Caryn Elizabeth

Author of "Branding You The Brand New You", Caryn home-schooled her 3 children before creating her blog in 2010. Teaching since 1986, Caryn authored, edited and self published several books including Brincely The Brave, The Mastermind eBook, My Grandma's Birthday, Top Tips For Spiritual Living and More. Featured by eZine as an article writing expert, Caryn specializes in Network marketing using the internet. Contact Caryn to create budget friendly websites starting at $100. Teaching online skill basics available. Call for quote 570-460-6961

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Author's posts

What Is The Visalus 90 Day Health Challenge? What Visalus Team Should I Join?

Cedrick Making Shakes For Our 90 Day Health Challenge PartyVisalus is making waves in Tampa Florida with Team Takeover.

Headed up by Cedrick Harris, with Larry Beacham, the Visalus ripples  

are affecting a new team build started by Todd Gragg and Caryn Elizabeth who are stirring the Tampa waters…

Caryn’s facebook community and her Empower Network team as a whole are watching things happen.
2012 has brought with it many who would create new years resolutions, including weight loss goals, getting fit goals and creating new ways of bring home more bacon. Although marketers in the Network marketing industry are running to Visalus to join, Caryn and Todd have hit a home run in Tampa. From new member superstar Earl Christy, who was running back in the 1969 Super Bowl 3 Championships, this Visalus team is extremely desirous to create a team spirit that goes as far north and the poconos of PA, Chicago IL., and as far west as California.. with members joining the team almost daily.

Cedrick Giving The Challenge Party PresentationThe Visalus Start Up Team Leading Empower Network

January 9th began with calls from Cedrick Harris to George Gragg’s residence in a lovely little development in Tampa.. Nearby Cedrick Harris and Larry Beacham make their homes.  In came Cedrick and Larry with large bags in hand.. filled with the new Challenge Magazine, the only Network Marketing Company’s independent magazine available in news stands and book stores.. first thing were we told.. go purchase as many as are available in the stores.. those you leave.. place your own business card inside for those looking for help with the new years challenge.

Larry Beacham And My Biz Partner Todd Gragg Loving The Party~Having  A Visalus Challenge Party

Once the table was set, Cedrick took to the kitchen with strawberries, cream cheese, and almond milk, some flavor packets and shake mix in hand. Into small sample cups we shared a huge tray of several shake options.. The shakes taste like cake mix is the reply most give.. next up was the Neuro.. an energy drink, conveniently packaged in skinny tubes you tare open and empty into a bottle of water.. Orange, or berry are the options and we had glasses of this energy supplement in a water bottle to taste.
After the shakes were mixed and served, Todd and I began videoing and photographing this event. For us it was a privilege to have the man himself share the challenge.. But you have to know that Todd and I we wide eyed with wonder as Cedrick captivated us.

The Visalus Challenge Party May Have Challenges

The event was delayed when George realized his dvd player was not hooked up. Larry ran home and returned with a player and before we knew it, the dvd was placed in the player.. Upon excellent instructions from Cedrick, Todd welcomed everybody, and introduced the video. There are 3 parts to the video. Each part strategically created to share the simple challenge that is making a phenomenon in the industry in it’s simplicity.
After each section, Cedrick and Larry took turns sharing stories and testimonies. Both have extremely helpful stories and everyone was engaged. Though the stories shared real life testimonies.. they were not unlike those of other average people.
My take, it only takes one person strategically placed , to alter the course of thousands.. and Cedrick has given many many average people an above average jump on success in this industry.

The Best Team Build Visalus With Cedrick Is Making In Tampa Visalus Testimonies

Cedrick has an amazing testimony, not in the fact that he had jobs most others experienced, but what was different was that Cedrick saw something.. Yes, from his fathers advice ringing in his ears, to other influential people He took massive action to learn from, Cedrick began and then became world known in the Network marketing arena..

Visalus Team Takeover is not just building but it’s a phenomenon.

After the 2 parts of the video was finished and stories were shared, those interested in the 3rd section we shown how to “promote the challenge”. A fast start training was done on the spot. This led Earl Christy to give testimony to the thoroughness in the process developed by Cedrick and his team.

What Visalus Number Will You Be?

Once all 3 parts were complete, forms were given out and all those present had the option of getting involved in some way. It was as natural as being offered ice cream or cake for dessert and all took advantage of one thing or another.
Afterwords, we interviewed several, took photos and then Larry Beacham and Cedrick Harris gave video viewers the value of fast start training. Both me taught by example, that focus is vital, and all answers led to the power of Visalus and the option that it’s now time to get in.

Getting Started here.

OR   Call this number now to get more information. 507-726-3700  

Visalus is a phenomenal company with a track record to prove it.  

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7 Simple Steps To Lose Weight With The “Shaklee 90 Day Health Challenge”


Shaklee Girl With Measuring Tape

Does Your Health Measure Up For Your New Years Resolution?

Can  Shaklee  90 Day Health Challenge  Really Help Me?

I just found out about the Shaklee 90 Day Health Challenge that I am starting and promoting. My goal is to get fit and earn a BMW within the next 90 days.

The 90 Day Challenge – Get Your Free Healthprint Analysis Here

Get your emailed results immediately!

Then click Here for your free  30 minute consultation to help set up your personal routine. Use the paypal menu and click “free consultation”.


Email me at and let me know you want a consultation!


 Here are some of the things I do to get fit and stay fit with Shaklee Life Plan:

1. When I wake up, I immediately drink a glass of water I’ve left on my bedside table

2. When I enter the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror and say something nice to myself.

3. As I am getting my morning routine underway, I choose to think about the things I like about my life.

4. If it’s my walking day, I dress appropriately, place my ipod on, which contains my affirmations and walk for 30 min. to 1 hr.

If it’s my off day,  I prepare a cup of tea and grab a piece of fruit and get on my motivation call.

5. If I’m having a shake, I use non fat milk, a flavor packet and 2 scoops of Life Plan Shake mix.

6. When showering, I apply moisturizer to my body while I’m still wet to moisten my skin.

7. The rest of my day goes very well, afterwards..

Preparing the right foundation for success with Shaklee 90 Day Health Challenge  begins with a healthy mindset, healthy food, and a healthy body.

I Really Need To Do Something That Works This Time

I Really Need To Do Something That Works This Time

Will Life Plan 90 Day Challenge Work For Me?

A shake is a shake.  But the Life Plan shake tastes like a  dream sickle.. My favorite is the Coffee packet.. Tastes like a mocha shake. The different flavor options make it very versatile. It’s like grabbing fast food but healthy. Everything is fun.. the colors, the flavors, the supplement packs.. all set up to toss in your purse and go!

Ok, I saved the best for last though.. My absolute absolute (I’m not typing that twice by accident) favorite is the cinch tea.  wowwy kazowy.. again.. it reminds me of the feeling I get when I first have coffee, except I don’t get Jittery!  I pour i cup each morning and can go for a long time, without my blood sugar dropping after a while, like happens with coffee! tear a pack into 8 oz. water, hot or cold and voila.. it’s a potent delight..

Well, that’s my take on the 90 day challenge products.. If this resonates with you.. it’s worth getting your 30 days worth of Shaklee Health kit and see what happens!

Statistics show that those who stick to the challenge lose a significant amount of weight depending on what program they choose.  For some, it’s the balance kit to just get fit. For others, its the  shape or core kit. And finally the transformation kit is for those who want to really transform their body, lose weight and feel great!

With a 30 day money back guarantee, it’s really a win win..

Promoting The Shaklee Life Plan Challenge Is Easy When You Join The Right Team.

listen man

Who Will Help You Promote The Challenge? The Value Of Shaklee Leadership.

Listen Now:  Caryn Elizabeth Rant’s Her Personal Secrets About Why  Joining This LifePlanTeam- the whole dang  truth.  

Making Money Online With Shaklee Is Possible.

Shaklee  has  a great compensation plan. The attrition rate is very high because of this. One team member had to borrow the money to get started. 6 months later, she is making 20,000 a month. I believe that says a lot. The rags to riches is possible with this compensation plan. But I joined because I believed in the products and helping others create wholeness and harmony in their life and family. And I get compensated very well for it!

Get  your  free Healthprint  Analysis here: HERE

Then email me or set up a consultation asap!


Ground breaking, innovative,  breakthrough health  products, front loaded comp plan.

Not convinced? Check this out! 

To the health you deserve,


ps. Need some mental discipline? Click here for my free ebook and start your 7 day mental diet!

Shaklee 90 Day Health Challenge is a no brainer..

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What Do I Need For Business Success – Get Business Success Plan Now.

Are You Confused about where to start?

Are You Confused About Where To Start Your Business Success Venture?


Business Success in any MLM, Direct Sales, Affiliate Marketing  and Offline Business is a cinch when you have the right plan.


 Click Here  To Listen To MP3 Presentation   “How To Achieve The Business Success You Want”.


The cycle of business success and life can be demonstrated by the seasons of winter, spring, summer and fall. Each season represents the actions steps to take.  A good farmer knows what season he is in. He takes full responsibility for his actions.

The following steps will help you make the money you want, gain the lifestyle freedom you seek, and have the satisfaction that makes your life worthwhile.

The seasonal cycle is consistent in general and the process doesn’t change.

We do change.  Our harvest gives us clues for what to plant the next spring.

Research and development preparing your seeds

What kind of research are you doing for your business success?

1. Winter time is the season of research and development. Do you have a product you want to create? What products have you created in the past? Do you have an MLM opportunity you decided to join? What companies have to joined in the past? How did that work out for you? Starting a new venture gets easier with each time we venture into the unknown. It is always most difficult the first time. But a mature farmer who understands his seed, who has harvested in the past, knows how to measure his results.

Be encouraged, the first time we plant into anything, we may not reap all we hoped but we will reap. The more massively we sow, the greater our harvest.

What kind of seeds are you sowing?

What kind of seeds are you sowing for business success?

2. Spring is the time to plant the right seeds, the seeds we determined for this season, based on past results. We may sow the same seeds, or seeds of a different kind, which will grow into a plant where with we will reap a harvest of that kind.

But spring is the time to take massive action and break the fallow ground, plant enough seed we can manage. In an MLM, it could be anything from phoning our warm market to placing solo-ads in an ezine. That depends on our past experiences and results.

Are you protecting your field?

Are you protecting your business success field?

3. Summer is the time to nurture that field where we planted. The weeds and bugs will always show up.. always.. It’s life! Knowing this reality will prepare us to remove them so that our seeds will have plenty of room to grow up. Summer is the time to follow up on our prospects, do customer service on our products, send emails, make calls, have team webinars, keep all we’ve sown in tact.

Did you get the business harvest you hoped?

Did you get the business success harvest you hoped?

4. Fall is the time where we see the results of our sowing. The harvest will be as great as the number of seeds we sowed, as well as the number of seeds we nourished and the number of seeds we protected from the bugs and weeds, or the naysayers, doubters and negative onlookers and reactors. When we reap, if a great harvest, reaping without apology for a job well done. If we reap a poor harvest, we must learn to do it without complaining. A farmer takes full responsibility for the seeds he sows and learns from the previous harvest.

We are all sowing seeds for business success and life.

We will reap what grows from the field we’ve sown into. Complainers and ridiculers will reap more ridicule. Negative thinkers will reap more negativity. High performers will reach greater heights. It matters not what we sow. The cycle happens. It’s up to us to awaken to the truth that we are sowing based on what we know.

Let winter be the season for you to take stock of what you know, and determine that you will learn to be a better farmer. Learn from the kinds of farmers you want to be like. Whether its Donald Trump or Mother Theresa, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, your pastor or  your parent. Winter is now. If you are reading this, let today be the day you choose to stop and take stock of where you are and what you want to sow in your spring.

PS. Available: Business Success Audio Newsletter- 52 audio messages sent to your inbox or phone, once a week, like the one above, for a full year.To receive more amazing audio teachings like this, leave your request in the comment box below or contact me here

Read This Positive Affirmation For Business Success:

I am a seed of supernatural greatness planted on this earth for a miracle.

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Best “Video Marketing” Training- Google 1st Pg. With “Video Marketing” And 2,170,000,000 Searches

Get Help making videos and getting your videos on google page one.
Click Here

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What Software Lets Me Record A Phone Call? Using Google Voice To Record Phone Calls

Record Those Important Phone Calls

Discovering Google Software That Works Quickly For Recording Phone Calls

Did you ever wish you could have recorded that conversation? You know, the one where someone shared some awesome words of help or encouragement that you wished you could remember?Could there be some software out there to help? Well I found that  Google Voice is one that works great. Yup! The features in Google Voice have what you may be looking for. Whether you’re just wanting to store personal memories, business calls, interviews or whatever you can dream up, the recording portion of Google Voice works great! For website owners, this software technology offers an embed code you can place into the Html in your posts and pages of your website. Software solutions for businesses are becoming easy to use.

I recorded a little fun phone conversation with my good friend and business partner Todd Gragg, of Listen to my excitement over what I consider the best software for recording interviews with new leaders and those having business success online.

The Convenience  Using Software from Google for Keeping Your Phone Number and Your Personal Information Private.

So you have a phone number that you’ve had forever and now you have to change it! Frankly you don’t want to but your  have to for some reason. My phone was damaged and Tracfone made me get a new number. I didn’t know at the time but the software from Google voice can retain your phone number for a $20. fee. Your own phone plan may change but you can keep your number.

But what about when you HAVE to change your phone number? You have to contact everyone and give it out. If you’re a business owner,  you have to make new business cards,  go find all the places your number is posted and change them. You have to contact your clients, family members, friends, etc.. to give out the new number. This Google software choice worked for me.

Never Have The Creditors Bothering You While Using Google Software

We all have experienced spammers, telemarketers, unwanted credit card companies bothering us for payment we don’t have! Well, creating a Google voice number can solve that problem. Just set up the block feature for those numbers, or have that anonymous caller set up as “must identify himself” before you decided to pick it up, or it will just go to voice mail. All these features are what makes Google voice the best option for all your phone needs.

For software solutions your Human Resources Department may need to stay current, GO HERE

For more help with recording calls go to Google Voice.

For Information on the hottest trends right now is mobile media and how to connect with your customers immediately.

For the best information on building mobile media apps.

Yours In Mastery,

Milford, PA 18337 tel.: 570-580-0756
If you liked this information on Google software, perhaps you would like these tips so CLICK HERE

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What is Google+ And How Can I Make Money Online With It?

Anyone up for playing Google+

 Research shows that Google is the master player in the monopoly game of internet marketing.

They have competitors like Yahoo, Bing, MSN, some of which have merged to get some leverage and compete in this game.

Google + is a new game being played. Some say it’s not being played as often as hoped but from what I can see, guys likes Ian Anderson, creator of My Space has connect with half a million in his circles, and Mari Smith, new guru facebook marketer has 10’s of thousands in her circles. They must know something of the game if they’ve decided to play.

Below are some rules and strategies for you to get in the google + game.

Google and facebook connections

Getting Facebook And Google To Help YOU

Getting Facebook Contacts Into Google +

Ok , first question. Where do I go to Import my fb contacts to Yahoo mail? I have in the past imported my yahoo contacts into Google voice contacts. But I don’t know where to import fb to yahoo.

Here’s what you do:
1. Use your existing or create a Yahoo Mail account, login to Yahoo Mail and Import your Facebook contacts to Yahoo Mail.
2. Export your Yahoo Mail contacts to a CSV file (select Yahoo… format)
3. Use your existing or create a new GMail account (and associate it with Google+ through account settings if it’s not the one you used to create the + account) Import the Yahoo format CSV file into GMail.

I did create a new email address for Google+.. that was a real drag.. so many names with the word “Google” in them were taken.

4. On the right side of the “Stream” page in Google+ it will continue to feed “Suggestions” from your GMail contacts, by mousing over “Add to Circles” you can check the boxes for the circles you want people added to. Once they are signed-up for Google+ they will be preconfigured for the circles you’ve assigned.

I love google+ pages

I love google+ pages

Creating Pages In Google +

Like Facebook Google + offers a profile page and business pages (like fb fan pages)

I would recommend:

1. Create a separate G+ page for every web site you do have.
2. Link every G+ page to the respective web site’s home page.
3. You also might want to create G+ pages for different types of products (or web pages discussing different products – over and above your home page).
4. Create (and RESERVE) your G+ pages right now before someone else does it.
5. Upload your company logo.
6.Complete your business profile (AND make sure you provide your web site’s URL)!!
7. If you have a Twitter account, start sharing your G+ page’s URL with your followers so that they can visit your page.

8. Then, start searching for companies (when you are logged in as your G+ Business Page (not your personal G+ profile account) that you want to network with .
Think of keywords – In my case, for example, entrepreneur, business success, mastermind and more.
9. Like their pages and put them in your circles (you can create your own custom ones). You will then start seeing their posts in your stream.
10. Comment on their posts. Slowly but surely they will add you back.
Over a weekend you can have 15 or more already circling you back.
11.Share your business page with the people in your circles under your personal page.
12. Ask them to visit your biz page.

Then… do it every day 🙂

The Games Google Plays

Connecting to Play the Google+ Way

What New Game Is Google+ Playing?

Remember, G+ is a combination of Twitter (the idea of follow and followed back… here they talk about circles) and FB – you can have longer posts than on Twitter.

I know it sounds like a game.

It is a game.

The new monopoly money maker.

For more ways to generate leads and building your list , using Google+ check this out!

  Connect with my Google+ Profile

Connect with my Google+ Biz page


Yours In Mastery,

Caryn Elizabeth
 Milford, PA 18337

Google is playing the game and believing they hold all the cards. Better to get in the Google+ game so you can win a hand or two!


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What Am I Capable Of Really Becoming? Truth About The Entrepreneur And Satisfaction

entrepreneur inspired to lead

I know I Am Capable Of Being Someone Great

Does An Entrepreneur Tell Himself  “I know I can do more, be more? “

I Want Power.. it feels good.. it’s a must…

Becoming a success in any venture begins with an understanding of what we are capable of.  Let me use two terms to explain the conflict that may be keeping you from feeling truly satisfied on the journey of the entrepreneur. You long for it.. You deserve it.. Here is where you will finally make sense of it…

Are You A Thermometer Or A Thermostat Entrepreneur?

Both a thermometer and a thermostat have something to do with the temperature in a room.

A thermometer “reads” the hotness or coldness in a specified area.

A thermostat, on the other hand, is a tool used to “set” the temperature in a determined area.

So how does this relate to the  entrepreneur and business owner?

Some of us have at times believed that the economy is bad. We feel justified about being unemployed.  We might blame others for our circumstances. Some of us have adopted the  belief that we are in charge of our own life. If we have no job, it’s our responsibility to fix that. We accept failure and success as part of our life.

This brings me to these two simple meters, which represent  2 different kinds of mindsets. Can you tell which mindset the thermometer  would represent?

The Thermometers mindset, reads the temperature of the room and is able to  state ” it’s 60 degrees”..

The thermostats mindset  sets the temperature of the room. We thermostats  take responsibility for our  life, our failures and successes.


A Thermometer reads the room

If I Am A Thermometer, I Am A Helpless Entrepreneur

A Thermometer Is  A Helpless Entrepreneur

As thermometers, we see the economy, our job, our family as helpless entrepreneurs, unable to change it. “It’s 60 degrees in here”! Do you look outward to your environment and state what you see? Or do you look inward and determine what environment you will create?


As An Entrepreneur Thermostat, I Determine The Temperature Of My Environment

A Thermostat Is An Entrepreneur Creator

Deciding to be a thermostat, we no longer are in conflict. Determined  to be the  leader, the creative entrepreneur, we have the power to create your environment.  Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, David Wood and  Dave Sharpe, are all considered thermostats.

Being a thermostat means that we  decide what temperature we want our life to be. Whether hot, cold, warm, chilly.. it is up to us.  Rather, be a thermostat than a thermometer,  which  is helpless to only read the temperature but has no power to change it.

Determining to take responsibility for our life, our business, our environment, starts inside us. Believing we are a thermostat starts by making the simple decision to be one.

My Thermostat Determines The Temperature Of My World

My Thermostat Determines The Temperature Of My World

Powerful Entrepreneurs Are Thermostats

The outcome of being a thermostat means that the successes in life are truly something we achieve and can be proud of. Our obstacles, if we choose to see them as  challenges to overcome, can help us become even greater and able to understand and help others  overcome them as well. Our failures are successes because we learn something from them.  Our decision to create rules for our life that support us so we can enjoy the process, gives us the satisfaction we truly long for.

This life, big or small, great or weak.. has in it the opportunity to reach great heights that give us a feeling of satisfaction unlike any other.

True Satisfaction From Flying As A Thermostat Entrepreneur

True Satisfaction From Flying As A Thermostat Entrepreneur

Be a thermostat today and no longer lean on the helplessness of being a thermometer. True success as an entrepreneur is at our feet. When we walk into a room we’ve set the temperature at, we will feel completely warmed or cooled as we have determined; the lifestyle of power and freedom we long for.

PS.To be a thermostat and an empowered entrepreneur go here.

PPS  To join me in creating an income as a thermostat watch this video now.

The Powerful Freedom And Lifestyle Of The Creative Entrepreneur Thermostat  Is Satisfying.


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How Do I Make Money Online? Easy To Start Plan For Marketing Success


It Feels Great To Make Money Online

What Do I Do First To Make Money Online?

I have no idea what the heck I’m doing.

Have you felt this way? You came online to make some money and you discovered you spent way more than you made. And you are no better off now than when you started?

Well, you are not alone. I have spoken to many who have experienced the same thing.

The truth is: You have a conflict. You are an entrepreneur who has misplaced your dream. You have gotten lost in the “opportunities” when you thought you would make some money. But the fact is, you need a business plan, not another opportunity.

Below are some steps you can take to get back on track. But first ask yourself this:  Ask yourself, if the internet did not exist, would I still want to have my own business?

If your answer is yes, continue reading. If not, stop here. This information will be a waste of your time.

How I Make Money Online

I started to learn marketing online  some time ago. I wanted to impact lives.

I learned “how to market” and “who to market to”.

Because of the accumulation of knowledge , I transitioned from looking for “opportunities” to developing a  “business plan“.

Along the way, I  make money online with different programs I’m part of.

Affiliate products, my own products, systems I share with others all add to the multiple streams of income.

I make  commissions on other peoples products I offer to people who I have established

rapport with. I create free products to get people on my list. Then I can offer pay products.

That’s kind of the gist of it!

If you want to know more, it begins by “jumping in”.. and soon decide you want to  create your own business and make money online.

I don't have a business plan to make money online

What The "f" Do I Do First To Make Money Online?

Here’s the place you can start. Allow these steps to give you hope and trigger your suppressed dreams to awaken them again.

Becoming A Strategic Entrepreneur Starts Here.

A. Identify your reason Why.

Ask yourself:
1.Why am I starting this business?
2..Why am I doing this for myself?
3..Why am I doing this for my family?
4.Why am I doing this for my customers or clients?
5. What is it in my heart, mind and spirit that drives me?
6.What is the  ultimate accomplishment I would like  to make?
7.What is the ideal situation?

B. Realize who the people are that you’re looking to create value for and contribute to.

C. Know that there are obstacles.

In the beginning, middle and end of your business career, there are obstacles.
We know they’re there and we know what it takes to surpass them… to break through them.
Realize  that YOU are the only real obstacle in your way.. via.. a limiting belief or confidence level that’s not allowing you to break through. Some results may be digital, some within you. Some may be in the form of money. But every lesson will give a result as long as you take action on it so you can make money online.

Ask yourself the following question:

What are 3 obstacles that are in my way from achieving the things Id like to achieve? e.g. a budget to start your business. Thinking to yourself “I’ve never run a business before! Can I handle it?” I don’t know if I will learn all the technical stuff.

Click To See How To Make Money Online

To Make Money Online In My Own Business Feels So Good

D. You must have a marketing model. A business model  comes first and the marketing model must follow.

Either you are an opportunity seeker or a business owner. Now is a good time to decide so you don’t waste your time in frustration over your lack of success to make money online.  Knowledge + Action + A Positive Attitude = Success

Take time today to do 3 things. Get your “Why” figured out., Answer the above questions about starting your business. Take action by daily  learning more and sharing what you learn.

If you want to learn more about integrating personal development with internet marketing success: go to Make Money Online 



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What is Xobni And How Do I Use It To Make Money Online?

You Become Contacts Smarter With Xobni!

Networking With Xobni Just Got Easier.

Deciding Why To  Xobni

Downloading this program to Outlook and Gmail will help you make money by saving your time and keeping your trips to your inbox useful instead of a time waster! Frustration over lack of time to keep up with email contacts has ended by implementing Xobni.

Marketers are trained to keep different email addresses for each company or domain name purchase. Some online business owners keep affiliate products in separate email addresses. Having several gmail accounts is common. However, there is a problem switching over to gmail from Outlook or yahoo.

xobni makes your contacts smarter

Xobni Makes Your Contacts Smarter So You Make Money Online

Tips to get your contacts into gmail for Xobni

1. In Yahoo email, go to contacts tab. Find export and click to save as a csv file.
2. In gmail, import the contacts.
3. In facebook, find the export list and transfer them to gmail
4. When all your contacts are in gmail, set up Xobni.
5. Link your facebook, Linkedin, and twitter accounts using Xobni.
6. Now you will be able to see the goings on of all contacts in these accounts.

Xobni is one product used to not only connect email accounts together but to automatically link these email addresses with facebook, linkedin and twitter. This is a time saver for marketers and those who use email to prospect for clients by sales and services.

Is Your Contact List Growing Out Of Control?

Xobni spelled backward is “inbox”. Its’ Smartr product suite, discovers all the people you’ve ever emailed, called or SMS’d, and creates complete and social profiles that are instantly searchable. Profiles include a photo, job title, company details, email history as well as updates from your contacts on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Products for Gmail, Android and iPhone are available under the Smartr brand; and Xobni is available for Outlook and BlackBerry. Xobni Pro is the premium offering that connects all Smartr and Xobni products.

Some Statistics for Xobni

Xobni is a rapidly growing company based in San Francisco, California. Xobni is funded by leading venture capitalists and angel investors including: Y Combinator, Khosla Ventures, First Round Capital, RRE Ventures, Cisco Systems, BlackBerry Partners Fund, Baseline Ventures, Atomico Investments, and prominent angel investors.

With this technology in the hands of marketers and business owners, keeping up with the social media status of clients and prospects got way easier. Now you can ‘follow’ someone on twitter right from your inbox, as long as that prospect is in your contacts list. With the option of exporting your facebook contacts to gmail, you may have a gold mine of an opportunity to network more thoroughly with contacts in many places at once.

Making Money With Xobni

Making money online is easier when you have time to dedicate to marketing instead of getting distracted by email. Now you don’t have to fear going into your inbox any longer, thinking your time will be swallowed up. Now checking your email will have a dual purpose. Downloading Xobni will help you make money by saving your time and keeping your trips to your inbox useful instead of a time waster!

PS. To learn more about Xobni and to generate leads and make money online Get Direction Now


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