Cycles of Life Begin here.
The Master key Part 16

Life Cycles
This weeks reading about the cycles of life as stated in Haanel’s The Master Key, reminds me of the studies a friend did on the biblical calendar. Each month represented a different phase of life and the biblical scholars of that time lived by the cycles.
The Master Key Part 16 Introduction states:
“Those familiar with these cycles will not be disturbed when things seem to go wrong, but can apply the principle outlined in these lessons with the full assurance that a higher law will invariably control all other laws, and that through an understanding and conscious operation of spiritual laws, we can convert every seeming difficulty into a blessing.”
From what I’ve read, the years past 49 of the Septimal law (cycles of 7 years), are periods of reconstruction, adjustment and recuperation and then harmony.
The Millennium Cycles
Our later years include a time of harmony which anyone gaining on 50 will have opportunity to experience in these life cycles. Though it seems also that at this age, the time past raising of children, for the most part, it begins a time of new beginnings. This should be very exciting for this age group. How many of you at this age sees your life in this way though?
New Beginning Cycles of Harmony
When we are born, during the 1st cycle of life, we are in harmony, due to the miracle began at birth. Og Mandino states:
“I can accomplish far more than I have , and I will, for why should the miracle which produced me end with my birth? Why can I not extend that miracle to my deeds of today? I am nature’s greatest miracle. I am not on this earth by chance. I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand.”
We’re told that many great works were done by men and women after the first 7 cycles of life. This new millennium or new beginning after the age of 50 is actually a time of reassessing our harmony and having the faith of a child at Christmas!

A child’s courage at birth and infancy is astounding. My grandson Brincely in his first year of life, opened his eyes boldly, cried out and was fed, smiled and learned how to please others with his love. He strove to eat by himself, speak a new language, control his body parts, crawl and stand by himself, explore every part of his body, with his chief aim to be free of the floor, his vision is to walk and run everywhere and anywhere! I imagine his PPN is liberty and recognition for creative expression!
While a child’s first year is a challenge, even an infant has the courage and stamina to gain leverage on life. He knows not defeat. It becomes easier each year to overcome the difficulties. Knowing we were once under one year of age, what more can a person upwards of 50 do? Perhaps we can find a child to be our mentor and learn from him.
I wonder if my daughter has told her Brincely that he’s nature’s greatest miracle. Does he just know it? Will it become covered over in time as so many of us experienced? Not on my watch!

The First and Eight Cycles
I identify with my grandson as we are both in similar cycles of life. It’s a new beginning for us both. We are nature’s greatest miracle. And nature knows not defeat. Eventually, she emerges victorious and so will we, and with each victory the next struggle becomes less difficult. We are whole perfect strong powerful loving harmonious and happy.
Wealth and Cycles
While Brincely receives toys, which are the utility of exchange value, the real wealth for us both is the exchange value; his smiles and love and my hugs and affection towards him. My chief aim in life is not to give him toys, which are tangible and measurable. But to develop a relationship with him that goes beyond the toys, one that is eternal. A relationship which lasts through all our life cycles.
True Harmony and Happiness
One day, each of us having been an example for each other, I’ll move on and he will take my place as the greatest salesman in his world. His smiles, love, affection, health, truth, and abundance will carry on the legacy of love God intends for us all. But for now, I’ll sell my heart to him with all I’ve got! And we will dance around the room singing silly songs about something we just did!
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