Category: Audio Trainings

#1 Reason you are stopping abundance

Listen to this weeks podcast here or subscribe to my itunes podcast at Caryn Elizabeth Live.


Fear cripples
Abundance enables.

To get to true abundance, fear must be stopped! Learn how here!


ps. Tell me what you liked about what you heard! Thanks!

Don’t know where to start overcoming fear from your life? Perhaps the class I took would help you as it helped me. Check it out here:

Master Key Experience

Here is where the master key experience begins a focused success experience of abundance for you.

Living with abundance means giving up your fear.

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Top Tips to Find Happiness Through Simple Prayer

Happiness and Prayer

Have you ever read the book “The Greatest Salesman in the World”?

I’ve read it at least 30 times. This weeks mp3 shares Og’s prayer in scroll 10.


It’s a culmination of each scroll, where he gets into detail the habits needed for success and happiness.

  • Imagine that life is easy!
  • Everyone means well.
  • Time is on your side.
  • You are loved beyond belief.
  • Magic conspires on your behalf.
  • Nothing can ever hurt you without your consent.

These beliefs may have to be imagined at first. But in time, they become your daily habit!


Caryn Elizabeth

ps. Please comment and share this mp3 with everybody you know that may feel like they are missing out on success and happiness.

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How To See Happiness While Being Me – What Is Your World Like?

Happiness Is Our Choice

Is happiness a priority to you? If so, then what’s keeping you from being happy all the time? Perhaps you need to know how to keep yourself happy!


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What I see is NOT what I get! What I see is who I am!

Good day friends. I see you as friends. I am aware that Facebook is one of the many social networks where like-minded people find each other. Those who comment on my posts WANT to see what I post. Do you wish you could have more happiness around you? There is a secret hiding in plain site. Many have jumped on it and are feeling happier than ever. What is it? It’s recognizing the YOU inside. Without you, this world would not be the same. The point is, that you make a difference. What difference are you making? Do you know that you make a difference? You DO! So be YOU today, enjoy thinking! Enjoy creating the life you want beginning with creating a vision for the you that is inside. What do you look like? What do you feel? What do you love doing? Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?

These questions help form a vision for the person you see in the mirror. Your world will reflect the vision same as the vision in your bathroom mirror. Happiness in the world begins with happiness in the mirror.


You Are Amazing!

If you find this, you know you are! What you see in your life, is what you intend to see.. All begins from inside you. Decide today to be the best you can be for yourself and others. Be the friend you would want to have. Be the mom or dad you wished you had or maybe you do have.


Happiness can be uncovered

Happiness can be uncovered

Happiness In Our Youth

A wise nun in high school gave me a poster before I graduated. It said “Don’t just stand there! BE!” I’ve pondered that poster many times looking for the truth in it. What I decided it that “To be or not to be” that is the question. It’s not being something specific. It’s being happy just being! Being alive! Being ME!


Happiness Inside Can Bring Money Outside

Happiness Inside Can Bring Money Outside

Happiness Today

Be what you wish today.. It begins with you. And you will see the world bend toward you in just the way you see yourself! Be it pure or adulterated..
Find the place of purity in you.. It’s in there, underneath the folded covers placed atop you. Unfold them, and come out into the light!


BE seen.. and SEE the possibilities available to you. The happiness we seek is seeking us! Be Happy and the world of happiness will bend toward you. xo

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How Do I Master My Feelings So I Stop Making The Same Mistakes

Great Feelings Will Start This

Great Feelings Will Start This

Is there a healthy way to good feelings every day?


All emotions are not healthy for ourselves and others. Sure, becoming angry for a good reason may feel powerful at the time but it violates those back of it. Learn how to master your feelings for good.

The Science Of Feelings

The scientific fact behind our need to get “emotional” is that when emotions are expressed, a chemical is released and the sensation is addictive. Now you know why you keep repeating the same mistakes.

Beliefs And Feelings

Our beliefs contribute to our emotional cause which doesn’t help when those emotions harm others. This audio will help you find the answer for mastering your feelings.

Thoughts And Feelings

Let’s form good habits and exhibit healthy emotions which release the same satisfaction in our body. These emotions do no harm to you or others. Let the good feelings create habits that uplift us.

For more help on mastering your feelings

Feelings are part of our human experience so enjoy them.

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How To Change Your Mind So Your Life Will Change


The Power of your subconscious mind

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This review shares several key strategies for overcoming fear, anger, memory loss, and well being. Our mind components are liken to a ship. The captain is the conscious mind. The crew is the subconscious mind.

What did your mind absorb as a child?

What did your mind absorb as a child?

The Laws of mind

From 0-6 years, our mind is a sponge absorbing much of what we hear, good or bad. The negative words at this age are the most destructive of all the response patterns of the mind resulting in patterns of misery, failure, suffering, sickness and disaster.

E.G of negative words that affect the mind

  • you can’t
  • you’ll never amount to anything
  • you mustn’t
  • you’ll fail
  • you haven’t got a chance
  • you’re all wrong
  • It’s no use
  • It’s not what you know but who you know
  • the world is going to the dogs
  • what’s the use? Nobody cares
  • it’s no use trying so hard
  • things are getting worse and worse
  • life is an endless grind
  • love is for the birds
  • you just can’t win
  • pretty soon, you’ll be bankrupt
  • watch out, you’ll get the virus
  • you can’t trust a soul
What suggestions come to your mind?

What suggestions come to your mind?

Auto Suggestion for the mind

This book shares a reconditioning therapy  of the mind called “auto suggestion”, which some of us know from Napoleon Hills book “Think and Grow Rich“. This therapy is demonstrated in affirmations and verbal statements spoken in a quiet place several times daily for up to one month. It is said to release us from the mass of verbal conditioning that might otherwise distort our life pattern making the developing of good habits difficult.

A young child and many adults are giving mental consent and entertain negative suggestions to the point that they become part of their subconscious mind. But it’s vital that you are told that you have the capacity to choose your thoughts.

Do you know how to stop negative mind suggestions?

Do you know how to stop negative mind suggestions?

Choose Life, love and health of mind

This book gives specific word patterns you can use to overcome negative suggestions. One of them suggests this:
My subconscious mind knows the answer. It is responding to me now. I give thanks because I know the infinite intelligence of my subconscious knows all things and is revealing the perfect answer to me now. My real conviction is now setting free the majesty and glory of my subconscious mind. I rejoice that it is so.

This book uses the Holy Bible to share principles explained so that the person of average intelligence may understand how to use these suggestions.

The FREE audio version of this classic book is available on YouTube. I’ve posted it here.

For more help overcoming a faulty foundation, I suggest this podcast.

Change your mind and you will change your life.

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How to change to overcome the fear of loss and have peace



In order for things to change, we have to change. Circumstances come and go so much that habits are formed to help keep some stability. The habit of saving money keeps our finances in order. Other habits do similar things

Overcome fear when you change your mind

Overcome fear when you change your mind

Overcome fear with change of mind

In order to overcome the fear of loss and have peace, we must evaluate our circumstances and mindset towards changing things in our lives.Taking time find practical ways to get money coming in can take some pressure off  the loss of income due to lay offs, cut backs or limiting beliefs. After retirement, having additional income from a part time job can help. Divorce can create a fear of loss when a lifestyle becomes compromised. Selling goods no longer used can bring in some additional income.

Embrace Change when you create rules that help you overcome

Embrace Change when you create rules that help you overcome

Peace of mind and change

Using prayer or meditation, we can clarify what things we must change so we may have your needs met. Let’s learn some simple areas to evaluate as we listen to Caryn Elizabeth teach from experience, what will  empower us to change so our needs are met and we have peace of mind.


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Change is easy when we have the best reasons for changing.

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How do your emotions help others reach contentment

Listen to the podcast for  help on  emotions and being content.



 Influencing others with your emotions

Do yo not, do you believe it’s your duty to change yourself so you are like them?

  • believe differently
  • work more diligently
  • become more disciplined
  • gain knowledge

Would you ever choose to be less productive to fit in?
If you are different, do you want others to change to become more like you?

What emotions are influencing others?

What emotions are influencing others?

Emotions and force

You see, changing others doesn’t really help them . It forces them to do what they wouldn’t do without force.

Change is best, when done naturally, influenced by wisdom that came via emotional experiences and knowledge.

How can we truly affect/influence others?
By becoming self confident and being an example of faith in God, in our dreams and goals, we have a great opportunity to guide others to self confidence and their own goals.

Ultimate use of emotions

We all die. But while we’re here, we can enjoy going through the motions and emotions of living, good or bad, feeling all kinds of emotions.

  • grief
  • ecstasy
  • pain
  • pleasure
  • happiness
  • exhilaration, etc

Emotions and life events

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]Each event in our life, each opportunity we take, will lead us to experience emotions via opportunity to choose that path.[/pullquote]
We can choose to push others to feel good or bad, angry or happy, frustrated or challenged. What emotions are you going to pull out of those you love and those strangers, co workers, church members, friends, children?
By examining these issues,  you will gain wisdom usable to succeed, with self confidence, and become the whole person God would be proud to have created.

People united by emotions

People united by emotions

Growing into excellence using emotions

When we’re young, we want to fit in. While employed, we are told we must fit in. Self employed, we have freedom to do things from our gut, but hopefully we’ve learned enough about business skills to keep us grounded. There’s a fine balance between living free and having success financially.
One is just passing emotion. The other is strength with emotion. The first peters out quickly. The other is built as a structure. The first rises up quickly. The other rises slowly and steadily and sustains itself. I liken it to eating a candy bar or a steak. Both give energy, the one sustains it. Another example is drinking coffee rather than a protein shake. With the coffee, your blood sugar actually drops further afterward than before you drank that cup and you become addicted to “more”. Listen to the podcast for further help on this subject of emotions.


Emotions and experience

Your emotional experiences will help you be an influence in others lives, giving you yet another feeling of satisfaction in life, the emotion of contentment. How will your emotions influence others so that you will experience contentment? [pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”][/pullquote]
Listen to today’s podcast to hear more so you can use your emotions to help others.

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#1 Tip To Wealth Using This Easy Writing Focus Technique

Wealthy Focus On Certain Things

Wealthy Focus On Certain Things

Writing Focus Technique

Do you forget things a lot? Do you walk right past that bag for your mom and forget to pick it up when you go visiting her?

Are you visual and say “if it’s in front of me, then I’ll remember it? Well I’m here to say that it’s “focus” that gets things done. It’s focus that helps you remember things.

It’s writing a list that keeps you focused on things of importance. Some of us wait until there’s a crisis situation before we act on our own behalf.

Healthy Living Begins With Focus

Healthy Living Begins With Focus

Healthy Focus

Having a heart attack before we take steps to keep our heart healthy
Getting a call that our child is in jail before we take steps to help him/her avoid it.
Having a blow out before we get those new tires.

Before we have a crisis situation, and while we are young and enthusiastic, we can create habits that serve us for a good future, a rich future, a happy life.

What do you focus on most?

What do you focus on most?

 Goal Setting Focus

While writing goals creates focus, we still must be open to what the universe has in store for us. Knowing how to manage our writing so we focus on taking the next action step, as suggested in Begin With Yes, by Paul Boynton, we will soon come to reach our goals.

God’s plans for us are for good. Our own plans are limited by what we can see, even in our vision. The details may surprise and delight us as we stay open. There is a statement in the Major Definite Purpose  by Napoleon Hill that states “While I don’t know how this will occur, I see this income coming to me and I continue to be happy knowing it is coming into my bank account and my mailbox from the abundance of money in the world.”  I believe that Napoleon Hill knew this from experience and now we can learn by The Laws Of Success too.

It begins with writing things down. Listen as I share more about what we should be writing.


You can purchase “Begin with Yes” here.  If you have fallen on hard times financially, I can offer an ebook copy here. This book shed so much light on how to build self confidence back in your goal setting and success happiness. As a courtesy, please leave a comment and suggestions on how to serve you better. I need the feedback in order to move forward with my podcast. Thank you.


Do you say “if it’s in front of me, then I’ll remember it? This podcast exposes the #1 Tip To Wealth Using This Writing focus technique.

For more podcasts on focus and other topics, use the Podcast tab above.

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How To Keep My Focus When Others Attack Me

How good are you at keeping your focus?

How to stay focused when others attack you by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Do you focus on your purpose?

Do you focus on your purpose?

 Focus on self

How do you act and keep your focus when someone disrespects or attacks you in some way? Listen as I bring clarity to what’s actually going on inside you and the other person and show you where to get power to overcome it. The secret to your power is having a major definite purpose that is bigger than the immediate circumstance.

I worked for a hotel years ago and began to learn the trade from a young immature manager. She had little management capabilities and less tact in handling newbies. It seems like she wanted her workers to fail and looked for ways to provoke them to anger. I chose to leave my position after 5 weeks of anxiety and went back to doing things I loved to do. That job was not congruent with my purpose at the time but I learned from it.

Success: Whatever you do, good or bad, it’s never a failure if you learn something from it.

Do You focus on your power?

Do You focus on your power?

Focus and getting defensive

You’d be surprised how much power you have to keep yourself from becoming defensive. We have several ways to respond but the two major ones are to respond as a leader or as a follower. It’s our responsibility to learn what makes us tick. Bottom line was that I needed to nurture the seedlings of my hearts desire and look for ways to help them grow. My purpose combined with actions for it’s attainment make me strong. They will make you strong and powerful as well.

Believe In Your Purpose And Change Your Future

Believe In Your Purpose And Change Your Future

Definite major  purpose and focus

Listen to how having a definite major purpose will cause your attacker to have little affect on your emotions. I will explain how to manage your emotions, and show you how to attract what you want more quickly. Your purpose must be bigger than what you want for you alone. Taking care of yourself shows respect for the purpose you plant in your heart that may affect the global population. Your mindset grows stronger and stronger because you have both the care for yourself and the focus of your purpose in view consistently.

For more: go to or click the podcast tab above


It will be easy to keep focus when your purpose has it’s roots in loving others as you love yourself.

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#1 Quality All True Leaders Have

#1 quality true leaders havehip That Help Your Children Leaders

#1 quality true leaders have


This weeks podcast expounds on this statement and reveals the quality great leaders have.

A wise man once said “The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.”

My boyfriend wanted to paint his bedroom over. At first, I told him it was a mess and we needed to clean it up and make is just a bedroom and not an office, a gun room and a tv room. But that startled him, especially when I told him the way I’d approach it. He had his own way of cleaning and organizing and it made me wonder if I was going to be able to help him at all.

After some time, and a bit of communication, he shared his approach, which is much like the way he does many other things. He wanted to do it once and do it right. He wanted me to be there to support him. Later on, after reading the above quote, I discovered what my task as a leader over my own life and emotions.

Leaders envision something great

Leaders envision something great

The vision of  leaders

While cleaning up some paperwork of my own, I came across a program about goal setting using the SMART system. One point that jumped out what to state your “outcomes” clearly and specifically. The goal at hand is paint the bedroom and maintain harmony. I wrote down the “first step” after writing a clear set of outcomes I wanted from the project.

 The love of  leaders

Instead of setting a goal, what is better to do is create well formed outcomes. There is a process to this.

  1. State the outcome in  positive statements
  2. Ensure the outcome is within your control, not others
  3. Be very specific
  4. Use sensory based procedure
  5. Consider the context
  6. Ensure access to resources
  7. Outcomes must preserve existing benefits
  8. Outcomes must be ecologically sound
  9. Define the first step


So I began to list the outcomes I saw as my goal using positive statements, considering outcomes that I could control either in my mind or in the circumstances.  Many of the statements used words like feel free, enjoy waking up happy, feel an easiness, seeing things I love… and others. All these words are sensory statements suggested. The context involved someone else besides me and I needed to understand what he wanted.

I knew I had the resources I needed because my passion is decorating and my skill is a creative designer. I needed to be sure that upon taking on the project, the outcome would be more beneficial for the both of us and create even a better relationship, which would preserve the existing freedom we are hoping to enlarge.

Lastly, I had to consider the time involved and whether is was worth going through the process. Would it make the bedroom more conducive to happiness and pleasure? As I wrote my list I included outcomes that I consider ecologically sound.


Leadership begins at home

Leadership begins at home

Leaders and love strategies

Over the years, I have learned more about leading children. Every parent is a leader. While I embraced my role, I learned that leaders make mistakes as they grow. We must forgive ourselves for our past mistakes and forgive others as is needed at the present time. Leaders do not arrive. I am still on the journey and will continue to develop leadership qualities as a whole person for the rest of my days. My hope is that what I am learning will benefit you along your journey.

Anthony Williams shared a list of goals we must consider when growing our “love” for others. We must understand the person, have compassion for them, feel joy in the relationship, desire freedom for love to develop.

I hope that I have experienced enough to understand you. I do have compassion for you as a person seeking the qualities of a great leader. I know the struggles and the satisfaction I receive from sharing my posts. I feel joy in connecting with you; a joy on the inside that keeps me going. I desire to be free is sharing and developing my audience and I hope that you feel the freedom to comment and connect with me for more podcasts like this.

In this podcast, I get clear on how a leader loves others and what is the opposite of leadership. Click Here to  subscribe. To subscribe using iTunes, click the “podcast” tab above.


Enjoy learning more about the #1 quality true leaders must have. leaders


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