Category Archives: Positive Mental Attitude

Christmas Tree purpose

Week 12 The Undecorated Tree : Purpose

Around Christmas, I get sentimental. As a writer, I find using inanimate objects as the subject of my inspirational message friendly stories. Below is a story of a tree who felt forgotten at Christmas. Being driven by faith, faultering and getting back up is a message we all have experienced. Enjoy my telling of “The Undecorated Tree” by Caryn Elizabeth.

Every Christmas Tree Is Special

Christmas time is filled with sparkle around most homes and towns. Lights, candles, wreaths, tinsel, garland, ornaments, toys, window shopping, even parades.. But there was once a Christmas tree that felt forgotten.

Christmas Trees Purpose
Christmas Trees Purpose
Around Thanksgiving, the family took out their decorations and hung lights outside on window wreaths. Inside, the garlands were lighted and laid out across the buffet and the mantle. The candles were placed on the Christmas table cloth and the little candle wreaths were laid carefully atop the glass holders.
The 3 foot decorated Christmas tree was removed from the storage closet and placed carefully on the buffet where it was plugged in and ready to celebrate.
Everything was looking great! The spotlights outside shown on the bare leafed trees and towards the front door covered with Christmas garlands and pine cones. Inside the bare Christmas tree was left opened and standing but without any decorations.
This beautiful tree , quite frankly, felt abandoned. Everyone passed by it day after day not even noticing it’s beautiful branches. It’s smell was vibrant yet it longed for attention. Several days passed and the Christmas tree thought she heard word of new lights! “Perhaps those lights will be for me”, she said! “I love getting presents and that would make me even more beautiful so that everyone would look at me.” This tree had a problem, you see!

The Problem of the Christmas Tree

Christmas trees pretty much look alike. Some are tall and others small. But all of them have similar green branches. The only difference the tree can bare is it’s outward appearance. Some trees get very beautiful adornment while others get the bare essentials. But in the end, it’s not even the tree that gets the most attention. It’s the gifts under the tree that are given top priority.

So What is the Tree to do?

The Christmas tree knows full well that the short life it has to be adorned is it’s crowning glory! This tree longs for it’s adornment yet it seems so long in coming. In the mean time, the simple branches are left to hang bare and wanting. Well, finally the day came when the glory of Christmas would shine through the lights and garlands this tree would bare.

She indeed was correct. Those lights were for her! The Christmas practitioners wanted to adorn her with fresh lights and garlands to make her glory even brighter than in the past! The day came and she could feel alive and vibrant as each light and ornament was carefully hung to make the tree fuller and brighter!

Oh, when each ornament was hung, she stood strong and held on to each as if it were life and death. Each piece of tinsel sparkled as she held her lights firmly in hand as if to jump rope with them.

When the tree was finally finished the feeling of heaviness came over the tree. She knew the time was coming and she must have some water to keep her strength. Would she be fed or neglected?

The Neglected Christmas Tree

The feeling of neglect overwhelmed the Christmas tree this season. She worried that she would not be decorated. Now she worried that she’d not have her needs met. Would she have to drop some ornaments to get attention and quench her thirst?

The following morning, after a restless night upholding her perceived burdens, the Christmas practitioner awoke and turned on the radio and some Christmas music. The Christmas tree was aroused with hope and the caregiver walked by. Plugging in the Christmas lights, the caregiver disappeared to the kitchen and returned with a large container. “Ahhhh, water”, thought she. And in no time, her strength mounted and she felt the refreshment that only water can bring.

Christmas Day

In time, the tree held many packages under it’s wings and protected everyone from onlookers. The children danced around it and begged mother to let them sleep under it the night before Christmas eve. What excitement the Christmas tree felt at that prospect. All eyes would be on her and she would feel terrific.

There wish came true as they grabbed their sleeping bags, cookies and milk and lay at the foot of the tree looking at all the sparkles. Christmas tree was in her glory getting the attention she longed for and knew it was what she was born for!

The final stages came to be and Christmas day came. The tree released each gift with pride knowing her job was about complete. Her wish came true. She was adorned and she bore the responsibility well. In time, as trees know, they must be released back into the wilderness to assist the baring of other Christmas trees.

Her day was complete and the Christmas caregivers dealt fairly with her through the whole process. She was satisfied with her work and Christmas was a success for her and for the family she shared it with.

Moral of the story: Every Christmas Tree Is Special! And every person is too! We may think poorly and feel we lack purpose.  As we allow ourselves to be aroused with hope for a prosperous future, in the perfect time, our purpose is realized! Christmas can be everyday!


If you Believe DVD

Week 10 If You Believe


If you believe it, it’s yours! Amazing how life really is. Today, when reading my Blueprint builder, I kept stating to God, “thy will be done”. I suggested to God that He enjoy the fruits of my labor. I said, “Father, look at the world through my eyes. See what you have let me see. Feel the compassion I feel, enjoy the pleasures you allow me to manifest! Enjoy your manifestation as you allow me to be the facilitator of that manifestation that you may be the recipient of it’s pleasures!

Be alive God through me! I am willing to be, do and have all that your heart wants to be do and have. Let us be co creators together. I’m willing. I know that you are love. That you desire me to experience the best life there is. I know that because I believe you love me and long for me to be the best me possible in this time space reality!

Believe it or not!

The movie I placed here has 2 parts. It’s about a woman who has no happiness. Her inner child appears to her. The story shares how she does that! In the end, she is a happy person.  Sorry is sin. Pain is sin. Frustration is sin. All forms of disconnection from the truth, God longs for us to return to our rightful place. The child in us has the innocence available to access these truths. I loved this movie. I wish you abundance and connection with truth so you can say to God each day, “thy will be done”, knowing and believing that His plans for our “daily bread” are everything we love to do, to be, and to have. Believe and receive today! I love you!


Believe this!

Believe that you have the favor of God because He desires to experience all your experiences for his pleasure.  Enjoy the movie!

Believe and receive.

How To: A Positive Mental Attitude


So what’s the key to a positive mental attitude?

The following list gives us the keys to a positive mental attitude as Napoleon Hill so wisely shares in the above video.

Well this brings us to the seventh visit, and I hope to hand you the master key to success before I finish, because my subject will lead you so near to the majesty key that you will be apt to recognize. As I have suggested in previous visits, a positive mental attitude can clear away all obstacles which stand between you and your major purpose in life. Because of the importance of the subject of our visit, I shall not only tell you that a positive mental attitude heads the entire list of the twelve great riches in life but I am going to give you explicit instructions as to what you must do to keep your mind positive. In all the success books I have written, I have never suggested to my readers what they should do without clearly telling them how to do it.

Are you ready?

If you are ready, this visit may bring the most important change in your life you have ever experienced.

1. Learn to adjust yourself to other people’s state of mind and difficulties so as to get along peacefully with them and to refrain from taking notice of trivial circumstances in your relations with other people by refusing to allow them to become controversial incidents. Great people always avoid small incidences of controversy when possible.

2. Establish for yourself a definite fixed system of conditioning your mind at the beginning of each day so you will keep it positive under all circumstances.

Freedom is positive mental attitude
Freedom is positive mental attitude

3. Learn the art of selling yourself to other people by indirection such as asking leading questions which will bring out the short reactions from others which you desire and do not permit yourself to be drawn into argument over unimportant subjects.

4. Adopt the habit of having a good hardy laugh every time you become irritated or angry and it will help you if you begin each day with one minute of hardy laughing. This will change the chemistry in your brain and start you out with a positive mental attitude. However, you had better get out of sight when you take your laughing exercise.

Start your day with a positive mental attitude

5. Start each day with an expression of gratitude for all the adversities, defeats, failures you have experienced in the past and search for the seed of an equivalent benefit these have yielded you through the passing of time. Then give thanks for the blessings you expect to receive during the day.

6. Learn to concentrate your attention on the ‘can do’ portion of all your problems and desires and start action where you stand in carrying out this portion. No matter what may be your problem or your desire there is always something you can do right now that can help you. Find out about what this something is and do it.

7. Learn to transmute all unpleasant circumstances into immediate action which calls for a positive mental attitude and make this a fixed habit. For example when you are angry, switch your mind to some sort of action in connection with your hobby or your major purpose in life and keep it busy with that subject for five minutes.

8. Recognize that every circumstance which influences your life, whether it is a pleasant or unpleasant circumstance is grist for your mill of life and if so, use it to make it pay you dividends in one form or another, remembering meanwhile that your strength grows out and your struggles. Follow this instruction and you will soon learn that there is no such thing as an unprofitable experience.

9. Look upon your life as a continuous process of education of learning from all your experiences good and bad and be always on the alert for gains of wisdom which come to you a little at a time in both your pleasant and unpleasant experiences.

10. Make the world over to fit your own pattern, if you choose, but begin with yourself in some sort of self-improvement which will make you more open-minded, patient and generous in your relations with others.

Expressing gratitude is part of a positive mental attitude

11. Express gratitude twice daily for your recognition of the fact that you have been given complete control over your own mind and ask for guidance in order that you may use this profound gift wisely in all your thoughts and acts.

12. Go out of your way daily to comment enthusiastically on the good qualities in those with whom you live and work but do not mention their negative qualities. Then observe this benefit to yourself how quickly others will begin to concentrate on your good qualities. Remember, I’m still talking about how to keep your mind positive.

13. Accept all criticism of yourself as an occasion for self-examination to determine how much of it is justified and you will be sure to make startling discoveries about yourself which will help you the remainder of your life.

14. Do not accept from life or anyone else anything you do not desire and remember that Mahatma Gandhi proved himself to be more powerful than the great British military forces
by this simple method of passive resistance.

15. Remember always that there are two kinds of circumstances which cause you to worry; those you can do something about and those you can do nothing about, nothing, that is, except to use passive resistance and refuse to permit them to worry you.

Managing worry and a positive mental attitude

16. Keep your mind eternally engaged in thinking of that which you desirable most, your major purpose in life, so no time will be left for you to waste on thinking of that which you do not want, and let me digress here while I tell you we are now rubbing elbows with the great master key of success this very moment.

17. If you should ever be so unfortunate as to feel sorry for yourself look around until you find someone who is worse off than yourself and start where you stand to give him help. Make this procedure a habit and you will witness one of the great miracles of life because that which you do to or for another you do to or for yourself.

18. Choose some person whom you consider to be the sort of person you would like to be, then go to work and emulate that person in every way possible. Great people have always been hero worshipers but they picked the right sort of people to emulate.

19. Cultivate your tone of voice so that your words have a pleasing musical sound and remember that the sound of your voice is an open window through which other people look into your very soul. It will be a profitable investment if you will get a tape recording machine and record samples of your voice daily while you practice the art and expressing yourself through a friendly sounding voice. If you’re engaged in selling, this practice will quickly pay off in monetary dividends.

20. Last, but by no means the least, write out this sentence and paste it in a prominent place where you work and on a mirror where you see yourself in your home. ‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve.’ Remember also that you are the only person who can provide you with a positive mental attitude. What are you going to do about it? On your answer to this question rests your entire future.

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Get use to it!

Having a positive mental attitude is an ongoing practice for an abundant satisfying lifestyle.


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