If you believe it, it’s yours! Amazing how life really is. Today, when reading my Blueprint builder, I kept stating to God, “thy will be done”. I suggested to God that He enjoy the fruits of my labor. I said, “Father, look at the world through my eyes. See what you have let me see. Feel the compassion I feel, enjoy the pleasures you allow me to manifest! Enjoy your manifestation as you allow me to be the facilitator of that manifestation that you may be the recipient of it’s pleasures!
Be alive God through me! I am willing to be, do and have all that your heart wants to be do and have. Let us be co creators together. I’m willing. I know that you are love. That you desire me to experience the best life there is. I know that because I believe you love me and long for me to be the best me possible in this time space reality!
Believe it or not!
The movie I placed here has 2 parts. It’s about a woman who has no happiness. Her inner child appears to her. The story shares how she does that! In the end, she is a happy person. Sorry is sin. Pain is sin. Frustration is sin. All forms of disconnection from the truth, God longs for us to return to our rightful place. The child in us has the innocence available to access these truths. I loved this movie. I wish you abundance and connection with truth so you can say to God each day, “thy will be done”, knowing and believing that His plans for our “daily bread” are everything we love to do, to be, and to have. Believe and receive today! I love you!
Believe this!
Believe that you have the favor of God because He desires to experience all your experiences for his pleasure. Enjoy the movie!
Believe and receive.