Tag: coaching

Top Tips On No Longer Being Pressured! Where Does Your Inspiration Come From?

Do You Allow Others To Genetically Modify YOU? Truth About Inspiration and Motivation. by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

What kind of inspiration gets you taking action?

I use to dislike listening to some people trying to inspire me. Why?  Because while they might have motivated me, they did not add inspiration to my life. I don’t know about you but true change happens naturally in me when the true intention of an inspirational person is to add value to my authentic self. Time tells the truth!

How do motivation and inspiration differ?

When I would go to my companies conferences, the energy in the room was very motivating. However, because of my mindset, I felt like I was competing for a place on stage. Yes, I love being on stage and saying something profound! Who wouldn’t?

If you don’t want to, perhaps you don’t feel like what you have to say is important enough to share. Or maybe you just don’t feel like sharing!

What form of inspiration motivates you?

Ever since I was little, I competed for attention in my family of 7 children. I gave up many times when my brothers would either get in trouble or get hurt. I on the other hand became quiet. I didn’t want to get hurt or get in trouble in order to get attention. I wanted the attention I got because of me being me! It was rare that I got noticed.

It was when I did well in Art and got an award that I’d get attention. It was when my parents got me involved in horseback riding that I got attention. I would have loved to continue in that but it ended way to early to suit me.

Unfortunately, I longed for inspiration and attention for the right reasons but I didn’t feel I got it the way I wanted it. When my parents had a party and they were all living it up, my parents would pressure me to play piano. I was so not proficient at playing and felt like that was NOT the way I wanted to get attention.

If I was asked to come over and share what I liked to do for fun, I may have been able to express that with proficiency but playing an instrument that I only learned a  short time before  was asking me to share my imperfections and I just couldn’t bear that! You see, I knew when I was good at something! Pressuring a child to do something is not inspirational but causes children to mistrust their parents with their value. As a parent, inspire your children by sharing with them personally the potential you see in them, in their smile, in the way they write or draw. Truth sets children free! Feeling free is very inspirational.

When I was a bit older and could really throw a baseball, if my mom or dad would have asked me to show them how well I could throw it, I totally would have felt the inspiration to become even better.

You see, the attention I wanted was validation of who I was, not what I did. In all of us, we long for validation. However, something grand occurred in me as an adult with many years of living. I realized that I didn’t want anyone who didn’t truly value me to share life with me.

The natural course of things went as follows.

  • I talk to you.
  • You get to know me.
  • I see if I can trust you.
  • You show me either yes or no.
  • I talk to you further if I feel good about you.
  • You then can share with me the things you see in me that are valuable.
  • I then decide whether I will receive your comments.

This is where I am in life.

  • I am inspired by those I can trust.
  • Those who have written books that tell me more about my value.
  • I like when I can decide for myself whether I will receive their inspiration.
  • If you want to motivate me, you better know me well.

Of course, when we’re at a party and we’re all hanging out, if you ask me to take a “shot” of something, most likely I won’t! I dislike being pushed.

The natural course of things goes as follows:

If there is alcohol at a party and I feel like having some, I will.

If not, I won’t!


End of story!

Who's Genetically Engineering YOU?

Who’s Genetically Engineering YOU?

You won’t inspire me! Why?

I have given license to people in the past who hurry me to make a decision or I will miss out on an opportunity. I no longer do that! They use “scarcity” as a mental tactic. The root of this technique leans on those who have a poverty mentality and is absolute deceit. I absolutely have experienced this and have learned something wonderful that has helped me eliminate the need to “rush” into absolutely anything unless I am truly and honestly inspired to do it. It came from the book “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Waddles.

The universe doesn’t respond to your reality. It responds to your perception of reality. When you deliberately take an emotional journey, you offer a vibration that causes law of attraction to respond to you differently. Abraham Hicks

I cannot be motivated by pressure any longer.

I became free of this with knowledge I learned over time through books and resources I read.

I now record my inspirational moments and share the resources they come from. Many come from posters on Facebook. Some come from Mindset Daily calls. Others come when I’m on my Think and Grow Rich calls.

Gone are the days of ignorance and excuses. I will not allow anyone to genetically modify my authentic journey. While trusting only sources of true inspiration, nor should you! 

Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/top-tips-on-no-longer-being-pressured-where-does-your-inspiration-come-from/

“Playing Big” Method | Playing To Win Video Newsletter


Dear Fellow Entrepreneurs,

I’m getting creative here with this newsletter and decided that you deserve something different.  I wrote an article recently on Playing BIG. It’s a concept business coaches have tapped into to help facilitate the creative efforts of others towards the goal of success in business.

When I was teaching Montessori to preschool students, I implemented this  natural method in order to get the kids to perform at their peak level. “Fun” was the driving factor that kept them interested and attentive.

So what happens when we grow up? I  homeschooled my children from  beginning to end. Fortunately because I knew this method,  I was able to use this “fun” technique to  quicken their creativity towards advancement , ease and satisfaction in learning.

When they reached the high school years however, I noticed other parents putting their kids into college classes, having them take AP classes with the intend to getting them college credit and creating a good looking transcript. I placed my oldest daughter in one online AP class and it was a disaster. Having been trained to be an entrepreneur, my daughter resisted the heavy load of homework and projects.

The class became a hindrance to her creative energy.  Scoring a 2 on the AP test,  I learned that one will learn best when it’s something you WANT to learn it or because its presented in a creative way.

The Playing Big coaching method does just that. As adults  learning new strategies for career or business success, playing BIG means you must be willing and able to step up and stand out! You take the risk of being seen and known for who you really are and then boldly share with colleagues and customers this value. Being clear about your value to others, one must live true to their purpose in the world. It’s challenging, interesting and exciting at the same time.

We are all born with the ability and desire to play and any effort in life can be played as a game with the knowledge that you can win. This method is called Play-Two-Win because a coach only wins when the player wins and a player only wins when his team wins; a very excellent position to take for any MLM, network marketing, direct sales or other types of business success. This becomes another point of attraction because people love to play on this kind of team when they know the leadership is planning to play BIG for the team to win also.

Keep this in mind when you are leading others. A simple example of using this method in business is presenting strategies and tools with the idea that someone can WIN them for free. Another is to encourage them to get them “first”. This initiates the competitive spirit innate in every human.  By tapping into the creative energy that naturally stimulates your prospects, business partners and team, you will not only have a happy team but your team will learn much more quickly the strategies you are teaching them.

Are you the leader to help others to PLAY BIG? Prove it!!!!!

Go out and make today the best day yet!

Ps. Because you are here, I want to have a bit of fun with you. I would like to tickle you a bit! Today’s  tickle is a quick little video presented by my good friend Dale Werner, on Creating Great Headlines.


Enjoy it and remember that PLAYING BIG is best!


Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/playing-big-method-playing-to-win-video-newsletter/

How To Find Your Brand! 6 Tips Business Coaches Use To Help You Find Your Niche





In Part one of this 3 part article series I will share a strategy coaches use to help others discover their passions. It’s been said “Find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Marketing is going through a revolution right now. People are beginning to build their online presence by using their passion as the foundation for branding their business. 


Online marketers are finally figuring out what offline business owners have known for years. You must build the “know, like and trust” with your clients, customers, and prospects. In order to do this online, you must follow these steps to position yourself as a “trusted authority” first.

1. Find your passion.

2. Build your brand

3. Develop your know, like and trust.


The following are  6 steps to help you  find your strengths and  passion if you want to focus on doing what you love while making money online.

1.Make a list of the 12 things you like about yourself, things you consider strengths.

2. Prioritize them, top being your greatest strength.

3. Make a list of 12 things you consider to be your weaknesses.

4. Set that list aside. Considering those 12 things, what would be the dream job you would create around them?

5. Choose 3 areas that you could market yourself in.

6. Now write 2 paragraphs marketing those niches with your top 6 strengths.

A coach directs you to be consistent and persistent,  writing goals with your passion in mind. He guides you to focus on your strengths as you BRAND YOURSELF.

PS. Get “The Mastermind eBook” For The Personal Power Of Team Building!


Yours In Mastery,

Caryn Elizabeth
 Milford, PA 18337

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Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/i-love-what-i-do-do-you-part-1-personal-development/