Origin Of The $ Sign | “Numis Network”

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Entrepreneurs Searching For Origin Of $ Striking Gold  With Numis

Curiosity hit me when looking at the Dollar symbol on a facebook page of Vince Reed’s, …

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Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/origin-of-the-sign-numis-network/

Origin Of The $ Sign: Part II | “Numis Network”


As curiosity would have it, my search for the origin of the $ symbol began after meditating on Vince Reeds profile picture on Facebook. Here is the continuing elaboration on the meanings listed through the ages.


The dollar sign is said to have been derived from a slash through …

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Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/origin-of-the-sign-part-iinumis-network/

“Can You Trust Your Conscience?” | Personal Development


People all over this world in regardless of what industry they are in, are looking for the secrets for successful living.  In this part two of ‘Where do you place your confidence?’, I want to continue to share the first of seven secrets for success. Is it possible that our conscience is condemning us …

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Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/%e2%80%9ccan-you-trust-your-conscience%e2%80%9d-personal-development-2/

“Can You Trust Your Conscience?” | Personal Development


People all over this world in regardless of what industry they are in, are looking for the secrets for successful living.  In this part two of ‘Where do you place your confidence?’, I want to continue to share the first of seven secrets for success. Is it possible that our conscience is condemning us …

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Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/%e2%80%9ccan-you-trust-your-conscience%e2%80%9d-personal-development/

Where Do You Place Your Confidence? |Personal Development


People all over this world seek strategies for success. Some seek “The Why” to find a deeper connection that will sustain them through the ups and downs of business. Others ask more profound questions like,  Why am I alive? Does my life matter? What is this all for?  Still more read books to help …

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Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/where-do-you-place-your-confidence-personal-development/

8 Minutes With Caryn Elizabeth-Netdivvy Trainer



Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/8-minutes-with-caryn-elizabeth-netdivvy-trainer/

How Do I Get Over My Divorce? Feeling Worthy Of Success After Marriage Failure

I am one of many recovering from wounds of a failed marriage. I remember it as clear as day, ‘it’s over, I want a divorce!’ I am one of many recovering from wounds of a failed marriage. Here’s help so you can see yourself as worthy of success.

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Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/personal-development/

Numis Network Pre-Launch in Canada


$$$$$$$$$  PRE-LAUNCH $$$$$$$$$

Numis Network

*******Don’t Miss The Gold Rush******

“NUMIS NETWORK” Presentation

Watch this video. Sign in and  get to the Gold Rush First!


MUST SEE “Numis Presentation”

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Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/numis-network-pre-launch-in-canada/

Stairway To Success Paved By “NetDivvy”


http://bit.ly/cw1nNc “NETDIVVY” WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO Advertise your Business Post your Videos Post Articles Post in the Forums and Blogs Unlimited Landing Pages All to MLM People Only! For FREE! Join NetDivvy Now http://bit.ly/cw1nNc

Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/stairway-to-success-paved-by-netdivvy/

Numis Rich GOLD Industry Now in Canada


Numis Rich GOLD Industry

$$$$$$  PRE-LAUNCH CANADA $$$$$$



Massive Amounts Of Income Can Be Yours With This Simple,

But Powerful Business

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Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/numis-rich-gold-industry-now-in-canada/

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