Tag: self growth

How to love yourself so you can be happy

Do you love yourself?

Do you love yourself?

Do you love yourself?

Do others feel your love when you speak to them?

To love others we must have a reserve of understanding in ourselves. This comes when we build ourselves up in love.. We need to also practice loving ourselves. I recommend a couple books by John Eldredge. Captivating, and Wild at Heart. Each book is addressed to female and male. Captivating was the first book I read where I was prepared to receive the message I needed to begin loving myself.

How do I love myself first?

How do I love myself first?

How can we learn to love others when we don’t know how to love ourselves?

As a child, we may learn from our parents how to love ourselves. Which of you didn’t have this support? I understand and that’s why I’m sharing this podcast. Whether we imagined we weren’t loved or we truly didn’t get what we needed, matters not. What matters is that today, we begin to build our love life on a firm foundation. Taking small steps, reading supportive books, and finding loving people who stand by us through the process, we can change our lives for the better.

The journey to love yourself begins today!

The journey to love yourself begins today!

For more podcasts about love and other subjects like this go here


To love others we must know how to treat ourselves.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/how-to-love-yourself-so-you-can-be-happy/

How to use discernment when you can’t tell what you should do next

Do you use discernment when you are deciding what to do next?

Over 70% of the people in the world are not utilizing the secret to success. Are you? Listen and discover what at most, 30% of the world’s population do that others don’t.

Do you know what discernment does?

Do you know what discernment does?

How many of us have wasted our time on a project we liked the first week but struggled to finish because we lacked discernment? I have. That crocheted afghan, refinishing that chair, making those slipcovers, all look like fun but after the first week, may seem like too much work. I remember becoming ambitious on re-roping a hammock. It began great but soon became so overwhelming, I had to stop. It was not fun and I gave up. Did you ever feel that way?

Do you know what discernment is?

Do you know what discernment is?


Discernment and knowing when to give up

Some things require a lot of our time. Many using social media either on their computer or smartphone, come across videos or podcasts like this one and have only a few minutes to listen or watch. Which ones should we view? Which podcast should we listen to? Granted podcasts can be listened to while we drive and only require our ears but we have priorities.

With the busyness of life, we hesitate to give some things our undivided attention because these may be distractions.  But what if they can help further our growth or success in some way? How do we decide?  How do we know what things to give our time or attention to?

What secret does discernment hold?

What secret does discernment hold?


What is discernment?

Should we take that job? Should we volunteer for that cause? Will it take us away from the other priorities for too long?
[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]Discernment  helps us determine if things that come to us are distractions or the open door to further success. [/pullquote]Will it use up too much of my savings? We must have something more in place for discernment to work for us. Aimlessness is a vise and a life of impulse isn’t much better. Being inspired can be great if it is in line with our major definite purpose in life, but which of us has that in place? There is that special something that less that 30% of people in the world implement and may be the reason for a lack of success in that 70% of the population.

Discover what that thing is as you listen to this weeks podcast here. It requires 11 minutes.


For more go to www.carynelizabeth.com/podcast

The power of discernment combined with this simple secret will bring you more happiness than you can imagine.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/how-to-use-discernment-when-you-cant-tell-what-you-should-do-next/

“Pass it on” Movie Has More – Follow up from The Secret Movie

Learn what the Pass it on Movie has as a follow up from The Secret Movie.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/pass-it-on-movie-has-more-follow-up-from-the-secret-movie/

How to change to overcome the fear of loss and have peace



In order for things to change, we have to change. Circumstances come and go so much that habits are formed to help keep some stability. The habit of saving money keeps our finances in order. Other habits do similar things

Overcome fear when you change your mind

Overcome fear when you change your mind

Overcome fear with change of mind

In order to overcome the fear of loss and have peace, we must evaluate our circumstances and mindset towards changing things in our lives.Taking time find practical ways to get money coming in can take some pressure off  the loss of income due to lay offs, cut backs or limiting beliefs. After retirement, having additional income from a part time job can help. Divorce can create a fear of loss when a lifestyle becomes compromised. Selling goods no longer used can bring in some additional income.

Embrace Change when you create rules that help you overcome

Embrace Change when you create rules that help you overcome

Peace of mind and change

Using prayer or meditation, we can clarify what things we must change so we may have your needs met. Let’s learn some simple areas to evaluate as we listen to Caryn Elizabeth teach from experience, what will  empower us to change so our needs are met and we have peace of mind.


To hear more podcasts using your android, click here

To hear more podcasts using your smart phone go to iTunes and sign up for Caryn Elizabeth in podcasts

Change is easy when we have the best reasons for changing.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/change-to-overcome-the-fear-of-lo/

How to use discontentment to bring competency and help others

This podcast will teach you how to use discontentment you are feeling right now, to bring competency and help others. Listen to this 14 minute mp3. Subscribe to the podcast by following the tab above.

Be discontentment to find a better way

Discontentment to find a better way


[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]The supreme mystery of the universe is life! We come here without our consent, from whence we know not! We go away without our consent, whither, we know not![/pullquote]
We are eternally trying to solve this great riddle of “LIFE,” and, for what purpose and to what end? That we are placed on this earth for a definite reason there can be no doubt by any thinker. May it not be possible that the power which placed us here will know what to do with us when we pass on beyond the Great Divide? Would it not be a good plan to give the Creator who placed us here on earth, credit for having enough intelligence to know what to do with us after we pass on; or, should we assume the intelligence and the ability to control the future life in our own way? May it not be possible that we can co-operate with the Creator very intelligently by assuming to control our conduction on  this earth to the end that we may be decent to one another and do all the good we can in all the
ways we can during this life, leaving the hereafter to one who probably knows, better than we, what is best for us?
Napoleon Hill – The Laws of Success/Discontentment


Understanding what discontentment is meant for

In my search for photos about discontent, I discovered that many people see it as a bad thing. Some see it as sin! Others as a lack of gratefulness for the things we already have. I beg to differ. When we are young, we should be on a quest for truth as well as competency in the practical skills of life. We come into this world under the control of a higher power. Sure, we may come to find out that there is a plan for our lives. But as children, we don’t know that except that we are taught it by the church or by parents. How many of our teachers in life never tell us this?


Let discontentment drive you to become more competent

Let discontentment drive you to become more competent


Discontentment is a good thing

Babies are not content to sit when they can walk. They lack competency but that discontentment given to them by God causes passion for walking to rise up in them. Through daily action, they are becoming competent in walking. What they lack in discipline, they have in discontentment. When conquering all youths discontents of body, they move on to conquering becoming the best at riding a bike or spitting the furthest. Discontented girls conquer control over their physical bodies, their hair, their weight, their school work.

Discipline and Discontentment

As Napoleon Hill shares in the Laws of Success, disciplines are the competencies we gain by the exercise of discontentment. Millionaires become disciplined to make their first hundred and go on to make thousands, tens of thousands and then millions. Some will say they are discontent and greedy. Others will claim their discontentment is a sin. I disagree. It’s in the motivation of their chief aim you will find the truth.

Let discontentment help you give to others what it gave to you

Let discontentment help you give to others what it gave to you

Discontentment and Service

Life is about living, experiencing new things. Some are taught to be content, thanking God for what they have and living with that. This false teaching leads people to laziness, a case for lost motivation, and possibly suicide. We are here for a purpose.. in fact, for many purposes. What we become competent in may help others. The greater our competencies, the greater our impact on others. Why do you limit yourself by becoming content?

There is going to be a time where enough is enough. But until you reach old age, your aim might be to become more, to do more, to serve more. Granted, our faith and our family must be our first priority. We need to keep priorities in order. However, you are never too old to teach others what you learned through all the years you’ve lived. The heart of each of us must be to eliminate the fears others have of the unknown. The fear of the future, being unknown to youth, can be calmed by the wisdom of a well placed conversation by an elderly person.

 This podcast will teach you the best use for the discontentment you are feeling right now. Listen to this 14 minute mp3. Subscribe to the podcast by following the tab above.

Discontentment and Purpose

If you are discontent, let it be because you don’t know enough to help those in your influence. If you haven’t those around you to influence, use discontent to pray for the next step in finding those your knowledge and wisdom can bless. Whether you have competencies in homemaking or making millions, let discontentment be used now and later to serve your family and others so their fears can be eliminated. They can grow up to serve others as you have taught by your example. Let us remember that we came into this world by a greater force out of our control and we will leave by that same force. While we are here, let us make the most of ourselves and propel others to lives of discontentment and service for God’s sake, as we live out the calling and purpose He brought us here to fulfill.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/how-to-use-discontentment-to-bring-competency-and-help-others/

How do your emotions help others reach contentment

Listen to the podcast for  help on  emotions and being content.



 Influencing others with your emotions

Do yo not, do you believe it’s your duty to change yourself so you are like them?

  • believe differently
  • work more diligently
  • become more disciplined
  • gain knowledge

Would you ever choose to be less productive to fit in?
If you are different, do you want others to change to become more like you?

What emotions are influencing others?

What emotions are influencing others?

Emotions and force

You see, changing others doesn’t really help them . It forces them to do what they wouldn’t do without force.

Change is best, when done naturally, influenced by wisdom that came via emotional experiences and knowledge.

How can we truly affect/influence others?
By becoming self confident and being an example of faith in God, in our dreams and goals, we have a great opportunity to guide others to self confidence and their own goals.

Ultimate use of emotions

We all die. But while we’re here, we can enjoy going through the motions and emotions of living, good or bad, feeling all kinds of emotions.

  • grief
  • ecstasy
  • pain
  • pleasure
  • happiness
  • exhilaration, etc

Emotions and life events

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]Each event in our life, each opportunity we take, will lead us to experience emotions via opportunity to choose that path.[/pullquote]
We can choose to push others to feel good or bad, angry or happy, frustrated or challenged. What emotions are you going to pull out of those you love and those strangers, co workers, church members, friends, children?
By examining these issues,  you will gain wisdom usable to succeed, with self confidence, and become the whole person God would be proud to have created.

People united by emotions

People united by emotions

Growing into excellence using emotions

When we’re young, we want to fit in. While employed, we are told we must fit in. Self employed, we have freedom to do things from our gut, but hopefully we’ve learned enough about business skills to keep us grounded. There’s a fine balance between living free and having success financially.
One is just passing emotion. The other is strength with emotion. The first peters out quickly. The other is built as a structure. The first rises up quickly. The other rises slowly and steadily and sustains itself. I liken it to eating a candy bar or a steak. Both give energy, the one sustains it. Another example is drinking coffee rather than a protein shake. With the coffee, your blood sugar actually drops further afterward than before you drank that cup and you become addicted to “more”. Listen to the podcast for further help on this subject of emotions.


Emotions and experience

Your emotional experiences will help you be an influence in others lives, giving you yet another feeling of satisfaction in life, the emotion of contentment. How will your emotions influence others so that you will experience contentment? [pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”][/pullquote]
Listen to today’s podcast to hear more so you can use your emotions to help others.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/how-do-your-emotions-help-others-reach-contentment/

Why Am I Here?


Did we come with a “life’s manual” to answer “Why Am I Here”?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all human beings were born with “manufacturer’s  instructions” tied to their wrists, explaining who they are and how they work? Of course, even if we did, most of us would probably skip the instructions and try to figure out life as we went along!

I believe human beings do come with the equivalent of operating instructions  that give us answers to our deepest questions about ourselves and our world like “why am I here”? Some of this information has been placed within us; the rest has been given to us by our Creator or “manufacturer” in written form.

Are You Confused about why am i here

There must be a reason why am I here!

Why Am I Here And Uncertainty

The reason we’re filled with such uncertainly and confusion about life is that we’ve lost our connection to these original instructions. We haven’t stopped to recognize our internal programming, or to read our life manual in order to understand our personal potential or how we work answering Why am I here? This is why we can’t see the purpose of the world itself and how it is supposed to function.

When we try but fail to solve what is broken in our lives and in our world, it is because our manufacturer’s labels have become faded, and we haven’t read this crucial instruction: “Do not try to repair yourself.  Return to Manufacturer.”

It is the Manufacturer who…

…has the original blueprints.

…knows how to repair what is broken inside us.

…can provide the replacement piece for what is missing in our lives.

Why Am I Here Replacement Pieces

When we discover the manufacturer’s original intent, we come to understand our purpose, our potential, to answer the question “why am I here?” and the significance of our role in this world.

Read more to answer the question “Why Am I Here?” and live with purpose and power.

Permanent link to this article: https://carynelizabeth.com/blog/return-to-manufacturer/