Category: Attraction Marketing

Articles about leadership, coaching, mentorship, and attracting others to what you are all about.

Internet Training School- Free Internet Training For Beginners


Our economy has seen better days. With the change in work structure and companies outsourcing traditional jobs, men and women of all ages are finding themselves with a reduction in income and/or the loss of work.

Rumor has it that people are making a living using the internet. But is it possible in this vast sea, with many professional businesses marketing their goods, that the “nemo’s” can find a training school to teach them how to create an income, while adventuring outside the safety net of the traditional 9-5?

The need for “schooling” is vital for newbies casting their nets online. Systems have been developed by experienced marketers as a way of helping little fish navigate the big pond so they can get a good start in the industry. With the large population of “sharks”, strategic schooling will protect students from scammers looking for chum bait. The safety net of a good training school is the best option for new marketers.

Hundreds and hundreds of new marketers are flocking to the internet to make money. While there are many different training sites, finding one willing to give valuable training without expecting compensation is always better.

Not all marketers are equal. Some marketers have made large sums of money and desire to help others learn from the mistakes that experimenting taught these prosperous entrepreneurs. This saves their students hours of pain for an opportunity  to gain income some desperately need.  A thriving economy is good for businesses. True entrepreneurs know this. Training schools set up by entrepreneurs are cropping up.

Free Internet schools offer hours and hours of step by step training to their students. This valuable information can be used by grade school students, college age men and women and especially those already working.  They do require self motivation and discipline to follow the lessons independently.  However, the great benefit is that it’s done in the convenience of your own home with a computer. Working employees use their lunch hour and evening hours to hone their skills. A laptop is even a better option as you can training on the go.  Some schools offer additional live webinars so students can ask questions.

Like any trade school, once learned, this knowledge can be used in any marketing niche. Many use these skills in their MLM businesses, direct marketing companies and in their own small businesses or LLC’s.  With knowledge in place on how to market oneself, trained students develop leadership skills, personal development strategies, and ultimately become independent contractors with the spirit of a true entrepreneur.

Whether young or old, the internet is un-bias. Excellent training will show you how to find and follow other industry leaders going where you want to go. Free training school that offers the opportunity to maximize earnings without cost is a true find. Don’t let the word “free” cause you concern that you will receive very little.  Not only do these training schools give back substantial valuable training, they awaken the spirit of the entrepreneur in advanced marketers as well as the “nemo’s”. The income will follow as you cast your net for a good online training school.


Please feel free to contact me for the valuable help needed for success online.  COMPENSATION PLAN

Caryn Elizabeth is a new breed of Social Media Franchise Marketers.(SMFM). Passionate about affecting  lives of new online marketers, she provides step by step success strategies  online business owners. She teaches advanced strategies for list building by generating leads.

Go Here To Friend Me  Caryn’s Facebook Page . “Like” her fan page ” Caryn Elizabeth”. so you will receive regular content updates.

Founder of “United Tribal Community Group” on Facebook, Caryn highlights members and offers an opportunity to advertize their businesses there. As a NetDivvy Executive, all are welcome to join.

Caryn’s You Tube Channels: NetdivvyCaryn and  Caryn Elizabeth Live

For Free Training System Caryn Recommends: Join here —->>> <<<—–

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God Is Faithful


Jan 10 – Recall God’s Mercies

“This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassion’s fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”
(Lamentations 3:21-23)

Dear Partners,

God is faithful. He’s full of compassion. His mercies are new every morning. As a believer, you know all that. But simply knowing it is not enough.

For it to do you any good, you have to recall it. You have to remember it again and again in order to rekindle your hope and stir your faith.

So, make it a point to remind yourself of God’s faithfulness every morning. Remind yourself of the benefits that are yours in Jesus.

What are those benefits? Psalm 103 spells them out:

1. He forgives all your sins. 2. He heals all your diseases. 3. He redeems your life from destruction. 4. He crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies. 5. He satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. 6. He executes righteousness and judgment for you against oppression. He sets you free. 7. He makes known His ways to you. 8. He gives you His grace and mercy in times of need.

Make it a point every morning this year to say those things out loud to the Lord. Stand before Him in prayer and recall His mercies to you. Keep it up and by the end of this year you’ll be stronger in faith and more confident of God’s love than you’ve ever been before.

Don’t just settle for knowing God’s blessings. Remember them every day and watch them come alive in you.

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Simple Goal System – 5 Step Goal System For Easy Success

[youtube][/youtube]This is my New Year’s resolution”, He said. While resolutions are good short term, more creative ways will produce greater success. Disappointment normally comes with failed resolutions. Habits take time to create and also take time to break. There is a simple easy formula for creating the success you want.   Follow this 5 step goal system and use visualization to change your life forever.

First, you must have a game plan. Action must become actions with purpose. Believe in yourself and in success. Confidence is good. Avoid allowing doubt to creep in. Keep yourself surrounded with positive people. Believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will succeed.

The S.M.A.R.T. SYSTEM helps you make a plan for purposeful action steps that will help your confidence. This acronym stands for 5 steps to success in goal setting.

1.    Specific- If your goal is to have a car: write details of the kind of car. Go to the dealer and test drive the car. Smell what it smells like and feels like.
2.    Measurable- “I want to be successful” you say. What is success to you? Perhaps you want to own your own home, put your children through college, or be debt free. Once you reach your goals, you have reached the measure of “success” you wrote down.
3.    Attainable- In step 3 of this 5 step goal system,  make these goals  a challenge you work towards but are still be achievable in the time frame you set.
4.    Relevant- Is it important to you? These goals should be about something you are passionate about. Do you want to be an independent business owner? If you are passionate about this, you will work till 12 midnight to reach your goal.
5.    Timely- Provide yourself with a deadline. “Earn $1100 in 2 months to pay my credit card bills off.” “My 3 month goal is to earn $3600.00.”

Visualization helps turn your goals into reality. Take 5-15 minutes once or twice a day and find a quiet place to focus your mind on what it feels like to have achieved your desired goals. Make your mind your very own movie and press play. By going the extra mile, you will build a business that will ultimately pay you over and over. See, feel and smell your surroundings. Sense your friends around you. Think about how hard you worked and how good it feels to have accomplished your goals. As a leader, you share your business success on your website blog.

People work hard to feel good. Make your movie as real as possible. Strategic goal setting and visualization are extremely beneficial in producing a lifestyle of success you desire. Implementing this 5 step goal system and visualizing your results, you are well on your way to the hard earned success you deserve.


Please feel free to contact me for the valuable help needed for success online.

Caryn Elizabeth is a new breed of Social Media Franchise Marketers.(SMFM). Passionate about affecting  lives of new online marketers, she provides step by step success strategies  online business owners. She teaches advanced strategies for list building by generating leads.

Friend her on facebook . “Like” her fan page ” Caryn Elizabeth”. so you will receive regular content updates.

Founder of “United Tribal Community Group” on Facebook, Caryn highlights members and offers an opportunity to advertize their businesses there. As a NetDivvy Executive, all are welcome to join.

Caryn’s You Tube Channels: NetdivvyCaryn  and  Caryn Elizabeth Live

For Free Training System Caryn Recommends: Join here —->>> <<<—–

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Yahoo Inbox Overload- How To Create Filter And Free Up Time

When you have too much email and no time to organize it, let your filters help you! This short step by step video will show you how to create a filter for multiple emails from the same sender or subject.


Please feel free to contact me for the valuable help needed for success online.

Caryn Elizabeth is a new breed of Social Media Franchise Marketers.(SMFM). Passionate about affecting  lives of new online marketers, she provides step by step success strategies  online business owners. She teaches advanced strategies for list building by generating leads.

Friend her on facebook . “Like” her fan page ” Caryn Elizabeth”. so you will receive regular content updates.

Founder of “United Tribal Community Group” on Facebook, Caryn highlights members and offers an opportunity to advertize their businesses there. As a NetDivvy Executive, all are welcome to join.

Caryn’s You Tube Channels: NetdivvyCaryn  and  Caryn Elizabeth Live

For Free Training System Caryn Recommends: Join here —->>> <<<—–

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Response To Dale Werner’s Af-FORM-ation’s Video

[youtube][/youtube]Dale Werner did an excellent job on his video training called  “Program Your Mind for Success | Part 4 | The Mirror Technique.

This is a video response to it. I am actually doing the techniques he prescribed. Enjoy this entertaining rendition. You can find Dale’s video here.

You see how it’s done… repeatedly speaking into your success is what makes your future a success.Internet marketers are tapping in to the expert techniques that true entrepreneurs have implemented  to thrust them all the way to the top of their industry!

Like Terry Dorland says, use “smart” techniques like professional athletes use, to get them over the slump of a wound. Use the personal development techniques prosperous entrepreneurs have used when they found themselves in the ups and downs of financial strain. And keep your eye on the prize!

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Learn More About The Master Key Experience

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Top Keys To Wealth – 6 Must Do Keys To Become Wealthy

It has been said that true worth is measured by how much more one gives in value to the end user than one takes in payment. In this list, I will give you the keys for creating the wealth you are dreaming about.

An accountant gives a service, charging an amount to the clients. The value he gives far exceeds the value that the client would spend in time and money doing the accounting himself. This places the accountant in a valuable position where he will gain more clients and increase his income. His clients’ positive comments to others is one way he receives compensation and over time the accountants influence will save a tremendous amount to those he serves. He has created for himself “high value”.

Here are the top 6 Strategies you need to implement to increase your value and influence to create the wealth you desire.

1.    Find ways to give value. Solve a lot of problems for a lot of people.
The ¼”drill bit sales  are tremendously popular. Why? It is because ¼” holes need to be drilled.
2.    Touch the lives of as many people as possible. Find out the needs of your prospects.
3.    Expand your influence. The more people you serve, the more money you make. Be one who others know, like and trust.
4.    Stay true to your core nature. Be authentic in your dealings with others. Embrace your true nature. Learn from others but don’t adopt their ways. Only adapt their knowledge to your own core nature.
5.    Give and receive. The law of reciprocity says you must be able to receive from others. Get past the old tapes that say “on no, I can’t accept that!” Be open to receiving the abundance available.
6.    Focus on giving and you’ll receive abundance many times from out of left field. You’ll receive it from everywhere.  Living with a giving spirit, the amounts returned to you are greater and greater. Because of the influence you have with others you know and many you may not know, the ‘world’ becomes the benevolent context for your success. Regarding wealth, the cause is the giving. The affect is the receiving.

True worth is measured by the value you give that is over and above the payment taken for your product or service. These 6 principles are vital in order for you to maximize your income potential. However, looking too short sighted to the payment received is selfish and sets you up for a mindset of drawing selfish people around you.

Check yourself. Value must come first. Focus on the value provided and you will not only draw others around you that trust you but you will draw the income you desire as well, far beyond what you imagine.

Caryn Elizabeth is part of the new breed of Social Media Marketers whose passion is to affect the lives of  thousands of online marketers flooding the industry daily. Visit her facebook fan page Caryn Elizabeth and “like” it. The NetDivvy Community is making a new United Tribal Commitment to each other. We do this by highlighting each other weekly in all social media sites, subscribing to each others pages and commenting. Caryn’s You Tube Channel: NetdivvyCaryn  To Join For Free NOW:

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13 Quick Start Steps To Marketing For Millions

You found a training system and you want to know where to start! I want to share with you 13 vital things to do when you first join any online marketing training system. Success is inevitable when you implement these vital strategies.

Your mindset must first be one that says “I can do this thing.” Remember that every successful business begins with you taking the first steps. Some of you will fly through this training, while others will crawl. Know that it doesn’t matter how fast or slow you start. Like any vehicle, once you get into 3rd gear, your momentum will kick in and it will be easier.

A new business or a new year means the beginning of setting attainable goals by starting with the big picture, the “why”, thinking with the end in mind. Financial freedom, more time with family, doing the things you want, are a few of the typical ones. Your business goals should include 3,6, and 12 month lists which include goals in financial gains, personal development and training gains.

You signed up for a training system because you realized you needed support and a plan that works.

•    1. First, you have to sign in. Your username is one that will be seen on the leadership board so make it the name you want to be remembered as.

•     2.Your password should be memorable by you only.

•    3. Scan the site.  You need to stay focused on “first things first”!

•    4. Proceed to the back office. The details of this system are enormous.

•    5. The calendar is your first stop. Find out when the training webinars are and sign up for all that are available by clicking the box. You will receive an email    confirmation.

•    6. Be sure to assign a specific email account that you commonly use so you will not miss any system emails.

•    7. Next, you go to the free member trainings or beginning or introductory trainings.

•    8. Assign a block of time to watch these trainings, which you included in your goals list under training gains.  E.g. 3 month goal- I will have gone thru all the free training.

•    9.  Each training builds on the other. Glean as much as you can. For some of you, it will take watching a few times.

•    10. Once you understand it somewhat, go to the next training. No need to know it completely, each training will help with the previous one.

•    11. After you’ve watched each training video, take action on that training.

•    12. Take 30 minutes or so to move in the direction you were taught. Again, I’m speaking to a broad range of people here. Go as quickly as you can, without causing yourself anxiety. This mindset is positive and will propel you forward to future trainings.

•    13.  As part of your “mindset” training goals, find a list of affirmations you can use, or write your own.

Success online begins with a positive mindset, a spirit of adventure, a good training system and support  of mentors and leaders.


Caryn Elizabeth is part of the new breed of Social Media Marketers whose passion is to affect the lives of  thousands of online marketers flooding the industry daily. Visit her facebook fan page Caryn Elizabeth and “like” it. The NetDivvy Community is making a new United Tribal Commitment to each other. We do this by highlighting each other weekly in all social media sites, subscribing to each others pages and commenting. Caryn’s You Tube Channel: NetdivvyCaryn To Join For Free NOW: Http://

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Get Rich – How To Get Rich Without Anxiety!

Goal Set By Affirming Your Way to Riches Using This Easy Formula

So you are in debt up to your eye balls. You lost your JOB and you need to do something to make ends meet! You’ve played the lottery and discovered it’s a waste of money. You bought into get rich quick schemes and lost your shirt. You gave your last dime to a family member and they never paid you back. You save and save but there’s too much day at the end of your dollar.

Is there a way to actually get rich in a natural easy way? In this article you will find the way to do just that. Follow this formula and you could be rich in way less time than without it.

Achieving riches comes by writing precise action steps. Setting a goal to make “a lot” of money is too vague. Your mind will take action creating solutions when you give it precise information. This list will give you a start.  Begin your journey to get rich by reading these affirmations daily.

1.       I know what I want

2.       I desire to be rich.

3.       I desire money daily.

4.       Money is attracted to me.

5.       I desire to have money to pay ________________ (place your specific $) each month for my____________(each bill).

6.       I expect to be justly compensated for taking risks and actualizing my money making ideas.

7.       I am a winner.

8.       I continue to advance in the face of every obstacle.

9.       I am not easily discouraged by occasional roadblocks.

10.   I am not defeated by obstacles.

11.   To me, an obstacle is merely an opportunity  in disguise.

12.   Some of my most successful money making opportunities started out as obstacles.

13.   I am willing to pay my dues.

14.   I do not expect something for nothing.

15.   I am willing to follow this formula in order to get rich.

16.   I do not get down on myself if I find I am weak in some areas.

17.   I am growing and learning how to be rich.

18.   I have a good reason to be proud of my past accomplishments.

19.    Other peoples’ treatment of me, if negative, will not shake me.

20.    As a winner, if I will think rich, I will get rich.

Read these Affirmations daily until you can memorize them. Success begins with a thought. Thought leads to action. Action promotes belief. Belief produces success. Success makes you rich.

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NetDivvy Online Marketing Training System- Hot Tips For New Marketers With NetDivvy

A System

Learning how to generate leads, buildrelationships, and create products and services are a few skills vital for success in marketing online. In this article, I will share with you some hot tips that expert marketers use to generate their 6 figure income. Beginning with a free and very powerful system such as  NetDivvy Online Marketing Training System, new Internet online marketers gain the knowledge they need.

When generating leads, you must attract others who want to learn what you know.  Even novice marketers have more knowledge of the online industry than 80% of those coming online in recent months. This influx of new prospects should be exhilarating.  This encouraged me to create products and  video content to help them make some money.


The beautiful thing is that the global online community is so large, there’s no possibility of anyone saturating the market. Because the internet is here to stay, online marketing will just keep growing.  Are you very competitive? Online marketing is very different than you probably expect. Fellow marketers become “compadre’s” rather than competitors. There are many who join together to help each other. These are called tribes.

Your niche

Who will you market to?  Those who need what you know, whether a product or service, is your niche!  Using a training system like NetDivvy, you can add them to your list, and build products and services with them in mind.  As an authority over the thousands seeking help online daily, you can be equipped to provide value to your prospects and get them on your list.

Perfect Products

One such product is “Coffee Time With Caryn”. It’s my newest venture and the perfect platform for guiding and coaching women and men who want to make money online. Sessions will direct participators set up their accounts, email, social media, and more. With a plan in place, a system, passion and a niche, you will also be on your way to creating the income and lifestyle you want.

Stop the Traffic!!!!

Why feel overwhelmed any more?  Your brain is the one place you want to “stop the traffic” instead of generating it!

It’s vital that you be consistent and persistent in your learning. With NetDivvy Online Marketing Training System and my coaching, you  will learn the tips and strategies to get you headed in a most profitable direction. I know how frustrating it can be and how overwhelmed it can feel with content overload beckoning in your inbox. Get the free training and  put a plan in place.

Learning what it takes to generate the income you are looking for  begins with a system. Try  NetDivvy for free Now!


Caryn Elizabeth is part of the new breed of Social Media Marketers whose passion is to affect the lives of  thousands of online marketers flooding the industry daily. Visit her facebook fan page Caryn Elizabeth and subscibe. The NetDivvy Community is making a new United Tribal Commitment to each other. We do this by highlighting each other weekly in all social media sites, subscribing to each others pages and commenting. Her You Tube Channel: NetdivvyCaryn, promotes her system. For Free Opportunity To Join NetDivvy, CLICK HERE.

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8 Minutes With Caryn Elizabeth-Netdivvy Trainer


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