Tag: belief

How Does My Purpose Help Get My Prayers Answered?


How to get your prayers answered quickly by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Do you have a definite major purpose?

Many people don’t know what having a definite major purpose has to do with getting prayers answered. This podcast explains what it is, where you get it, how to use it and how to feel great about your life because of it.

I address unity, competition, comparison, perspective, success, happiness, satisfaction.

People united for a common purpose

Do you know  the purpose of gathering in groups?


The collective energy has a specific purpose. When you gather, your purpose is to get what you want. Having a definite major purpose will help you utilize the power of this gathering.

Do you know how science shows us how the universe works. Science expresses the laws of the universe so we can understand what plants and trees are for.

 What is the purpose of asking God for things?

Why do we pray? How does the universe support the answers to our prayers?

Do you want to live better and set goals?  The source is your answer to our faith for these things. Understanding the seasons of sowing and reaping, we will understand that it takes time for answers to manifest and must continue to believe without doubting.

People in unity for a purpose

People in unity for a purpose

What is the purpose of other people’s opinions and beliefs?

Are you led by everybody and not focused on your own mind? You are here to do something but as you listen to everything else around you, ignoring your source, you will be tossed and turned by “every wind of doctrine”, as the bible states. You individually are here to create and expand. Asking source, God, for your needs, aligning with a high vibration of love and unity, your needs will be met quickly.


You are meant to become “whole”, holy. By establishing your definite major purpose, you will live a more focused life and get your prayers answered quickly.


Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/how-does-my-purpose-help-get-my-prayers-answered/

The #1 Success Secret For The Sinner – Seeing Ourself

The #1 Success Secret For The Sinner by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

How do we see ourself if we were told we are a sinner?

If we are raised with the sinner philosophy, our redeemed identity lies in creating a healthy foundation for success. It begins with a mindset that many in this world lack to varying degrees. It’s such a little secret that it’s easy to miss. Our parents and teachers may not know this success secret either.

Jesus reflecting on sin to god

Jesus reflecting on sin to god

Should we have faith in our parents?

As children, our initial thought is to trust others without question.

1. Parents who model good behavior help us believe they love and support us unconditionally.
2. Teachers who model good skill may be trusted and believed if what we are learning seems to advance us towards success.
3. Pastors and Priests may be trusted as we feel we’re getting the training that makes us feel good about God and ourself.

In each case, these mentors can help us or hurt our understanding of how to succeed in life. Because of their placement as authority figures we are vulnerable and therefore susceptible to possible corruption.

Belief in ourself and sinning

My lack of knowledge as a youth in the church traumatized me for years. A slight error in judgment early on led me on a life path of failure of heart believing I was a sinner condemned, not loved. I didn’t trust myself which led to my lack of trust of others. I didn’t understand why I lacked confidence and didn’t trust others until many many years later. Because of my desire for truth, I came to learn that Jesus, mature in the knowledge of the truth, modeled someone we could believe and learn from. Trusting Jesus’ teachings, we can achieve a place of maturity and holiness. Knowing God, Jesus taught us how to love God and love ourself in a more holy way.

The Church and our belief

We cannot trust ourselves when making decisions and choices without a proper understanding of self love. We must learn how to set goals with belief in ourself. Leaning on Jesus’ teachings, we learn how to love ourselves more and accept our failures, forgive ourself and keep going forward towards the whole life he knows will bring us success.

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]

God loves all of us; our strengths and weaknesses.

We have to love and have belief in ourself and take responsibility for our life.



Trusting ourself

We must come to that place of decision. We must seek out and find the truth about love, about God’s love for us, about love and forgivness of others. With this understanding, we learn how to believe in God and love, nurture, encourage and build ourselves up in love to success.

Then as we create goals we can accomplish, we must believe that we deserve them. With this belief, we will absolutely trust our decisions and reach the success we desire. Speaking and talking ourself up, we support ourself and properly nurture ourself as we would others we love.

Speaking ourself up

Daily, speaking words of instruction and encouragement, we build for ourself a life that works. Using the models of others who teach us strategies for success, we set goals and learn how to dream about our future, trusting that our dreams will come true. We can only do this with a belief in God and in ourselves.

  • We trust in God that the laws set in place will bring our dreams into reality.
  • We trust in ourself that we can have what we want because we are worth it, deserve it and because this is what life is for.
  • This glorifies God and pleases Him.
 What does Jesus pray  with sinner

What does Jesus say to this sinner?

Satisfaction in ourself

Do you think we are born so we can condemn ourself? Have you noticed those of us who judge others and have made a habit of complaining about life. These attitudes and habits are a reflection of how we think about and treat ourself.

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]What we see is who we are.[/pullquote]

The Secret

We will live without whole life or we can develop ourselves and succeed in life. The secret we miss when we go after success is the knowledge of how and why to love ourself. Let’s not let the ignorant teachings of some childhood authorities keep us in the dark by telling us we’re sinners hopeless without a savior. Jesus modeled the life we all are born for. Salvation makes sense when it’s about Jesus’ love and not our sin.

If we are failing in life and things are getting darker, this secret will save us. But how we see ourself is important. We are marvelous individuals with the power to create the life we were born to create. Let this slight error in judgment, believing that we are sinners, be the catalyst to get us to the next step, which is to learn how to love ourself and build ourself up.

Keep negative people at bay

When I was told that I put Jesus on the cross, I didn’t understand what I’d done. What I heard was not what was the truth. It took many many years before I corrected my belief and in my heart understood Jesus’ model of love. He chose the cross. He went of His own fruition. I didn’t put him there. What a terrible idea to plant in children’s heads. We have a chance to model godly behavior when we know how to love and nurture ourself. Jesus is one model of great love. There are hundreds of models.

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]Love yourself today and build yourself up in love.[/pullquote]

Let’s not allow our misunderstandings taught by ignorant people keep us from the truth that we are unconditionally loved to live our true potential. We each have gifts we were born to give. We can co create in true prosperity and become global agents of change for our planet. Or we can live a more simple life modeling godly behavior in whatever way we desire.

The #1 Success Secret For The Sinner by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Go right to the source for knowledge and mentorship. Build a foundation for success that withstands the world, inside or outside the authority places of your youth. As we each love ourself, success is present and dreams will absolutely become reality.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/the-1-success-secret-for-the-sinner-seeing-ourself-2/

7 Things God Needs To Hear You Say When You Pray

7 Things God Needs To Hear You Say When You Pray by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

What does it mean to pray?

Prayer is meant for the purpose of helping us feel that there is someone outside of our immediate circumstances that will help us with things we have no control over. Many people are taught to pray when they are small. The prayers are for the purpose of gaining pleasure when obstacles are in our way.

We pray to feel better, to get good grades on tests, to get a new bike, etc… As children we may have a feeling of a lack of control which conditions us to be fearful but prayer is suppose to make us feel better because God knows what to do to help us. We may tend to press God for things when we feel impatient to wait for them. This idea of praying in this way has taught so many people wrongly. Fear is one of the worst feelings we can have when we pray.

Unfortunately, we’re not taught the correct way to pray so that the fear is lessened and the things we want granted.

Taking responsibility when we pray

What Does God Hear You Pray?

  • 1. Gratitude
  • 2. Fear
  • 3. Faith
  • 4. Words with intention
  • 5. Begging
  • 6. Demanding
  • 7. Hopelessness


7 Things God Needs To Hear You Say When You Pray

7 Things God Needs To Hear You Say When You Pray

What prayers get answered?

All prayers get answered. Whatever emotion is tied to the prayer when we pray will grant us more of the same emotion. This is the sowing and reaping principle we’re taught about in the bible and other spiritual books. Intention is the key.

What is your intention when you pray?

  • 1. To communicate with someone who can help
  • 2. To get things off your chest
  • 3. To make yourself feel better
  • 4. To state the condition of your circumstances
  • 5. To clarify where you are at in your belief at the time
  • 6. To use God to do what you cannot do on your own
  • 7. To share your feelings with someone who understands you
3 Things Missing When You Pray

3 Things Missing When You Pray

The 3 things missing when we want the best answers as we pray?

1. Faith in the things that bring us pleasure. Depending on the prayer, we will get more of what we believe about what we are asking.
2. Knowledge of what we need. Without having seen the future, we may not know the best things to pray for.
3. Vision of our definite purpose. Until we set a vision of a definite chief aim in life, we are drifting.

Ultimate things to pray for

What do you pray for? When we’re little we pray for things we don’t have the money to buy ourselves. We pray our siblings will be nice to us. We pray for good grades and for our parents to get along. When we’re small, we have little to no control over our circumstances. But we may not have been taught what we do have control over! Unfortunately, if you had not been taught that you are responsible for your thought life, and your belief life, then you may still be living believing that God is the only one who controls your future. This is a great lie and it’s time for you to wake up and realize that you are in control of your life now!

The lie about how to pray

The lie about prayer is that it’s meant to give you hope that God will be merciful to you and grant you what you don’t have now. The truth is, you can have, be or do anything you desire. The keys needed are “vision, knowledge and faith“. Without the knowledge that you have control over your present life, you may be living as a child, with the belief that you have no control and that you are helpless without God to show you mercy.

7 Things God Needs To Hear You Say When You Pray

Even As Children, You Have Control When You Pray

You have control when you pray

Discipline of our thought life should have begun as children whose parents trained us to believe that anything is possible. But today is your day if you didn’t have such parents. Taking responsibility for your life is what God intends for you to do. He set up the laws of the universe to grant you your desires. Wishes are for those who lack a belief that they have control over their life. Desires are for those who know they have control, that God is for them and the laws of God are set up for expansion of knowledge and growth for every individual on earth.

How now should we pray?

  • 1. Control is the key to answered prayer
  • 2. Faith in the good end
  • 3. Belief that God has given you the keys to success
  • 4. Knowledge of what you want in life
  • 5. Vision seen when meditating on your definite chief aim in life

Whether we’re praying for a sick relative or a business expansion, to pray means to believe the best, to be grateful for the outcome, to know that it’s answered as we pray, and to allow time to reveal the best outcome to you.

Sowing seed is another word for prayer. Allow the water and sun given to every seed by infinite intelligence to do it’s work and in due time, your prayer will be answered. You will have taken control of your present life and your future prayers will be more and more confident. These confident prayers will be answered even more swiftly because your knowledge mixed with skill and experience will grant them to you. You are in control when you pray.

To teach your children how to pray, check this out!

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/7-things-god-needs-to-hear-you-say-when-you-pray/

Think And Grow Rich – Master Your Thought Life, Feel Peaceful, And Grow To Be Rich

What Do You Believe About Things?

What Are You Thinking About?

Do You Worry About Your Future?

  Watch And Read How To Conquer Negative Thinking And Have Peace Of Mind.

What Remains The Same

Napoleon Hill is a very smart man and wrote a book called “Think And Grow Rich”.  He said his wise sayings many years ago yet the concepts remain the same. In this article I want to help you understand that though things change and cause worry, the constancy of the  laws of the universe  can give us peace so we can  think and grow rich.

Someone once said ‘there is nothing new under the sun’. I believe that, to an extend, the things we know, think and believe now are things that others have known to one degree or another for years and years. But how does one grow rich in there thinking when circumstances bring worry in our thought life?

What Changes With Belief

New discoveries, inventions, and evolution of belief changes with time. Among  the physical laws of the universe are  the laws of leadership and  the laws of relationships. Because they have been classified by study to be considered laws, they are steady. Because of these laws, man is able to ‘become’ more, do more, create more, and believe more. Because of the steadfastness and predictability of these laws he is able to think and grow rich.

What Beliefs Work

A man’s life contains things that are both constant and changing. We don’t like change usually, but I believe it’s because it is more pleasurable to have predictable outcomes and  because we become comfortable with what we have, what we worked for, what we accomplish. However, life does not end with any one accomplishment. Life is a journey to think and grow rich  and it consistently changes. We do have peace counting only on the  laws of life that remain constant.

Seeing both parts, those things that remain the same and those things which change or evolve, we can be comfortable with the laws that are constant and aware that we are meant to grow rich through an evolution of change and become more and more of who we long to be and what we long to do.

Trusting and Living In Peace

So this is my conclusion. We must take stock of the laws and beliefs we have in place. Do they serve us? Do we know the laws of life and have we trusted in them? If so, I believe we must not dwell on the things that change.if we want to think and grow rich. Life and circumstances change but the laws of the universe are constant. Trust that the sun come up daily, that an apple will always fall to the ground if you drop it, that the moon will eclipse the sun once in a while and dirt will always grow a seed.

Believing The Best

A foundation of faith in these laws will make the changes that occur in your finances, you work and play life, you family life easier to adjust to. By being thankful for the laws in place, we will trust in them while we observe the ever changing circumstances. These are meant to give us the peace that passes all understanding and will guard our hearts and minds. This is truly how to think and grow rich.

Phil. 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Likewise, keep practicing these things: what you have learned, received, heard, and seen in me. Then the God of peace will be with you.

I want to read more about how to think and grow rich and renew a healthy mindset. 


Yours In Mastery,

121 Stonefield Rd Milford, PA 18337 tel.:570-245-1844 cell:973-970-8128

 PS. Please comment, Share And Subscribe. I would love your feedback!

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/think-and-grow-rich-what-it-takes-to-grow-and-be-rich-in-thought-and-belief/