How can our desire be educated?
Haanel says in The Master Key “Educated desire is the most potent means of bringing into action the law of attraction. If you are in our MKMMA course, you will have learned that God assists us in bringing into operation the law of attraction, which brings us into vibration with forces which make for success and brings about conditions of power and affluence. This power and affluence is in direct proportion with the character and purpose of our affirmation.
So what educated desire do you have?
It’s been suggested that a very large percentage of people have weak desire. In years past, while I was young and immature, I has some strong desires but they were few and far between. They were strong for a short time and then shifted to something else I wanted. Knowing what I know now, I suggest you take a serious look at what you desire and how persistent you are at seeing it through to completion.
Persistence and Desire
These 2 principles go hand and hand but one comes before the other. What I was missing in my youth was a strong desire that I persistently held until I succeeded. In school. I loved art and did persist in it. Being creative, I stumbled upon talents in many areas of art. I was encouraged to pursue it in college. What I remember from my childhood, was my love for teaching and that desire stayed with me, though primarily on the inside, until I felt mature enough to have something to teach. I loved teaching children and knew I had enough knowledge to do that. I pursued a Montessori certificate and knew I was in sync with my teaching gift!

Strong Desire
When I moved out of state due to a traumatic experience, I decided to pursue teaching Montessori in NJ while living with my parents. The requirements differed from Florida and I was expected to create whole books of exercises I was not required to do in Florida. I decided to take an easier route and look for another job. My weak desire and a feeling of financial pressure carried me into a billing office job. Before long, I knew my job but it was nothing like teaching those little children how to read.
Many years have passed. I married, had children and home-schooled them using the stills I’d been taught in my Montessori training. My love for teaching persisted. Of late, I teach leadership skills to the teachable, moldable plastic minds of individuals on the lookout for coaching in relationship marketing. Teaching has turned to coaching and my desire has grown more focused.
Focused Desire
Old or young, we all have a great opportunity to turn our dreams into reality. Yet, a weak desire for these dreams will take us down the stream to poverty. Do you want to know the secret to riches? To wealth? To success? STRONG BURNING DESIRE!
How do we get a burning desire?
Begin now to create the necessary brain cells which will enable you to comprehend the unlimited powers which may be yours by cooperating with natural law. This is done by concentration or attention.
Haanel writes “The intention governs the attention.” Power comes through repose (a state of rest, sleep, or tranquility). It’s by concentration that deep thoughts , wise speech, and all forces of high potentiality are accomplished.”

My Burning Desire
In plain English, we’re taught that this part of the process, which means “sitting” still for 15-30 minutes a day in quiet contemplation and even in quieting the mind. As we adjust our self to the deeper forces at work inside us and giving ourselves over to this “infinite intelligence”, we begin to allow the unfolding of creative ideas. Using our creative imagination, we may enjoy a pretty scene where a dear friend sits with us and we chat about life. We may take a walk or a run with Jesus or a mentor we have learned from in the past. Later, our concentration on this deep rest will reveal ideas to us. It will most definitely affirm us in some way.
Recently in my sit, I was encouraged to take on the name “Caryn The Courageous”. This triggered for me an idea for a book. It is burning desire and concentration on observing and listening that helps us control and direct our thoughts toward prosperous directions.
Demand and Desire
Science speaks of demand and surplus. Our burning desire is like “demand” in science. When there is a demand placed out there in the universe and burning inside us, our subconscious mind has no other course than to find the surplus to meet that demand. Natural law is set up to do this.
Today, realize that God assists us in bringing into operation the law of attraction bringing us into vibration with forces which make for success and brings about conditions of power and affluence. These will be in direction proportion with the character and purpose of the affirmation.
So what is your affirmation? If it’s a strong desire, it means you will be passionate about it. This passion is a feeling the subconscious mind recognizes as a high vibration. High vibrations get met first! So find a strong desire (your definite major purpose) , affirm it out loud over and over, daily, and the manifestation of it will sneak up behind you, chase you down and run you over!
“See if I will not pour out a blessing too numerous for you to contain.” The Bible
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Great desire is the beginning of greatness!