Tag: emotions

How do your emotions help others reach contentment

Listen to the podcast for  help on  emotions and being content.



 Influencing others with your emotions

Do yo not, do you believe it’s your duty to change yourself so you are like them?

  • believe differently
  • work more diligently
  • become more disciplined
  • gain knowledge

Would you ever choose to be less productive to fit in?
If you are different, do you want others to change to become more like you?

What emotions are influencing others?

What emotions are influencing others?

Emotions and force

You see, changing others doesn’t really help them . It forces them to do what they wouldn’t do without force.

Change is best, when done naturally, influenced by wisdom that came via emotional experiences and knowledge.

How can we truly affect/influence others?
By becoming self confident and being an example of faith in God, in our dreams and goals, we have a great opportunity to guide others to self confidence and their own goals.

Ultimate use of emotions

We all die. But while we’re here, we can enjoy going through the motions and emotions of living, good or bad, feeling all kinds of emotions.

  • grief
  • ecstasy
  • pain
  • pleasure
  • happiness
  • exhilaration, etc

Emotions and life events

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]Each event in our life, each opportunity we take, will lead us to experience emotions via opportunity to choose that path.[/pullquote]
We can choose to push others to feel good or bad, angry or happy, frustrated or challenged. What emotions are you going to pull out of those you love and those strangers, co workers, church members, friends, children?
By examining these issues,  you will gain wisdom usable to succeed, with self confidence, and become the whole person God would be proud to have created.

People united by emotions

People united by emotions

Growing into excellence using emotions

When we’re young, we want to fit in. While employed, we are told we must fit in. Self employed, we have freedom to do things from our gut, but hopefully we’ve learned enough about business skills to keep us grounded. There’s a fine balance between living free and having success financially.
One is just passing emotion. The other is strength with emotion. The first peters out quickly. The other is built as a structure. The first rises up quickly. The other rises slowly and steadily and sustains itself. I liken it to eating a candy bar or a steak. Both give energy, the one sustains it. Another example is drinking coffee rather than a protein shake. With the coffee, your blood sugar actually drops further afterward than before you drank that cup and you become addicted to “more”. Listen to the podcast for further help on this subject of emotions.


Emotions and experience

Your emotional experiences will help you be an influence in others lives, giving you yet another feeling of satisfaction in life, the emotion of contentment. How will your emotions influence others so that you will experience contentment? [pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”][/pullquote]
Listen to today’s podcast to hear more so you can use your emotions to help others.

Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/how-do-your-emotions-help-others-reach-contentment/

The Truth About Your Emotions – Anger Management Tip

Are Your Emotions Driven By Your Values?

Are Your Emotions Driven By Your Values?

The Value Of Your Emotions

What gets you angry?  So many things could do it. It’s easy to understand the motive of an angry person. They just yell at you or walk away in silence and you know by their body language they’re angry. But what triggered that anger? Was it something you said? Why did what you say anger them?   In this Mixcloud podcast I share the top tips for what truth about emotional people and  what they value most.

Each of us has a set of rules for feeling good. Violate those rules and they begin to experience anger.  Here’s what you need to know so you can remain calm when others trigger anger in you.

1. All we value is set up in hierarchical order.

2. For some people “peace” is higher on the list that “connection”.

3. So if your conversation disrupts someone’s peaceful state, they will disconnect with you. Your connection or conversation has disrupted their emotions about peace.


Telling The Truth About Your Emotions

Emotions are the manifestation of our values.

To be sure your emotions are consistent with a happy life there are some steps you can take.


1. List your values and place them in order of most important to least important. (do 10 values)

2. See if any 2 are not consistent with each other. e.g. freedom and security.

3. Decide what you want more and switch the list around to make it easier to be happy with them.

4. Create rules about your values. e.g. Love: I love others unconditionally. OR Love: I love those who love me first.

5. Create rules that support your value priorities. e.g. Freedom: To be free means to never be tied down in a relationship. Freedom:To be free means to be in a relationship where each of us feels free to be ourselves without judgement.


Emotions Are Triggered By Your Values

Emotions Are Triggered By Your Values

The Truth About Values

Most of what we value is an accumulation of emotions we felt about circumstances from our past. If we desire happiness in life, we can change what we value and make rules to support a happy life that doesn’t conflict with other things we value. First thing to do is to make that list. Check it twice and see if you are in conflict. Conflicts may be contributing to a lack of success in your emotions and happiness. To be truly happy and satisfied, we create rules that help us to avoid pain and experience the most pleasure. Make your list so that it’s easy to live by.


Emotions and Judgement

The responsibility for our happiness lies within us. Remove any conflicts of values and you’re on your way to the happy life you desire and deserve. The scripture verses, “Judge not lest you be judged” and “Remove the speck from your eye before you try to remove the log out of someone else’s eye”, show what our character should be when it comes to our judgement of others. When we speak out emotionally against the way another person lives, we are showing our dissatisfaction about the things that person values. But we don’t know the “whole” of the person. Where we are weak, that other person may be strong. We ought better check ourselves and what we value. Remember that the strength of our relationships are based on the things we value most. And we all value different things most. By setting up “win win” rules that accept what others value most, we are showing good character and maintaining good emotions to which we will not be judged by others. Listen here to this supplemental podcast to learn more.

Set Up The Values You Want Most and Your Positive Emotions Will Follow.

Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/the-truth-about-your-emotions-anger-management-tip/

How Divorce Gambles With Your Finances – 7 Ways To Protect Yourself

Getting Back on Your Feet after a Divorce.

After being married, dealing with “us” becoming “me” can be difficult. Even if your former spouse wasn’t the greatest support system in the world, you likely still took comfort in knowing that you had someone else to help you cope with life’s problems. When you have to start dealing with things alone, it can wear you out mentally and emotionally. The tasks that lie ahead may seem daunting, but you have to remember to take a deep breath and deal with one thing at a time. Believe it or not, ending a bad marriage can actually help you focus more on your own priorities and help you realize that you’re capable of far more than you might believe.


How Divorce Gambles With Your Finances

How Divorce Gambles With Your Finances

Child Custody And Divorce

Whatever bad feelings exist between you and your ex shouldn’t affect your judgment when it comes to determining fair child custody rights. Simply put, if your former spouse is a good, responsible parent, then he or she shouldn’t be penalized because your relationship didn’t work out. On the other hand, if he or she has serious issues like alcoholism or a drug problem that could put your child in jeopardy, then you have to do what is best for your child’s welfare. It’s a tough decision to make, but as a parent it is what you have to do.

Try to separate your own feelings from what is best for your child or children. Distance yourself from your own emotional whiplash and think about what is best for your children. Remember that your kids are dealing with their own feelings of loss and try to keep that aspect of your divorce as amiable as possible. On the other hand, if you feel that spending time with your ex will put your children in bad situations, then you have to muster up your courage and make sure they are legally protected from that.

How Divorce Gambles With Finances

How Divorce Gambles With A Woman’s Finances

Money Management In Divorce

Even if you already dealt with most of the financial aspects of your marriage on your own, it can still be tough to realize that you may be your only means of financial support. It is even more difficult to deal with if your ex ruined your credit or ran up a lot of bills in your name. It’s very easy to get overwhelmed and want to throw in the towel, but explore all your options before you make a drastic decision like filing for bankruptcy. It may seem like an easy way out, but for most people, the consequences outweigh the benefits. Talk to a reputable financial professional before making any drastic decisions.

You are better off to negotiate with your creditors on your own, consult with a debt consolidation professional, or try to balance your budget better so that you can pay off the debts without ruining your credit. In some cases, particularly if you had joint accounts, you may even be able to split those debts with your former spouse. If you’re the one left “holding the bag” because of your ex-husband or ex-wife’s financial irresponsibility, there’s no shame in seeking out professionals that can help you get things back under control.


How Divorce Gambles With Finances Need For Support

How Divorce Gambles With Finances Need For Support

Use Support Systems Carefully

Many people inadvertently distance themselves from other people following their divorce because they feel they need to adjust to being on their own. Cutting off your family and friends and isolating yourself is a big mistake. Ending a marriage, even a particularly bad marriage, is emotionally draining. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your nearest and dearest for emotional support. Not everyone will offer the greatest advice in the world, but having people around you will make dealing with your own pain easier.

Remember that people sometimes go overboard trying to help. While it might relieve some stress if you sit around with your friends and bash you ex for a while, too much dwelling in the past isn’t going to help you re-center yourself emotionally. Vent when you need to, but don’t let lose yourself in negativity. Remember you had strength and willpower before you were married and you still have it afterwards. Ask your friends for help when you need a boost, but don’t spend too much time reliving the past.

The Blame Game

You’ve likely heard the expression that hindsight is always 20/20. That may be true, but it’s no reason to beat yourself up over things that are done and over with. No one goes into a marriage expecting bad things to happen, so don’t allow yourself to dwell on what you should or shouldn’t have done. If we all made perfect decisions then it would be a perfect world and life rarely works that way. Learn from your past, but don’t let it become something that drags you down. What you did then isn’t as important as what you do going forward.

Aside from the emotional aspects of blaming yourself for not ending your marriage sooner or allowing your former spouse to keep making bad decisions that affected you, don’t beat yourself up over the financial mistakes you may have made, or that you watched your former spouse make. It’s far better to let go of your guilt and concentrate on what you can do now to fix those previous mistakes. No matter how bad your situation was, you can always recover and move on with your life.

Divorce is often emotionally and financially devastating, but it can also be empowering. You have the opportunity to get control of your life again and not have to pay for someone else’s mistakes. While dealing with the fallout isn’t always easy, most people find that they have more strength and willpower than they ever realized. While you may resent some of the things that your ex did, the important thing to remember is that he or she is no longer part of the equation. Adjusting to doing everything on your own is scary, but it also gives you a new start to finally do things the way you have always wanted to.

About the Author: Tony Standin is a personal finance specialist who knows what it is like to have to bounce back after a difficult divorce. With a little bit of planning, you can definitely live a strong, stable life – financially and otherwise. Divorce doesn’t me destruction.

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Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/how-divorce-gambles-with-your-finances-7-ways-to-protect-yourself/

What Are Your Emotions Telling You About Your Future? (Podcast)

Emotional Triggers That Help Your Succeed! by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Emotions are a great help if you know how to use them.

The day I listened to a teaching that brought up a question for me to consider, I became uncomfortable but didn’t know exactly why. I just knew I had to use what I had learned from previous self development studies to get to the root of the matter. So I used the pendulum technique to help me. If you have gone through trauma in your early life, you may have conflicts which your emotions will later express to you.

What emotions trigger failure and success in you?

What emotions trigger failure and success in you?

Emotions And Conflicts

Listen as I share what techniques to use to help you eliminate the conflicts between your conscious mind that strives for success and your subconscious mind that you have conditioned to believe differently. The truth is that conflicts keep us from fulfilling our potential success and a life without satisfaction is like the black hole of death. Salvation means nothing missing, nothing broken.

Examples of Emotions

Let this podcast assist you in eliminating any conflicts your emotions trigger. Some examples of emotional trigger are crying, anxiety, anger, fear, frustration, jealousy, cynicism. Let’s root out these bitterness’s in you so you can live the life of freedom and power you were given breath to do all the days of your life!

Honor Your Emotions

Honor the creator and yourself today! Listen carefully and take notes! You won’t want to miss this one time podcast that could change your life forever! Your emotions are given to you by the creator to help you manage your success in life.

Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/what-are-your-emotions-telling-you-about-your-future-podcast/

Destiny Word For The Day – Change Your Life Knowing the Why of Destiny

Your destiny is your Why in life.

Find out what having a destiny means and what to do with it! This video will give you several definitions of the word “DESTINY”, give you some famous quotes by famous men about destiny and then share in detail an explanation on how understanding what destiny actually is can be the beginning of an awareness that can change the course of your life.

For more inspiration Go To “What’s Your Mindset?”

Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/destiny-word-for-the-day-change-your-life-knowing-the-why-of-destiny/