Tag: power

What’s the First Guiding Principle in Getting Rich Mastermind

Listen to the Think and Grow Rich Mastermind call above.

Getting Rich Mastermind


Why do some people get rich while others do not?

Today’s podcast is the  mastermind call hosted by Caryn Elizabeth for the Think And Grow Rich Mastermind Facebook group.

Below you can watch Lisa Scott’s response to the mastermind call in which she shares how powerful Caryn Elizabeth’s message was and how it affected her. She was not the only one! As you can see by the Facebook comments below the post, others feel a shift as well.

Mastermind Comments

Please add your comments to help us know what affected you most! xo

Masterminding is what great leaders have done for years. Find out how to form a mastermind here.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/whats-the-first-guiding-principle-in-getting-rich/

How to love when its hard to understand

How do you love someone when its hard to understand what they do?

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/157713060″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Have your words ever been taken the wrong way? Do you speak before you think?

We are human and with that, many times we speak before we think. Our feelings rule us and we say things that sting the other person.

Do your feelings cause you to blurt out profanity’s because you don’t understand?

Dealing with our feelings and the feelings of others doesn’t have to be hard. We can think before we speak. We can manage our emotions. We can forgive swiftly.

Marvin J Ashton’s words in his book Begin With Yes, state this: ” If we could look into each others hearts, and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance and care.”

How do you love when you don't understand them?

How do you love when you don’t understand them?

My podcast shares a simple way that is repeatable and successful so that we can do this and create more happiness in our life.

Mr. Ashton says “I think we would treat each other…” He states this as a “thought”, not a feeling. He is using logic while writing this statement. If he would have said “I feel”, it would have indicated that he “felt” this. He eliminated “feeling” words so that we would see this as factual and not opinion.

Do you speak before you think when you don’t understand?

We can do that same thing when we share things with our team, our family, and our co workers. He is managing his emotions by not stating his opinion emotionally. Use your thinking words when you have to speak with authority. Use your emotions when you are in a place of humility, when you want to forgive someone.

This podcast shares a simple strategy for overcoming life’s difficulties. It requires your imagination and vision, with a desire to overcome, forgive and be happy.

We can understand others better today as we implement the simple technique revealed in this podcast.


For more podcasts like this go here.


To understand how one feels is miraculous. To treat them with care takes self confidence and peace.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/how-to-love-when-its-hard-to-understand/

#1 Tip To Wealth Using This Easy Writing Focus Technique

Wealthy Focus On Certain Things

Wealthy Focus On Certain Things

Writing Focus Technique

Do you forget things a lot? Do you walk right past that bag for your mom and forget to pick it up when you go visiting her?

Are you visual and say “if it’s in front of me, then I’ll remember it? Well I’m here to say that it’s “focus” that gets things done. It’s focus that helps you remember things.

It’s writing a list that keeps you focused on things of importance. Some of us wait until there’s a crisis situation before we act on our own behalf.

Healthy Living Begins With Focus

Healthy Living Begins With Focus

Healthy Focus

Having a heart attack before we take steps to keep our heart healthy
Getting a call that our child is in jail before we take steps to help him/her avoid it.
Having a blow out before we get those new tires.

Before we have a crisis situation, and while we are young and enthusiastic, we can create habits that serve us for a good future, a rich future, a happy life.

What do you focus on most?

What do you focus on most?

 Goal Setting Focus

While writing goals creates focus, we still must be open to what the universe has in store for us. Knowing how to manage our writing so we focus on taking the next action step, as suggested in Begin With Yes, by Paul Boynton, we will soon come to reach our goals.

God’s plans for us are for good. Our own plans are limited by what we can see, even in our vision. The details may surprise and delight us as we stay open. There is a statement in the Major Definite Purpose  by Napoleon Hill that states “While I don’t know how this will occur, I see this income coming to me and I continue to be happy knowing it is coming into my bank account and my mailbox from the abundance of money in the world.”  I believe that Napoleon Hill knew this from experience and now we can learn by The Laws Of Success too.

It begins with writing things down. Listen as I share more about what we should be writing.


You can purchase “Begin with Yes” here.  If you have fallen on hard times financially, I can offer an ebook copy here. This book shed so much light on how to build self confidence back in your goal setting and success happiness. As a courtesy, please leave a comment and suggestions on how to serve you better. I need the feedback in order to move forward with my podcast. Thank you.


Do you say “if it’s in front of me, then I’ll remember it? This podcast exposes the #1 Tip To Wealth Using This Writing focus technique.

For more podcasts on focus and other topics, use the Podcast tab above.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/1-tip-to-wealth-using-this-easy-writing-focus-technique/

What Your Priest Won’t Tell You About Your Choices

Your Priest Won't Tell You About Your Choices

Your Priest Won’t Tell You About Your Choices

Choices That Help

Happiness is about our CHOICES. How do we make choices that support us? We need to learn from someone who is good at making right choices. Find someone. It could be Jesus. But it could be a friend who you trust, a parent you love, a grandparent or co worker who mentors you.

Choices That Hurt

Listen as I explain where I got so off track as a child that led me to make wrong choices and create a future that hurt me rather than gave me the pleasure I deserved. It was my own fault. I take responsibility for it now and you can too! Learn more when you listen to the Mixcloud audio above. It will empower you to make better choices starting today!

Being Responsible For Our Choices

Let me explain what truth wisdom I see about the verse and interpretation I placed below this article and podcast. It should help those who are in fear that the devil is out to get them. Get some simple step by step help you can do today to empower your future instead of fearing it.

This is the statement I address. Read and listen to see why I disagree with some key words used.

Psalms 119:133 Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me.

Marsha’s interpretation:
Beloved, stay on track.  Don’t let anything derail you from your focus on things that really matter–things of eternal value and importance.  The enemy will do all he can to cause confusion, condemnation, and distraction.  It is up to you to resist the attacks of the enemy, keep your thoughts under the rule of My Spirit and to control your emotional impulses and responses.  Then, trust Me to give you wisdom and direction in all things, says the Lord.  I am for you!

Starting today, you can empower yourself with these simple steps outlined in the podcast here; and begin by making choices that support you; not add fear to your life.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/what-your-priest-wont-tell-you-about-your-choices/

7 Warning Signs That You Are Headed For Failure

7 Warning Signs That You Are Headed For Failure by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Failure And Belief

Whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t you’re right!

Failure comes in the little things we do. Success comes the same way. We are a compilation of our beliefs about ourselves. From childhood we have been forming our self image. We may have come to believe that we needed to compete for a place in the family, the dinner table, the attention we wanted. In school, we were taught that someone is going to get the “A” and it may or may not be you.

7 Warning Signs That Failure Will Come

7 Warning Signs That Failure Will Come

Failure And Our Present Life 

You may be feeling like a failure right now. Perhaps you made a decision that costs you a bunch of money.  Maybe you took a risk and it doesn’t seem to be working out for you. Perhaps you decided to end that relationship with your spouse or they decided to end it with you. Work went sour and your pay was downgraded. You’ve been on unemployment so long and you just need something to come along!

These events were most likely proceeded by one or more of these following 7 signs.

The warning signs that failure will come begin with

  • 1. a competitive mindset.
  • 2. fear or worry
  • 3. feeling superior
  • 4. being ungrateful
  • 5. forgetting who you really are
  • 6. drifting through life
  • 7. having no chief aim.

Do these seem familiar?

Failure And Your Future

Failure doesn’t need to come with you into your future. Be an advocate today as a person living as a creative person. Listen as I reveal how to change those things into success.

To learn more about eliminating fear of failure and reacting negatively to obstacles Check this out! 

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/7-warning-signs-that-you-are-headed-for-failure/

Secrets To Happiness, Power and Freedom From Fear – Answers To Questions You Didn’t Know to Ask About Fear

Secrets To Happiness, Power and Freedom From Fear – Answers To Questions You Didn’t Know to Ask by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Fear is pain and no baby wants it.

They cry till they get relief. When a baby grows up they stop crying for one of 2 reasons. Their fears have been relieved by supportive family and friends or they shrink back resolving that life is just like that!

Fear Is The Absence Of Faith

Fear Is The Absence Of Faith

There’s so much more to life than struggle and fear.

Fear is crippling while faith and knowledge lead to ultimate freedom and success all around.
I found this out when I was a child. I also found this out when I went through separation and divorce. Your circumstances will reflect the way you deal with your thought life.

Fear is the absence of faith

But love is a precursor of faith. Discover what true love is when you get more help with overcoming fear here.

Do you feel isolated? Do you feel like you aren’t being affirmed for who you are? Do you know
your gifts? Have you reflected upon them and have embraced the ones who affirm who you are?

Find out what happens when we’re babies that makes the biggest difference in fear in adulthood.

Also find out how you can change your life in an easy to understand way and grant you the
success  and validation you desire and deserve!

Has life messed your plans up? Have your circumstances made you lose your momentum in
business? Has loss of money caused you to doubt your ability to pay your bills? Do you drink
or smoke your worries away?

No matter our age or employment, problems with fear must be addressed. If we feel we have value, potential,
and purpose yet something just isn’t right, gaining knowledge on how to overcome fear will help us! In the case of fear, ignorance is NOT bliss! Our life is extremely precious and being able to change our mind so we can live free from fear is the straightest path to happiness.

 Learn What FEAR Is Doing To You! You Deserve Success and Fear is keeping you from it!

If you liked this, you may also find these 14 life changing audios on the how to think better once we have addressed and overcome fear, helpful. It’s our birthright to be free. We must not let fear keep us in the dark.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/secrets-to-happiness-power-and-freedom-from-fear-answers-to-questions-you-didnt-know-to-ask-about-fear/

Destiny Word For The Day – Change Your Life Knowing the Why of Destiny

Your destiny is your Why in life.

Find out what having a destiny means and what to do with it! This video will give you several definitions of the word “DESTINY”, give you some famous quotes by famous men about destiny and then share in detail an explanation on how understanding what destiny actually is can be the beginning of an awareness that can change the course of your life.

For more inspiration Go To “What’s Your Mindset?”

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/destiny-word-for-the-day-change-your-life-knowing-the-why-of-destiny/

“Personal Power” And Relationships – How Do I Get “Personal Power” Into My Life?




Hi My name is Caryn Elizabeth and I want you to know that you can keep a positive attitude using your personal power in both your business and personal relationships. You can change your life when you know the secrets of reconditioning those negative beliefs to create a more positive mindset.

Personal Power Mindset

We all use our minds to perform actions daily, some positive and some negative. We have 2 perspectives generally and move away from pain and move toward pleasure or the lesser painful choice. While entering into a choice, if we are conditioned to see it as painful, we will sabotage our success. If we have a painful mindset about the experiences it is causing regression in our life of personal power.

Relationships are an area where one can be conditioned towards pain or pleasure. Even our relationship with God can be painful . Some people have a negative attitude about God and avoid religion because of a negative conditioned view and it can be painful and therefore avoided all together. If you have a negative attitude about God, we are missing a part of our life, the life in the spirit.

Commercials marketing us have conditioned our minds get use to thinking a certain way about a product. Catchy tunes are unforgettable and become “truth” to us. But we can recondition our minds toward the positive if the things we are conditioned towards do not serve our potential positive destiny.

Personal Power  Emotions 

We can begin to shift the positive emotions we may have during a football game and use those emotions to begin associating a positive feeling about something we have perceived as a negative.

If we want a positive destiny and make a difference in people lives, reconditioning our negative mindset is the best investment we can make in ourselves. Does the negative mindset serve you? Of course not.

 Personal Power Homework

I suggest you pick 3 areas where you have positive mindset and choose 3 areas you have a negative attitude about. Realize that if we have 2 painful choices, we will always choose the lesser of the 2.

We have the personal power to recondition our thinking and we can have a positive attitude about God as well. God’s given us a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. We can recondition the negative mindset about God and unblock your spirit life to live more sound in God.

Your life is important and you can make an impact for others by example or by teaching. Be inspired! Be motivated  to do something that replaces boredom. Invest in yourself. You are very valuable. You can make the difference in one persons’ life which could affect thousands.

PS.  Go Here To Get Your Power!

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/personal-power-in-relationships/

How Do I Get Over My Divorce? Feeling Worthy Of Success After Marriage Failure





 I am one of many recovering from wounds of a failed marriage. I remember it as clear as day, ‘it’s over, I want a divorce!’ When those words came that Thanksgiving morning, my confidence was completely shattered. For almost 4 yrs., I’ve gone in and out of depression, desperation, and loneliness. But I am also a seeker of revelation knowledge and personal development. If it weren’t for support from others, their confidence in me, and their uniting with me, I may have stayed in the hole forever. I believe that healing is necessary before real strides in personal development can be made. The biggest challenge a personal developer will face is helping those who are wounded see themselves as worthy of success.

Some days, early on, I’d lie in bed in “fear”.


Abandoned, rejected, and other “sick” feelings and beliefs were common in my perception. I had no idea of the mess my thinking was in.  “Our perception is based on our belief.” The roots of belief about who we are go deep. E.g. The I am a worm perception has it’s roots in a belief that we are not worthy of honor, respect and success.

“Grace” is one explanation of how as if by a miracle, we suddenly understand that we believed a lie about ourselves.  I believe it’s the prayers or “beliefs” of those who are “for us”, that produces that “grace”.  Many have had that grandmother who always prayed for her family. Perhaps her good thoughts directed toward her future generations had a positive effect.

Negative circumstances can occur with support, confidence and unity as well. Confidence in illness, disease, poverty, manifest as a result. One example is when disease is passed down to generations.  We’ve all heard, ‘my family has heart problems, so I guess I will have them too’.  Could that belief manifest heart problems in that person? Absolutely!  What you put confidence in will manifest, whether positive or negative.




This is where personal development begins. Without a positive healed mindset, it’s difficult to sustain success. It’s not impossible, but less likely. With an impoverished mindset, the mental game has you sinking in sand. Sadly, you don’t know it.  Getting to truth requires changed beliefs about who you are but will place you on a firm foundation.

What we perceive is based on what we believe about who we are. Personal development begins when we get help navigating to the truth and belief that we are honorable, respectable and worthy to have success in our life. Wealthy people have expectations and believe they deserve the best. They usually get it. The only mindset difference between poverty and wealth is belief.


I am one who has learned to overcome a poor mindset. I’ve learned to abandon the lies and gain the knowledge of the truth. If it weren’t for support from others, their confidence in me, and their uniting with me, I may have stayed in the hole forever.  Helping an impoverished thinker see the possibilities is the greatest challenge a personal development coach may face. It may well be the most satisfying he’ll experience. When a person he coaches finally sees themselves as worthy of success, the sky’s the limit.



Yours In Mastery,

Caryn Elizabeth
 Milford, PA 18337

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Twitter Latest tweet: Freeling Rejected? Find out why! http://t.co/oLlwWt4W

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Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/personal-development/