The Master Key Introduction and Part 1 Key to Master your Thoughts
The Golden Buddha Story And Your Thoughts
Our thoughts are said to create things. Whether it’s Charles F. Haanel, Napoleon Hill, Wallace Wattles or James Allen, we are created to master our thought life. We have a purpose that is greater than the conditioning shouting in our conscious mind. The master of all matter has created us to unfold our purpose and it’s our responsibility to do so with enthusiasm and power.
The story of the golden Buddha is a metaphor for the authentic self, one of gold and of great value, that has been covered up to protect it from invaders due to fear of harm. The sad side is that the Buddha is covered in stone and its true value incapable of exhibiting the value to mankind. The good side is that due to an outside force, be it an obstacle, another individual, or a circumstance, that value is revealed again. At that point, the Buddha break off the coverup and revealed it’s true value. So it is for you!
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In the book “The Greatest Salesman In the World”, Og Mandino shares his belief about what wealth actually is. I’ve recorded part of chapter 3 and listed a couple paragraphs to wet your whistle.
Pathros shook his head. “Wealth, my son, should never be your goal in life. Your words are eloquent but they are mere words. True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse.” Hafid persisted, “Art thou not wealthy, sire?” The old man smiled at Hafid’s boldness. “Hafid, so far as material wealth is concerned, there is only one difference between myself and the lowliest beggar outside Herod’s palace. The beggar thinks only of his next meal and I think only of the meal that will be my last. No, my son, do not aspire for wealth and labor not only to be rich. Strive instead for happiness, to be loved and to love, and most important, to acquire peace of mind and serenity. Og Mandino “The Greatest Salesman in the World”
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Questioning Happiness
What is your emotional level? Low? We want to move from low to high to help us get through our day to feel great! But perhaps you question your happiness as I did! Worried? There is an instinct in nature! GOD! nature is a proponent of positive thought!
Everything in nature is moving towards creating something greater!
Love, joy, happiness are places we can dwell.
Feeling Happiness
Learning to observe thoughts and feelings are some of the special trainings I received in The Master Key Experience. I’m learning how to think better! We learn to become open to the better and better life! “Joy comes in the morning” Holy Bible
#1 Secret To Happiness
From Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman in the World
“I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. I hear not those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny!
Happiness is your Destiny
I found so many things we did in The Master Key Experience a great help for me. My favorite was connection with others like myself – likeminded individuals. I loved having a guide to direct me toward the next steps without spoiling the surprise that each weeks webinar gave me. I loved the childlike practices, so simple yet powerful. I loved practicing being honest with myself. I loved all the prepared statements that guided me to my greatest interests.
Happiness in The Master Key Experience
Without The Master Key Experience, my life would be on the same ole’ same ole’ track it had been for several years. I found out about the class from an email I was sent. Perhaps you will find a similar email. If it’s your time, you will notice it. I sure did and I’m so glad I discovered the next step to manifesting the better and better life; one where happiness reigns supreme, where steadiness of faith and depth of gratitude become effortless practices.
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The Master Key Experience gave happiness a permanent place in my life.
The whole range then of the theory and practice of any system of metaphysics
consists in knowing the Truth concerning yourself and the world in which you live;
in knowing that in order to express harmony, you must think harmony; in order to
express health you must think health; and in order to express abundance you must
think abundance; to do this you must reverse the evidence of the senses.
Truth and Omnipotence
Those who heal diseases by mental methods have come to know this truth, they
demonstrate it in their lives and the lives of others daily. They know that life, health
and abundance are Omnipresent, filling all space, and they know that those who
allow disease or lack of any kind to manifest, have as yet not come into an
understanding of this great law.
Truth and the Silence
The method for removing this error is to go into the Silence and know the Truth;
as all mind is one mind, you can do this for yourself or anyone else. If you have
learned to form mental images of the conditions desired, this will be the easiest and
quickest way to secure results; if not, results can be accomplished by argument, by
the process of convincing yourself absolutely of the truth of your statement.
These preceeding paragraphs are part of the content of the Master Key book by Charles Haanel. In the Masterkey Experience course, I have learned so much about how to think correctly so that I come to live the abundant life; a life of proper understanding and not of superstition or fear. My definite major purpose has been established yet, I am learning further my connection with the divine and that “being” one with infinite intelligence is key to living the purpose I was placed on earth to attain.
We are meant to expand, just as all nature. To be one with nature is to assist in the evolution of mankind both spiritually and mentally. Those who have engaged in the 2014 course and those coming after will further the mission to be part of the call to expand the world to achieve the potential of mankind. I’m proud to be part of the class and to have attracted it toward me.
Masterminding and Truth
Being part of MKMMA, other likeminded individuals have been attracted to each other and networks for future endeavors have ensued. To be part of a group of people of this caliber of mindset is amazing and I am honored to call all my classmates friends. If you the reader find this information of interest and are curious and even excited to get more information about next session course, click the banner below and sign in to get updates on class enrollment for the next fall session.
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles is said to be the “short cut” to the mindset for getting rich. Doing things in a certain way alluded me for a very long time. When I finally “got it”, I had been putting the emphasis on the wrong word. I focused on “way”. However, Wattles meant for me to focus on the word “certain”.
The Science of Getting Rich Chapter 17 (Summary)
It makes a big difference. Can you see it? I’ve been part of a mastermind group call where we read the final chapter of the book together once a week and then reviewed questions on each of the chapters. Each week, our guide “supported” one of the groups “intention” or DMP (definite major purpose). A true mastermind, it seemed like we focused on each word we spoke and when someone would say “try”, they’d quickly be asked about the word so that we’d be able to distinguish the purpose for that word. Did the word support our DMP? Did is exhibit a “limiting belief?” A mastermind of this caliber engages our ears and hearts. Limited to about 6-8 of us on a regular basis, our minds formed a “super human” mind and I find it an exercise in patience and conscious awareness.
Training and Emotions
Reading Og this week came easier earlier in the day. Some nights, I’d be reading and falling asleep after a few sentences and wake up and read a few more sentences. My days seem to contain more activity. I spend about 8 hrs a week masterminding. I spend 8 more hours prospecting and team building. I love Go 90 Grow trainings for network marketing and shared the videos with my team. This week, I got to read the 5 stories to a new prospect turned consultant. It was just as Mark said. Doug was filling in the answer when I said “Bob” or “Do you want to do something about it?”
I’ve enclosed the last chapter of “The Science of Getting Rich” for your listening pleasure. I actually have all 17 chapters recorded and you can check them out here.
Finally, in my sit, I sat thinking about how closely I am connected with infinite intelligence (God). “closer than hands and feet”, “connected like the breath I inhale and exhale. I’m enjoying managing my emotions, as directed in Og. I came to learn that to manage them means that they should not take us too far away from our “center”. Do you ever get soooooo excited and go off the edge? Do you ever get soooo angry that you go off that edge? We’re learning not to veer off in any direction so far that it becomes difficult to get back to the steady road to prosperity.
Too low and too high – My Emotions
I use to wake up in the morning and immediately felt “off”. Now I think grateful thoughts before sleep and when I rise, determine to put on some music or think of things I’m grateful for. Og doesn’t tell us why we wake up feeling high or low. He just says it happens. What I liked was that he said “yesterdays sadness becomes today’s joy.” That’s a great hope for us. And when we are happy, be aware that we may wake up differently.
Setting an intention
I’ve decided to give myself some support when I mastermind with “me myself and I”. I tell myself during the different segments of each day what I intend that part to be. Driving, I state that I enjoy the drive, the drivers are good, and I arrive in due time happy. Before bed, I state that I’ll have sweet dreams and wake up renewed and refreshed.
Normally, I share more of Haanel but we’re on a “part 2” week, so I’ll save that for next week. Enjoy “The Science of Getting Rich.” If you want to download my reading of each chapter, check this out. Then you can put them on your ipod, ipad, phone or tablet.
Have an emotionally happy and steadfast week! Looking forward to masterminding with many of you!
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Managing your emotions will keep you on the path to true prosperity.
I thought I had power. I was strong. I could run fast. I could throw a ball far. I could do many physical things which showed I had a kind of power. BUT, what I was unaware of until the Master Key course, is that I had very little power to concentrate for long periods of time on thoughts that could generate much success in life.
Power to the People
Haanel has laid out the Master Key with such focus. He gave us a wonderful example through out the book of focus on the subject of success and he had a plan which showed us the way to it. I’m reminded of the yellow brick road to Oz. The Master Key is that road! Of course, the journey is filled with obstacles. Yet, the power we’re given in the writing is one that all people would be well to read, observe, reflect on and then take action on.
What is the real secret of Power?
“It’s the consciousness of power, because whatever we become conscious of is invariably manifested in the objective world and is brought forth into tangible expression.” The Master Key
This week so many students in class are experiencing the beginning of the what the farmer calls “digging up the fallow ground”. We’re all at the beginning stages of planting seeds for the season. We know what seeds we want to plant. We’ve picked them and called them our DMP. We’ve actually picked them up at the DMP store, our imagination. We’ve laid out the garden and we’ve begun ‘making calls, writing outlines for books, forgiven others, memorized the 7 laws of the mind, and many more preparatory activities.
Seed Power
The Power Source
Many years ago, I coined the phrase, “We plant the seed but God makes it grow!” Haanel states “The Universal Mind (God) is the source from which all things proceed, and which is one and indivisible.” Yes, we may receive the seed of an idea from God, which is our privilege as nature’s greatest miracle. And if we take responsibility for that seed and plant it, nurture it and give it sunshine and rain, it will grow.
Did we make the rain? NO. Did we make the sun? NO Did we make the seed? Actually NO. However, we are so wonderful and get to choose a seed to plant. And Universal Mind, in the wonder of it all, makes that seed grow. What a miracle we are part of!
The Power of Us
The Power of Us
Our ability to think is our ability to act on this Universal Energy. and what we think is what is produced or created in the objective world. The result is nothing less than marvelous. It opens unprecedented and limitless opportunity.
So think big thoughts! Hold ideas large enough to counteract and destroy all petty and annoying obstacles!
Old Power vs New Power
Haanel makes it very clear in Chapter 21 that there is an old regime and a new regime, in regards to the nature of the universe. The old regime is trying to cling to the fatalistic doctrine of Divine election. The new regime recognizes the divinity of the individual, the democracy of humanity. Having been part of the “church” for many years, this subject was a part of conversations I had with some home-school friends.
At the time, there were conversations about the roots of Christianity and what Paul meant, or what Jesus meant. Frankly, I DON’T CARE! To me, it’s all about the love! It always has been. However, though I didn’t buy into all the doctrine over ‘baby baptism or adult baptism’ and such, Haanel’s teaching is something I feel I can hang my hat on.
God is not mocked. What has been set up from the beginning, always will be. God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. (Always was, is and always will be) The laws are immutable. We are all to one degree or another part of the whole and God is the whole! Life is by law a democracy and all humanity has the privilege of drawing on the power to experience the greatness potentially waiting to be planted, watered and harvested!
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We are all the seed of supernatural greatness! I say “more power to the people!” For goodness sake, learn what it means to live the abundant, filled with power, life!
This week I learned something I could add to my new reality. A new thought started a train of causation which created a condition in accordance to the quality of the thought which originated it. Here is a 5 min audio sharing it.
As I have read in Haanel, it is unwise to coerce the Universal. Instead, with principles of right thinking in place, we are welcome to concentrate on the fact that “In him we live and move and have our being.”
Science helping us create our new reality
Not only does Haanel state that these principles are scientifically true but Napoleon Hill asserts them as well. Wallace Wattles in “The Science Of Getting Rich“, obviously states them too. I am hearing over and over that science does for us something we may not be able to do alone. It hypothesizes and concludes, questions and analyzes. We are so privileged to receive the results in books like “The Master Key.”
The Bible and Reality
Some people say that what we believe may be a lie. So belief without scientific proof is unstable and therefore may not be true enough for the subconscious mind to take in. Of course with auto suggestion, we secure it further. However, scientific proof seems to make it easy for us to accept. The quality of the thought will grant us the condition equal to the thought.
Faith and Reality
Aligning with Infinite Intelligence, Universal Mind, God, begins with “sitting” for 15 – 30 minutes daily in contemplation of our thoughts. Amazingly, by law of attraction we can measure the quality of our thoughts as we sit. For instance.. sit and think about negative things and the quality of the thought by law of attraction will give you negative conditions. It matters not the the kind of thought. Seed gives back the fruit of that seed.
What is the best reality?
We have learned that God is love, life, soul, spirit, intelligence, truth and principle. Principle is the wealth of life. Our best reality as we discover our authentic self and purpose is alignment with the quality thoughts of Universal Mind – God. When we breathe in, we breathe in the breath of life.. the essence of God. So by acknowledging and learning more and more, we forever reach optimistically for a grander reality of life. Purpose is not far behind.
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I am because he is. I am spirit and I am made in his image and likeness. This is my best reality.
The Intelligent Thought of the Mind
The Master Key Part 18
Our Brain Follows Our Thought
The Intelligent Thought of the Mind
Haanel speaks of man’s intelligence having levels of effectiveness. The greater the intelligence, the higher the scale and the greater the increase of effectiveness.
In it’s essence, energy is the exhibition of Mind or Will. Everything is sustained by this omnipotent intelligence. As an individual, the degree of intelligence I have to control modes of action and adjust myself to my environment, I determine how much power I have to manifest my vision.
What Thought Are You Sitting With?
Vision, Faith and Service with Thought
Haanel asserts that the world is on the eve of a new consciousness, a new power, and a new realization within the self. Considering he wrote this in the early 20’s, and knowing what we know now, I’d say he was correct. Online, we hear word that we are in the “information age.” Others are now speaking that we’re actually moving into the “transformation age.” Thought is being liberated and truth is rising full orbed before an astonished multitude.
“Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” – The Bible
Transformation thought
Obedience and Thought
To my understanding, the greatest minds are those who adjust and recognize that there is an existing order in Universal Mind. We are in harmony with this Mind when we recognize the order and work with it. As we do, this Mind harmonizes with our mind.
The following are ways we can be in thought harmony
1. Recognize Natural Laws and we possess great power
2. Know Universal intelligence permeates all things and can be called into action and responds to every demand.
3. Thought is creative and originates in Universal Mind, which is the source and foundation of all energy and substance.
4. We are channels of distribution for this energy
5. We are the various combinations for phenomena, depending on the vibration
6. Universal Thought made human beings who were transformed into beings who think, know , feel and act.
7. Proper understanding gives us access to communication with Universal Mind.
8. Science has proven concepts to become “facts”, so they become practical and therefore need not attach “belief” to them.
9. Facts are living Faith and Truth.
10. Facts are tested well and useful to mankind. e.g. telescope
11. Practical knowledge of the law of attraction shows atoms being attracted to each other in infinite degrees of intensity.
12. The purpose of existence is for the combining to the ends of things which are brought together and is carried into effect in this way.
13. Growth is met in the beautiful manner through the instrumentality of Universal principle.
14. To grow, we need the essentials. We are complete already. Because of this, in order to receive, we must give.
15. Growth’s conditioned on reciprocal action on the mental plane. Like attracts like.
16. Mental vibrations respond to the extent of their vibrational harmony.
e.g. thoughts of abundance respond to similar thoughts.
17. Wealth of an individual is seen to be what he inherently is. Affluence within is found to be the secret of attraction for affluence without.
18. The ability to produce is found to be the real source of wealth of the individual.
19. When you have an authentic purpose, your heart is in it. Because of this, you will produce greatly and affluence is the effect.
20. As we give and continually give, the more we give, the more we receive.
The Domain of Causation and Thought
The domain of causation is the highest evolution of human consciousness. Where air is the energy that keeps our human body alive, thought is the energy that keeps the spirit alive.
The Sweet Spot of Thought
When we get to the place of “the wonder of how it’s going to happen,” we have a great understanding of the harmony of thought with Universal Mind. Understanding the domain of causation is the intelligence Haanel starts Chapter 18 off with.
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Let this be our prayer: Oh God, let the nature of my seed be secured upon my greatest perception of law in the mighty domain of causation. Let my thought be pure.
Before I learned anything about the law of attraction, I was experiencing it in my life. As a prayer minister and prophetic worshipper in the church, I attended classes at Global Awakening in Harrisburg PA and took classes through John Paul Jackson Ministry and Rod Parsley’s World Harvest Bible School. The thing was, I hadn’t had so complete a grasp of the law until now.
God’s assistance
When I read in the Master key the following words, they struck me with understanding. “God assists me in bringing into operation the law of attraction which brings me into vibration with forces which make for success and bring about conditions of power and affluence.” I love these words so much that I turned them into an affirmation.
What are God’s ways?
God’s ways
I chatted with my mom after a breast biopsy recently. She said she felt that God knew what he wanted for her and she was trusting him. However, I remember Og Mandino’s words from scroll 1 that stated “Just as nature made no provision for my body to tolerate pain neither has it made any provision for my life to suffer failure.” And I questioned her as to why she took vitamins then? You see, I believe that she took some responsibility for her body but the unexplained things she left up to chance! The chance she took was believing that God knew what he wanted for her.
My feeling is that it is our responsibility to choose to believe that we decide what ills we will have or not. I realize that many of us don’t understand that our subconscious mind takes orders from us. What I am a bit confused about is that the Master key states that God will give us what is truth and adds more life. However, how did the beliefs that don’t serve us get into our subconscious mind? I’m sure we’ll learn more in Chapter 10.
After the surgery that day I took mom back to her house when she shared that the Dr. said it was most likely malignant. Mom kept sharing that with others she spoke to as if to prepare herself for radiation. What mom didn’t realize is that the surgeon would come back and tell her that she’d have to have her breast removed all together in a month. Mom’s gone through many surgery’s and she believes that God keeps her alive because He’s not done with her yet.
Is God a masochist?
Frankly, I object to this kind of belief. From Og’s words, the Master key statements and scripture “Ask, believe and receive”, that kind of talk from my mom makes one feel that she has no control over her life. I don’t know how you feel but we are learning that we decide what experiences we will have. Taking THIS later view, is empowering. #4 in chapter 9 expounds more.
Chapter 9 #4 – “We have found that the Universal substance is “All Health,” “All Substance” and “All Love” and that the mechanism of attachment whereby we can consciously connect with this Infinite supply is in our method of thinking. To think correctly is therefore to enter into the “Secret Place of the Most High.”
We are empowered to prosper. I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving , harmonious and happy! I must admit that the victim mentality may be easy to spot but it can be shrouded in a statement like mom spoke! Now I reject it – prepared for wisdom and principles which guide me into the sunlight of wealth, position and happiness.
God’s way to imagine
God’s imagination
Emmot Fox in his book “The Sermon on the Mount”, shares great truths about Jesus’ true purpose. I imagine he envisioned with his imagination what materialized in his circumstances and what others felt were miracles. I am aware that I am responsible to envision and affirm by substitution a more positive statement about my life than what Emmot Fox shares in “The seven day mental diet“. Though our parents and teachers are well meaning, we must be careful who we listen to. However, if we are on this path, it’s likely, we have realized this already.
God and reality
My reality is not what my mom might see about me. It’s not what a pastor or teacher may see about me. My new reality is what I see about me. So what does a negative thought look like? How does it sound?
Negative thoughts and God
“Character is not a thing of chance, but it is the result of continued effort”. By the law of substitution, the positive thought destroys the negative as certain as light destroys darkness, and the results will be just as effectual. Act is the blossom of thought, and conditions are the result of action, so that you constantly have in your possession the tools by which you can certainly and inevitably make or unmake yourself, and joy or suffering will be the reward.
God loves you
God’s love
The scripture states that we should ‘love others as we love our self’. We are taught in the Master key that to get love we must give love. But to get love you must fill yourself with it and become a magnet. So how do we “get love”?
In my experience in church worship, the worship team would play music. We would stand, sit, lay, dance, and even twirl in the open spaces of the sanctuary. Usually up front, the music would trigger the presence of a spiritual essence. The words to the music consisted of “praise” to God, another way of being grateful. In gratitude we’d speak out in words that repeated scriptures that came to us. In this period, unusual things would happen. The gathering together of likeminded individuals would create an environment where the love of God would be taken in by us all.
Though I didn’t understand the way it worked then, I see how this worship would arouse creativity like nothing else I’d experienced outside of it. So I discovered that in gratefulness, with music and body language, I could effectually receive the love of God. Another interesting thing would happen. We were encouraged to go up to anyone we felt inclined to talk with a decide what to do. Perhaps we would lay our hands on them if they said it was ok, and we’d speak “into” their life, an encouraging word. My girlfriend would come up to me and touch me, and I’d actually fall down. The power of God was very strong and because I yielded to the spirit of it, I’d drop to my knees. Sometimes, we’d laugh and be silly like kids. This experience, while very unusual, caused all of us to be bonded in a significant way to each other.
Heavy God
The presence of this spiritual energy was so strong that many called it “the weight or cloud of His presence”. We felt weighted down and many times had to lay on the floor under the influence. Some felt as if they were drunk because of the change in energy vibration. I understand that to some this experience may sound “hokey”. However, the love of God became a magnet and we attracted those of the same vibration to us.
God brings vibration
So what of it?
These worship services were very powerful to feel the vibration of love and we left feeling very tired. We knew we experienced something uncommon in the world. This to me is a great way to receive the love we are to give to others. You probably have ways that you receive the love you give out to others too. The most important part is that all of your body is engaged in the process. We used essential oils to engage the senses. We used flags to engage the visual beauty.
The MKMMA class uses many of these tools to cause all the senses to be engaged as well. My desire is the manifestation of the sunlight of wealth, position and happiness. While the worship did help at the time, we must find every day ways to receive the love we need, so that we can be a conduit of that love toward others. To greet each day with love in our heart, we need to have love inside us.
Meditating and God
Meditation is said to do this. However, I have not had that experience when sitting. When I sit, I choose to enlist on purpose by imagination and visualize “the friend” we’ve made with the stranger. I desire the materialization of resources and seeing that friend with it all, we’re told brings it to us. I am wondering if I can utilize my worship in order to manifest what I am visualizing using my imagination. We’ll see!
Now I understand the words Imagination, visualization and manifestation in connection with God in church worship!