Tag: personal development

7 Quick Tips How To Use Linkedin To Make Money Online

What Are The Benefits Of Knowing Linkedin?

Will Using Linkedin Help Me Make Money Online?

To connect immediately on Linkedin, click here
To make money using video go here right away

Connecting on Linkedin

has traditionally been for sharing resumes, networking for corporate business. However, online marketers are using it to share there products and services to offline folk as well as other online marketers.

Knowing The Power Of Video When Using Linkedin

Knowing The Power Of Video When Using Linkedin

Online marketers  use Linkedin to connect and share your businesses, their coaching, training and affiliate products.  The possibilities available include  interviewing and finding just the right people you would want in your business, your company or your networking groups.

Video marketers use it to find coaching clients and connections to mastermind with.

Using the Video platform is the quickest way to build “Know Like and Trust”.
Video email is an excellent way and new way to connect with prospects, warm market and family.

Talk Fusion is one of the MLM video platform companies that has become extremely popular.
Video email has quite an affect when it’s sent personally.

Here are 5 tips you can use immediately to begin making money online.

1. Create a Linkedin profile if you don’t already have one.
2. Create a folder stored on your desktop for easy access to your other social media groups you may want to set up profiles for. Use the same one over and over.
3. Type your information in Notepad or Wordpad. I use notepad. (tell you why later)
4. Create a user name and password that you can use over and over.
5. Locate groups you have an interest in and add connections.
6. When someone connects with you, send them a personal greeting. (preferably using video)
7. Create a short bio to use in signature slots for articles and sites that ask for one.

Linkedin Link To Network

Make Money Connecting On Linkedin

Video marketing by far, takes business success to new levels more quickly. Using simple free systems to create videos is the easiest way to get started. Building the “know, like and trust” happens quickest with video.

Video marketing on Linkedin or other social media for a business owner or entrepreneur is made easier when you have a system in place. Using a video platform is especially good if you want to build a residual income while you create videos.

PS To find out how to generate leads every day and create an affiliate  income CLICK HERE NOW

PSS.Learn to brand yourself as a trusted authority on Linkedin and other social media by Clicking Here Now!



Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/7-quick-tips-how-to-use-linkedin-to-make-money-online/

How To Make Money Online With A Prosperity Mindset? The Ultimate Combo!

You Can Have A Prosperity Mindset And Eliminate Self Sabotage

You Can Have A Prosperity Mindset And Eliminate Self Sabotage

What Is A Prosperity Mindset?

Can I make money online with a prosperity mindset?

If you really want to be successful, watch Randy as he shares the 7 spiritual laws!

Wherever you are in your business, is a result of your vision!  The steps to prosperity begin with taking a look at what you believe about yourself. Though you may want prosperity on the conscious level, you may sabotage your mindset on the subconscious level.


At one point in your life your parents told you you were worth something. If they didn’t you may still be looking for approval. You may turn to others to get it. Looking outward is one sure indicator that you don’t have a prosperity mindset! Accepting yourself, rewarding yourself, and loving who you are right now is the beginning of having a prosperity mindset!

This video explains somethings about it. For more help with having a prosperity mindset click here now.

You have manifested your present by the prosperity mindset  you’ve got now!

Change your core beliefs and change your reality.. Watch more here!

Some simple but effective things you can do to help your prosperity mindset.

Choose to awake with an attitude of gratitude  and before you go to bed, ask yourself 5-7 of these questions.

1.What am I happy about in my life now?

2. What am I excited about in my life now?

3. What am i proud about in my life now?

4. What am I grateful about in my life now.

5. What am I enjoying most in my life right now?

6. What am I committed to in my life now?

7.  Who do I love?
Follow up these prosperity mindset questions with the following 2 questions.

1.What about that makes me _____________?

2. How does that make me feel?

Click Here For most help with Mindset Now!




My profiles: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Digg StumbleUpon YouTube
Contact me: Skype bckehrly

I believe in you! You can have a prosperity mindset so when the money comes, you will not sabotage your keeping it!


Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/how-to-make-money-online-with-a-prosperity-mindset/

Other People “Controlling” Your Life? Visions Of Leadership To Take Back Control






He had a vision. He started it and has taken responsibility to see it through to completion. And what about us? Do we have a vision? What are we creating in our lives? Do we have control of our life?


He started it, and has assumed the role of leader over his vision  and takes full responsibility for it. An example of this is when Jesus was in the dessert 40 days. No one was able to deter Him from his vision.  As a leader, He has taken responsibility to be and do what brings him pleasure.  God desired to create “relationship” with someone like himself. Yes, He made us so he had someone like him to love. He didn’t need to. He wanted to. He saw it. He said it. He did it! Period. God is in control.


He demonstrates His vision  clearly with books like Song of Solomon, John, and Genesis.  Every book has some facet of  the vision God has in it. We cannot escape his vision,purpose, plan, and direction.

What about us, his creation? Are we taking responsibility over the visions we have? Do we even realize that we are all visionary’s, born for leadership in this likeness?  Whether we see it or not, we can’t deny that we know deep inside us that we want control over our life. We have had a dream of doing something great at one time or another. These seeds of greatness come from the designer and are the characteristics of God.



Why do we want to connect with others? Why do some people make us happy?  The root cause comes from the  designer of our faith. ‘Faith in what’, you may ask? It is  faith in our life, our relationships, our power, and our influence. It is great faith in what we think, feel and do! We may deny it, but we can’t escape leadership. This Master designer has taken responsibility to lead us to be like Him.


Is our vision clear? Do we want to create an awesome future? Do we want to be influential in leadership? We have been created for relationship. Our creator wants it with us and wants us to mirror it to others. Our highest vision may be to be like God in the way we love, think, plan, envision, create, and take responsibility. So deny it no longer. These biblical words “Without a vision my people perish” must be received by us in order to begin to realize the great leader we are created to be.

What is your vision? Is it big or  little?

Do you see it or are you in denial that you can be great?


With 2012 coming upon us, go look at yourself in the mirror. Give yourself a good talking to. Take responsibility to lead yourself first. Then take on role of leader you are created  to be. You are designed to mirror leadership from the greatest leader of all.



Yours In Mastery,

Caryn Elizabeth
 Milford, PA 18337

My profiles: Facebook LinkedIn Flickr Twitter Facebook Page YouTube YouTube

Twitter Latest tweet: Just lovin what this TE leader is doing for Traffic Exchange industry! Listen to the secret conversation I… http://t.co/KxhpS37i

  Get this email app!  

Leadership shows others that living to your potential is the most honorable position one can attain to.

Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/controlling-your-life-visions-of-leadership/

Who The Heck Is He? Getting To Know The Best Leaders And What They Are Saying!

What Does An Entrepreneur Do?

Interviews Upcoming:

Mylon Wason 28 yrs. as a business owner and entrepreneur.

He’ll tell us his story. It will surely inspire you.
I’m hoping to get a few friends on here to tell you some secrets about web design, how to think like a leader, and is it possible to become successful without a team?

Listen to this short recording. Leave your comments. I would love for you to ask me a question you have been wanting an answer to, concerning the “who, what, when, where, and how to do online stuff with success!

If you are looking for a new business opportunity, ask me.
Yours In Mastery,

Milford, PA 18337 tel.:570-245-1844 cell:973-970-8128

Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/who-the-heck-is-he-getting-to-know-the-best-leaders-and-what-they-are-saying/

God Calls My Name 3 Times To Tell Me How To Be Free From Fear By Being In God’s Presence

You Can Be Free

Caryn takes you on a walk with her…

as she shares how God speaks to her.

She shares the 3 times that God miraculously called her name. When we are struggling with life, there is something to do. Find out in this compelling video what it is.

Are you in fear?

Do you feel like your have gotten off track?

This video will help you feel better.

If you like this video, I would love you to share it on facebook, tweet it, and comment below. I always love your feedback.
To Your Freedom,


Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/god-calls-my-name-3-times-to-tell-me-how-to-be-free-from-fear-by-being-in-gods-presence/

Eddie Zanchi Playing Guitar For God – What God Can Do Through Personal Development

“Músic can change the world”. (Ludwig Van Beethoven)

Today I received a message and YouTube Video from my excellent friend Eddie Zanchi.

Because we are both believers in Christ, I recognized that Eddie Zanchi lived by the very ideals and personal development strategies  I have been sharing with you these last years.  This video from Herois da Guitarra Contest 2011 in which Eddie plays lead guitar over a background track called Prodigy, is an example of what  those ideals look like when lived out with a guitar, a talent, good character, and a heart to serve others.  This is what God can do when you live for Him.

 You are about to enter the “Go God Zone“. “Do not go unless you want your world to change!

Eddie Zanchi Lives Beyond His Circumstances

Both Eddie and I have had a life that while living in circumstances beyond our immediate control, we continue to believe that we have greatness within us.  We both came to believe that we were brother and sister, though we lived miles apart. Eddie Zanchi lives in São Paulo, Brazil . while I lived in Pennsylvania, USA.  He is the son of a beautiful woman whom Eddie speaks very highly of.  It seems like every time I connected with Eddie he was busy teaching guitar lessons. Eddie has been gifted with an excellent mentor and actually had a very expensive guitar made for him.

Eddie Zanchi And The Power Of Prayer

Eddie has been known to go up his hill to pray for God’s direction. I on the other hand, have been known to go down my hill to the waterfall, where I’ve shared how God has spoken to me many times as well.  Eddie encouraged me to go there more often and I’m grateful for that!

Eddie Zanchi Spreading His Positive Thinking

God is using Eddie in so many ways. He has thousands of twitter followers and his facebook followers are not far behind. This talented young man is finding his way into publicizing himself by sharing positive words of encouragement. I wonder if half his followers even know of this mans giftedness with guitar.

Eddie Zanchi Coming Out Of The Shadows

Today is the day for Eddie to come out of hiding for all of you to see. Today God is glorified by this testimony. I am proud to call Eddie  my friend and I want the world to know Eddie Zanchi for God’s glory. I hope this has encouraged you to keep moving forward in personal development by never giving up.

If you want to know more about Eddie Zanchi, find him on Facebook   and Twitter

Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/eddie-zanchi-playing-guitar-for-god-what-god-can-do-through-personal-development/

“Who Are You Now?” The “Gutsy” Mindset And Bitter Truth About Marketing Online Stuff

What the heck did he mean, “Who are you NOW?”

One evening at dinner with my business coach, he asked me to identify myself by this:“who are you NOW”? I told him all about who I was connecting with and how great it was going. I felt that my online presence was growing and I was becoming an authority and able to share my content better on social networking sites.   The bottom line reality was wrapped up in this startling question which tugged at my financial reality: “Who are you NOW” regarding your finances?

Wow, we were heading into the restaurant about then and I was torn between my ideologies, my visions of grandeur and the reality that my car died, my house needed to be sold in order to collect alimony, and my near front tooth had to be extracted, leaving my smile to a retainer until I could afford a more permanent solution. Surely, I was not the shining star of the internet at this point! My balloon had burst! And so what would become of my positive mindset?

Who Are You Now? The Online Stuff

All this online stuff is great because I love to write! So sharing is easy for me. But when it comes to my personal successes, I am humbled by the success stories of the many online individuals marketing themselves so beautifully in social media. I am fortunate to have networked and connected with who I consider pretty powerful and influencial individuals who are in the personal development and online marketing niches.

The real question I believe I was asking was “What have I to do with all these successful individuals?” Yes, I felt comfortable talking to them on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, Netdivvy, and other sites. But I have yet to experience the “financial” success they have gained through years of online and network marketing and MLM’s.

What kind of mindset must we have to see the success of others and forge ahead instead of feeling intimidated or disillusioned and giving up?

For help with mindset see this: http://tinyurl.com/AskingQualityQuestions

Who Are You NOW? The Money Stuff

For a marketer online, the truth is, you must be authentic so you can find “like minded ” individuals you CAN identify with, those who have similar experience as you, so you don’t feel too insecure about where you are at so far. When my coach asked me that question, “who are you now?”, he was asking me to look at my present circumstances and realistically take stock of my financial accomplishments.

Who Are You NOW? The Gutsy Mindset Stuff

The present circumstances were grim. But I don’t believe that the future is grim! I have many success stories that are tied to no money whatsoever… but tied to a seed well planted and watered..

Someday you will realize your financial goals if we don’t give up! If you take stock today, ask yourself “Who are you NOW?” and listen for the answer.

If you have ever felt like giving up go here: http://tinyurl.com/AskingQualityQuestions

For so awesome personal development videos find me here: http://youtube.com/carynelizabethlive

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Gal. 6:9

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Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/%e2%80%9cwho-are-you-now%e2%80%9d-the-%e2%80%9cgutsy%e2%80%9d-mindset-and-bitter-truth-about-marketing-online-stuff/

Destiny Word For The Day – Change Your Life Knowing the Why of Destiny

Your destiny is your Why in life.

Find out what having a destiny means and what to do with it! This video will give you several definitions of the word “DESTINY”, give you some famous quotes by famous men about destiny and then share in detail an explanation on how understanding what destiny actually is can be the beginning of an awareness that can change the course of your life.

For more inspiration Go To “What’s Your Mindset?”

Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/destiny-word-for-the-day-change-your-life-knowing-the-why-of-destiny/

Relationships And My Journey Around The Corner

Looking For Love In All The Right Places

I’m writing to share with you a quick note about  how  you, my facebook friend, have impacted my life for the better.  Relationships mean so much to me and YOU are so special to me. My life would not be the same without you in it. I honor and respect you. I love what you are doing in your life, you work, and your relationships with others. I just wanted to tell you that!

In a very short time, my life will take a turn and I will move and start a new chapter in my life. Perhaps many of you have gone thru the journey of divorce. This is my first time.

I know how crazy it feels from the first moment of shock to finalizing the divorce papers. Yes, it sucks to experience the head trip.  But now I know one more thing that many humans have experienced.

Now I understand some of what you may feel or have felt. I want you to know that it’s going to be ok. We are survivors. In fact, we are more than conquerors of this circumstance.

So if anyone of you has been through divorce, I’d love for you to comment on what you learned about yourself and how it’s helped you to be a better person.

Perhaps you’re more understanding of others. Maybe you’re STRONGER. What have you learned that you can share with others?

You have become my huge facebook family. Many of you men have humored me, taught me things, or have asked  to date me! Many women have inspired me, loved on me, <3 encouraged me and showed me attention.

So many men and women have helped me become a better marketer. 🙂

I am grateful for every single one of you. My life would not be the same without you. Yes, there are  a lot of you. You live in places I may never go. And yet, I have been there in my mind as we’ve chatted, messaged or skyped.

My life is fuller and because of you, I am rich. I may have never been physically in your presence but you have touched my heart, which transcends time and space.

When I think with the end in mind, I want to always be friends with you, forever and ever. This is love. I don’t want to fight with you.

I want to love you.

So today, to all my untangible friends, know that you have been kissed and hugged by me. I will love you till forever.

Let us celebrate freedom from relationships with those who don’t see our value and who don’t want our love. Celebrate my freedom with me by sharing what you have learned about starting a new chapter as a single person. I will be sure to alert you the day I sign that final form.

Please help me further if you want to, by answering these 5 questions!  Thank You ((huggs))

1.Have you ever been divorced?

2.What was your chief problem going through it?

3.Now that it’s happened what advice would you give me?

4.What was the one thing you wished you had that you never found?

5.What was the most valuable thing that made the difference in your victory?

I would love to know all of what you have to say!     Leave your comments here. Let me know if you like my Looking For Love Page. Thank you.

PS.. For some excellent dating tips, and relationship advice I found to make lasting relationships and keep romance alive in your present ones,  Click Here Now!

Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/relationships-and-my-journey-around-the-corner/

How To Find Your Brand! 6 Tips Business Coaches Use To Help You Find Your Niche





In Part one of this 3 part article series I will share a strategy coaches use to help others discover their passions. It’s been said “Find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Marketing is going through a revolution right now. People are beginning to build their online presence by using their passion as the foundation for branding their business. 


Online marketers are finally figuring out what offline business owners have known for years. You must build the “know, like and trust” with your clients, customers, and prospects. In order to do this online, you must follow these steps to position yourself as a “trusted authority” first.

1. Find your passion.

2. Build your brand

3. Develop your know, like and trust.


The following are  6 steps to help you  find your strengths and  passion if you want to focus on doing what you love while making money online.

1.Make a list of the 12 things you like about yourself, things you consider strengths.

2. Prioritize them, top being your greatest strength.

3. Make a list of 12 things you consider to be your weaknesses.

4. Set that list aside. Considering those 12 things, what would be the dream job you would create around them?

5. Choose 3 areas that you could market yourself in.

6. Now write 2 paragraphs marketing those niches with your top 6 strengths.

A coach directs you to be consistent and persistent,  writing goals with your passion in mind. He guides you to focus on your strengths as you BRAND YOURSELF.

PS. Get “The Mastermind eBook” For The Personal Power Of Team Building!


Yours In Mastery,

Caryn Elizabeth
 Milford, PA 18337

My profiles: Facebook LinkedIn Flickr Twitter Facebook Page YouTube YouTube

Twitter Latest tweet: Freeling Rejected? Find out why! http://t.co/oLlwWt4W

  Get this email app!  



Permanent link to this article: http://carynelizabeth.com/blog/i-love-what-i-do-do-you-part-1-personal-development/

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