Category: Inspiration TV

The Truth About Your Emotions – Anger Management Tip

Are Your Emotions Driven By Your Values?

Are Your Emotions Driven By Your Values?

The Value Of Your Emotions

What gets you angry?  So many things could do it. It’s easy to understand the motive of an angry person. They just yell at you or walk away in silence and you know by their body language they’re angry. But what triggered that anger? Was it something you said? Why did what you say anger them?   In this Mixcloud podcast I share the top tips for what truth about emotional people and  what they value most.

Each of us has a set of rules for feeling good. Violate those rules and they begin to experience anger.  Here’s what you need to know so you can remain calm when others trigger anger in you.

1. All we value is set up in hierarchical order.

2. For some people “peace” is higher on the list that “connection”.

3. So if your conversation disrupts someone’s peaceful state, they will disconnect with you. Your connection or conversation has disrupted their emotions about peace.


Telling The Truth About Your Emotions

Emotions are the manifestation of our values.

To be sure your emotions are consistent with a happy life there are some steps you can take.


1. List your values and place them in order of most important to least important. (do 10 values)

2. See if any 2 are not consistent with each other. e.g. freedom and security.

3. Decide what you want more and switch the list around to make it easier to be happy with them.

4. Create rules about your values. e.g. Love: I love others unconditionally. OR Love: I love those who love me first.

5. Create rules that support your value priorities. e.g. Freedom: To be free means to never be tied down in a relationship. Freedom:To be free means to be in a relationship where each of us feels free to be ourselves without judgement.


Emotions Are Triggered By Your Values

Emotions Are Triggered By Your Values

The Truth About Values

Most of what we value is an accumulation of emotions we felt about circumstances from our past. If we desire happiness in life, we can change what we value and make rules to support a happy life that doesn’t conflict with other things we value. First thing to do is to make that list. Check it twice and see if you are in conflict. Conflicts may be contributing to a lack of success in your emotions and happiness. To be truly happy and satisfied, we create rules that help us to avoid pain and experience the most pleasure. Make your list so that it’s easy to live by.


Emotions and Judgement

The responsibility for our happiness lies within us. Remove any conflicts of values and you’re on your way to the happy life you desire and deserve. The scripture verses, “Judge not lest you be judged” and “Remove the speck from your eye before you try to remove the log out of someone else’s eye”, show what our character should be when it comes to our judgement of others. When we speak out emotionally against the way another person lives, we are showing our dissatisfaction about the things that person values. But we don’t know the “whole” of the person. Where we are weak, that other person may be strong. We ought better check ourselves and what we value. Remember that the strength of our relationships are based on the things we value most. And we all value different things most. By setting up “win win” rules that accept what others value most, we are showing good character and maintaining good emotions to which we will not be judged by others. Listen here to this supplemental podcast to learn more.

Set Up The Values You Want Most and Your Positive Emotions Will Follow.

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5 Little Know Facts That Could Affect Your Behavior

5 little known facts that could affect your behavior

5 little known facts that could affect your behavior if you play ball or want to achieve your goals quickly

How Do We Change Our Behavior

Have you ever had a crank call in the middle of the night? I had one the other night and it affected me for a while. I wondered what had attracted this type of person to me? My boyfriend said nothing did and that I should just let it go and don’t let it bother me.

Do things bother you so much that your behavior is shifted?

Allowing others to cause us to become worried or in fear can be troublesome. Techniques like the NLP behavior modifier can help shift our thinking so that we keep heading toward our goals and our major definite purpose.

Having Behavior That Produces The Best Harvest

Many of us have read the scripture about those who are walking on the fence and must choose one side or the other because they are considered “lukewarm”. This type of behavior keeps us from achieving our dreams and goals and ultimately keeps us from our major definite purpose. Listen to my Mixcloud audio as I share more about the technique used my millions to get you to hit a home run every time. Using techniques like the one described here as well as the “theater of the mind” technique can help us reach our goals with lightning speed if we will take time to try them.


1. PREPARATION. Find a relaxed and quiet place to be guided through this technique. You don’t have to close your eyes to do this process. Just make yourself comfortable and begin by looking off to your right. In your mind’s eye, imagine seeing someone who looks just like you a short distance away. This “other you” will do all the learning in this exercise, as you observe. Only when you are completely satisfied with this process will the new skills be integrated into you. To ensure this, you might even want to experience yourself as being in a Plexiglas bubble, so that you are truly separated and detached from the activities going on with that “other you” out there.

2. CHOOSE TASK. Now, think of something you want to be able to motivate yourself to do. Pick something very simply. For example, it could be cleaning the kitchen sink, balancing your checkbook, or getting up in the morning. Something that you don’t enjoy doing, but you want very much to have done, because of the benefits you’ll gain as a result.

3. SEE BENEFITS. Watch that “other you,” and see what it will look like when the task is completed, including the positive consequences of having it done, both the direct and immediate benefits, and the future benefits that will result.

4. DOING THE TASK. Now see that “other you” doing the task easily. As that “other you” does the task, that “other you” keeps looking at that image of the task all finished and feels good in response to seeing it all completed. Notice that the internal voice of the “other you” is enticing and encouraging, reminding you of the future rewards and of how much you have already accomplished toward the goal. Finally, we see that “other you” delighted with having it done and enjoying the reward when the task has been completed.

5. REVIEW AND ADJUSTMENT. If what you see isn’t completely delightful, you can let a mist cover your inner vision while the wisdom of your unconscious mind makes the appropriate adjustments or changes. When the mist disappears again, you will see the adjustments that have been made in a way that’s pleasing and good for you. Do you want to be that “other you” who has just used a new motivation strategy? Are you satisfied that that “other you” has mastered this new skill? Have that “other you” do the whole process again with another task to demonstrate it to your satisfaction.

6. INTEGRATION. When you are fully satisfied, let that Plexiglas bubble fall away, and draw into yourself that “other you” who has all these new learnings. Some people actually reach out their arms and imagine drawing that other self into themselves. Sometimes people feel a tingle or a release of energy when they do this.

7. PLANNING. Now take an extra moment to consider when is the next time you will have to perform the task you just motivated yourself to complete.Change your behavior and it will help you achieve your goals more quickly.

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