Caryn Elizabeth

Author of "Branding You The Brand New You", Caryn home-schooled her 3 children before creating her blog in 2010. Teaching since 1986, Caryn authored, edited and self published several books including Brincely The Brave, The Mastermind eBook, My Grandma's Birthday, Top Tips For Spiritual Living and More. Featured by eZine as an article writing expert, Caryn specializes in Network marketing using the internet. Contact Caryn to create budget friendly websites starting at $100. Teaching online skill basics available. Call for quote 570-460-6961

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Top Keys To Wealth – 6 Must Do Keys To Become Wealthy

It has been said that true worth is measured by how much more one gives in value to the end user than one takes in payment. In this list, I will give you the keys for creating the wealth you are dreaming about.

An accountant gives a service, charging an amount to the clients. The value he gives far exceeds the value that the client would spend in time and money doing the accounting himself. This places the accountant in a valuable position where he will gain more clients and increase his income. His clients’ positive comments to others is one way he receives compensation and over time the accountants influence will save a tremendous amount to those he serves. He has created for himself “high value”.

Here are the top 6 Strategies you need to implement to increase your value and influence to create the wealth you desire.

1.    Find ways to give value. Solve a lot of problems for a lot of people.
The ¼”drill bit sales  are tremendously popular. Why? It is because ¼” holes need to be drilled.
2.    Touch the lives of as many people as possible. Find out the needs of your prospects.
3.    Expand your influence. The more people you serve, the more money you make. Be one who others know, like and trust.
4.    Stay true to your core nature. Be authentic in your dealings with others. Embrace your true nature. Learn from others but don’t adopt their ways. Only adapt their knowledge to your own core nature.
5.    Give and receive. The law of reciprocity says you must be able to receive from others. Get past the old tapes that say “on no, I can’t accept that!” Be open to receiving the abundance available.
6.    Focus on giving and you’ll receive abundance many times from out of left field. You’ll receive it from everywhere.  Living with a giving spirit, the amounts returned to you are greater and greater. Because of the influence you have with others you know and many you may not know, the ‘world’ becomes the benevolent context for your success. Regarding wealth, the cause is the giving. The affect is the receiving.

True worth is measured by the value you give that is over and above the payment taken for your product or service. These 6 principles are vital in order for you to maximize your income potential. However, looking too short sighted to the payment received is selfish and sets you up for a mindset of drawing selfish people around you.

Check yourself. Value must come first. Focus on the value provided and you will not only draw others around you that trust you but you will draw the income you desire as well, far beyond what you imagine.

Caryn Elizabeth is part of the new breed of Social Media Marketers whose passion is to affect the lives of  thousands of online marketers flooding the industry daily. Visit her facebook fan page Caryn Elizabeth and “like” it. The NetDivvy Community is making a new United Tribal Commitment to each other. We do this by highlighting each other weekly in all social media sites, subscribing to each others pages and commenting. Caryn’s You Tube Channel: NetdivvyCaryn  To Join For Free NOW:

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13 Quick Start Steps To Marketing For Millions

You found a training system and you want to know where to start! I want to share with you 13 vital things to do when you first join any online marketing training system. Success is inevitable when you implement these vital strategies.

Your mindset must first be one that says “I can do this thing.” Remember that every successful business begins with you taking the first steps. Some of you will fly through this training, while others will crawl. Know that it doesn’t matter how fast or slow you start. Like any vehicle, once you get into 3rd gear, your momentum will kick in and it will be easier.

A new business or a new year means the beginning of setting attainable goals by starting with the big picture, the “why”, thinking with the end in mind. Financial freedom, more time with family, doing the things you want, are a few of the typical ones. Your business goals should include 3,6, and 12 month lists which include goals in financial gains, personal development and training gains.

You signed up for a training system because you realized you needed support and a plan that works.

•    1. First, you have to sign in. Your username is one that will be seen on the leadership board so make it the name you want to be remembered as.

•     2.Your password should be memorable by you only.

•    3. Scan the site.  You need to stay focused on “first things first”!

•    4. Proceed to the back office. The details of this system are enormous.

•    5. The calendar is your first stop. Find out when the training webinars are and sign up for all that are available by clicking the box. You will receive an email    confirmation.

•    6. Be sure to assign a specific email account that you commonly use so you will not miss any system emails.

•    7. Next, you go to the free member trainings or beginning or introductory trainings.

•    8. Assign a block of time to watch these trainings, which you included in your goals list under training gains.  E.g. 3 month goal- I will have gone thru all the free training.

•    9.  Each training builds on the other. Glean as much as you can. For some of you, it will take watching a few times.

•    10. Once you understand it somewhat, go to the next training. No need to know it completely, each training will help with the previous one.

•    11. After you’ve watched each training video, take action on that training.

•    12. Take 30 minutes or so to move in the direction you were taught. Again, I’m speaking to a broad range of people here. Go as quickly as you can, without causing yourself anxiety. This mindset is positive and will propel you forward to future trainings.

•    13.  As part of your “mindset” training goals, find a list of affirmations you can use, or write your own.

Success online begins with a positive mindset, a spirit of adventure, a good training system and support  of mentors and leaders.


Caryn Elizabeth is part of the new breed of Social Media Marketers whose passion is to affect the lives of  thousands of online marketers flooding the industry daily. Visit her facebook fan page Caryn Elizabeth and “like” it. The NetDivvy Community is making a new United Tribal Commitment to each other. We do this by highlighting each other weekly in all social media sites, subscribing to each others pages and commenting. Caryn’s You Tube Channel: NetdivvyCaryn To Join For Free NOW: Http://

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Get Rich – How To Get Rich Without Anxiety!

Goal Set By Affirming Your Way to Riches Using This Easy Formula

So you are in debt up to your eye balls. You lost your JOB and you need to do something to make ends meet! You’ve played the lottery and discovered it’s a waste of money. You bought into get rich quick schemes and lost your shirt. You gave your last dime to a family member and they never paid you back. You save and save but there’s too much day at the end of your dollar.

Is there a way to actually get rich in a natural easy way? In this article you will find the way to do just that. Follow this formula and you could be rich in way less time than without it.

Achieving riches comes by writing precise action steps. Setting a goal to make “a lot” of money is too vague. Your mind will take action creating solutions when you give it precise information. This list will give you a start.  Begin your journey to get rich by reading these affirmations daily.

1.       I know what I want

2.       I desire to be rich.

3.       I desire money daily.

4.       Money is attracted to me.

5.       I desire to have money to pay ________________ (place your specific $) each month for my____________(each bill).

6.       I expect to be justly compensated for taking risks and actualizing my money making ideas.

7.       I am a winner.

8.       I continue to advance in the face of every obstacle.

9.       I am not easily discouraged by occasional roadblocks.

10.   I am not defeated by obstacles.

11.   To me, an obstacle is merely an opportunity  in disguise.

12.   Some of my most successful money making opportunities started out as obstacles.

13.   I am willing to pay my dues.

14.   I do not expect something for nothing.

15.   I am willing to follow this formula in order to get rich.

16.   I do not get down on myself if I find I am weak in some areas.

17.   I am growing and learning how to be rich.

18.   I have a good reason to be proud of my past accomplishments.

19.    Other peoples’ treatment of me, if negative, will not shake me.

20.    As a winner, if I will think rich, I will get rich.

Read these Affirmations daily until you can memorize them. Success begins with a thought. Thought leads to action. Action promotes belief. Belief produces success. Success makes you rich.

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Catherine Potter Affirmation

I am a rich child of a loving father. All that the father has is mine to share and to experience. Divine  intelligence is now telling me how to claim my own God given wealth, health and happiness. Divine intelligence is even now opening the way for my immediate blessings. I have faith that all that’s mine by divine right now comes to me in rich abundance.

My  rich blessings do not interfere with anyone else’s good since God’s rich substance is unlimited and everywhere for all to use. there is no delay. That which is not for my highest good now fades from me and i no longer desire it. My God given desires are richly fulfilled now in God’s own wonderful way.

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NetDivvy Online Marketing Training System- Hot Tips For New Marketers With NetDivvy

A System

Learning how to generate leads, buildrelationships, and create products and services are a few skills vital for success in marketing online. In this article, I will share with you some hot tips that expert marketers use to generate their 6 figure income. Beginning with a free and very powerful system such as  NetDivvy Online Marketing Training System, new Internet online marketers gain the knowledge they need.

When generating leads, you must attract others who want to learn what you know.  Even novice marketers have more knowledge of the online industry than 80% of those coming online in recent months. This influx of new prospects should be exhilarating.  This encouraged me to create products and  video content to help them make some money.


The beautiful thing is that the global online community is so large, there’s no possibility of anyone saturating the market. Because the internet is here to stay, online marketing will just keep growing.  Are you very competitive? Online marketing is very different than you probably expect. Fellow marketers become “compadre’s” rather than competitors. There are many who join together to help each other. These are called tribes.

Your niche

Who will you market to?  Those who need what you know, whether a product or service, is your niche!  Using a training system like NetDivvy, you can add them to your list, and build products and services with them in mind.  As an authority over the thousands seeking help online daily, you can be equipped to provide value to your prospects and get them on your list.

Perfect Products

One such product is “Coffee Time With Caryn”. It’s my newest venture and the perfect platform for guiding and coaching women and men who want to make money online. Sessions will direct participators set up their accounts, email, social media, and more. With a plan in place, a system, passion and a niche, you will also be on your way to creating the income and lifestyle you want.

Stop the Traffic!!!!

Why feel overwhelmed any more?  Your brain is the one place you want to “stop the traffic” instead of generating it!

It’s vital that you be consistent and persistent in your learning. With NetDivvy Online Marketing Training System and my coaching, you  will learn the tips and strategies to get you headed in a most profitable direction. I know how frustrating it can be and how overwhelmed it can feel with content overload beckoning in your inbox. Get the free training and  put a plan in place.

Learning what it takes to generate the income you are looking for  begins with a system. Try  NetDivvy for free Now!


Caryn Elizabeth is part of the new breed of Social Media Marketers whose passion is to affect the lives of  thousands of online marketers flooding the industry daily. Visit her facebook fan page Caryn Elizabeth and subscibe. The NetDivvy Community is making a new United Tribal Commitment to each other. We do this by highlighting each other weekly in all social media sites, subscribing to each others pages and commenting. Her You Tube Channel: NetdivvyCaryn, promotes her system. For Free Opportunity To Join NetDivvy, CLICK HERE.

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What NetDivvy Taught Me- Build Your List with NetDivvy

In this article, I will share strategies that direct traffic to your blog and create products and services to create the income you came online to get. You have the potential to live the abundant life others only dream about. Using a system like NetDivvy Online Marketing Training System and the leadership and support of a coach,  making money is way easier.
I had to ask myself , “How can I  USE AND PROMOTE the skill of ‘coaching’ to help others get what they are looking for.”

My training system taught me:

1.the importance of giving valuable content.

2.the online community needs to feel they can trust you.

3.Relationship building as a leader needs to be the top priority.

4. Find a niche that promotes what others are looking for.

5.Create products and services others need and want,

This all begins with branding yourself as a trusted authority in that area.

Being consistent and persistent in your marketing will create the income and lifestyle you desire.

Gone are the days of sales!

Gone are the days of begging friends and family to buy the stuff you’re into “this” year! You are a leader.  For me, belief was awakened when I was introduced to a training system. The Nedivvy Online Marketing Training System taught me to generate leads and build a list of trusted users. Not only do free members receive over 50 hours of training, executive members are entitled to the most cutting edge proven strategies that these owners tested ahead of time.
After learning the basics, the fun begins when your passion kicks in: creating products and services to promote to your list. I received a picture from a friend recently which gave me the idea for the webinar series I am sharing with you today called “Coffee Time With Caryn”.  This simple picture became the basis for a series of trainings that help women and men explode their online presence like never before.

Attraction marketing, niche building, personal branding, and personal development are just some of the avenues I’ll develop for subscribers.  More to come in January 2011.

Look for the next article called, NetDivvy Online Marketing Training System– Hot Tips For New Marketers With NetDivvy, where  Caryn Elizabeth will share more tips expert marketers are using to create the 6 figure incomes you’re looking for. If you missed Part I, CLICK HERE.


Caryn Elizabeth is part of the new breed of Social Media Marketers whose passion is to affect the lives of  thousands of online marketers flooding the industry daily. Visit her facebook fan page Caryn Elizabeth and subscibe. The NetDivvy Community is making a new United Tribal Commitment to each other. We do this by highlighting each other weekly in all social media sites, subscribing to each others pages and commenting. Her You Tube Channel: NetdivvyCaryn, promotes her system. For Free Opportunity To Join NetDivvy, CLICK HERE.

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How To Find Your Brand! 6 Tips Business Coaches Use To Help You Find Your Niche





In Part one of this 3 part article series I will share a strategy coaches use to help others discover their passions. It’s been said “Find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Marketing is going through a revolution right now. People are beginning to build their online presence by using their passion as the foundation for branding their business. 


Online marketers are finally figuring out what offline business owners have known for years. You must build the “know, like and trust” with your clients, customers, and prospects. In order to do this online, you must follow these steps to position yourself as a “trusted authority” first.

1. Find your passion.

2. Build your brand

3. Develop your know, like and trust.


The following are  6 steps to help you  find your strengths and  passion if you want to focus on doing what you love while making money online.

1.Make a list of the 12 things you like about yourself, things you consider strengths.

2. Prioritize them, top being your greatest strength.

3. Make a list of 12 things you consider to be your weaknesses.

4. Set that list aside. Considering those 12 things, what would be the dream job you would create around them?

5. Choose 3 areas that you could market yourself in.

6. Now write 2 paragraphs marketing those niches with your top 6 strengths.

A coach directs you to be consistent and persistent,  writing goals with your passion in mind. He guides you to focus on your strengths as you BRAND YOURSELF.

PS. Get “The Mastermind eBook” For The Personal Power Of Team Building!


Yours In Mastery,

Caryn Elizabeth
 Milford, PA 18337

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It’s Time For Something New | Numis Network

For More Information On How To Get Involved With Numis Network MLM… like all the Marketing Guru’s are doing… Click Here

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Origin Of The $ Sign | “Numis Network”

$ symbol

Origin of the Dollar Sign

Entrepreneurs Searching For Origin Of $

Striking Gold  With Numis

Curiosity hit me when looking at the Dollar symbol on a facebook page of Vince Reed’s, owner of Netdivvy Marketing Online Training System, where he uses it as a profile picture. I wrote him to inquire of its origin and decided to do some digging myself and this is that I found. In this two part series, is a list of historical references, a philosophical analysis, biblical thought and some current information on the U. S. Mint and Numis Network, an MLM dealing in M70 coins. Finally listed is a word about the coinage industry. Did anyone know that coinage sales are one of  the 4 top sales industries in the US today? Movies, music, pet supply and coins all do $10 billion in sales yearly. Entrepreneurs searching for the origin of the $ are striking gold with Numis.

The Dollar Sign

The sign is attested in business correspondence between the British, Americans, Canadians, and Mexicans in the 1770s, as referring to the Spanish-Mexican peso, known as “Spanish dollar” or “pieces of eight” in British North America where it was adopted as U.S. currency in 1785, together with the term “dollar” and the $ sign.

The Origin

The origin of the “$” sign has been variously accounted for. The most widely accepted theory is that it derives from the Spanish coat of arms engraved on the Spanish colonial silver coins, the “Real de a ocho” or Spanish dollars that were in circulation in the Spanish colonies in America and Asia. The Spanish dollars were also legal tender in the English colonies in North America, which later became part of the U.S. and Canada.

In 1492, King Ferdinand II of Aragon adopted the symbol of the Pillars of Hercules and added the Latin phrase Non Plus Ultra meaning “no further”, indicating “this is the end of the (known) world.” But when Christopher Columbus discovered America, the legend was changed to “Plus Ultra”, “beyond.”

It’s Adoption

The symbol was adopted by Charles V and was part of his coat of arms representing Spain’s American possessions. The symbol was later stamped on coins minted in gold and silver. These coins, depicting the Pillars of Hercules over two hemispheres and a small “S”-shaped ribbon around each, were spread throughout America, Europe and Asia. For the sake of simplicity, traders wrote signs that, instead of saying dollar or peso, had this symbol made by hand, and this in turn evolved into a simple S with two vertical bars.

Alternative hypotheses

There’s another documented explanation that states that the sign is the result of the evolution of the Spanish and Mexican scribal abbreviation “ps” for pesos. This theory, derived from a study of late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century manuscripts, explains that the s gradually came to be written over the p developing a close equivalent to the “$” mark.”

For More Information on the origin of the $  symbol, and the more recent history of money, silver and gold, and coinage see PART II.

For more info on Numis Network continue reading part II and your search will end with this pure golden industry. Retail sales as well as membership prices are available for those who have interest in sharing the value of the dollar with their family and friends.

Numis Network utilizes minted dollar coins and has become the first MLM dealing in M70’s silver and gold coins. For More information on the history of coinage and more articles on gold and silver, see  NumisRichGold.

Your For Success

Caryn Elizabeth

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Origin Of The $ Sign: Part II | “Numis Network”

As curiosity would have it, my search for the origin of the $ symbol began after meditating on Vince Reeds profile picture on Facebook. Here is the continuing elaboration on the meanings listed through the ages.


The dollar sign is said to have been derived from a slash through the numeral eight, denoting pieces of eight. The Oxford English Dictionary before 1963 held that this was the most probable explanation, though later editions have placed it in doubt.

The dollar sign was derived from or inspired by the mint mark on the Spanish pieces of eight that were minted in Potosí (in present day Bolivia). The mint mark, composed of the letters “PTSI” superimposed, bears a strong resemblance to the single-stroke dollar sign. The mark, which appeared on silver coins minted from 1573 to 1825 in Potosí, the largest mint during the colonial period, would have been widely recognized throughout the North American colonies.

Greek Mythology

The dollar sign may have also originated from Hermes, the Greek god of bankers, thieves, messengers, and tricksters: Besides the crane, one of his symbols was the caduceus, a staff from which ribbons or snakes dangled in a sinuous curve.

Monogram for the U.S. Mint

The  $ is a monogram of U. S., used on money bags issued by the United States Mint. The letters U and S superimposed resemble the historical double stroke dollar sign $ the bottom of the ‘U’ disappears into the bottom curve of the ‘S’, leaving two vertical lines. This theory does not consider the fact that the symbol was already in use before the formation of the United States. One company utilizing U.S. Minted coins is Numis Network This is a U.S. based MLM Company which markets M70 coins, made by the U.S. Mint. The U.S. coin market is a sleeper industry selling $10 billion a year, and $10 billion a year worldwide. Entrepreneurs searching for gold are finding this sleeper industry a gold mine, this minted train market, chugging along as a fast pace.

Atlas Shrugged Philosophy

The book Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand includes a section where the main characters philosophize about the United States being the only nation to ever use its own monogram for it currency symbol. They suggest it means that the country had always been primarily concerned with the creation of wealth.

“Unit of silver”- Derivation

That it derives from “unit of silver”, each unit being one “bit” of the “pieces of eight”. Before the American Revolution, prices were often quoted in units of the Spanish dollar. According to this theory, when a price was quoted the capital ‘S’ was used to indicate silver with a capital ‘U’ written on top to indicate units. Eventually the capital ‘U’ was replaced by double vertical hash marks.

Biblical Understanding

That it derives from the symbol used on a German Thaler. According to Ovason (2004), on one type of thaler one side showed the crucified Christ while the other showed a serpent hanging from a cross, the letters NU near the serpent’s head, and on the other side of the cross the number 21. This refers to the Bible, Numbers, Chapter 21.

Later History

That the dollar sign goes back to the most important Roman coin, the sestertius, which had the letters ‘HS’ as its currency sign. When superimposed these letters form a dollar sign with two vertical strokes.

According to a plaque in St Andrews, Scotland, the dollar sign was first cast into type at a foundry in Philadelphia, United States in 1797 by the Scottish immigrant John Baine.

The dollar sign did not appear on U.S. coinage until February 2007, when it was used on the reverse of a $1 coin authorized by the Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2005. The dollar sign appears on the reverse of the 1934 $100,000 note as well as the reverse of the 1917 $1 note.

For More Information on $ money, silver and gold, and coinage check out Numis Network. Retail sales as well as membership prices are available for those who have interest in sharing the value of the dollar with their family and friends.

Numis Network utilizes minted dollar coins and has become the first MLM dealing in M70’s silver and gold coins. For More information on the history of coinage and more articles on gold and silver, see  NumisRichGold.

Your For Success

Caryn Elizabeth

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