Week 5 How your mind shapes what matters to you

What is on your mind?

“The Master Key, Part 5”


Charles Haanel states this about mind:

Exerpt from “The Master Key, Part 5” on the power of the mind

What is on your mind?
What is on your mind?

Therefore, this is a creative age, and the world is awarding its richest prizes to the thinkers. Matter is powerless, passive, inert. Mind is force, energy, power. Mind shapes and controls matter. Every form which matter takes is but the expression of some pre-existing thought. But thought works no magic transformations; it obeys natural laws; it sets in motion natural forces; it releases natural energies; it manifests in your conduct and actions, and these in turn react upon your friends and acquaintances, and eventually upon the whole of your environment. You can originate thought, and, since thoughts are creative, you can create for yourself the things you desire.

What’s on my mind matters!

I have looked to the world without too long. What I found was everyone else’s idea of what I should do after I got divorced. I looked to God in my room and sat by the window on my wicker rocking chair. Part of me became engaged in an intense conversation with God. Part of me saw my circumstances and trembled at the idea of living with the “D” across my chest. As a christian, I had this idea that I must not have been trusting God and that’s why I was in this predicament. My view was skewed by my past beliefs and I was very mixed up.

How was it that I felt so empowered on the streets of NYC praying for healing and them getting the results of my prayer; while in my room, I felt crippled to heal myself? This uncertainty became tiring and I would come away from those conversations thinking that I had no power.

To read more go here: http://carynelizabeth.com/masterkey/?p=90

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