Tag Archives: martha stewart

Healthy habits of a beautiful life book cover

Week 6 – How To Get Rich

To get rich, you need to know the secret.

The Master Key Part 6

Do you want to get rich?

At one time, most likely, as children, we had dreams and visions of becoming rich! We’d have nice cars, a big house, travel whenever we wanted, time for our family and our hobbies. Now, we are revisiting the idea to find the secret we are still seeking.

Let me tell you a little story. There were two people. They grew up across the street from each other. They both have a brother and a sister. They went to the same church and school. They even went to the same colleges. They took the same business courses and got about the same grades. They both graduated and decided to open up a convenience store, one on Main Street and the other on Park Ave.  Within 3 years of opening the stores, one of them had overflowing wealth, lots of loyal customers and a happy family life. The other had overflowing debt, customers coming in because they felt sorry for him, and he was headed for divorce.

Now, let me ask you this!  How is it that these 2 people’s lives went so differently?  What did one do that the other didn’t do? Why? Here lies the secret to get rich. it’s a secret because very few people know how to explain it. Many can’t see it. But it’s about to be discovered and you are about to be the one to do so! You deserve it!

Listen to this weeks podcast and discover the secret!

I’ve included chap 6 of the Master Key by Charles Haanel.  Frankly at first, I was confused as to what action I was to take! Was it to call prospects? I didn’t want to do that! I might be rejected. But I decided to read and record the  The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattles. I discovered that just calling prospects and driving to meetings was not going to make me rich. Something on the inside of me had to change.  This  eluded me for years.   But if I can learn it, so can you!   You can get rich!

I’ve included Part 6 of the master key above  to assist you in understanding how things work in our mind. You may have to listen a few times but stick with it!  My week 5 blog post has Chapter 5 recording as well.  Bookmark this page or subscribe to my newsfeed for more articles like this. Imagine your life a year from now, after learning this secret and getting on your way! Will you have a boat? Will you live on a lake? Will you travel to the waterfalls around the world? Will you pay off your mortgage and quit your JOB?  What would you do if you had a million dollars right now?


Get rich by getting clear about what you want
Get rich by getting clear about what you want

Get rich with a movie poster

Are you thinking with the end in mind or are you living by default, drifting through life hoping you’ll win the lottery? Do you watch TV shows about other rich and famous people? They may inspire you but they may also cause you to feel worse about your present circumstances. I’ve read in “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, ” You will get what you think about most of the time”.  My obstacles in life have helped me dedicate myself to learning.  In every obstacle is a seed of an equivalent opportunity to succeed.  The rewards are mighty!

On a personal note: I love how the universe brings people into my life to affirm that I am on the right track. On a mastermind call, I shared my old blueprint ( negative mindset)  from my early journey to get rich. This is how I thought: “I’m just a home-school mom  and  homemaker. The D across my chest (divorce) prevents me from teaching Sunday school classes, which would make me feel worthwhile. My kids are gone and I have no one to love.  People keep saying to just get a job! I tell them I’m trying but it’s not working.  All my job interviews end up in defeat. I’m stuck and I don’t know what to do! Help God!”

Martha Stewart helps me get rich
Martha Stewart helps me get rich

To get rich, something had to change

God had a plan and I needed to see it too! This little scenario gave me the push! Here I am years later, in the MKMMA class. The assignment: Create a movie trailer poster of your desired life as if it was a movie and you were already rich. In it, I have a picture of Martha Stewart interviewing me for a book I wrote called “Healthy Habits of a Beautiful life”, about my lovely home. The complete story can be read in the press release tab.

After I’d created the above poster, and wrote the sample press release, my friend Anthony said to me while on the TAGR mastermind call, “Remember Caryn, that Martha Stewart started as a homemaker”.

When I heard him say that, I freaked out! H e had no idea of the power of those words. Just a day before,  I’d created the poster with a detail of my vision shown here. And a day earlier I’d written the press release! Both included me being interviewed by Martha Stewart.

The power of focused attention using multiple stimulants is part of the secret too.   However,  to get rich the other mental tools need to be in place.

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The masterkey experience
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Focus to get rich.

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