What do we have to sacrifice to be rich?
The Master Key Part 2
In the book “The Greatest Salesman In the World”, Og Mandino shares his belief about what wealth actually is. I’ve recorded part of chapter 3 and listed a couple paragraphs to wet your whistle.
Pathros shook his head. “Wealth, my son, should never be your goal in life. Your words are eloquent but they are mere words. True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse.” Hafid persisted, “Art thou not wealthy, sire?” The old man smiled at Hafid’s boldness. “Hafid, so far as material wealth is concerned, there is only one difference between myself and the lowliest beggar outside Herod’s palace. The beggar thinks only of his next meal and I think only of the meal that will be my last. No, my son, do not aspire for wealth and labor not only to be rich. Strive instead for happiness, to be loved and to love, and most important, to acquire peace of mind and serenity. Og Mandino “The Greatest Salesman in the World”
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The Path to Become Rich
This book on sales shares greater truths than many understand. The young boy was motivated by the future love of a girl he desired. What do you desire? There are many desires that seem good at the time but will they bring lasting happiness? When we are young we think about becoming older and powerful. Those who are older wish they were younger. What do you wish for?
Wishing you were Rich
Wishing is good when you have little knowledge. However, when you have knowledge your wishes take on another look. You can achieve through the power of intention and a greater good beyond yourself. This book reveals what being rich looks like to many. I believe you can change your life by reading or listening to a recording of this book.
Og Mandino’s books are available online and in used and new books stores for pennies. Add this rich book to your collection or return here regularly to listen to it.
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Being rich is best.