How do your emotions help others reach contentment

Listen to the podcast for  help on  emotions and being content.



 Influencing others with your emotions

Do yo not, do you believe it’s your duty to change yourself so you are like them?

  • believe differently
  • work more diligently
  • become more disciplined
  • gain knowledge

Would you ever choose to be less productive to fit in?
If you are different, do you want others to change to become more like you?

What emotions are influencing others?

What emotions are influencing others?

Emotions and force

You see, changing others doesn’t really help them . It forces them to do what they wouldn’t do without force.

Change is best, when done naturally, influenced by wisdom that came via emotional experiences and knowledge.

How can we truly affect/influence others?
By becoming self confident and being an example of faith in God, in our dreams and goals, we have a great opportunity to guide others to self confidence and their own goals.

Ultimate use of emotions

We all die. But while we’re here, we can enjoy going through the motions and emotions of living, good or bad, feeling all kinds of emotions.

  • grief
  • ecstasy
  • pain
  • pleasure
  • happiness
  • exhilaration, etc

Emotions and life events

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]Each event in our life, each opportunity we take, will lead us to experience emotions via opportunity to choose that path.[/pullquote]
We can choose to push others to feel good or bad, angry or happy, frustrated or challenged. What emotions are you going to pull out of those you love and those strangers, co workers, church members, friends, children?
By examining these issues,  you will gain wisdom usable to succeed, with self confidence, and become the whole person God would be proud to have created.

People united by emotions

People united by emotions

Growing into excellence using emotions

When we’re young, we want to fit in. While employed, we are told we must fit in. Self employed, we have freedom to do things from our gut, but hopefully we’ve learned enough about business skills to keep us grounded. There’s a fine balance between living free and having success financially.
One is just passing emotion. The other is strength with emotion. The first peters out quickly. The other is built as a structure. The first rises up quickly. The other rises slowly and steadily and sustains itself. I liken it to eating a candy bar or a steak. Both give energy, the one sustains it. Another example is drinking coffee rather than a protein shake. With the coffee, your blood sugar actually drops further afterward than before you drank that cup and you become addicted to “more”. Listen to the podcast for further help on this subject of emotions.


Emotions and experience

Your emotional experiences will help you be an influence in others lives, giving you yet another feeling of satisfaction in life, the emotion of contentment. How will your emotions influence others so that you will experience contentment? [pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”][/pullquote]
Listen to today’s podcast to hear more so you can use your emotions to help others.

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