Category: Attraction Marketing

Articles about leadership, coaching, mentorship, and attracting others to what you are all about.

How To Keep My Focus When Others Attack Me

How good are you at keeping your focus?

How to stay focused when others attack you by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Do you focus on your purpose?

Do you focus on your purpose?

 Focus on self

How do you act and keep your focus when someone disrespects or attacks you in some way? Listen as I bring clarity to what’s actually going on inside you and the other person and show you where to get power to overcome it. The secret to your power is having a major definite purpose that is bigger than the immediate circumstance.

I worked for a hotel years ago and began to learn the trade from a young immature manager. She had little management capabilities and less tact in handling newbies. It seems like she wanted her workers to fail and looked for ways to provoke them to anger. I chose to leave my position after 5 weeks of anxiety and went back to doing things I loved to do. That job was not congruent with my purpose at the time but I learned from it.

Success: Whatever you do, good or bad, it’s never a failure if you learn something from it.

Do You focus on your power?

Do You focus on your power?

Focus and getting defensive

You’d be surprised how much power you have to keep yourself from becoming defensive. We have several ways to respond but the two major ones are to respond as a leader or as a follower. It’s our responsibility to learn what makes us tick. Bottom line was that I needed to nurture the seedlings of my hearts desire and look for ways to help them grow. My purpose combined with actions for it’s attainment make me strong. They will make you strong and powerful as well.

Believe In Your Purpose And Change Your Future

Believe In Your Purpose And Change Your Future

Definite major  purpose and focus

Listen to how having a definite major purpose will cause your attacker to have little affect on your emotions. I will explain how to manage your emotions, and show you how to attract what you want more quickly. Your purpose must be bigger than what you want for you alone. Taking care of yourself shows respect for the purpose you plant in your heart that may affect the global population. Your mindset grows stronger and stronger because you have both the care for yourself and the focus of your purpose in view consistently.

For more: go to or click the podcast tab above


It will be easy to keep focus when your purpose has it’s roots in loving others as you love yourself.

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How Does My Purpose Help Get My Prayers Answered?


How to get your prayers answered quickly by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Do you have a definite major purpose?

Many people don’t know what having a definite major purpose has to do with getting prayers answered. This podcast explains what it is, where you get it, how to use it and how to feel great about your life because of it.

I address unity, competition, comparison, perspective, success, happiness, satisfaction.

People united for a common purpose

Do you know  the purpose of gathering in groups?


The collective energy has a specific purpose. When you gather, your purpose is to get what you want. Having a definite major purpose will help you utilize the power of this gathering.

Do you know how science shows us how the universe works. Science expresses the laws of the universe so we can understand what plants and trees are for.

 What is the purpose of asking God for things?

Why do we pray? How does the universe support the answers to our prayers?

Do you want to live better and set goals?  The source is your answer to our faith for these things. Understanding the seasons of sowing and reaping, we will understand that it takes time for answers to manifest and must continue to believe without doubting.

People in unity for a purpose

People in unity for a purpose

What is the purpose of other people’s opinions and beliefs?

Are you led by everybody and not focused on your own mind? You are here to do something but as you listen to everything else around you, ignoring your source, you will be tossed and turned by “every wind of doctrine”, as the bible states. You individually are here to create and expand. Asking source, God, for your needs, aligning with a high vibration of love and unity, your needs will be met quickly.


You are meant to become “whole”, holy. By establishing your definite major purpose, you will live a more focused life and get your prayers answered quickly.


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#1 Quality All True Leaders Have

#1 quality true leaders havehip That Help Your Children Leaders

#1 quality true leaders have


This weeks podcast expounds on this statement and reveals the quality great leaders have.

A wise man once said “The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.”

My boyfriend wanted to paint his bedroom over. At first, I told him it was a mess and we needed to clean it up and make is just a bedroom and not an office, a gun room and a tv room. But that startled him, especially when I told him the way I’d approach it. He had his own way of cleaning and organizing and it made me wonder if I was going to be able to help him at all.

After some time, and a bit of communication, he shared his approach, which is much like the way he does many other things. He wanted to do it once and do it right. He wanted me to be there to support him. Later on, after reading the above quote, I discovered what my task as a leader over my own life and emotions.

Leaders envision something great

Leaders envision something great

The vision of  leaders

While cleaning up some paperwork of my own, I came across a program about goal setting using the SMART system. One point that jumped out what to state your “outcomes” clearly and specifically. The goal at hand is paint the bedroom and maintain harmony. I wrote down the “first step” after writing a clear set of outcomes I wanted from the project.

 The love of  leaders

Instead of setting a goal, what is better to do is create well formed outcomes. There is a process to this.

  1. State the outcome in  positive statements
  2. Ensure the outcome is within your control, not others
  3. Be very specific
  4. Use sensory based procedure
  5. Consider the context
  6. Ensure access to resources
  7. Outcomes must preserve existing benefits
  8. Outcomes must be ecologically sound
  9. Define the first step


So I began to list the outcomes I saw as my goal using positive statements, considering outcomes that I could control either in my mind or in the circumstances.  Many of the statements used words like feel free, enjoy waking up happy, feel an easiness, seeing things I love… and others. All these words are sensory statements suggested. The context involved someone else besides me and I needed to understand what he wanted.

I knew I had the resources I needed because my passion is decorating and my skill is a creative designer. I needed to be sure that upon taking on the project, the outcome would be more beneficial for the both of us and create even a better relationship, which would preserve the existing freedom we are hoping to enlarge.

Lastly, I had to consider the time involved and whether is was worth going through the process. Would it make the bedroom more conducive to happiness and pleasure? As I wrote my list I included outcomes that I consider ecologically sound.


Leadership begins at home

Leadership begins at home

Leaders and love strategies

Over the years, I have learned more about leading children. Every parent is a leader. While I embraced my role, I learned that leaders make mistakes as they grow. We must forgive ourselves for our past mistakes and forgive others as is needed at the present time. Leaders do not arrive. I am still on the journey and will continue to develop leadership qualities as a whole person for the rest of my days. My hope is that what I am learning will benefit you along your journey.

Anthony Williams shared a list of goals we must consider when growing our “love” for others. We must understand the person, have compassion for them, feel joy in the relationship, desire freedom for love to develop.

I hope that I have experienced enough to understand you. I do have compassion for you as a person seeking the qualities of a great leader. I know the struggles and the satisfaction I receive from sharing my posts. I feel joy in connecting with you; a joy on the inside that keeps me going. I desire to be free is sharing and developing my audience and I hope that you feel the freedom to comment and connect with me for more podcasts like this.

In this podcast, I get clear on how a leader loves others and what is the opposite of leadership. Click Here to  subscribe. To subscribe using iTunes, click the “podcast” tab above.


Enjoy learning more about the #1 quality true leaders must have. leaders


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A Simple Secret To Feeling Great Every Day

Feeling Great Will Stop This

Feeling Great Will Stop This


Do you find yourself punishing yourself for the experiences you are facing right now?

Would you like to live your best life every day? Listen to this weeks podcast and discover the secret for feeling great every day! You can stop feeling guilty for your mistakes. You can keep feeling great without regrets.


The Secret To Feeling Great

There is a secret trick that brings clarity and the happy life you want. When I went through divorce, I isolated myself somewhat and subconsciously punished myself with a loss of self confidence. I made financial mistakes and punished myself by being fearful of taking any risks at all. You may identify with these extreme measures if you are have high standards of success like me. It’s so sad how long it lasted because I lacked the wisdom I needed to embrace this secret. I heard it. I said it. But I didn’t embrace it wholeheartedly until my attitude was right.

You can stop harming yourself and others when you learn this secret. These are some of the ways life will get better for you.

Getting a good handle on our life, spiritually, in your mindset, and physically, we must learn the secret so we can  plow through our future with surety.

Feeling Great Will Start This

Feeling Great Will Start This

Some of the ways the secret will get us feeling great.

  1. We will think about ourselves differently.
  2. We will think about others more positively
  3. We will have a life of order and happiness.


Feeling great starts:

  • To create a love for oneself and others that was missing.
  • To wake up daily and know how to feel great right away.
  • By daily practice with conscious effort we push aside the negatives.
  • We attract other who want what we want as well.
  • Our friendships are trustworthy.
  • Our relationship to our source is strong and secure
  • Our wealth becomes measurable by the smiles we give and receive from others.


You will help others feel great too!

You will help others feel great too!

Leadership and feeling great

Do you want to feel great every day? This podcast will give you the secret you can use to begin the process. What happens next is up to you. Applying this secret and searching for further knowledge, you can begin to give hope to others and become a leader others want to follow. Feeling great begins at home, with you.

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How to change your negative thoughts to positive thoughts

Podcast On Thoughts


Do you have negative thoughts you want to change into positive thoughts?

The subconscious mind dominates our thinking. We can influence it by using this simple method.

In Napoleon Hill’s book “Think And Grow Rich”, he gives us a lift of emotions that rule our thoughts. Yes, I said “rule our thoughts”!  Here’s his list.

The seven major Positive Emotions

  • Desire
  •  faith
  •  love
  •  sex
  •  enthusiasm
  • romance
  • hope
how to change your negative thoughts

How do you keep from changing your
negative thoughts

The seven major Negative Emotions

  • Fear
  • jealousy
  • hatred
  • revenge
  • greed
  • superstition
  • anger

The following quote really tells us how negative emotions affect our thoughts.

Miserable people focus on the things they hate about their life. Happy people focus on the things they love about their life. Zig Ziglar

How to change your negative thoughts about people

How to change your negative thoughts about people


Now this quote is an example of a thought life dominated by positive emotions.

Your peace is more important than anything that makes you mad. Allowing anger to fester and fuel up inside us paves the way to sin. Focus on God and your relationship with Him rather than the wrong that’s been done to you, because your peace is more important. Joyce Meyer

Thought life and your peace

Success in life begins with our mindset. Setting childish thoughts aside, we put on a thought life strengthened by emotions that console, comfort and direct our future thoughts with power.


Use this meditation exercise daily for maximum help to change your negative thoughts to positive thoughts.

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What Is Holiness?

Holiness is true happiness

As You Pray Your Holiness Grows Stronger

As You Pray Your Holiness Grows Stronger

The #1 success secret for a sinner about holiness

What must come first in order to see ourself as holy? The secret to holiness lies in understanding how to create a  foundation. It begins with a mindset of belief and faith the world lacks. It’s such a little secret that it’s easy to miss because our models may not have it either.

Should we have faith in people?

As children, our common tendency is to first observe and then trust others without question.

1. Parents who model good behavior help us believe they love and support us unconditionally.
2. Teachers who model good skill may be trusted and believed if what we are learning seems to advance us towards success.
3. Pastors and Priests may be trusted as we feel we’re getting the training that makes us feel good about God and ourself.

In each case, these mentors can help us or hurt our understanding of how to achieve holiness in life. Because of their placement as authority figures we are vulnerable and therefore susceptible to possible corruption. Belief in holiness and sinning
My lack of knowledge as a youth in the church traumatized me for years. A slight error in judgment early on led me on a life path of failure of heart believing I was a sinner condemned, not loved. I didn’t trust myself which led to my lack of trust of others. I didn’t understand why I lacked confidence and didn’t trust others until many many years later. Because of my desire for truth, I came to learn that Jesus, mature in the knowledge of the truth, modeled someone we could believe and learn from. Trusting Jesus’ teachings, we can achieve a place of maturity and holiness. Knowing God, Jesus taught us how to love God and love ourself to reach holiness.
The Church and our belief
We cannot trust ourselves when making decisions and choices without a proper understanding of self love. We must learn how to set goals with belief in ourself.  Leaning on Jesus’ teachings, we learn how to love ourselves more and accept our failures, forgive ourself and keep going forward towards the whole life he knows will bring us success.

Loving ourselves correctly for holiness

God loves all of us; our strengths and weaknesses.
We have to love and have belief in ourself and take responsibility for our life.

Trusting ourself

We must come to that place of decision. We must seek out and find the truth about love, about God’s love for us, about love and forgivness of others and about holiness. With this understanding, we learn how to believe in God and love, nurture, encourage and build ourselves up in love to success.

Then as we create goals we can accomplish, we must believe they we deserve them. With this belief, we will absolutely trust our decisions and reach the success we desire. Speaking and talking ourself up, we support ourself and properly nurture ourself as we would others we love.

Speaking ourself up toward holiness

Daily speaking words of instruction and encouragement, we build for ourself a life that works. Using the models of others who teach us strategies for success, we set goals and learn how to dream about our future, trusting that our dreams will come true. We can only do this with a belief in God and in ourselves.

*We trust in God that the laws set in place will bring our dreams into reality.
*We trust in ourself that we can have what we want because we are worth it, deserve it and because this is what life is for.
*This glorifies God and pleases Him.

Satisfaction in ourself

Do you think we are born so we can condemn ourself? Have you noticed those of us who judge others and have made a habit of complaining about life. These attitudes and habits are a reflection of how we think about and treat ourself.

What we see is who we are.

The Secret to holiness

We will live without whole life or we can develop ourselves and succeed in life.  The secret we miss when we go after success is the knowledge of how and why to love  ourself. Let’s not let the ignorant teachings of some childhood authorities keep us in the dark by telling us we’re sinners hopeless without a savior. Jesus modeled the life we all are born for. Salvation makes sense when it’s about Jesus’ love and not our sin.

If we are failing in life and things are getting darker, this secret will save us. But how we see ourself is important. We are marvelous individuals with the power to create the life we were born to create. Let this slight error in judgment, believing that we are sinners, be the catalyst to get us to the next step, which is to learn how to love ourself and build ourself up.

Keep negative people at bay

When I was told that I put Jesus on the cross, I didn’t understand what I’d done. What I heard was not what was the truth. It took many many years before I corrected my belief and in my heart understood Jesus’ model of love. He chose the cross. He went of His own fruition. I didn’t put him there. What a terrible idea to plant in childrens’ heads. We have a chance to model godly behavior when we know how to love and nurture ourself. Jesus is one model of great love. There are hundreds of models.

Love yourself today and build yourself up in love to holiness.

Don’t let your misunderstandings taught by ignorant people keep you from the truth that we are unconditionally loved to live our true potential. We each have gifts we were born to give. We can co create in true prosperity and become global agents of change for our planet. Or we can live a more simple life modeling godly behavior in whatever way we desire.

Go right to the source for knowledge and mentorship. Build a foundation for success that withstands the world, inside or outside the authority places of your youth. As we each love ourself, holiness  is present and dreams will absolutely become reality.

Holiness is true happiness




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How To Overcome Regrets In Life

Do you regret things in your life?

How many times have you woken up thinking “I should have done this! I should have done that?” Did it ever help you?

How to overcome regrets in life by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

[pullquote align=” right” textalign=” right” width=”30%”]Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
Love the people who treat you right and forget the ones who don’t.
Believe that everything happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, take it.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said that life would be easy.
They just promised that it would be worth it.[/pullquote]

What does our past teach us about life?

We sometimes have beliefs about people.  We can learn from our parent’s beliefs alternate ways we desire to live.  Many of us formed beliefs as children that inhibit us from a prosperous future. Some of us desire to learn from our past and try not to repeat it.

Taking responsibility for our own life, should we take time to judge the motives of others? After all, we haven’t walked in their shoes? If we have ever ended a relationship due to beliefs you had about that person, we may regret that error in judgment after a while.

Most of the time, our regrets are caused by our beliefs. If we know someone who has failed or we have failed ourselves, regretting is another way of punishing ourselves. When we come to that place where we say “why did I do that?”, it’s like yelling at the child for spilling the milk. Instead, we ought to set up a belief that feeling badly for spilling the milk is a poor error in judgment. We are punishing ourselves and this error shows up in regret.

We can be our own best friend though it may be difficult to figure out what that looks and feels like. Why? Because  we may have grown up with a belief that we are sinners, or that we are not perfect. Perhaps we’ve been told we’ll never amount to anything. Additionally, we may have beliefs formed earlier in life resembling those above. Later as adults, we received accolades that we are so wonderful. But we may not be able to receive those compliments because we don’t believe that about ourselves. So sad.

Developing better beliefs that match our present abilities and enhance dreams for our future will help us achieve them much more quickly.  This can help you achieve happiness today.

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

War, tragedy, marital breakup, fatal sickness, and things like these seem to be signs of great failure. But there is another better way to see these events and circumstances. But do you know how to?

Keep our thoughts at home where they belong. We have enough to do in a day to judge our own thoughts, actions, ideas and beliefs. By judging others, we are basically judging ourselves.

Being mature is the goal in life. As we attain to maturity, we learn from our experiences. We gain knowledge through coaches and teachers as well as books on the subject of our desires.

Changes in life

Have you ever felt out of control when changes occurred? Most of us have felt this when we have no rules set up for what must happen in order for us to feel happy. Without rules for happiness, changes may appear bad. However, changes are a turn in the road. That change could be what takes you to a better place, a better relationship, a better job or home. For some reason, we insist that changes are “done to us”. This victim mentality indicates that we have not set up the necessary rules for happiness.

We can set up rules that make it very easy for us to succeed and difficult for us to fail. But these must take that place of rules set up earlier by well meaning parents or teachers. Parents who encourage their children to succeed may set up a belief that a “B” is good but an “A” is better. A child may need to get an “A” in order to feel successful. Again, this sad state adults find themselves in make it difficult for them to feel successful because the rules they made for what success looks like.


A good rule might be “if I have learned something from it, then I have success”. Therefore it makes it easy to achieve. Additionally, we can treat our own children with the same belief and create a rule in our family to foster a feeling of success if something is learned by an experience. A child will begin to look for things they learned so that they feel successful. So simple, this rule will not lead to regret.

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]Are you living a balanced life? Sacrifice is good but balance is better because self love always must preceed loving others in order to really help others.[/pullquote] If you are in good health, body, mind and spirit, you are going to be the most helpful, beneficial influence for others.

What were you born to do?

We were born to grow like a plant, to expand our leaves and bear fruit and provide shade for others. If life is easy, we are not growing. This could mean, we begin to die slowly. Those who retire may no longer want the stress or challenge that comes with life, but will soon come to death without the desire to expand. Life is no meant to be “hard”. Our life should be a continual process of growing. This belief will help us to live a balance life while loving ourself and others.

How to overcome regrets in life by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

So what makes life worth it?

Our life’s goal is to live a balanced life, loving ourselves and others. We should look at our experiences as things to learn from. To achieve harmony by taking chances in life,  we grow and develop. Our words and actions become our fruit. Our experiences are like the stalk or trunk. Our life should make a great impact on the world around us.

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What is the quality level of your choices?

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Branding You The Brand New You Book Review – The Fears Of Branding Yourself

Branding You The Brand New You Video Book Review

Branding You The Brand New You Video Book Review By Clicking The Picture.

What does branding you as a trusted authority mean?

Branding yourself in order to market your goods and services online can be quite a challenging endeavor. Before I wrote my first book about it, I experienced 2 years of hit and miss strategies, here now gone tomorrow online mentors, skill-set trainings, scam programs, manipulative messages, as well as some great skill and mindset development before I felt like I knew enough to enlighten and teach others. The test of skill is your ability to teach others with proficiency. In “Branding You The Brand New You, I share my experience and secrets as your trusted authority!

Offline Businesses And Branding You

Branding yourself online draws your followers to a specific niche you market to. It is something offline businesses need. It is also what network marketers who are part of Multilevel or Direct sales companies are doing to build huge businesses using the internet. I have been in several companies and have experience with good teams and bad teams, with good leadership and poor leadership.

Leadership and Branding You

Leadership has become one of my passions and it’s due to the poor quality of leadership demonstrated in all these platforms using online marketing. This type of team building draws charismatic leaders but needs much more to keep a loyal following. One must learn how to build “know, like and trust” in order to keep that following. While large businesses like Pepsi, Apple, and Nascar have tremendous skill at this, new wanna be leaders to online marketing training and team building are manipulative and greedy and the followers lose heart over time and jump from company to company looking for someone who has both skill and moral values in leadership.

Mindset + Skill-set X Performance = Branding You Results

Thousands of businesses are busy marketing their goods and services and customers only see the results of their efforts. Training systems are springing up all over the internet. I’ve been part of a few of them and learned alot using them.

Branding oneself requires the 4 P’s of high performance.

  1. Psychology
  2. Physiology
  3. Productivity
  4. Persuasion.

Experienced marketers are busy keeping up with the changing market for making money and have no desire to teach strategies for future competitors.

Some teachers and trainers are excellent at sharing this information for monthly fees to be part of a training and support community. However, Branding You The Brand New You is a book resource to equip you with coaching to prepare you with a firm foundation for marketing anything online. share my personal journey for the past 2 years. I tell you the people I met, the businesses I was in, the times I was scammed, robbed, and beaten up! Not literally, of course. I was online, behind my desk, so to speak!

Social Media and Branding You

Social media managers are the new trend. Marketers are creating trainings for business owners and affiliate marketers are getting commissions for sharing these training companies. In “Branding You The Brand New You”, I share my social media tips using Facebook, Skype, Linkedin, Twitter, You Tube and other communities and ways to brand yourself as a trusted authority.


Brand New You Book Video Review

Branding You The Brand New You Book Video Review Available By Clicking This Picture

Newbie Marketers and Branding You

I experienced what happens when you are not focused with the correct mindset for building a business, generating leads and building a list online.Branding gets you off to the right start!

If you like this, perhaps you’ll like to know more. Click the banner below now!

The masterkey experience

Learn More About The Master Key Experience

Branding gets you off to the right start!

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What Is Direct Sales? How Do I Lead Others When I Join A Company?

prosperity money in hand with direct sales

Do You Have A Prosperity Mindset When It Comes To Direct Sales?

What is Direct Sales?

Can An Average Person Make Money In Direct Sales?

In a conversation I had recently, about direct sales with my friend and business partner Todd Gragg, we exposed some lies and shared some wisdom about direct sales.  The conclusion we came to is that we those entering into direct sales must take responsibility for the success that is at their disposal with the leadership training offered. Whether in direct sales, network marketing and MLM’s both online and off, leaders are being developed in these organizations and teams of leaders are being trained help others coming in after them to make money and achieve levels of success expected from companies of this sort.

penny in hand poverty about direct sales

Poverty Mindset Of A Person Of Ignorance

Direct Sales and The Poverty Mindset

There are still some individuals who see the words MLM, Network Marketing, Direct Sales, Multilevel Marketing as  pyramid schemes.The Direct Selling industry is  a billion dollar industry.  There are nearly 5000 direct sales companies presently. All these companies are governed by the federal trade commission. If their was something illegal going on, the industry would be shut down. But it’s NOT!

poverty head in sand about direct sales

I Listen To The Wrong People About Direct Sales

All MLM’s, networking marketing, internet marketing and affiliate marketing is the same thing. Direct Sales.

Direct Sales And People Skills

So you’ve come online to generate income and you say you don’t want to deal with people? So do you know what you just said? You may as well leave the online industry because it’s all about PEOPLE! The beauty of this industry is that “the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts“..

You can leverage people to create an income without the costs of franchising on your own. Companies have already laid out the big costs and you’re income is directly related to the work you put into any program.

You are the owner of your company or “brand”. Posture yourself as a leader. Who do you listen to? Kevin Trudeau says it best. “Listen to those who have what you want“. If you want wealth, listen to someone who is wealthy. If you want wisdom,

Drive The Winning Vehicle In Direct Sales When You Listen To Race Car Winners

Drive The Winning Vehicle In Direct Sales When You Listen To Race Winners

listen to someone who have the results a wise man has. If you want specific leaderships skills, listen to a leader who’s track record proves their leadership.

Direct Sales Business Investment

You tell me you haven’t the money to get started in a direct sales company.  There are companies which cost little to nothing to be part of. I joined them in my learning process before I found one that I felt I wanted to stick with. Don’t be afraid to experiment. The most important thing is developing your skills as a leader so that your investment is worth it. Your team will benefit from your self development.

The way to get the knowledge is to sacrifice something in order to achieve the great gains that the wisdom of a mentor and self development training will give you. In the end, you will have not only a prosperous mindset but a prosperous wallet as well.

Direct Sales is a model that works for an average people like myself, who was a stay at home mom turned online marketing entrepreneur. I came to realize that if I were to become wealthy in my purse, I had to strongly desire to develop leadership skills. Anyone who thinks like an average person will indeed prosper when they begin to trust that Direct Sales is a legitimate way to generate wealth over time and become above average.

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