundance. I could not escape His love and the universes laws. These laws are set up to help us use our creativity to create the life we want.

How Do You Embrace Change Of Seasons?

How Do You Embrace Change Of Seasons?

Design Change

When we love ourselves, we must include the belief that God is for us. He created the world and provided the model of creativity for us. We are encouraged as spiritual beings to create the life we want by designing it in our mind; seeing the perfect relationships, our beautiful home, fulfilling work life or an exciting business venture.

Change As a Global Agent

Once we find out the secret of a successful life, we will want to help others. It has become my “why” in life. I was “lost” but now I’m “found”. I was “blind” but now I “see”.

Do You See Change As Opportunity

Do You See Change As Opportunity

The Challenge Of Change

Do you see your life in a positive way? Do you like the changes occurring? Perhaps it’s time to revisit your relationship with yourself and see if you might make some changes in the way you see yourself. Your life is filled with possibilities and what you can create is endless. Trust yourself, forgiving yourself and trust that the laws of sowing and reaping are real. Sow seeds of greatness into yourself. You deserve every loving change.

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How To Create Success – Motivational Video

Success for entrepreneurs means living with passion

Success for entrepreneurs means living with passion

Are You Success Driven

This video is very powerful. Be ready to be inspired and encouraged. Steve Jobs’ words made a lot of sense to me. He said you must be passionate about the thing you are doing or you won’t stick with it through the difficult times. It takes a lot to succeed but passion must be in place. Watch the video I found through a post on Facebook.


Success With Passion

Tony Robbins speaks about living with passion. It’s why only 1% out of 100 entrepreneurs succeed in business, while the other 99 give up. But we all are passionate about something. Brian Tracy shares some questions to ask about what we should pursue in life. He says we need to write down the skills we have and who those skills can help.
I wrote down “teaching”. I love to teach personal development because I have had to overcome many things and success comes more easily to me when I teach things I learned from reading, listening, and taking action on. I must succeed in sharing my Mixcloud podcasts because I enjoy creating them and my audience is showing up.

Success your way

Watch this video and look for more articles that address the needs you have. Realize that we all have weaknesses because we are human beings. We’re all the same. It’s getting in the habit of doing over and over the things we love to do that will bring us success in that area. Find a friend or mentor who can help point out areas for you to be accountable to them to follow up on.

It’s all about your success!

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What Your Priest Won’t Tell You About Your Choices

Your Priest Won't Tell You About Your Choices

Your Priest Won’t Tell You About Your Choices

Choices That Help

Happiness is about our CHOICES. How do we make choices that support us? We need to learn from someone who is good at making right choices. Find someone. It could be Jesus. But it could be a friend who you trust, a parent you love, a grandparent or co worker who mentors you.

Choices That Hurt

Listen as I explain where I got so off track as a child that led me to make wrong choices and create a future that hurt me rather than gave me the pleasure I deserved. It was my own fault. I take responsibility for it now and you can too! Learn more when you listen to the Mixcloud audio above. It will empower you to make better choices starting today!

Being Responsible For Our Choices

Let me explain what truth wisdom I see about the verse and interpretation I placed below this article and podcast. It should help those who are in fear that the devil is out to get them. Get some simple step by step help you can do today to empower your future instead of fearing it.

This is the statement I address. Read and listen to see why I disagree with some key words used.

Psalms 119:133 Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me.

Marsha’s interpretation:
Beloved, stay on track.  Don’t let anything derail you from your focus on things that really matter–things of eternal value and importance.  The enemy will do all he can to cause confusion, condemnation, and distraction.  It is up to you to resist the attacks of the enemy, keep your thoughts under the rule of My Spirit and to control your emotional impulses and responses.  Then, trust Me to give you wisdom and direction in all things, says the Lord.  I am for you!

Starting today, you can empower yourself with these simple steps outlined in the podcast here; and begin by making choices that support you; not add fear to your life.

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The Truth About Your Emotions – Anger Management Tip

Are Your Emotions Driven By Your Values?

Are Your Emotions Driven By Your Values?

The Value Of Your Emotions

What gets you angry?  So many things could do it. It’s easy to understand the motive of an angry person. They just yell at you or walk away in silence and you know by their body language they’re angry. But what triggered that anger? Was it something you said? Why did what you say anger them?   In this Mixcloud podcast I share the top tips for what truth about emotional people and  what they value most.

Each of us has a set of rules for feeling good. Violate those rules and they begin to experience anger.  Here’s what you need to know so you can remain calm when others trigger anger in you.

1. All we value is set up in hierarchical order.

2. For some people “peace” is higher on the list that “connection”.

3. So if your conversation disrupts someone’s peaceful state, they will disconnect with you. Your connection or conversation has disrupted their emotions about peace.


Telling The Truth About Your Emotions

Emotions are the manifestation of our values.

To be sure your emotions are consistent with a happy life there are some steps you can take.


1. List your values and place them in order of most important to least important. (do 10 values)

2. See if any 2 are not consistent with each other. e.g. freedom and security.

3. Decide what you want more and switch the list around to make it easier to be happy with them.

4. Create rules about your values. e.g. Love: I love others unconditionally. OR Love: I love those who love me first.

5. Create rules that support your value priorities. e.g. Freedom: To be free means to never be tied down in a relationship. Freedom:To be free means to be in a relationship where each of us feels free to be ourselves without judgement.


Emotions Are Triggered By Your Values

Emotions Are Triggered By Your Values

The Truth About Values

Most of what we value is an accumulation of emotions we felt about circumstances from our past. If we desire happiness in life, we can change what we value and make rules to support a happy life that doesn’t conflict with other things we value. First thing to do is to make that list. Check it twice and see if you are in conflict. Conflicts may be contributing to a lack of success in your emotions and happiness. To be truly happy and satisfied, we create rules that help us to avoid pain and experience the most pleasure. Make your list so that it’s easy to live by.


Emotions and Judgement

The responsibility for our happiness lies within us. Remove any conflicts of values and you’re on your way to the happy life you desire and deserve. The scripture verses, “Judge not lest you be judged” and “Remove the speck from your eye before you try to remove the log out of someone else’s eye”, show what our character should be when it comes to our judgement of others. When we speak out emotionally against the way another person lives, we are showing our dissatisfaction about the things that person values. But we don’t know the “whole” of the person. Where we are weak, that other person may be strong. We ought better check ourselves and what we value. Remember that the strength of our relationships are based on the things we value most. And we all value different things most. By setting up “win win” rules that accept what others value most, we are showing good character and maintaining good emotions to which we will not be judged by others. Listen here to this supplemental podcast to learn more.

Set Up The Values You Want Most and Your Positive Emotions Will Follow.

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How To End Stubbornness In The People You Put Up With!

How Do I End Stubbornness?

How Do I End Stubbornness?

The Stubbornness of a child

I remember when I was little wanting to ride the merry-go-round by the department store. I laid down on the ground when my mom said “no”. In retrospect, she was probably busy and had little time for me to ride it. But at the time, she told me I was being stubborn.

Nationalities linked to stubborness

Many times different nationalities are linked with being stubborn. The Germans were known for their stubborn qualities. The Irish red head was known to be stubborn. But more likely, it is the child himself who exhibits strong desire for something.

It’s not a bad thing to be stubborn. In this podcast, you will hear why.

How To End Stubborness In Your Loved One! by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Have you ever blurted out “Why are you so stubborn”? We have all felt the difficulty at one time or another with a loved one when we’re trying to get them to change their thinking. Problem is, they don’t see any problem with their thinking, right?

Stubbornness in communicating

Communication helps but both parties must be willing to participate.
So what’s the secret to getting that person to become open to change? Read more at about taking responsibility for yourself. Listen here to Caryn’s secrets to getting that person to move toward change.!

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7 Things God Needs To Hear You Say When You Pray

7 Things God Needs To Hear You Say When You Pray by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

What does it mean to pray?

Prayer is meant for the purpose of helping us feel that there is someone outside of our immediate circumstances that will help us with things we have no control over. Many people are taught to pray when they are small. The prayers are for the purpose of gaining pleasure when obstacles are in our way.

We pray to feel better, to get good grades on tests, to get a new bike, etc… As children we may have a feeling of a lack of control which conditions us to be fearful but prayer is suppose to make us feel better because God knows what to do to help us. We may tend to press God for things when we feel impatient to wait for them. This idea of praying in this way has taught so many people wrongly. Fear is one of the worst feelings we can have when we pray.

Unfortunately, we’re not taught the correct way to pray so that the fear is lessened and the things we want granted.

Taking responsibility when we pray

What Does God Hear You Pray?

  • 1. Gratitude
  • 2. Fear
  • 3. Faith
  • 4. Words with intention
  • 5. Begging
  • 6. Demanding
  • 7. Hopelessness


7 Things God Needs To Hear You Say When You Pray

7 Things God Needs To Hear You Say When You Pray

What prayers get answered?

All prayers get answered. Whatever emotion is tied to the prayer when we pray will grant us more of the same emotion. This is the sowing and reaping principle we’re taught about in the bible and other spiritual books. Intention is the key.

What is your intention when you pray?

  • 1. To communicate with someone who can help
  • 2. To get things off your chest
  • 3. To make yourself feel better
  • 4. To state the condition of your circumstances
  • 5. To clarify where you are at in your belief at the time
  • 6. To use God to do what you cannot do on your own
  • 7. To share your feelings with someone who understands you
3 Things Missing When You Pray

3 Things Missing When You Pray

The 3 things missing when we want the best answers as we pray?

1. Faith in the things that bring us pleasure. Depending on the prayer, we will get more of what we believe about what we are asking.
2. Knowledge of what we need. Without having seen the future, we may not know the best things to pray for.
3. Vision of our definite purpose. Until we set a vision of a definite chief aim in life, we are drifting.

Ultimate things to pray for

What do you pray for? When we’re little we pray for things we don’t have the money to buy ourselves. We pray our siblings will be nice to us. We pray for good grades and for our parents to get along. When we’re small, we have little to no control over our circumstances. But we may not have been taught what we do have control over! Unfortunately, if you had not been taught that you are responsible for your thought life, and your belief life, then you may still be living believing that God is the only one who controls your future. This is a great lie and it’s time for you to wake up and realize that you are in control of your life now!

The lie about how to pray

The lie about prayer is that it’s meant to give you hope that God will be merciful to you and grant you what you don’t have now. The truth is, you can have, be or do anything you desire. The keys needed are “vision, knowledge and faith“. Without the knowledge that you have control over your present life, you may be living as a child, with the belief that you have no control and that you are helpless without God to show you mercy.

7 Things God Needs To Hear You Say When You Pray

Even As Children, You Have Control When You Pray

You have control when you pray

Discipline of our thought life should have begun as children whose parents trained us to believe that anything is possible. But today is your day if you didn’t have such parents. Taking responsibility for your life is what God intends for you to do. He set up the laws of the universe to grant you your desires. Wishes are for those who lack a belief that they have control over their life. Desires are for those who know they have control, that God is for them and the laws of God are set up for expansion of knowledge and growth for every individual on earth.

How now should we pray?

  • 1. Control is the key to answered prayer
  • 2. Faith in the good end
  • 3. Belief that God has given you the keys to success
  • 4. Knowledge of what you want in life
  • 5. Vision seen when meditating on your definite chief aim in life

Whether we’re praying for a sick relative or a business expansion, to pray means to believe the best, to be grateful for the outcome, to know that it’s answered as we pray, and to allow time to reveal the best outcome to you.

Sowing seed is another word for prayer. Allow the water and sun given to every seed by infinite intelligence to do it’s work and in due time, your prayer will be answered. You will have taken control of your present life and your future prayers will be more and more confident. These confident prayers will be answered even more swiftly because your knowledge mixed with skill and experience will grant them to you. You are in control when you pray.

To teach your children how to pray, check this out!

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7 Warning Signs That You Are Headed For Failure

7 Warning Signs That You Are Headed For Failure by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Failure And Belief

Whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t you’re right!

Failure comes in the little things we do. Success comes the same way. We are a compilation of our beliefs about ourselves. From childhood we have been forming our self image. We may have come to believe that we needed to compete for a place in the family, the dinner table, the attention we wanted. In school, we were taught that someone is going to get the “A” and it may or may not be you.

7 Warning Signs That Failure Will Come

7 Warning Signs That Failure Will Come

Failure And Our Present Life 

You may be feeling like a failure right now. Perhaps you made a decision that costs you a bunch of money.  Maybe you took a risk and it doesn’t seem to be working out for you. Perhaps you decided to end that relationship with your spouse or they decided to end it with you. Work went sour and your pay was downgraded. You’ve been on unemployment so long and you just need something to come along!

These events were most likely proceeded by one or more of these following 7 signs.

The warning signs that failure will come begin with

  • 1. a competitive mindset.
  • 2. fear or worry
  • 3. feeling superior
  • 4. being ungrateful
  • 5. forgetting who you really are
  • 6. drifting through life
  • 7. having no chief aim.

Do these seem familiar?

Failure And Your Future

Failure doesn’t need to come with you into your future. Be an advocate today as a person living as a creative person. Listen as I reveal how to change those things into success.

To learn more about eliminating fear of failure and reacting negatively to obstacles Check this out! 

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